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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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thanks to those who translated the lyrics. AHHH...they are so sweet, the lyrics. Yong, why do you do this to me..keke. I am sure Seohyun is super happy. Now I can go to work with a huge smile. :D


Gosh, Yonghwa is really talented. I am definitely jealous of Seohyun (even though I already have a husband..lol) I can't wait to buy the single and hear it! so excited!!



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omo!!! so many new posters~! yahhhhh we're one big family eh! :wub:

and the banmal song's lyric is extremely fluttering to the stomach!!! thanks so much mountainmadman for the trans~! geeezz yong, u thought u could hide ur true intention by changing the title of the song? hahhh u can't fool us gogumas~!!! :D

and yahh jnj! that part is also my most favorite sentences from the composition! kyaaaaaaaaaaaa... they're up one level already!!!! REAL RELATIONSHIP! :phew:

naz, am really grateful to u, bezbezbez & genxv for making the projects happen~! ^^

The day when I first saw you

Your bright smile full of shyness - this must be what yong like most about hyun when he 1st met her! :wub:

we'll get closer after today

every day, I have heart-fluttering expectations

what to say to you

how to get you to laugh

I fear it'll get awkward when I try to hold your hand

all I can do is smile shyly

- wow! so all the above was what yong felt in the beginning! awww he was already hooked to hyun from day 1! :lol:

Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other

even though it's still awkward and unfamiliar

instead of saying 'thank you'

talk to me in a friendlier way

Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other

you walk towards me slowly, step by step

now look at my two eyes and tell me

I love you

- awww yong, u wanna know how hyun really feels for u eh... :wub:

The day when I held your hand

I felt my heart stop beating

I don't even remember what I said

All I feel is a flutter in my stomach

- ahh! so this was what he felt when they 1st held hands in WGM Horror! LOL! danggg my stomach is also fluttering from ur words, yooong! xD

Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other

even though it's still awkward and unfamiliar

instead of saying 'thank you'

talk to me in a friendlier way

Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other

you walk towards me slowly, step by step

now look at my two eyes and tell me

I love you

- haha i bet yong's stomach will encounter severe problem due to over-fluttering when hyun says I LOVE U :lol:

Hopefully we can fall in love with each other - omigosh!!! it's confirmed that he wants to have a relationship with hyun!

I'll never let go of your two hands from my grasp - seriously, yong?! then, u've decided that hyun will be ur future wife?! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

the light of your eyes, gazing at me

I hope there will only be joyful smiles

Hopefully we can fall in love with each other

We can lean on one another and take care of each other

Looking into your eyes, my two eyes

they're talking to you

I love you

cr. mountainmadman

dangggg that lyric of yong's is seriously killing my tummy KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :w00t:

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Guest pen(..^^..)




































OMO it's out gogumassssssss
































i'm so excited!!! xDDD
































u can see it from soribada, if u don't have the music card, u can stream for just 1 minutes.. gogumas are attacking the music site now maybe xDDD
































here's the link
































































edit: whoa..this is really a good song..yong's voice really sweet sounds like he is confessing right now to hyun ♥



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Preview : First-Time Couple in Love by Jung Yong Hwa
































































or should I say Prehear :)
































































Really nice acoustic guitar.
































































Now, I can sleep.
































































Night night, gogumas!

































































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Guest YongSeo












My heart stopped when I read the translations. Thanks faith n mountainmadman. His lyrics are so sweet, seems like he is baring his heart out. Love yongseo!





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The song is out!
















































Listen to the preview at
































































































Yong's voice! Amazing!!!
















































I'm seriously in LOVE with the song!!
















































Edit: Oops! So many people have posted it already. Guys - please buy!!!

















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"For First Time Lovers: Banmal Song" translated by MountainMadman (and wishwash as well)





The day when I first saw you


Your bright smile full of shyness


we'll get closer after today


every day, I have heart-fluttering expectations


what to say to you


how to get you to laugh


I fear it'll get awkward when I try to hold your hand


all I can do is smile shyly




Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other


even though it's still awkward and unfamiliar


instead of saying 'thank you'


talk to me in a friendlier way




Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other


you walk towards me slowly, step by step


now look at my two eyes and tell me


I love you




The day when I held your hand


I felt my heart stop beating


I don't even remember what I said


All I feel is a flutter in my stomach




Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other


even though it's still awkward and unfamiliar


instead of saying 'thank you'


talk to me in a friendlier way




Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other


you walk towards me slowly, step by step


now look at my two eyes and tell me


I love you




Hopefully we can fall in love with each other


I'll never let go of your two hands from my grasp


the light of your eyes, gazing at me


I hope there will only be joyful smiles




Hopefully we can fall in love with each other


We can lean on one another and take care of each other


Looking into your eyes, my two eyes

they're talking to you

I love you




I want to say thank you to those who took time and effort to translate the lyrics for the rest of the world.




As I read the lyrics, I realized how much more personal (centralized on a certain person) and romantic it is compared to "LoveLight" or "I Don't Know Why." I still think IDK Why was for SeoHyun or the situation they were in because of YongHwa's push-pull set up. "LoveLight" was full of compliments and it evoked the emotions of a guy who is enamoured or attracted to a girl he's singing the song to. Almost everyone in the world can infer to this song, much like Bruno Mars' "Just the Way You Are."




In comparison to "Banmal Song," I'd say this song pretty much tops a lot of love songs I've heard in my 20 years of life. It was not only composed and written by YongHwa, but as a viewer, you can also empathize with his feelings and what he's gone through for this girl. As you hear the song, you can definitely feel and remember each episode, I did anyway lol.




I wonder how SeoHyun will react the next time she sees YongHwa or look into his eyes. Would she refer back to the lyrics "Look into my eyes, they're talking to you, I love you?"



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Guest Seychan
































OMO it's out gogumassssssss
















i'm so excited!!! xDDD
















u can see it from soribada, if u don't have the music card, u can stream for just 1 minutes.. gogumas are attacking the music site now maybe xDDD
















here's the link















































Thank u so much. I'm totally fall in love with Yong's sweet voice and the melody and guitar :wub: How sweet.






























































I'm crying right now. I want our Goguma couple last forever. They're perfect for each other.

















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i bought the song on soribada!
















its absolutely wonderful!
















i hope he gets to perform it at least once!
















all the best yongseo couple:)

















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Guest sixpence16


 this song is daebak!! yong is so talent!!:rolleyes: fighting yongseo!!






Hola gogumitas latinas o que hablen en español !!!! Es un gusto poder conocer muchas más gogumitas que amen a esta pareja en latinoamerica!! solo queria decirles que aunque algunas de nosotras no podemos escribir tan bien en ingles existe un lugar muy lindo para expresar todo su cariño por esta pareja en español









THANKS DJHinata... la página está muy linda... no sabia q habían muchas latinas aquí... ahora me animaré a postear más...;)


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Guest vmasterpiece

Yeah... I got it from soribada.. And the song is on repeat right now!! LOL.

Falling in love with yo~ng rite now with his "full of love" voice while singing this song.

Hyu~n must be the first one to get this song LOL

hope you guyz get yours soon!! It totally worth it!!

Happy spazzing everyone!!



for anyone who has melon account

maybe he can get melon award for this song LOL


the instrumental version is very good too.. Now I can sing this song with the inst version


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This comment might go against the rules because I just wanted to ask how to download or buy Yong's single? I can't read Korean, much less understand the literal translation of Google. Can someone show us a tutorial please?




Just wanted to show my support for YongHwa's feelings and his career as well. :) (esp. YongSeo <3)



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guys..need help here...i open the link to soribada but it's all in korean, i don't what to do to buy it? i never buy anything online :mellow: btw thanks to all kind translator for the banmal song trans...really it makes me go kyaaaaaaa^^









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Hello Goguma villagers! 
















































































































































































The song is out <3 I wish I could speak Korean so that I could transIate for all of you too :( 
















































































































































































I can't wait to listen to it!! I'm in class right now, so I have to be discrete... Shhh! No spazzing!
































































































































































































































































































































































But thank you SO MUCH for the translation of the lyrics! I looks very sweet... Ah, I want to here Yonghwa's voice! I hope Seohyun was the first one who listened to this new version of the song!
















































































































































































Seohyun is so lucky. I need to find a man like Yonghwa. That's my goal for 2011! Ahaha
















































































































































































PS: I saw that there was a list of the different nationalities on this thread... Please, add me to the liste :) I'm French !
















































































































































































FRANCE: Ae-Rin  ;)

















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Guest vmasterpiece

guys..need help here...i open the link to soribada but it's all in korean, i don't what to do to buy it? i never buy anything online :mellow: btw thanks to all kind translator for the banmal song trans...really it makes me go kyaaaaaaa^^

I think it's been posted a few times before but in case


after that go to this page


and click the thing with play button to listen to song

or you can download it with the download icon

it's quite easy to understand all the icon though

good luck!

Yeah support this song!!


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Guest lunasol







This comment might go against the rules because I just wanted to ask how to download or buy Yong's single? I can't read Korean, much less understand the literal translation of Google. Can someone show us a tutorial please?






Just wanted to show my support for YongHwa's feelings and his career as well. :) (esp. YongSeo <3)











I am re-posting my comment some pages ago related to a tutorial for buying the single in Soribada






Here is a link with all the steps for doing it including the foreigners Soribada link!! I don't remember who posted it but it is very complete and with images. I already did it through Paypal and downloaded songs, so it works!! Mind you, you are buying credits for buying 40 songs or if you want 150. You can't buy one alone.












Yonghwa's songs Soribada link (the song and the instrumental version) Even if you can't buy it, you can listen to a preview of the song by clicking the play arrow next to it.








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Yeah... I got it from soribada.. And the song is on repeat right now!! LOL.
































































































































































































































































Falling in love with yo~ng rite now with his "full of love" voice while singing this song.
































































































































































































































































Hyu~n must be the first one to get this song LOL
































































































































































































































































hope you guyz get yours soon!! It totally worth it!!
































































































































































































































































Happy spazzing everyone!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for anyone who has melon account
































































































































































































































































maybe he can get melon award for this song LOL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the instrumental version is very good too.. Now I can sing this song with the inst version































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think I would want to purchase from Melon, since Melon has their annual awards for digital singles too. But... the website is in Korean, does anybody knows how to even register for a Melon account? Maybe some other idol groups have a guide to creating a Melon account in English, anybody come across any guide?
































































































































































































































































I heard the preview of the song and I love his husky voice, I need to hear the full song, especially the bridge.

































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i cant remember where i read it but if u want ur listening to be counted ... u have to rmb to logout of soribada by the end of the day or else it doesnt count... this is for those who have bought the premium cards there :)


just passing on the info i read



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Guest K1L1On1Mr4
































































































































































































































































































































Oh my GOD, really good arrangement by Yonghwa , just hearing the melody already made eyes teary. Gotta buy it no matter what, Hyun must be really proud for this song. Hyun really a lucky girl, she got 2 songs already from an awesome guy wub.gif

































































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