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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































credit: http://fyeahseobaby.tumblr.com/
































































Seohyun's looking lovely here! And she's wearing a ring :wub: It's from a variety show with all SNSD members (without Tiffany )































Today's the day of our couple's pics with the ring I guess!

































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Guest missmoomin101




Absolutely loved this recent episode!!  




I think that my favourite part was Hyun trying a piece of food and Yong's mother asking if it was weird.  Her expression was hilarious as she said no, and Yong's response was like a boy enjoying the complete cuteness of his girlfriend!! Loved it wub.gif 




On another note, I'd like to be added to the list:  I'm from England, UK.





Can't wait for this saturday!!



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Guest SwEEtGoguma_7







To all gogumas with eagle eyes!!!!!!





I dont know I rewatch ep 40 many times and I notice something..maybe its not important and totally irrelevant but I find it a little bit strange.I hope somebody can help me to explain this..so here is my <<problem>>





After Seohyun give MIL the gift(the scarf) she ask if she can open it right??But  during her question she look at Yonghwa and then she repeat the question if she can open the gift again  then she look at Seohyun.Im little confused . why ?normally if somebody give you a gift you would look at him and ask and dont look to others for the permission.





I hope that my eyes just play a trick on me.


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Guest MountainMadman


We've discussed splitting up the translations between the two of us, since the episodes will be 30 minutes in length for the near future (until another couple is picked) and...well, that's a little too much for us to handle, and we'd rather take the time to get it right rather than become tired out spending hours and hours every weekend to put out an awesome translation for everyone here in Soompi.

So: starting with next week's episode, we will alternate doing translation work on the YongSeo cut for We Got Married.

I'll be starting this week (this upcoming Saturday), then Dduk will take over the week after that, then I'll return the next week...and so on and so forth.

We figured this would be the best way to not kill ourselves. LOL. ^_^

Okay...carry on! 

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Can I ask for a favor everyone?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Does anyone of you knows where does sun_sun put up all her subbed works with j2dlee and MountainMadman's translations? I realized that there's a difference between Korean and Chinese-to English translations.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope you could help me. Thanks.

































































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add me to the list please! i'm from USA! ^_^ thank you.




















































































since there are just 2 couples this week, that means more air time for our YongSeo! yay!!!! i can't wait! i wonder what Yong's friends are going to say about him...? hahahaha i love embarrassing HS stories. gosh!!! only Monday.... T_T





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why ?normally if somebody give you a gift you would look at him and ask and dont look to others for the permission.








































I hope that my eyes just play a trick on me.















































































Sorry to cut you post ^^, I have a theory (I have one for almost everything kekeke) Actually  I have 3. First, and since this is a TV show, I think MIL wasn´t sure about if she can read it in that moment. Remember that MIL was very nervous too, so I think she needed to be sure about if what she was going to do would break a rule or not.








































Second... well I don´t know about Korean or even Asian culture (south americans here ^^), but could it be that men need to give their autorization for things like this??? I don´t really know (please if someone can enlight us about this).








































Third, the DELUSIONAL one ^^... maybe mother was asking because she thought that the letter could contain something really personal and she asked YongHwa like saying "Son, can I reveal a part of your heart or not?" kekeke... sorry, the delusional in me :wub:.








































Can I ask for a favor everyone?








































Does  anyone of you knows where does sun_sun put up all her subbed works with  j2dlee and MountainMadman's translations? I realized that there's a  difference between Korean and Chinese-to English translations.








































I hope you could help me. Thanks.















































































Here you go the Couplet channel. BTW I really really miss sun_sun and J2dlee. Guys why you don´t show up and say hello to us??? Hope your both are doing well angels... maybe they went back to Go-chun, from where they came :unsure:.








































Happy spazzing Gogumas, thanks a lot for the goddies ^^.









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Guest Gogumax
































Thank you everyone for sharing links, caps, translations, povs...  I will sound redundant but... You guys are awesome.
















































@M3, DDuk, other subbers... a request
















I know how difficult subbing is... i've given it a try but am an utter failure at it.  It is possible for you guys to release your subs as .srt or some such?
















































Edit:  LOL... I've gone from a -1 to a positive 1.  Really, the negative was no biggie.  I've been lurking this thread long enough (since March 2010) to know that certain types of posts get disliked.  I just gave this idea a bit more thought.  There are gogumas from all over the world, right?  I've seen eps subbed in Thai and Vietnamese.  I haven't seen Chinese or Spanish subbed eps but I'm pretty sure they exist somewhere.  If some kind soul were to upload soft-subs, i can imagine, permission given by the subber/s of course, the soft subs being used as a template for subbing the eps in other languages as well.  Also, if the subs were soft, you can interchange between them.  Just a thought.

















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Guest lovekin




Thank you everyone for sharing links, caps, translations, povs...  I will sound redundant but... You guys are awesome.






@M3, DDuk, other subbers... a request


I know how difficult subbing is... i've given it a try but am an utter failure at it.  It is possible for you guys to release your subs as .srt or some such?






Edit:  LOL... I've gone from a -1 to a positive 1.  Really, the negative was no biggie.  I've been lurking this thread long enough (since March 2010) to know that certain types of posts get disliked.  I just gave this idea a bit more thought.  There are gogumas from all over the world, right?  I've seen eps subbed in Thai and Vietnamese.  I haven't seen Chinese or Spanish subbed eps but I'm pretty sure they exist somewhere.  If some kind soul were to upload soft-subs, i can imagine, permission given by the subber/s of course, the soft subs being used as a template for subbing the eps in other languages as well.  Also, if the subs were soft, you can interchange between them.  Just a thought.






i'm not an expert at subtitling, but you're essentially asking them to do more work just to do that.  for an SRT file to be remotely useful, you have to include timing the subtitles.  there are other really wonderful users who go about subbing the videos already.  if you're requesting the subs so that they could be translated into a different language, it's unnecessary to create an SRT file.  most watchers already translate from korean - chinese or korean - english, etc.  and as far as i know, translators try to translate from the original language into the translated language.  there's also less mistranslations that way.




just putting my two cents on the matter.




oh.  and for those users who can only translate from (korean) - english - X language, they can always just snag the subtitles that are posted here or on other websites.  SRT files are unnecessary if you're only suggesting them so that other people from different countries can use them.


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Guest Gogumax
































































You're right.  I actually find timing to be the most difficult.  I just thought that if a subtitle file even with just the timings were available, it becomes easier for other gogumas to make subs in other languages.
































I download wgm as torrents.  The entire broadcast.  Unfortunately, they are raws.  One could use soft subs, if they were available.  (I realize that there could be synch issues but those are far less cumbersome to fix compared to having to make subs from scratch)
































PS.  Please allow me to say that your posts are AWESOME!   LOL, i really enjoy the "Freudian" analyses.  And oh,  I find your fics entertaining as well. :)

















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Guest Kerube-Chan














This is bothering me and I have an opinion about it. First, I am thankful for all the translators that decide to invest some of their valuable time in helping us to understand what is happening.










Second, We should be thankful for what they are doing... there are other amazing gogumas that take the time for timing and subbing the video.










Is just my personal opinion that we shouldnt ask for more, when they are doing this to help us. They dont gain anything for this, and I think that it is enough work as it is, without the timing...










This is going to sound bad but, If I want to translate it to another language I will have to do it in the classical way, asking permission, get the permission granted, translate it and timing it by myself.










If they had offer it from the begining is other thing, but asking it, I just dont find it right, when they are gaining nothing from their work.




















Aside from that, why does this last episode gets better and better, everytime I watch it I find something new and keep smiling like crazy to my computer.










They are too cute for words. On another note, there where some pics a few pages back from endorstments from YH and SH, we can clearly see the pictures are on their homes and I think they are for the 300 days anniversary filming... I am wondering if they get to open their presents on their house... I remember we send the hoodies and the I love Yongseo Project and the cameras and the baidu gogumas send their presents with the papers of adoption of two children in the name of YongSeo... How I wish we could know what they think of our presents!










Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas, cant wait for saturday!!! I love you all!!!



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Hello goguma lovers!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really enjoy reading everyone's posts here, and to those who sub and translate stuff for us, thank you very much!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First off, would like to add myself to the list, I'm from Malaysia woohoo! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am now waiting for a job which starts in February so I have A LOT of time on my hand so I keep rewatching the episodes, what better way to spend your time right? ;) I noticed a few things that I would like to take note here.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. I watched the 1st episode a loooong time ago and brushed this couple off as I thought they were too awkward and zero chemistry, and was more inclined towards Khuntoria. The episode where they had the best couple tournament changed my perception. So I started looking for their episodes and found episode 11. From then on, I watched them religiously. So I just watched ep 1 again and my oh my how awkward were these two compared to present time? I loved how Yong seemed bewildered 90% of the time during the 1st ep because he 'never met anyone as pure as Hyun'. And I loved how fidgety Hyun was being as this was her 1st experience being with a guy, on or off cam.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. During their kimchi making episode, when they were talking to Hyun's mom, at the end of it, Yong said 'we'll visit you' and Hyun's mom replied 'see you again'. Does this mean they've met each other before? We haven't seen that on the show have we?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. About the most recent 'don't smile at me with the eyes, it's making my hear flutter', did anyone notice Hyun has ALWAYS been doing that? Like for example, during the band meeting in ep 6?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. During the Japan trip, where Hyun said 'thank you' and during the ride to goguma field in ep 35 (I think), she said thanks again, Yong replied 'for what?' on both accounts. He also replied in Japan trip that he wasn't doing it for her to say thank you and asked her if there was anything else she wanted to say other than 'thanks'. That got me thinking if this is what he meant in his song, 'rather than saying thank you...'.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I remember reading tons of pages back about someone worrying about Hyun may act like this is an experience for her, say thank you and that's it when she leaves WGM. I wasn't a fan of Hyun before WGM so I didn't get it, but now I do. Hyun may think of this as an experience, and this correlates with all the 'thanks' she's been saying to Yong. This is why I think that even if something IS going on between them, chances are maybe they have not even clarified it yet. It's still in the flirting, measuring each other up stage.Of course, I'm also saying this to keep my shipper's heart at bay, so there'll be less heartache if Hyun pulls a Shin-Ae at the end of WGM. LOL.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wow didn't realise this has become an essay. Sorry if I offended anybody. Have a good day all!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: Ahh and I notice some people are looking for links to watch the show, let me know if this isn't allowed here. This is where I feed my obsession :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Goguma Heaven

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest NENA_2066

















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Guest niiychan
















































































































uh-oh!  So SNSD's 'Virtual Dream' might knock Yong's 'Song for First Time Lovers' off the #1 spot on the online music charts?   Where is Yong on the online music charts now?
































































































Maybe SNSD and Yong will be #1 & #2 on the charts!  That would be cool - Hyun & Yong #1 & #2 on all the online music charts!
































































































@ajayyuki - where did you find that MV of Seohyun getting the call from Yong?  Is that recent?  Who is she sitting between, is that Tiff and Sunny?  Thanks - just curious!    































































































































































































i'm trying to answer it. The caps is on Chocolate Love MV. But seohyun didn't got the call from yong. The MV release before they got married in WGM.
































































































Correct me if i'm wrong. :)

















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Guest crystalblue


















































I need to get about 20 more recipes!!! I have 32 right now that I have compiled with photos for each recipe.























I need your help NOW to get 20 more needed recipes for the book. I need them like NOW!






















Here's the list of what I have so far: (Thank you to those who have emailed recipes to me! You know who you are! :D )
















America - 3 recipes







Italian - 3 recipes







French - 1 recipe







Bulgarian - 4 recipes







Guatemala - 3 recipes







Japanese - 1 recipe







Indonesia - 2 recipes







Singapore - 2 recipes







Vietnamese - 3 recipes







Philippines - 7 recipes (but they are not Philippino dishes so I need some native dishes please!)
















Hey! where are Malaysian and Chinese recipes? Looking at that spoiler list of Gogumas from around the world, I didn't think I was going to have to BEG this hard to get 52 recipes together. Chin cha!!! Come on guys, please make some time and send them to me!









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Guest bittersweet_
































































































Hello goguma lovers!!
































---sorry for cutting----
































































3. About the most recent 'don't smile at me with the eyes, it's making my hear flutter', did anyone notice Hyun has ALWAYS been doing that? Like for example, during the band meeting in ep 6?
































































4. During the Japan trip, where Hyun said 'thank you' and during the ride to goguma field in ep 35 (I think), she said thanks again, Yong replied 'for what?' on both accounts. He also replied in Japan trip that he wasn't doing it for her to say thank you and asked her if there was anything else she wanted to say other than 'thanks'. That got me thinking if this is what he meant in his song, 'rather than saying thank you...'.
































I remember reading tons of pages back about someone worrying about Hyun may act like this is an experience for her, say thank you and that's it when she leaves WGM. I wasn't a fan of Hyun before WGM so I didn't get it, but now I do. Hyun may think of this as an experience, and this correlates with all the 'thanks' she's been saying to Yong. This is why I think that even if something IS going on between them, chances are maybe they have not even clarified it yet. It's still in the flirting, measuring each other up stage.Of course, I'm also saying this to keep my shipper's heart at bay, so there'll be less heartache if Hyun pulls a Shin-Ae at the end of WGM. LOL.















































































































































dear kellneriner, sorry for cutting your post. #3 Hyun has always been doing what? Do you mean eye-smile? hehe I wonder if this is her way of flirting with boys. She really looks adorable with bright eyes. Hyun is such a strange person. I mean, at the age of 20, she hasn't liked a guy yet? It really strikes me. So when she says "thank you" and "thank you" all the time, it worries me too because....

















































I honestly think she might be doing it for the experience. Even she said it in the first episode, with such firm voice, I am doing this show "to get an experience of how it feels to be married beforehand" "I think It will be a good experience." It scares me if she even thinks about YongHwa when she goes to sleep at night. I kind of dragged my mom to watch an episode of YongSeo with me and she immediately, I mean immediately recognized that "The boy obviously likes the girl." I am pretty certain YongHwa's crazy about Hyun. But we can't tell if she feels the same way about him. We'll just have to wait and see. I hope she wouldn't pull any Shin-Ae on Yong hahaha, at the very least, remain very close friends.

















































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I was truely going to keep quiet and not post about anything until the video of SNSD was shown of them in Busan. Then I remembered an interview than Yonghwa did and drew a picture of his ideal type. He even said it again that it was truely  the picture was his ideal type. The drawing was of a girl with long hair and bangs but with big eyes. When I first saw the picture I though he was talking about the scenes he shot for YB where go mi nam was dressed as a girl and he followed her around for the day. Then I saw the footage of SNSD and saw Seohyun with the bangs in Busan and then to know he was in the first row.



 I realized that on all the shows they did before WGM where they would ask about their ideal woman all of the group would pick women older than themselves. (This seems to be true for all the idol groups). If they had picked girls younger than them most would  have been underage. Maybe she was his type all along but he couldn't say so because of her age.



He also remembers so much about her in her early days and........



His reaction in the first episode when he found out it was her.



OK Love, Love, Love



Some silly people have suggested that SNSD's new song is an answer to Yong



I don't think SNSD's new song has anything to do with an answer to Yong's song. If it was  he would be holed up in a room daydreaming all the time. If she does an answer song it will be sweet and soft and caring. She would never let their new song be associated to their relationship. I like it but it is just way too out there for their relationship.



I still think there is more that meets the eye with these two and I think there is a lot that we will never know about. Either they are a couple or they are two people who have found that their very best friend in the whole world is a person of the opposite sex. I don't care as I love them they way they are.



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Guest vmasterpiece

hi guyz!!

just dropping by to post some update on 'banmal song' ranking on online music chart.

our talented yo~ng still stay in the top 10 on all music chart!!. :w00t:


a while ago in soribada it's still #1 but when i check again it dropped to #3 or #2

dosirak #1, melon #2, mnet #3, cyworld #3, naver #3, bugs #7, daum #6.

good job for all gogumas that make that happens and for yo~ng for such a beautiful song!!

that's what they call super rookie!! LOL.

hope to hear yo~ng sing this song to hyu~n face to face.

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