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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest yaya_ismail








im usually a silent lurker in this thread... and i am having fun to read all ur comment and for tonight, i decide to come out and spazz about the song!!!




im totally speechless..... currently listening to the song and repeat it many times!!! kyahhh... i can feel the love between them.. hyun, u must be proud right? waaa... im totally happy for tonight... GO-CHUN... haha, great job Yong!!!




can someone add me to the list since i do not know how to make a spoiler..


thank you!!



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there still 2days till Sat 











i guess most of us here because of the 






Banmal Song(For First-Time Lovers)













His voice in the song is DAEBAK!!






The melody is good too!




















and yeah really hope he will sing this song in WGM to her Face To Face soon! 











i want to see Hyun reaction wub.gif



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im crazy now, just mess up with all korean language. i downloaded but it just not in my computer. anyway can listen to the song all ready. love it. but still struggle how to find the song i downloaded. i swear i have to learn korean. this couple make me crazy. really crazy.

only one thing i dont like is they change the title name. hmm. i want just Banmal song. maybe at this moment Yong is singing via telephone for Hyun. hahah. yeah Yong, you should do that.

so in love with the song :wub::wub: Yong and Hyun forever


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Guest Germbaby





Hi Seohyun,



If you are reading this thread, I just want to tell you "You are one lucky girl and please dont ever let Yonghwa go. Hold him tight specially after you hear his latest song.



As goguma lover, after hearing the song my heart is just going to explore. So lovely. DAEBAK AND FIGHTING YONGSEO


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Guest omgirly
















































thanks to all who provided translations and the precious links to the uploaded song for us to listen to. thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!































































when i read through each line, i couldn't help but remember taeyeon's new year's wish for seohyun. she had expressed wanting their precious maknae to date yonghwa in real life. whether it was a staged or real wish, whether the romantic intentions of yonghwa for this song are real or simply inspired, this song sounds incredibly like a proposal to me. a sweet proposal befitting these two talented people in a format that is universal and binds the two. music. 































































simply beautiful.
































every rational bone in my body knows this show is entertainment, so no matter how much i wish for things to happen in real life, much of what i see and interpret of them both on and off camera must be fabricated for the effects of the show, but despite that, the lines between reel and real feelings between the two often appear blurred. good editing? authentic feelings? who knows, but i get it. it's a good and lucrative formula. the PD also gets that and they've capitalized on this couple by quietly promoting them in ways that allow the couple's fandom to never take a break from them. recently, there have been multiple yongseo news events in one week. smart move for the show and awesomeness for the fans. yay!
















































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Guest porporja
































































































































^^ The song is extremely sweet. I can't stop smiling while thinking that this sweet lyric and sound come from Yonghwa's feeling for his Hyunnn~~~.
































































































































I believe that this version of banmal song is the reason why Yong make mistake so many time during the UCC recording.
































































He must think of the lyric in his own version for sure 555+ ( ha ha ha) .:D
































































May be Hyun knows that he write the song in another version and curious about what is the lyric so that she stop playing guitar while she start to realize that YongHwa sing a wrong lyric.
































































































































Really fall in love with the song ,the beautiful lyric and the two of you YongSeo !!!!
































































































































Seobaby will definitely love "For the first-time couple in love". น่ารักจริงๆ :wub:

































































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Guest moonwei




everybody bought the song already? ah..my father is asleep, but he will buy the song for me with his VISA when he wakes up tomorrow, but definitely I will return him the money since I want to invest in this song as a Yongseo fan.




Lets faint at least 10 times when we keep replaying the song ok? I will start the ball rolling. *faints



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Guest scatterbrain

proud to announce to you guys that i already bought the song in soribada :). in the process of downloading. now i'll have to download 38more songs in a month since i bought the music card...

edit:is the song in 2nd place on the soribada chart??wow!!

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Guest K1L1On1Mr4
































































































































































































































































































































I just can't sleep now, keep repeating the same song. Kinda played for ten times or more already. Really a sweet song, spazzing all alone in this warm night for both Hyun and Yong :D
































































































































































































I'm proud to be YongSeo shipper and part of this goguma heaven wub.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































now playing instrumental version and it's also very nice. Hope one day this song will be a BGM on WGM w00t.gif

































































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proud to announce to you guys that i already bought the song in soribada :). in the process of downloading. now i'll have to download 38more songs in a month since i bought the music card...

i bought it too, and download at my work, but the problem that i couldnt find the files. even i saved it. now i click to download again and they just refuse me.

Crying now, dont know how to download it again, maybe they not allow to download the same song. hic. so stupid.

Does anybody know how i can download the same files again. so frustrated now.


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OMG! I keep listening to the song like crazy. It was really beautiful new arrangement by Yonghwa! And his voice! :wub: Melting straight away! Oh my! Seohyun, if you didn't fall in love with this guy, I don't know what to say. keke :P I just love the new version. Full of Yonghwa's deep feelings towards his virtual wife. Now we have the duet version and yonghwa original version :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Banmal Song is trending on twitter now!! Daebak! Lets buy the song to support them!! :D

































































































































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Guest Faith_memory






after hearing the song "Yonghwa, choding no more."




let's make it a 1 million hits!!!




with this link?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwAIZc0oKqI




remember to support by buying the single, i just hope that someone could post instructions on how to buy the single. Support Yonghwa, Support YongSeo! LIKE and COMMENT, SPREAD THE LOVE ♥




BTW, please support the song too at ALLKPOP, there are some biased fans, let's enlighten them.. ♥




Link: http://www.allkpop.com/2011/01/cnblues-jung-yonghwa-releases-for-first-time-lovers




Comments! spread your support for this version!








look at the minutes of the song!! ♥ 3:33 ♥


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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Banmal Song is now trending on twitter~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Fellow international gogumas let's tweet more (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This song is daebak, uri y~ong is daebak! Yongseo is daebak ♥

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest etou_okano

i'm a goguma fan from VietNam, my english is not good but my love for GOGUMA so high. I usually read information about goguma in Vietnamese but almost link from soompi so thanks all of people in here about news and your love for Goguma's couple.

P/S Banmal song Yong's ver is wonderful.

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Guest unnieria
















































I've been a silent reader and a fan of all your posts but the moment I heard and read what this song meant, I just...DIED. Therefore, I will not let this epic moment pass without actually saying something valuable. I don't mean to sound like a campaign manager but, Girls and Boys, you've got to BUY this song!!! Whats 7000 won for the ear-to-ear smiles and jumping hearts this couple bring you every Saturday? What a small price to pay to hear the message of a young boy, genuinely confessing his heart and soul to a naive girl, in front of the general public! They say "actions speak louder than words" but I don't find that true with this couple. How's holding hands, hugging or kissing compared to the melody and lyrics of Yonghwa's confession? How's "composing a song for my on-screen wife, real life girlfriend" for an action!
















At first I thought that the problem with this reality show is that it is JUST a reality show. Now ,I know and feel it passing through the screens that their attraction and affection is indeed REAL, no longer just a show. And the shy smiles of Seohyun and Yonghwa within and outside WGM certainly seals the deal.
















So to the dear Goguma family here at Soompi and the rest of their fans around the globe who believe that love can be as innocent and genuine as Yongseo, here's wishing you another weekend full of love and happiness! Like you all, I look forward to this every week.
















Good night from Manila! :)

















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For the RECORD:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Banmal Song trended on TWITTER worldwide at Number 9 for a few moments.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































That was so unexpected. we were all caught in a surprise.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love the Song. Yonghwa is Jjiang. YongSeo is Daebak!!!

















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Guest Germbaby





Hi goguma family,



I dont know what to say. I have been hearing Yong's new song countless times already. WOW! His new arrangement is fantastic and his voice is just so full of feeling. I really love it. I hope Seohyun can feel his love too! SUPPORT YONGSEO!


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Guest my.yonghwa.baby












Ladies and gentlemen, if I could put into words what the last version of the chorus in the song did to my heart, I would, but OMG, I cannot. 




"You and I are going to love"?












I have been converted 100%, everyone. January 13th, 2011 (in the US, anynow) my.yonghwa.baby, has changed to a true goguma. As much as I wanted to believe in real love for these guys, it was always just a show, you know? I saw AnSol fall apart, ShinHye announce a marriage months after ending with Alex, Adam just ended....there just didn't seem to be hope, gogumas. But I believe. With everything I have. 











He loves her. He loves her. He loves her. He loves her. He loves her. He lover her. 
















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Though I've been a silent reader since the start of this thread, today's the day to come out!! Bought the music card to soribada and woke up extra early today (here in the states) JUST to download this song the minute of it's release!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just an update: "Banmal Song" is trending at twitter and the song is already at the #2 spot on Soribada's 'Real-Time' chart!! That's amazing!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Absolutely LOVE the arrangement of this version.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And, can't forget to say THANKS for the lyric translation!

































































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Guest justbulan
















































































thanks to all who provided translations and the precious links to the uploaded song for us to listen to. thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
































































when i read through each line, i couldn't help but remember taeyeon's new year's wish for seohyun. she had expressed wanting their precious maknae to date yonghwa in real life. whether it was a staged or real wish, whether the romantic intentions of yonghwa for this song are real or simply inspired, this song sounds incredibly like a proposal to me. a sweet proposal befitting these two talented people in a format that is universal and binds the two. music. 
































































simply beautiful.

every rational bone in my body knows this show is entertainment, so no matter how much i wish for things to happen in real life, much of what i see and interpret of them both on and off camera must be fabricated for the effects of the show, but despite that, the lines between reel and real feelings between the two often appear blurred. good editing? authentic feelings? who knows, but i get it. it's a good and lucrative formula. the PD also gets that and they've capitalized on this couple by quietly promoting them in ways that allow the couple's fandom to never take a break from them. recently, there have been multiple yongseo news events in one week. smart move for the show and awesomeness for the fans. yay!














































































































































































































i'm quite agree with your post somehow.. especially in the spoiler...
































































half of me really want to believe that it's just a mere show.. but the other half keep resisting... 
































































i don't know.. starting from season 2 i felt there's something changes in WGM (well of course there is) 
































































well i mean.. i know that... the mission of this reality show is to show people, WHAT would be happen if celebrity marry each other.. 
































































but after season 1, somehow the line beetween reel and real seems blurred..  
































































and it also have more feelings if we compared to the couples from season 1 (except for some couple). i don't know really.. they are really good for playing us..  with our emotion.. until the point we almost don't know.. if their feelings are genuine or not..  and it's kinda frustrating sometimes... well... A LOT frustrating.. 































































































































sorry..top post but nothing to share.. -.- mianhe... -.-

















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