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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest synykiss
















































here are your...





























































































YT links:





























































































^all work! .. *few*































(some of the timing is out for some reason? I blame it on encoding ㅠㅠ)






























































(sorry if it takes me a while to do it ... my connection is !EXTREMELY! shot-to-bits this evening





























































































But ... high5 for it being done so early??? *high5* no?
















- And yeah about the YT video names .... it seems iMBC doesn't track them down so fast if I name them ridiculous titles, okay? LOL away... -
















EDIT: P.s. Can I still add my name to the country list thing you guys doing? ... add my name under sunny ol' England, UK
















EDIT: P.p.s @DDuk I'm borrowing that wallpaper for my laptop... it's so pretty *_* .. you're so multi-talented.

















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45 minus at this moment.

That totally hurt.

And I probably deserve it.

How can I be so stupid to joke about Hyun's nervousness.

But the worst thing was to believ, if I cried: THE WOLF IS COMING! It would go away.

And the only result was the old northeuropean proverb: IF YOU TALK ABOUT THE TROLLS, THEY WILL KNOCK ON YOUR DOOR!

So I'm Sorry, sorry! I will never make such stupid comments again...

Because I REALLY DO BELIEVE YONG AND HYUN WILL IN THE END BE A COUPLE, even if it will take 10 years.

I just want that nothing bad happens in relation to their fans and the public.

Sorry Goguma villagers! :(



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Guest ticklemepinkz

i must say... i've been thinking about this for awhile... Seohyun and Yonghwa act totally different offscreen, and I could be wrong and be the only one that thinks this. But like when I was watching like those music shows, mainly Inkigayo, and i noticed that they are very professional outside WGM, like they aren't married... And I could be wrong and it could be a Korean custom that I am simply not aware of... but like when SNSD won, they would acknowledged each other but you think, or at least i think, that they would hug or high 5 each other or something given that they are "married"... Of course, this is just my thought based off of what is recorded on stage and not off-stage/backstage. And going back to the award shows where SNSD went like crazy when CNBLUE won, i would like think that Seohyun would have ran up to him to give him a hug or something, i mean if I was her, i would have.. lol. And it's a shame that their tables weren't next to each other... =( [sorry for bringing up such an oldish topic, lol]

So with that, it brings me to WGM... it leaves me a bit bewildered, for a lack of a better word, that they are soo couple-ly on the show. the things they do and act are sos cute and i wish that they were like that outside WGM. It makes sense, right? if they are actually "married", things like that should occur outside of WGM too...

pswhh, now that i got that out...

Holy moly... synykiss... you don't deserve a HI5 for quickness... it's more like double hi-5 times a zillion! lol... Thanks for the subs!! I think i'll watch it later todayy! :)

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Its late already but i just want to say this as i know a lot of guys gogumas who doesn't understand korean language to satisfy first ourselves with the raw episodes and the translations of our fellow gogumas which we very very highly appreciate it. and i know a lot of us is still spazzing in this episode and can't wait for the next one, which by the way as each episode are coming the spazzing level is getting higher...our couple are getting more sweeter by the minute. Don't we become diabetics after all their episodes because of their super duper sweetness (joke:lol:) its corny...hehehe...can't wait for the subs...i know by tom or next there will be subs to all the videos including the preview...And that is the power of the Gogumas!!!


I love you all guys!!! Yongseo Couple Fighting!!!


Goodnight everyone!!!




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(sorry if it takes me a while to do it ... my connection is !EXTREMELY! shot-to-bits this evening


But ... high5 for it being done so early??? *high5* no?

don't worry if you take too long, we're so grateful that you're doing this, Thank you :)

saw some caps of them holding hands! *-* can't wait till watch the whole episode. Yong~ omma is so pretty!

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Please transalation this news pleaseeeeeeee.


I think yonghwa said something about the song " For The First Time Lover"




제치고 1위에 랭크됐다.




이에 정용화는 “1월 14일은 정말 저에게 특별한 날인 것 같아요”라며 “CNBLUE의 첫 쇼케이스가 열렸던 날! 그리고 2011년 1월 14일 저희의 첫 생일과 함께 제 노래 ‘처음 사랑하는 연인들을 위해’가 공개된 날이니까요”라며 “거기다 이렇게 많은 사랑까지, 좋은 날 또 하나의 좋은 일이 생겨서 너무 기분 좋아요”라고 기쁨을 표현했다.




‘처음 사랑하는 연인들을 위해’는 MBC 가상 결혼 버라이어티 ‘우리 결혼했어요2’에서 정용화와 서현이 듀엣을 불러 화제가 됐던 ‘반말송’을 정용화가 어쿠스틱하게 재편곡한 노래다. 쉽게 따라 부를 수 있는 멜로디와 사랑스러움이 느껴지는 가사가 특징이다.




정용화와 서현이 노래를 부르는 영상이 동영상 사이트 유튜브에 공개돼 200만 건 이상의 조회수를 기록한 바 있다.








Avance Thank you so much for your help :)


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Guest teoki61
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i must say... i've been thinking about this for awhile... Seohyun and Yonghwa act totally different offscreen, and I could be wrong and be the only one that thinks this. But like when I was watching like those music shows, mainly Inkigayo, and i noticed that they are very professional outside WGM, like they aren't married... And I could be wrong and it could be a Korean custom that I am simply not aware of... but like when SNSD won,  they would acknowledged each other but you think, or at least i think, that they would hug or high 5 each other or something given that they are "married"... Of course, this is just my thought based off of what is recorded on stage and not off-stage/backstage. And going back to the award shows where SNSD went like crazy when CNBLUE won, i would like think that Seohyun would have ran up to him to give him a hug or something, i mean if I was her, i would have.. lol. And it's a shame that their tables weren't next to each other... =( [sorry for bringing up such an oldish topic, lol]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So with that, it brings me to WGM... it leaves me a bit bewildered, for a lack of a better word, that they are soo couple-ly  on the show. the things they do and act are sos cute and i wish that they were like that outside WGM. It makes sense, right? if they are actually "married", things like that should occur outside of WGM too... 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think one of the reasons why they act like they don't know each other is because the show "wgm" belongs to MBC and for example shows like Inkigayo are SBS and they are not allowed to act like a married couple there (only MBC^^). And expecting Seohyun to hug Yonghwa... :sweatingbullets: I think we all know Seohyun..she is very shy and in front of all the stars and people she wouldn't do that. Her style is a simple wave^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Another reason could also be the Jonghyun-Shin Se Kyung scandal.. it could be that their companies don't want them to show their closeness (outside of Wgm) to the public...well that's my opinion,of course i'm not 100% sure^_^

































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Guest dancer87




So this episode was so good. i think moste people here mentioned the most amazing parts. I love the way yong looked at her when she was trying the weird internal organ thingy, he looked at her with so much love. She looked at him first like what? And he just kept on looking at her and she was smiling too. Also i love what seohyun did to mil, it was so nice and a good idea to bring present but i really think the icing on the cake was the letter. I just knew that yonghwas mum had been so touched by it, and she looked at yonghwa like "haw" and he was so happy. I think yong was really touched by what seohyun did and can i say it they must love each other in some level, esp yong to seo. And im pretty seohyun does too, she just maybe doesnt want to admit it yet, or i think she is afraid to admit it. i think yong was that too before but now hes like i cant deny it. Now im not speculaying, love can be between all people too, but i just knew they would have to hold hands or something after that because i think it meant a lot to them.




This is what ive been thought as well and said in a previous post, there is something seriouslt real there between yonghwa and seohyun. I remember when i found out that they were going to busan, i was like cool and then skiitrip.And i remeber the interview from last year where he had said he would have wanted to take his girlfriend out skiing. I dont think its coincedence. If they aren't together they are very close to being, i mean like in the stages just before. I think they would have probably loved to go skiing just the two of them but they wouldnt be able to without people catching them and then the whole internet we be up with artcles about the two of them and i dont think they could film wgm peacfully as they are, like with pressur. same with busan, it just seems too like conveniant first busan then the ski trip. However now even if we do speculate weither or not something is going on i think we should still respect what they are doing, and just leave as it is and not make a big deal of it until if somehow we have it confirmed that they are actually dating XD i usually dont like speculation and never read it, but this is just my gut feeling. Ofcourse the truth to this could waver but we do know something must be there!




What ive been thinking though is that if the moment comes where our goguma couple must leave the show then i think i know when it would be okay for me. And that would be when seohyun can speak banmal comforatbly to yong. I think i will be more than satisfied of following this couple. But i really want hyun to introduce some people on her side to yong, like her members, friends and/or mum and dad. Just one for the cameras im really curious how it would turn out but id also understand if they dont want that. Do i sound delusional i sure hope not. This is how i feel after this episode, after i saw the picture on the train, their reactions in gda, taeyeans message now(even if i didnt like it before), hyuns tranformations ( even though she has even more to go :) ), etc etc



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Guest ticklemepinkz

I think one of the reasons why they act like they don't know each other is because the show "wgm" belongs to MBC and for example shows like Inkigayo are SBS and they are not allowed to act like a married couple there (only MBC^^). And expecting Seohyun to hug Yonghwa... :sweatingbullets: I think we all know Seohyun..she is very shy and in front of all the stars and people she wouldn't do that. Her style is a simple wave^^

Another reason could also be the Jonghyun-Shin Se Kyung scandal.. it could be that their companies don't want them to show their closeness (outside of Wgm) to the public...well that's my opinion,of course i'm not 100% sure^_^

Ohhhhh. i see now. thanks for the enlightenment..... well is completely a bummer then... =( i would love to see them act all lovely-dubby outside WGM...

i gave in and watched the first part (thanks for the subs btw...) and i'm totally with dancer87... i would like to see seohyun introduce yonghwa to her family.... or maybe she has but ended up editing them out and will decide to put them in a future episode... I'm pretty sure, yonghwa has met all the members of SNSD besides those that appeared on WGM. 

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Tell me why does he has to give her that loving eyes? D:
































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married

































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^omomo! I have to say, when he fed her... *nosebleed!* the way he looked at her was just too adorable.




I just loved their little interactions in today's episode. Made me want to make something... so here ya go guys! a Yongseo wallie!









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Please transalation this news pleaseeeeeeee.
























































I think yonghwa said something about the song " For The First Time Lover"
























































제치고 1위에 랭크됐다.
























































이에 정용화는 “1월 14일은 정말 저에게 특별한 날인 것 같아요”라며 “CNBLUE의 첫 쇼케이스가 열렸던 날! 그리고 2011년 1월 14일 저희의 첫 생일과 함께 제 노래 ‘처음 사랑하는 연인들을 위해’가 공개된 날이니까요”라며 “거기다 이렇게 많은 사랑까지, 좋은 날 또 하나의 좋은 일이 생겨서 너무 기분 좋아요”라고 기쁨을 표현했다.
























































‘처음 사랑하는 연인들을 위해’는 MBC 가상 결혼 버라이어티 ‘우리 결혼했어요2’에서 정용화와 서현이 듀엣을 불러 화제가 됐던 ‘반말송’을 정용화가 어쿠스틱하게 재편곡한 노래다. 쉽게 따라 부를 수 있는 멜로디와 사랑스러움이 느껴지는 가사가 특징이다.
























































정용화와 서현이 노래를 부르는 영상이 동영상 사이트 유튜브에 공개돼 200만 건 이상의 조회수를 기록한 바 있다.
















































































































Avance Thank you so much for your help :)















































































































Nothing he hasn't said already. :)
























































Speculating whether they're dating or not; to be honest, I'm over that phase. I'll just enjoy whatever's been given and try to not take things further with my thinking and analysis. In the end, that's something between them. And for one, it's better for my health and two, reality won't be smacked in my face when the time comes. Selfish in a sense as it's only to prevent myself from getting the heartbreak that eventually will come but I just hope to lessen the impact it'll make, lol.
























































Spazzing about whatever they're doing on the show is a different story. I'm all in for that. :lol:















































































































I know it's obvious already, but in this cap it just struck me how good they look together.
















































































































And I love the way he looked at her right after she ate the sea cucumber organs. She was trying so hard and he saw it.
















































































































The little cap says Jjasik~ lol
























































Btw, I love how the MIL gave Yonghwa advice when Seohyun left the room. She basically told him to think about the little things instead of the big ones, because women tend to get upset with the smaller things. <3
























































V Goodness, where are my manners? I think I'm the only one here who hasn't thanked you for the translations!
























































So.. thank you! :)









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Hiya guys~




I just recently saw my translation on a facebook page... I don't mind people taking my translations out, I mean I translated it because I think all gogumas should get a chance to see what our couple is saying, but telling me first would have been nice.~ ;)









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I just love this episode, very simple yet full of emotions and in the end makes us all spazzing.

I agree with aisuo415. I would also just enjoy every moment i watch them in WGM. Of course all of us would want them to date for real an get married in the future. But if they are really dating/couple now, and admitting that would only ruin their respective careers and make them leave WGM, I'd rather wish them to hide it so they can still freely be together in WGM minus all the controversies. However, if they are not yet dating, I can see from their pace in WGM that it would not be impossible for them to develop real feelings for each other. The progress of their relationship in WGM is like how most relationships in real life are, it starts with getting to know each other until both becomes comfortable.

But still, inspite of all this stuff I've said, it will not stop me from enjoying every episode of our YongSeo couple and think that these are all happening for real :)

Thanks Dduk for the translations and Mountainmadman for all you've done for us. Thank you also for all the videos, screencaps and every news that have been shared to us lurkers.

And also, please add me to the list, I'm from the Philippines.

YongSeo Fighting! :)


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Guest MountainMadman

First of all, a big thank you to everyone who cheered me up...you guys are the best...really. blush.gif

So I went ahead and re-installed my browser, and ran a virus scan on the whole computer, just to be safe. I found a Trojan (two, actually) hidden in there. Needless to say, they died a quick and painful death. Hopefully my browser won't crash again, but I'm not going to take any chances; next week, I'm using Microsoft Word.

I still stand by my promise to deliver the best translations ever, by the way.



Edit: Oops, topped the page. Sharing synykiss's english subbed episode:



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A little off topic, but since it relates to what was said,  I thought that Olgami ended differently. spoiler if you haven't seen the movie.

The Daughter In Law lives in the end, It's true that they fight (the mother ties her up and beats her with a golf club haha) but in the movie the mom threatens to slit her own wrists and while the son is trying to stop her they fall and he falls on the knife. Is that a mistranslation or are they remembering the movie wrong lol?





Also, thanks everyone who puts in so much hard work every week so we can enjoy all the awesome gogumaness :)


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Guest MissBarbietch_0106
















here are your...













































(sorry if it takes me a while to do it ... my connection is !EXTREMELY! shot-to-bits this evening













































But ... high5 for it being done so early??? *high5* no?








- And yeah about the YT video names .... it seems iMBC doesn't track them down so fast if I name them ridiculous titles, okay? LOL away... -








EDIT: P.p.s @DDuk I'm borrowing that wallpaper for my laptop... it's so pretty *_* .. you're so multi-talented.















Synykiss, thanks for the hardwork.. we gogumas are really appriciated.. and thanks to DDuk also, who translate earlier after the episode air.. You guys are Angels!!!















you all deserve millions Gogumas!! :D :D:D






























And for MountainMadMan, keep on the spirit, no need to feel regret about the late translation, since we know that it's not your fault, but that damn comp fault.. haha.. Hwaiting!!






























Gogumas, another day in GOCHUN, huh?? :lol:









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Hi Goguma Villagers
































First I would like to thank DDuk for translating the episode. And to MountainMadman thank you also for all the effort you put into translating the episode and I was so sorry when I read you lost it (that has happened 2 me a couple of times so I know your frustration) but there was no reason 4 u to apologize. Also thank you Synykiss for the subbed vids now I can go to bed early instead of stalking this sight all night.
































This episode was good and although it was 15min. I don't mind that much. I think PDnim cut was good. I feel with this cut we got to observe a very important and nerve racking experience for Hyun (and one every girl will go trough) meeting the MIL. I think that was PDnim's vision, it gives off an intimate feel and is not distracted by any major Yongseo moments (witch will definitely happen in next week episode).
































I was wondering what MIL meant when she said : After you see the nice place, meet his friends and "come back" does that mean that they are going to Yong's home. Because I remember the pic. of them walking on the street was that them going or coming from  Young's home. And Yong saying : we have to look at the always "darkly lit beach" (i know its the daytime) but was that him hinting at something later on blush.gif (one can imagine right)
































And Yong's mom is so cute I'm LOLing just thinking about her, I would LOVE to have a MIL like her we will be besties.  
































I have to say one last thing before I go, I so like how we spazz about the small things this couple does (like simple movement of the thumb, that I noticed too) to me i think those are the most important. The little sly movements that they think no one will notice (but we do)phew.gif
































































Oh its way pass my dinner time but I had to put this down
































































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I know I have always played the Devil's advocate but it was only because of my very old age, and professional background (accounting, law, and business managment) that I questioned what we were seeing, but after watching the last two episodes I will now surrender and lower my white flag.



I have been both a DIL and a MIL and if this meeting didn't have some realism to it then Yong's Mom should be given her own drama on one of the networks.



I think I was reluctant to invest so much into two people that were just thrown together for a TV show because I give up so much emotional energy watching the dramas that I do. But I keep watching all the couples but found that as much as I enjoy watching all of them, Yongseo touches my heart. Watching them is like watching my husband and I when we first started dating so long ago. (44 years married and 4 years of dating).



I had a sort of awake dream that since SNSD members had to quit their outside activities except Seohyun from WGM and Yong is quiting his activities except WGM, could it possible that they went to thier managment companies and said that they really like each other and could continue seeing each other with no problems if they stayed with WGM, or quit WGM and see each other for real and if found out it would cause a big scandal. I would love to think that the babies would stand up for their feeling for one another. Yong has said that if he found someone he loved he wouldn't let anything stand in his way.



Having been there I really do want this to be the real thing for them.



I know a lot of people are saying the she has had no experience with boys and shouldn't think about being in a relationship, but I will tell you for a fact, when love hits it is like a ton of bricks has hit you in your whole body, and besides it isn't like she hasn't been around boys before because she has been envolved in the closeness with her trainees for many years now. Maybe Yong is the first one that she has seen as a man and not like one of her trainee brothers.



I also think we forget about their ages and how the isolation they go through being trainees. Yes, when they met, for me as a westerner, it was like looking at a 12 and 14 year old meeting for the first time. I



feel the same way when I watch any of the shows featuring the idol groups. I feel like I am seeing a bunch of 1st graders interacting. I do so love it.



I love the song. This is the way it was always meant to be. For those who wanted the duet-NO- this was always meant to be his song for her. From the beginning it was his song for her.



I figure if we hear banmal at sometime in the future episodes or by accident then we will know for sure about this couple, but even if she does't speak banmal, I think we still know about this couple.






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just because i love this scenes too..

see how she turned her body slightly towards him..ahh.. :wub:

the look that hyun gave hubby, its like asking him "i did well, didn't i?"



both women in his life, asking yong if they did alright in their very first meeting.

ahh..so sweet!

synykiss...tks for subbing...hug u!

mountainmadman or M3, hwaiting!

dduk, tks for the hardwork u've put in..


i am eagerly waiting for the boys to come back from Jpn,

and see the awesome reception they (especially yong)

will be getting from the fans..

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