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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest szoku85
















































Hi All!
















Seohyun and her unnies have a new song out. I love it!
















I went to purchase the song on Soribada and Yonghwa's song is still number 1!!
















Isn't that great?? That is the power of gogumas!

















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hi all goguma,,
































uhhmmm im a bit confuse right now,, dont know what to say
































i wanna spazz but i really dont know what to say...
































the word "perfect" is not enough for this couple
































everytime i watch yongseo i dont know where is my brain was
































their relationship is.... just like a normal couple
































i CAN'T SEE THEM AS CELEBRITY when they're together
































looks like if i watch my neighbor from the corner of my room having fun with her boyfriend
































and i got all shy for myself when i heard them talking to each other, as i was a stalker aarrgggg
































im going really crazy,, i hate them for making me crazzily adddicted :crazy:
































seriously i alwasy feeling shy when i watch this couple,,
































they're too intimate and it shouldn't b at a TV broadcast ugghhh
































































i wathc adam eps yesterday and i was  just crying like crazy....
































eventho both of them were still dorky at that time
































and i kept thinking how our couple will get their ending *oh sorry i dont wanna think about it*
































































i have been bother about this stuff for long time
































this is about their banmal thing
































we knew that in their 200th eps yong was reject hyun to speak banmal to him
































eventho hyun was already prepared her banmal for yong, and look at her face at that time she look a bit dissapointed when yong told her dont speak banmal and to not think about it again
































but then next eps *japan eps* yong ask hyun to speak banmal when they broke the wall
































and the popular banmal song is totally yong request for hyun to speak banmal
































what bother me is.......
































why did he reject hyun at the first place when hyun want to speak banmal to him at 200th eps
































and then request her to do it again by BANMAL SONG...
































































for those,, long time ago i was reading an intresting fanfic from dhiey23@livejournal
































story about how yong regret his decision for reject hyun banmal
































and for me it was kinda.... make sense XDXD
































i love this fic,,, read this if u want to know
































































Watching my own episode
































































she is my fav writer for yongseo fanfic..
































I LOVEEE all her writing XDXD,, she doesnt even know me
































but for Dhiey unnie if u read this thread Im Your big fan XDXD
































please continue on your writing...
































i even bookmark your blog :wub:dhiey23 fanfic
































































that's all for today i dont wanna say more hehe
































oh i want to join that country think
































im a female from Indonesia.. XDXD
































*wave to all indonesia goguma*
































love u guuyysss
































































































































1. waladligirl
































































































1. Wallpaperfood
































2. Goguma1207
































3. maybelove
































4. ck1Oz
































5. silvergrey
































































































1. yonghwa
































































































1. Dollua
































2. BiIH
































































































1. mje411
































2. Soshimunky
































3. twiddle10
































































































1. Parisita
































































































1. T-e-z-u-k-A
































































































1. Goguma 06
































2. intoxd
































3. sweetcandy1061
































4. mklavo2 (Im from canada..but am i filipino)
































5. gogumacraze
































6. MQPheartsYS
































7. Yma
































8. YongSeoForever
































9. gmanalangster (I was born in the Philippines but living in Canada)
































































































1. magdal
































































































1. Icyychong
































2. camjenny
































































































1. DJHinata
































































































1. French_Neko
































2. Ae-Rin
































3. Nat-sshi
































































































1. Trent
































2. aurora82
































3. Nett_Prinzessin
































4. Krissylia
































5. th.
































































































1. SeLeNe_Alai07
































































































1. Rushgiri (Currently living in Malaysia)
































2. gauri92
































































































1. K1L1On1Mr4
































2. soshisoshisoshi
































3. Puge2
































4. zero_one
































5. starsundaepower
































6. MissBarbietch_0106
































7. rRelina
































8. isomerkyaa
































9. transformer86
































10. nadihee
































11. likelove8993
































12. neviza
































13. maggiemeisje
































14. niiychan
































15. deep_sea
































16. bee_ichigo
































17. ayanapunya
































18. ainigoguma
































19. gita_cinta
































20. justbulan
































21. luv_yesung
































22. pen(..^^..)
































23. Deeana55
































24. LennieYongseo
































25. dezadee
































26. bamz
































27. karenliez
































28. Erythrina
































29. morningblue
































30. R4TU
































31. aeria9
































32. daphneedel
































33. yoreizei
































34. lain_laen
































35. rere25
































36. vmasterpiece
































37. dhedhede
































38. aoi_enma
































39. rumwow
































40. kyung16
































41. yongseocouple
































42. pikoo
































43. Nepp
































44. sequoi
































45. lovelynaa
































46. mrsjoker
































47. laila-chan
































48. wa2kingkong
































49. yongieaddict
































50. nafa_yongseo
































51. ichigo_kawai
































52. gembul10
































53. blackcat_kim
































54. blueeye
































55. love_yongstar11
































































































1. carrots98
































2. charmkitz15
































3. Stefania
































































































1. Durianzi
































































































1. MountainMadman
































2. sprinkle_kitty (I'm Korean but i was born in the US)
































































































1. Nettaya
































































































1. LiyLiy14
































2. munie87
































3. Hapiangle
































4. alah91
































5. Avelyn
































6. shml
































7. rieyzajunkisshi
































8. Dontwhy
































9. kiddywiddy
































10. twinkystar
































11. faraashah
































12. mambo7
































13. lisa628
































14. hafiq890
































15. areu1510
































16. pau-chan
































17. genevieveshaun
































18. isomerkyaa
































19. zealous
































20. ayutie
































21. yongseo_fighting
































22. melibu
































23. aallyyaa
































24. nikijenlo
































25. bluebubblebee
































26. manimani25 (I'm Malaysian but I live in Tokyo)
































27. ahelasumi
































28. fittif
































29. bubbly_zu
































30. nazweena
































31. yaya_ismail
































32. adriana_kian86
































33. eastlight
































34. waniey_haha
































35. ummihany
































36. winnieho
































37. Jess22803
































38. ajayuki
































39. moniertu
































40. monster
































41. glem74
































42. ninashelovely
































43. seolove
































































































1. anatisha
































2. bluesu
































































































1. Seoshi.Love
































2. Aisuo415
































3. Msashnak
































4. barbaradwi (Indonesian)
































































































1. Kerube-Chan
































































































1. Dinatale (Nataly)
































































































1. lizsch
































2. fabiistar07
































3. crystal_malfoy
































4. sixpence16
































































































1. bezbezbez
































2. just_a_dream
































3. Faith_memory
































4. hawie829
































5. gmanalangster
































6. xxraqSTAR
































7. yeobo
































8. cooleet
































9. bettechai
































10. rainie029
































11. myblue
































12. luv1822
































13. hannahgarrido
































14. buge1087
































15. glennpaulo
































16. ematot
































17. gogumaforever
































18. biiianx
































19. masamii
































20. enahs124ever
































21. bluenix_me
































22. revgail
































23. lookah
































24. eishazumi
































25. jazziejec
































26. one_isa
































27. loybing
































28. Xanshi
































29. bizzie_b
































30. digidigibob
































31. CallMeDayDreamer
































32. SophiaPia
































33. unnieria
































34. ladygahee
































35. belle_ivy
































36. eran_31
































37. pretty_92868
































38. magicaL.chubi3
































39. lookah
































40. hazelnut
































41. uolam21
































42. arwenarya
































43. tinybeatingheart
































44. mairk0501
































45. d_?????
































46. heartbreak_warfare22
































47. chyme_31
































48. kimipot07
































49. averille_05
































50. icegabrielle
































51. vayz
































52. ancru
































































































1. kasia3goguma
































































































1. lunasol
































































































1. ancaemma10
































































































1. amalmal
































































































1. zXavier
































2. yongseo_forever
































3. sherlyn275
































4. chilipadi_22
































5. Aki_yongseo
































6. Applehaven
































7. roy_lover
































8. genevieveshaun
































9. wishwash
































10. jo_ce_lyn
































11. babypillow
































12. blurkimchi (Kimberlyn Tan)
































13. yongseorockin
































14. pinkksoupp
































15. whitezephyr
































16. oceanprince
































17. pink2loveful
































18. tpy01
































19. wting89
































20. Glitterspark
































21. tangyberry
































22. YongSeo
































23. l1nn3
































24. redtulip
































25. andalasa
































26. lovekim
































27. tripplemama
































28. Yukilovesyou
































29. hallyucraze
































30. Deeomfg
































31. woollylamb
































32. Norabella
































33. mach8infinity
































34. jastubee
































35. ningyit
































36. sapphire18
































37. mochiling
































38. norabella
































39. starsapphire
































40. hilaria
































41. aleanasha
































42. oops08
































43. shadow_of_Atum
































44. xia_87
































45. cheekyfoo
































46. jnj
































47. germbaby
































































































































1. Hesperide
































































































1. ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































1. tecle
































































































1. YSforever
































2. Phoebechiu
































































































1. kun_cheero
































2. womingzzine
































3. Psyche86
































4. lovelybee
































5. Asiankatebella
































6. CheriMerci
































7. Dandelion7
































8. zheezy
































9. keemaster
































10. ahn_annann
































11. prow7
































12. BigSmileAgain
































13. lanladay
































14. blueshoes
































































































1. souhir
































2. Germbaby
































































































1. teoki61
































































































1. yani-sakura (I'm from the U.K., England to be exact, born in Abu Dhabi but half Indonesian)
































2. maryclaude
































3. Fluorescent.Flower
































4. synykiss
































































































1. rxp080100
































2. crystalblue (I am Vietnamese but a U.S. citizen)
































3. BluMistLaydee (from Haiti)
































4. BRoze2001
































5. MaeDang (from Vietnam)
































6. kenjisam
































7. ikekeyou
































8. sweet_spy
































9. twayblade
































10. k.rivera19
































11. DDuk
































12. Full-of-love(from Vietnam)
































13. hafunohane ( i'm Indonesian.. but i grow up in LA)
































14. harajukudezz
































15. clrais
































16. luvtokki
































17. ladeeao (I'm Filipino! & U.S. Citizen)
































18. zcanby
































19. uh-ohxev
































20. sweetcake_(from Vietnam)
































21. biancacoolio (born in Philippines)
































22. celticheart47
































23. toomuchsmiling
































24. MrsAthenaG
































25. Goguma52
































26. szoku85
































27. InLove_WithU
































28. jojuel
































29. bluemoonlight
































30. Yamapi77
































31. bobacha (originally from Indonesia)
































32. rjcm127
































33. gogumacouple4ever
































































































1. Seychan
































2. santak
































3. LifeMadeSimple923
































4. uynhu
































5. keira53
































6. Smabi
































7. yeuyongseo
































8. one_shot
































9. hamster_seung
































10. shenibabi
































11. etou_okano
































12. albeechan
































13. FrB_vn
































14. ricevo
































































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Guest YSforever






Hi everyone.. I will just drop this quickly because I'm working now :sweatingbullets:


Since it's not confirmed, I'll put in the spoiler box.


About WGM filming tomorrow...


Just saw this from China (Baidu forum) that according to Korean fans, the WGM filming scheduled tomorrow will be cancelled because SNSD has to participate in an Intel promotional event...


Hope it's not true.. T_T



EDIT:  FYI...SNSD's schedule on Jan 18th:


MV release of Intel collabration song "Visual Dreams"



PM 8:30(KRT) Official launch of The 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ processor at Seoul Olympic Park



cr: Taiwan PTT forum, SNSD board



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Hi everyone.. I will just drop this quickly because I'm working now :sweatingbullets:


Since it's not confirmed, I'll put in the spoiler box.


About WGM filming tomorrow...


Just saw this from China (Baidu forum) that according to Korean fans, the WGM filming scheduled tomorrow will be cancelled because SNSD has to participate in an Intel promotional event...


Hope it's not true.. T_T




@YSforever... im crossing my fingers too;) i hope the filming will resume tomorrow! as i remeber their last filming was december 27th for the bamalsong. im 100 percent sure that they really want to be with each others arms;) if given a chance!



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Hi guguma villagers, this is my first post here.. I am a silent lurker here for quite a while. I watch YongSeo since their first ep but only frequent visits to this gugumaland after their fishing trip, which I started believing they open up their heart to each other, allowing their feelings to cross the border from reel to real relationship... I crave to know more about them and I found this guguma land... Since then, always spazzing with you peeps in silent, enjoying all the news, artworks, videos, translations and the deep thoughts sharing by all guguma villagers .. but really shy to post coz I am just not used to post in forums.. hehe.. Will take this oppotunity to thanks all who sharing in the threat... Love you all...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Recently this couple is sooo sweet I nearly get diabetic.. I still don't know if they are in a relationship for real, but I will just enjoy all the moment I have now.. For the love to this loving couple that bring me so much joy these days, I am going to support Yong's banmal by doing my ever first online digital song purchase.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lastly please me to the list. I'm from MALAYSIA

































































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i have been bother about this stuff for long time




this is about their banmal thing




we knew that in their 200th eps yong was reject hyun to speak banmal to him




eventho hyun was already prepared her banmal for yong, and look at her face at that time she look a bit dissapointed when yong told her dont speak banmal and to not think about it again




but then next eps *japan eps* yong ask hyun to speak banmal when they broke the wall




and the popular banmal song is totally yong request for hyun to speak banmal




what bother me is.......




why did he reject hyun at the first place when hyun want to speak banmal to him at 200th eps




and then request her to do it again by BANMAL SONG...













Sorry to cut your post short.








As for your question, after going through Mildang (push-pull), I think Yong has completely figure out Hyun. He completely understand that forcing something on Hyun will not work. That's why he rejected Hyun's offer to speak banmal on the 200th day episode. He knows now it has to completely be initiated by Hyun.








Just look how skinship work out for them. It's because Yong is guiding on her on that very issue. He initiated ways for skinship to happen. The billard match to get a piggyback ride, the offering of hand at the end bday episode, yong protecting hyun in chuseok episode and the holding hand on duet preparation and concert were all initiated by yong to get hyun comfortable in skinship.  And look what happen to it, Hyun initiated skinship in the Japan trip and ever since they have continuously do skinship on every episode. 








So for the  banmal issue to work, yong has to guide her on it. That's why banmal keeps popping up after 200th day episode is because he is constantly reminding her/ sorta guiding her to that very topic.





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Totally random:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I saw this cap again and I suddenly felt something different from the last time I saw this. I can't quite figure out what's the difference but I know it's a good one. I mean, after all the recent episodes and now I saw this. It's like an 'awww' moment for me.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married

































































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Guest ajayuki

















Found it! hahaaha its from the 100817 Strong Heart episode (Jinwoon is also there, funny dance) LOL








Here is Yong's sexy wave. Just at the beginning of the vid!








Yong's sexy wave dance








Credits to the Strong Heart Team (from vikii.net)








Dont know if its ok to post the link, tell me if not! n_n








Also, here is the first part of that video (if someone want to see it), were The MCs introduce Yong.








They talk about his MC experience at the 2009 Gayo Daejun. Poor Yong, but I LOVE his red face at 02:49, so cute!








Yong in Strong Heart








creds to The Strong Heart Team








Thanks to all the gogumas for everything you always shared! n_n















I found Seohyun's version of the dance!! This was the SNSD dance battle in February 14 last year. check out Hyun's (short) sexy wave at 0:18! quite similar to Yonghwa's sexy wave on August 17, right? though his version is longer... and funnier.








hmm, maybe he copied his wife's dance?








Seohyun's original version of sexy dance























Yonghwa's version is funny but Seohyun is kinda sexy.











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WGM show-centric article (There's something about Yongseo too):

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Is the ring Seohyun wearing their wedding ring????






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am kind of obsessed with their rings. I have seen YongHwa wear the ring so so many times outside of filming and I wonder if Seohyun does the same. I watched cuts of SNSD Come to Play and Seohyun was wearing a ring and the pictures above with white HOOT outfit. It looks like the couple ring.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Am I right??!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just want to make sure Seohyun is doing the same and staying true to the couple thing.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cute video I found! Check it out!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa dancing to G6































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Some of our loyal gogumas are saying
































































































































































































































































that Yong can dance but really,
































































































































































































































































all i can say is ...ah...hmmm..ehh...
































































































































































































































































it's good that buin can really dance...
































































































































































































































































they complement each other.
































































































































































































































































Hyun can teach him to dance and
































































































































































































































































Yong can teach her to compose songs. Perfect! :)
































































































































































































































































I read somewhere here that
































































































































































































































































obsessed ring finders are called gollum?
































































































































































































































































Can we change that?
































































































































































































































































I really hate Gollum, he's slimy.
































































































































































































































































Maybe we change to: Gogllum? :D
































































































































































































































































Just dropping by! Wave to jnj, kyung16, and everyone!

































































































































































































































































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ehemm, i'm sorry to say this hacker8 but the gollum thing is like a joke of LOTR. we don't comparing the gogumas as the creature itself but for the obsession towards the precious LOL. it is just a humour for gogumas to laugh and spazz amongst us. it has been used for quite awhile since the obsession towards the yongseo's precious has become stronger day by day. i will try my best to provide the sources time to time just to make them happy. thank you.

















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Guest hottest-generation

hello! i uploaded a link previously here but it was removed

by youtube! :(

i re-uploaded it though. LOL

here it is!

Compilation of Yonghwa's cheesy lines!

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Like husband  , Like wife ....
































Hoot hoot hoot......

































































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































Some of our loyal gogumas are saying
































































































































































that Yong can dance but really,
































































































































































all i can say is ...ah...hmmm..ehh...
































































































































































it's good that buin can really dance...
































































































































































they complement each other.
































































































































































Hyun can teach him to dance and 
































































































































































Yong can teach her to compose songs. Perfect! :)































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut your post... sweatingbullets.gif
































































































































































Yonghwa can actually dance really well... happy.gif
































































































































































I found this clip, when he was younger...  I think this was during a program in school...
































































































































































Yong was dancing to Big Bang's Lalala...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just because this has to be posted again... blush.gif

































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Guest YSforever






Hi everyone~ sorry to post two articles so close..but all of a sudden the thread moves slowly. ^^"



Anyway..here's the updated country list of goguma fans.



It would be much appreciated if everyone could check and confirm you're not missing or placed under different country.



The deadline is tomorrow (Jan 18th) , so make sure you're on the list!!



Simply pm me or state where you're from in your post..I will update it.:)




1. waladligirl




1. Wallpaperfood


2. Goguma1207


3. maybelove


4. ck1Oz


5. silvergrey


6. FallenAnjewl




1. yonghwa




1. Dollua


2. BiIH




1. mje411


2. Soshimunky


3. twiddle10




1. Parisita




1. T-e-z-u-k-A




1. Goguma 06


2. intoxd


3. sweetcandy1061


4. mklavo2 (Im from canada..but am i filipino)


5. gogumacraze


6. MQPheartsYS


7. Yma


8. YongSeoForever


9. gmanalangster (I was born in the Philippines but living in Canada)


10. shopgirlgoguma




1. magdal




1. Icyychong


2. camjenny


3. is2kwharss501




1. DJHinata




1. French_Neko


2. Ae-Rin


3. Nat-sshi




1. Trent


2. aurora82


3. Nett_Prinzessin


4. Krissylia


5. th.


6. SwEEtGoguma_7




1. SeLeNe_Alai07




1. Rushgiri (Currently living in Malaysia)


2. gauri92




1. K1L1On1Mr4


2. soshisoshisoshi


3. Puge2


4. zero_one


5. starsundaepower


6. MissBarbietch_0106


7. rRelina


8. isomerkyaa


9. transformer86


10. nadihee


11. likelove8993


12. neviza


13. maggiemeisje


14. niiychan


15. deep_sea


16. bee_ichigo


17. ayanapunya


18. ainigoguma


19. gita_cinta


20. justbulan


21. luv_yesung


22. pen(..^^..)


23. Deeana55


24. LennieYongseo


25. dezadee


26. bamz


27. karenliez


28. Erythrina


29. morningblue


30. R4TU


31. aeria9


32. daphneedel


33. yoreizei


34. lain_laen


35. rere25


36. vmasterpiece


37. dhedhede


38. aoi_enma


39. rumwow


40. kyung16


41. yongseocouple


42. pikoo


43. Nepp


44. sequoi


45. lovelynaa


46. mrsjoker


47. laila-chan


48. wa2kingkong


49. yongieaddict


50. nafa_yongseo


51. ichigo_kawai


52. gembul10


53. blackcat_kim


54. blueeye


55. athrun_azzoe


56. nurulzminoz


57. constantia11


58. Love_yongstar11


59. littlebiebie




1. fabregas215




1. carrots98


2. charmkitz15


3. Stefania




1. Durianzi




1. MountainMadman


2. sprinkle_kitty (I'm Korean but i was born in the US)




1. Nettaya




1. LiyLiy14


2. munie87


3. Hapiangle


4. alah91


5. Avelyn


6. shml


7. rieyzajunkisshi


8. Dontwhy


9. kiddywiddy


10. twinkystar


11. faraashah


12. mambo7


13. lisa628


14. hafiq890


15. areu1510


16. pau-chan


17. genevieveshaun


18. isomerkyaa


19. zealous


20. ayutie


21. yongseo_fighting


22. melibu


23. aallyyaa


24. nikijenlo


25. bluebubblebee


26. manimani25 (I'm Malaysian but I live in Tokyo)


27. ahelasumi


28. fittif


29. bubbly_zu


30. nazweena


31. yaya_ismail


32. adriana_kian86


33. eastlight


34. waniey_haha


35. ummihany


36. winnieho


37. Jess22803


38. ajayuki


39. moniertu


40. monster


41. glem74


42. ninashelovely


43. seolove


44. kaklongshah


45. maybe07


46. fatin83


47. Yukai


48. 95397


49. prinzestanna




1. anatisha


2. bluesu




1. Seoshi.Love


2. Aisuo415


3. Msashnak


4. barbaradwi (Indonesian)




1. Kerube-Chan




1. Dinatale (Nataly)




1. lizsch


2. fabiistar07


3. crystal_malfoy


4. sixpence16




1. bezbezbez


2. just_a_dream


3. Faith_memory


4. shawie829


5. gmanalangster


6. xxraqSTAR


7. yeobo


8. cooleet


9. bettechai


10. rainie029


11. myblue


12. luv1822


13. hannahgarrido


14. buge1087


15. glennpaulo


16. ematot


17. gogumaforever


18. biiianx


19. masamii


20. enahs124ever


21. bluenix_me


22. revgail


23. lookah


24. eishazumi


25. jazziejec


26. one_isa


27. loybing


28. Xanshi


29. bizzie_b


30. digidigibob


31. CallMeDayDreamer


32. SophiaPia


33. unnieria


34. ladygahee


35. belle_ivy


36. eran_31


37. pretty_92868


38. magicaL.chubi3


39. lookah


40. hazelnut


41. uolam21


42. arwenarya


43. tinybeatingheart


44. mairk0501


45. d_?????


46. heartbreak_warfare22


47. chyme_31


48. kimipot07


49. averille_05


50. icegabrielle


51. vayz


52. ancru


53. lilmssunshine


54. lhizbrit


55. rhonskee


56. princess_miche


57. haemin13


58. hiddentala




1. kasia3goguma




1. lunasol




1. ancaemma10




1. amalmal




1. zXavier


2. yongseo_forever


3. sherlyn275


4. chilipadi_22


5. Aki_yongseo


6. Applehaven


7. roy_lover


8. genevieveshaun


9. wishwash


10. jo_ce_lyn


11. babypillow


12. blurkimchi (Kimberlyn Tan)


13. yongseorockin


14. pinkksoupp


15. whitezephyr


16. oceanprince


17. pink2loveful


18. tpy01


19. wting89


20. Glitterspark


21. tangyberry


22. YongSeo


23. l1nn3


24. redtulip


25. andalasa


26. lovekim


27. tripplemama


28. Yukilovesyou


29. hallyucraze


30. Deeomfg


31. woollylamb


32. Norabella


33. mach8infinity


34. jastubee


35. ningyit


36. sapphire18


37. mochiling


38. norabella


39. starsapphire


40. hilaria


41. aleanasha


42. oops08


43. shadow_of_Atum


44. xia_87


45. cheekyfoo


46. jnj


47. gatorlow


48. andyhitman


49. finalemarch


50. lindayeahyeah


51. pointyui


52. lopeytop


53. Germbaby




1. Hesperide




1. ♥♥PowerOf9




1. tecle




1. YSforever


2. Phoebechiu




1. kun_cheero


2. womingzzine


3. Psyche86


4. lovelybee


5. Asiankatebella


6. CheriMerci


7. Dandelion7


8. zheezy


9. keemaster


10. ahn_annann


11. prow7


12. BigSmileAgain


13. lanladay


14. blueshoes


15. Nutchy_1




1. souhir




1. teoki61




1. yani-sakura (I'm from the U.K., England to be exact, born in Abu Dhabi but half Indonesian)


2. maryclaude


3. Fluorescent.Flower


4. synykiss


5. snsdblue_lurker




1. rxp080100


2. crystalblue (I am Vietnamese but a U.S. citizen)


3. BluMistLaydee (from Haiti)


4. BRoze2001


5. MaeDang (from Vietnam)


6. kenjisam


7. ikekeyou


8. sweet_spy


9. twayblade


10. k.rivera19


11. DDuk


12. Full-of-love(from Vietnam)


13. hafunohane ( i'm Indonesian.. but i grow up in LA)


14. harajukudezz


15. clrais


16. luvtokki


17. ladeeao (I'm Filipino! & U.S. Citizen)


18. zcanby


19. uh-ohxev


20. sweetcake_(from Vietnam)


21. biancacoolio (born in Philippines)


22. celticheart47


23. toomuchsmiling


24. MrsAthenaG


25. Goguma52


26. szoku85


27. InLove_WithU


28. jojuel


29. bluemoonlight


30. Yamapi77


31. bobacha (originally from Indonesia)


32. rjcm127


33. gogumacouple4ever


34. prncsscharming (born in Phillipines)


35. emely325




1. Seychan


2. santak


3. LifeMadeSimple923


4. uynhu


5. keira53


6. Smabi


7. yeuyongseo


8. one_shot


9. hamster_seung


10. shenibabi


11. etou_okano


12. albeechan


13. FrB_vn


14. ricevol


15. keno174_1






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Guest desirenhope
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just want to share this precious from yesterday's concert. precious ring for gollums(?)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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this is my second time i'm posting here, but i'm always be a silent lurker.

i'm happy to be part of GOGUMA VILLAGERS.

i really love GOGUMA COUPLE because they are just like a real couple.

and i wish they are real couple nowwub.gif

for me, the newest epi is DAEBAKK

we can see that MIL approves seohyun as a DIL

and she is so touch with seohyun present.

lastly, i,m very pleased to see the development of GOGUMA COUPLE.

P/S please put me on the list. i'm from MALAYSIA

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I just "held hands" with myself multiple times to try emulate the hand-holding scene to see what they felt like (with my arms criss-crossing all over the place).
















Needless to say, I haven't accomplished anything since I'm feeling kind of awkward now, what with my thumbs stroking each other.
















WT% AM I DOING AT 2:30 AM???
















anyway, thanks for the in-depth analysis aisuo, very much appreciated. And also, thanks yongseorockin, for posting the gif to confirm their...finger-play :)































Hi Wallie (wallpaperfood) ... YOU'RE WEIRD INDEED (you're not alone on this for sure), but no offense meant there... I just can't stop myself from laughing with what you just said in your post.... this is I guess the result of our obsession with this two.  We can't just stop ourselves from trying the things that our minds can't sometimes imagine :w00t:

















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Guest Seychan
















































yongseorockin: Thank u so much.  I played ep 40 any times but didn't saw it clearly coz so fast. With this pic you shared I totally saw clearly their finger. So sweet blush.gif






























































bolmaejung, desirenhope: Thank u guys for pics :) YongSeo couple wear couple rings, bring it everywhere they go. I'm not too focused on the ring to assess their feelings. But I have to admit that when saw they wear couple ring, still feels better and happy than not. They've been apart so long and the ring is a great way for them to feel closer together. Not only them but also with us YongSeo shippers. I feel so happy. It's such a little relationship when they are not in the WGM. The ring is not liable, they are a happy couple and Yong & Huyn are happy when wear their couple rings. That's what I feel when looking at the pictures what they wear rings :wub:
















When they are together or at separate activities, they are very beautiful and talented. Yo~ng seobang is so handsome and Huy~n buin is so beautiful. They are lucky to have each other. I really love YongSeo couple and envy them :wub:

































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