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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest kasia3goguma
















I want to share with You my pic from Visual Dreams. I just think Hyun looks so beautiful in it :wub:
























About Seohyun buying books for Yong: I think Seohyun has her own way of thinking about what's the best for Yong. It's the same with her parents (she said that buying things isn't that important as showing them how she's working hard, care about their health etc). She thinks that these books will make Yong's life easier! It's her way of showing him that she cares, which is quite unique, I know.








Well ok...as a girl I would think about buying some other things, but just LOOK AT YONG! At these pictures he is soooo happy! Do you see his cheeks? Haha, I love the fact that they are doing things which every normal couple would do!








 And obviously we don't know everything, maybe Hyun bought something else? :P
















These filming TOTALLY MADE MY DAY!!!  :wub: I wish to see more pictures, and I want Saturday sooo badly!









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Guest blueshoes




YONG at Gag Concert








credit 짜~식 @ DC WGM gall




on Yong's neck It's earmuffs ????




maybe he bought from Myoeng Dong with Seohyun phew.gifphew.gif







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made a screencap
































































































































































































































































cr:seohyun fancam
































































seo hyun is so pretty during their shopping!..such a goddess walking on the street!.
































































wonder why they went shopping?..









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they are crazy to be filming at such a crowded place as myeong dong.

knowing yongseo, how could they hold hands when all eyes are on them... blush.gif

but know what?

i am glad they filmed it there cause tks to k gogumas, we get to know

what's happening there.. :phew:

we saw those white ear muffs on hyun in the early pics, and now its with yong..

sure yong, go ahead. u can smell hyun's fragrance wherever u go..

and this is the day where we wish we can read and understand hangul.. -_-


i've used up my (+), but hugs to all for daebak pics and links.

basically for EVERYTHING..

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Guest smurfs888




Hi I've been a long time lurker in this thread but I've just recently joined soompi.. can't wait to start spazzing with you guys! 


btw I'm from Indonesia, just telling you.. laugh.gif




please correct me whenever I make mistakes in posting..


and since I don't have anything to share I'll just quote :





 명동 버거킹 앞 노점에서 서현에게 귀마개 씌워주는 용화씨,, 꺅~!! 기여워At the street vendor in front of MyungDong's Burger King, Yonghwa putting earmuffs on Seohyun,, kyaak~!! Cute







sorry to cut your post..


I've been spazzing a lot since I saw this post.. I'm imagining right now about their date at Myung-dong.. could it be that Yonghwa's saying another mushy thing while putting the earmuffs on Seohyun? kekeke..




anyway nice to meet you all


can't wait for this date to air on wgm keke



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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What a day! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gogumas have been spazzing about uri Yongseo's shopping date.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I find it funny that there seems to be a parallelism on the things they bought. Yong loves shoes and he buys Hyun a pair. Hyun loves books and she buys Yong one. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































With regards to Hyun's buying decision that leaves a lot of gogumas much to be desired, I think that, eventually, Hyun will get there; that level of knowledge that some of us girls have, like knowing what to buy for guys. Maybe we forget a lot that Hyun doesn't have experience in men so how could she know what to buy? At this time, she only has her own knowledge to base it on. I'm sure she'll learn it in due time.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































At least right now, him owning books (a book in his room) is a telling proof that these came from Hyun and Hyun alone. Buying other stuff (watches, shoes, jackets, etc) doesn't hurt as well but it will definitely get lost among his present collection, so it may not be a unique gift after all.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Right now, all I can remember is Yong's statement during the fishing episode when Hyun gave him a ring, when he said "Your mind is so different from others."
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So I think Yong appreciates her uniqueness after all. :wub:

































































































































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Let me introduce to you...Yonghwa's baby. XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married

































































































































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seo hyun is so pretty during their shopping!..such a goddess walking on the street!.
















wonder why they went shopping?..































Sorry to cut your post 'd_?????....how I wish I can see the pix you're referring to here.  Almost all the pix posted does not show Hyun's pretty face....hehehe...but, I'm still thankful for everyone who shared it, well at least I can see Yong's face blush.gif
















Anyway, the reason why i really cut your post was because of your other question? hehehehe...I just want to share my random thought on that...what if, they went shopping because Yong wants to treat Hyun to a shopping spree, as his way of saying,  thank you, maybe, to his wife  for being the inspiration and because of her the banmal song he composed topped the charts or online music store the moment it got released :phew:. Well, for sure he is soaring happily with what his special released song had achieved and isn't it just right to share that happiness with the person he is inspired with.  He probably thought of buying something for Hyun in Japan but with his busy sched, that would be quite impossible, right?   So off they went today....hahahaha :P
















Hi Boo...

















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Guest kasia3goguma























































Sorry to cut Your post, but... I'm not sure if I'm right, but are they standing next to Yonghwa's picture (it's next to Hyun's head, or how to explain it), some advertising?







I mean just look at these pics, it resembles it a lot!:
























c: http://kpoprants.wordpress.com
















PS sorry for big pictures but I wanted to show you what I found:blush:









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Guest Seychan
















































Sorry. I deleted it. :( Sorry guys :tears:
















Today, they're so beautiful. Yong is tall, handsome and style. Huyn always has nice body, especially when she wear high boots, become more elegant. They have not met for a long time but still wear couple rings. And after the seperation activities, Yong at japan and Huyn at Korea, they're together now, and Yong seobang ♥ He bought for Huyn high boost (so style and beautiful ) It seems that because they were apart for so long, he missed his wife and random buy gift for her. I always love him so much because he's so sweet and caring for his wife. ♥ And if it's a mission, WGM really have them time for relax and happy together after their busy schedule. Thank u so much, PDnim. U and many chingu whom shared info and pic make me in go-chun right now :wub: make this thread always at Saturday.
















Phoebechiu: thank u for translation. You're so fast and your news make me happy.
















dreamyboo: Thank u :)) after read your post, I feel I must be write something what I always think of but don't share.
















magdal: Thank u for reading my post and feel emotional with it ;)) I want to share you something in my mind. Hope u like it :)
















Agree with you it's reason why for them to act like if they didn´t see each other. I do not know you guys, but I have seen too many cases, the boys is always active but when  they really like a girl and she stood behind him, they really become shy in front of her. And because of their discreet, they will not show too much emotion in a public place, where many camera toward them.
















And I like this part of your post: "Lastly I think they still are in the stage "You know I like (love) you and I know that you like (love)me but I need courage to talk about it" keke :wub:.  Come on, no one invest 5 month composing that kind of love song for someone who he is not interested in ¬¬. And Hyun, I must confess something, Lately I think the "crush" is most notorious in her than him ^^. It is just that she is still not ready for the big step, but she will be, she will be.:)































Edit: Thank ahn_annann for your link. Make me can see Yong & Huyn more clearly. I envy with those people whom at shopping center at this time, they could see YongSeo couple in real life :tears: My wish T_T














































































































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kasia, i saw those photos in front of holika holika shop while on

holiday in Korea last dec. and i went to myungdong too..

yes, the same one.

i even took a pic of yong's life-sized cut out!

he is sooo handsome even on cardboard! kekeke

and if i rmbr correctly, just a few shops away,

there is a SPAO shop where hyun, her unnies and SM bros did a CF.

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Guest ahn_annann




















thanks for all updates ..












thanks : W G M DC , 완소용서












what's yong say ? "Soy Tah" .. what's mean ? keke so cute!







































credit : 짜~식 , WGM DC

















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thanks for all updates ..
































































































thanks : W G M DC , 완소용서
































































































what's yong say ?  "Soy Tah" ..  what's mean ?   keke so cute!































































































































































































































































































sorry for quoting...ahm i might be wrong but i think he said : Seohyun-ah

































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Guest soshisoshisoshi








got this from spd cbox. everyone is wondering what it is, so i thought i'd post.


a dosirak event for banmal song?








Sorry to cut your post. I found something interesting here. I may not be correct, but based on my limited korean understanding there will be an event for the Banmal song on the 14-28 January, and also the prizes(?) on the events are 10 CDs of the "For First-Time Lovers"........... Don't take my trans seriously because I'm not so sure myself. Hope Korean language speakers (MountainMadman, Dduk) can enlighten all of us............. does that mean the CDs are only for give-away??






Oh, by the way....... THEY FILMED TODAY!!! that really made my day!! but gosh look at the people stalking them, now wonder they are so shy on holding hands........... Can't blame the people though, they made us know about today's filming and we should be thankful for that. And I noticed some people are concerned about Hyun's gifts to Yong (Book). You know what? Just take it as one of her UNIQUENESS. I think Yonghwa himself understand that by now, although I hope for better prizes. Nevertheless, I'm just happy that they finally meet again after their hectic schedules..... Isn't it their first filming in 2011?? What a great start to a new year. They must have A LOT to talk about!!



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Guest aya otohata

@shawie829 love your post, love how your mind works!!! lol...

shawie829's post had me thinking that if Yong really did treat Hyun to a shopping spree because of the success of the banmal song...then it's not farfetched to think that the books that Hyun supposedly 'bought' were actually hers.

But if they turn out to be really gifts to Yong...then I just hope he won't feel the need to write book reports...but I actually admire Hyun's talent in gift giving...she's just so different...out of this world...who would have thought to give your mother-in-law a health product for joints? and who could forget the tiger balm and the room spray? it's just so amusing.

(Is Yong's mom also health conscious? I was wondering how come she knew what the vitamins seohyun gave her for and about what the slimy thing that seohyun ate is good for.)

love Yong's smile! reminds me of 'Love Light': "when I look at you, I just smile out of nowhere, like a fool I keep doing that"...I think love has come to Yong lol.

I'm expecting a Jashik explosion! These two kids Jashik!!!

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Looks like Jonghyun will be one of the MCs on Saturday. I really hope he would spill something.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now let's go tie that editor unnie so we can see all the episodes that they hide from us.

































































































































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Guest Phoebechiu


Rough translation of fanaccount from Chinese in gogouma couple baidu




Most of them described how pretty Hyun is and how handsome Yong is (I will just skip this part and translation the part regarding the interaction between them.)



In "Spy" store (3rd floor), they sell rainbow boots.  Hyun went inside and tried lots of boots.  Yong recommended about those boots.  Eventually, he picked purple boots, asked Hyun to try them on, and paid for them.



After shopping for boots, Yong saw a white hat inside the store and put it on Hyun's head.  Hyun made some weird noise and tried to scare Yong.  Yong grabbed her arm and and bursted out laughing.   No idea why they were so happy.  They kept laughing.

They looked so sweet while picking boots.  It made me have bursting cheek again.


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Guest Claude71






Hi Gogumas!



I shall translate one of the fan account.



Credit : GogumaBaidu 



At level 3 SPY shop, SH went in to choose the boots. She keep trying all sorts of boots and YH 


gave his opinion when she tried the boots on. At last YH decided to buy for Hyun the purple boots and 


asked her to wear. Then, YH paid for the boots. 



After buying, YH saw a white furry hat and quickly put the hat on SH's head. Surprisingly, SH said some 


strange sounds and pretended to be GHOST. YH grabbed onto her arms and laugh out loud. Then SH 


took off the hat and put it on YH. Don't know what so funny about that but both of them can't stop laughing. 



When they choose the boots, they looked very sweet. 



During break time, they are still chatting non-stop inside the restaurant. 








Then YH went down to level 3 again while SH stays inside the restaurant. 


The main reason he went down is because he left his wallet inside the shop. LOL






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Guest justbulan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hey guys! I have something want to share with you. But I will put it in spoiler, because I think it 's a sensitive subject. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's about Ueno Juri tweet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am really dislike Ueno Juri. At the first time she met YongSeo at sushi restaurant to her visit at Goguma home, I am so annoyed to watch. Especially, the way Yong~ treat her, which made uri Hyun~ sad, drive me to crazy.*quoted image* 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And now,... she has appeared. Why she hadn't paid attention about uri YongSeo before instead of now? Is this "special care" connecting to her next-coming to Korea on January 22? Is this a kind of PR to her "Nodame Cantabile"?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What do you guys think? To my opinion, I don't want to see her anymore. I hate the way that she related to YongSeo.  






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































firstly, sorry if i offend your post

so what if she just paid attention to yongseo right now? and hyun is not that sad... (a little jealous.. yes). but she really love the fact that she meet the real Ueno Juri. and also not to mention she's a nodame fan since she was younger. and eventough there's anything that connected to her next coming to korean, i believe because the couple who helped her to learn korean languages was yongseo couple. so i guess it's nessesary if she somehow reminded about "daebak" thing when she will come to korea.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyway about seychan post...
































































































































































































































































































































































































I want to share something I found in YongSeo facebook































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa said 'I heard people saying that how pretty you are in real life. I'm jealous. That's why i want you to wear this ear muffs'






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun replied 'Oppa I'm look silly with this ear muffs, aren't I? Let's look silly together! Hurry! Buy one too! 귀여! Hehehe'  































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i just want to clarify it
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it's not the real conversation between those two.. it's just kubih's spazzing word ( but altough it's just spazzing.. it's really2 made me go to go-chun when i read it w00t.gif)

































































































































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