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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I hope you can teach us how to purchase it online...

We can't read HANGGUL!!!!


hey lenovo chingu! u can try this one..

english tutorial..

reposting this from scatterbrain

SORIBADA step-by-step

i've yet to purchase the song...got stuck at the registration. -_-

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Hi everyone, 










I can't keep reading in lurker mode anymore because of this beautiful couple. 










I have followed the couple from the very first ep, and this is the only couple on WGM that I watch every week. It's strange, but I am thankful for all happiness they brought to my life happy.gif And this song is another gift wub.gif










Thank everyone for your useful info, pic, screen cap, vid and many more... in this thread.










I'm studying in Singapore, but I'm a VIetnamese, so count me in as Vietnamese Gogumas wub.gif










Thank a lot.













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Guest kaydee_






imo, yonghwa has raised the bar for the men in seohyun's life. haha! i suddenly remembered one comment of mc jake on how yong make most men look bad (i forgot what episode or if i remembered correctly). 





i've tried composing with one of my friends in college and really, i could've cried blood and it wouldn't have come out as good as this. some people are just really talented, i guess. it takes about 60% inspiration and 40% skill to make something half-decent and i don't know how yong could make it look so easy. props to him, guy is really talented. 





i've thrown all rationalities aside at this moment and let myself melt into a puddle of goo. the song, not even thinking of it as dedicated to seohyun, is very nice. from the light guitar plucking then slowly revealing a steady drum beat, how yong mixes his light falsetto and head voice at the chorus, it very much has all the elements of a shy love song confession. and the song being inspired by seohyun just makes it so much more special. 





by the way, thanks to those who provided links and translations! 



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Guest Fluorescent.Flower


Awesome, flabbergasting, awe-inspiring and...did I mention awesome already?! :w00t:




I'm so glad he started with a soothing melody then went upbeat towards the end. It was like a transition from a small warm room to a large stadium with her (and invisible me) in the audience. He really is a talented musician. I adored the tone of his voice - husky and resonating. I've got to applaud Yonghwa for his rather bold lyrics, he laid it out plain and simple for Seohyun to understand. I wish that Seohyun would respond just as boldly to him because he's become extremely expressive with his feelings, so it's only fair she does too.




Oh and thanks to everyone for passing information such as raw + translated lyrics, Soribada tutorial, links to song, twitter trending screen-caps, charts etc.. so quickly.


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Guest hafiq890












Thank you for all the translators and all the amazing gogumas who provided links and tutorials for buying the single. Thank you!!






























and so i bought it already, it's safely put under Yongseo's playlist on my ipod. Been repeating it over and over for the past 15 minutes. I love it. Beautiful song, Beautiful Melody, such a sweet lyrics and not forgetting to mention Yong's romantic voice, all of it is seriously guaranteed to make any heart flutters if not melting at the first strum of his guitar.:wub:






























Aigooo Yonghwayaaaaaaa~~~ You have outdone yourself again. How can you be such an amazing gentleman and a total sweetheart... :wub:  You keep on going mesmerizing this noona. I don't know whether the lyrics you wrote here is the real romantic thing you wanted to express or you just simply inspired, to this noona, this song you sang here sounded so much like a sweet proposal. A sweet proposal dedicated to that lovely girl with the shy bright smile, pure sparkling eyes that goes by the name Seo Joo Hyun.






























Simply enchanting.






























@omgirly : Agree with the whole thing you said in your spoiler. it's a win win thing anyway, i don't mind! ^_^ 






























Edit : Gogumas, i know someone has posted a free download link to this single and it'll be useful for the gogumas that can't buy it online but to the gogumas that have a credit card could you please buy it online? it'll be nice to support Yong nampyeon as much as possible. ^_^










oh and about the country list thing... I'm from Indonesia.



















hye mrsjoker...










can uyou teach me how to buy this song?










i did went to the soribada webpage..buy i can't understand any korean word on the webpage...uhuh :( please...help me...










if someone dont have a credit card,is there any different method they can do?like PayPal or what...










Thank you so much..










i'm really desperate to buy this link...










i'm hearing this song at Youtube right now and repeat it everytime...but i cant show my support by only like that..please...sumone tell me how to buy it~~~




















seohyun is VERY VERY VERY LUCKY......










i'm starting to make a song for my girlfriend :P



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bezbezbez  Hello,just another 'lurker' popping up to say 'daebak' I love our Yongseo couple and I will be buying the song.I just have to wake up it's almost 5am here and I was it's work time for Korean dramas.I'm from viki and there are a lot of us following the Guguma couple:D :D  .They have come a long way and I still appreciate each and every time they meet.With each and every eyeship and skinship...I still spazz like crazy.It's gotten to the point I have started just keeping their weekly segment on my HD so I can rewatch it again and again.








The page moves too fast even though I come back every couple of days.I don't quite understand the country location project.However if you want to add me -South Australia.








I love our genuinue couple who is confidently going thorough this relationship (even though it's supposedly virtual only) and have grown and supported each other in their lives in and outside the show.I am impressed at the number of good deeds,friends who experienced their generosity while as a couple ( which other couple gave sweet potatoes away?Most have just cook offs or invite their family/group for a meal)-she donated blood,didn't they visit some charity together once after a filming?






























Thanks everyone for the continuous flow of news,photos,updates,translations.This thread is my little refuge every time I am online and my brain goes to mush from too much uploading or editing work.Thanks again.Sugo haseyo  yeurobun.Saranghaeyo.   :D 








61b5d0e067ae825cf4c89960dcc9ff41_medium-1.jpgReposting this from soompi.I have no idea where so I can't credit it.Sorry.Was it done here by one of you?

















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Guest YongSeo




It's nearly 2AM here and I still cannot sleep...and I ran out of my "+"s pages ago...:( 








I believe he knows that he may get in trouble by confessing through the song, but he did it anyway!  and the song is truly beautiful!




He is truly talented, sweet, humorous and handsome!!




I hope Hyun knows how lucky she is to have him..hope she could start to speak Banmal and




I SOOOOO hope they can be TOGETHER FOREVER!! :wub:








Just want to say it is 2++ am at my place now too and I'm listening to "A song for First-time lovers" . I managed to buy his songs from soribada. So glad that I bought the songs. This is my first time buying digital songs online.




Please support Yong Hwa by buying his song legally!!:rolleyes:




I guess Hyun must have heard it way before the release and shared it with her unnies, that why Taecyeon dared to announce that wish so boldly! She must have felt Yong's feelings to Hyun thru the song.  Hyun! Fighting!! Go and tell him your feelings too!!




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Guest MrsAthenaG




Yoong...you have made your Goguma Omma a very happy, teary-eyed, crazy fool!!!  What else can be said about this awesome track, lyrics that touch any girl's heart, sweet melody that complements the lyrics and an overwhelming feeling of being in love. 




Yes, I have cried buckets of tears due to the emotion that this song brings, not even reading the translation of the lyrics, the melody just brought tears to my eyes.  Then reading the translation of his emotion, each time I replay the song on YouTube, tears just keep falling...sorry, I am an emotional woman and understanding the notion of creating such beautiful music for the woman you love ...makes my heart flutter...dugeun, dugeun...




YongHwa just brought my admiration level for him way up the ladder, such wonderful talent.  I remember an interview that he had when he was asked about dating and finding someone he falls in love with, will he let his management interfere (or something to that effect), and he stated that if he does fall in love, nothing will stop him...(hopefully someone can confirm this).  Now, the ball is all in SeoHyun's court, she needs to reflect on the meaning of this song (is she hasn't yet) and show Yong what he really wants from her...be more comfortable and throw away the "Honorifics"...just for him.  Will she reciprocate?  Someone said that she's in Japan, is it true?  Maybe she went there so she can be together with Yong when the song released?  Maybe...




Well, off to finishing my account analysis and get ready for a meeting.  Just wanted to stop and spazz with the rest of the world...will buy it tonight when I get home...gotta find a way somehow to support YongHwa's love confession.




Have a wonderful goguma day!!!




MrsAthenaG from California, USA



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Guest puukpui









c; dcwgm











And finally 'A Song for First-Time Couples' #1 in realtime chart. check it out :rolleyes:














































Mnet #4












You guys don't worry about ranking in Melon site. I just checked in dc, they will try to best for woori yongseo.



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My Fan MV

[YongSeo] Fan MV 처음 사랑하는 연인들을 위해 For First Time Lovers - Yong Hwa POV

Footage is from Episode 39

"Hopefully we can fall in love with each other

We can lean on one another and take care of each other

my two eyes

they're talking to you

I love you"

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Guest synykiss
















































Oh all my lovely fellow goguma's,































Why does today feel like a saturday? (Maybe that's why I'm posting during the week for once >_<)






























































A 3:33 minute song for me has become better than 20 min worth of WGM fottage.






























































Yong's lyrics read like a Lovestory IMO. I've never been a huge YongHwa fan but this song, my heart just flutters for him/because of him. In my eyes he's become more handsome.































and yeah, every rational bone in my body knows that it's all just a stunt for a tv show, but I honestly can't explain why, but YongHwa's love for SeoHyun through this song seems... genuine.






























































aikoo Yong, what are you going to do about this? You've stolen my heart, yet I don't feel the need to have it back.































Keep it, hold on tight.






























































PS. Not going to lie about it. I cried a little. (I'm such an emotional mess lately though, but I'm 98% sure it was down to Yong's beautiful-ness, not my bi-polar disease xD)






























































EDIT: I compiled a list of LEGAL sources to DL the song with step-by-step instructions - HERE
















AND: Thank you Mountainmadman for the translations <3 You're a superstar, you know that right?

















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Guest bittersweet_


What a beautiful and meaningful song.............. i can cry.... but i won't. hehe


Thank you for all who translated this song!! MountainMadMan and there was someone else, I can't find your name because this thread pages are growing like crazy.


-Now, Seohyun, it's your turn. The boy has done a lot. I hope she will speak banmal with him already, and i hope she tweets or do something to acknowledge it. Where on earth are these two anyways?


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Guest Goguma52




Words can't even describe how in love I am with this song!

Seohyun is SO lucky to have a guy like Yonghwa write an amazing song like this.

I bought the song already, and have been listening to it nonstop since I woke up!

Can't stop spazzing, this song made my week until the next episode!

Thanks to everyone for all the translations


As for the country thing, add me under the US



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Guest sixpence16


hello gogumas!! :rolleyes:please can anyone tell me where can i download episodes from 4 to 10 of YONGSEO??


i want save on my pc...pleasee help me:(




sorry for my english. i'm not very good


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Guest thebliss








I can't wait for more fan videos of this song popping out of youtube.




I'd also like to see someone magically mix it with Seohyun's verses (the first two verses of the WGM version) since there's also an instrumental available for purchase.




Maybe add her verses after Yonghwa's instrumentals just like all those songs where the object of the song gives a response to the singer. Then follow it with their duet of the chorus and back to Yonghwa's bridge and ending.




I hope someone does that. Just scrolling down slowly through puukpui's screencaps while listening to the song is making me giddy.



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Guest lanladay
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi, All Gogumas here ^ ^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just bought Yong's song from soribada. This is the first time for buying it from Korean website eventhough I'm
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































a k-pop fan for almost 10 years. Yong!! You must be proud that you have precious fans like us^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I always come here everyday but rarely post cuz of my limited english LOL But after I listened to the song with my teary eye, I decided that I should show up in here. I wanna say thx to our Yong and Hyun who bring us the happiness ,relieve all my stress and for making my Sat brighter that before. Also thx for all of the translators here. Before watching WGM this season I was a fan of SNSD or Cn Blue but now I'm totally be their fan ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The meaning of the song really touched my heart T T It tells everything from Yong's heart. Hope someday Hyun can speak banmal with him for real.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@YSforever Pls add me in the goguma country list ... I come from Thailand.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo is real!! This is all I can say now, however we'll never know the truth too. It depends on them after this. Long way to go!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the future it might be some interview or article or news say that they don't have any feeling for each other ... I can say that it's just for the business because I have been Se7en's fan from the beginning and I know all of his hardtime about his love life.( Although I knew that he's a gf for a long time before his confession or paparazzi photoes)Btw I'm praying for our Yongseo.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I wanna join the spazzing, though I am kinda late :)




I will definitely buy the song, just made an paypal account only to be able to buy this song :) it will take 2 days though(weird). I <3 YongHwa, can't help feeling jealous but I know Hyun is worth it big time <3 her too. So no damage :)




Keep spreading the love, Go-gu-ma Love!!!




this is an amazing thread, love it to bits and pieces <3





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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































Please I need help... can somebody repost the translation of the song in this page. I am on a conference and writing from my mobile.... Please help!
















































































I am just so happy for YH, as soon as I get home I am going to buy it!

















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