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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest gita_23
















first of all, i wanna say sorry to make spam here. i'm too exciting know that indonesia has a lot of yongseo fans too. i just realize and edit mine when i read glennpaulo comment. thank u to remain me :)




I also read yong's lyric. i think it's lovely. hope i could buy that song too




so guys, lets counting down for BANMAL SONG    B)




for indonesia gogumas   :wub:




ayo, teman-teman... saya dukung buat bikin thread sendiri. ^__^




salam kenal ya, semua.... <3 fitri




yang udh buat forum.. makasih ya ^^








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Guest wishwash
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I read on baidu that SBS Inkigayo will be changing emcees. The new emcees are IU, Doojoon and Lee Hyunjin.
































































































































































































































































Hopefully this will give yonghwa more time to rest before his drama shoot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In a way, I'm glad he dropped Inki instead of WGM.

































































































































































































































































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Guest glennpaulo
























Guys please beware of the rules when posting, if you want to add your name on the list just say where you from and some message to suffice in two lines with 20 words minimum.








since there's  a fellow goguma who volunteer to keep update the list, youre name and country will do..








We need to keep the thread alive without breaking the rules...























YONGSEO fighting!!!









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Guest MissBarbietch_0106
























Anyeong Gogumas,








To Indonesian Gogumas : K1L1On1Mr4, soshisoshisoshi, Puge2, zero_one, starsundaepower, rRelina, isomerkyaa, transformer86, nadihee, likelove8993, neviza, maggiemeisje, niiychan, Deeana55, deep _sea, bee_ichigo, ayanapunya, ainigoguma, karenleiz, justbulan, pen(..^^..), LennieYongseo, Dezadee, gita_cinta, luv_yesung, Erythrina, karenliez, bamz, morningblue, R4TU, aeria9, daphneedel, lain_laen, rere25, aoi_enma, deeana55 and rumwow






























Salam kenal yah!! Apa Kabar? Aku Gogumas dr Jakarta.. anyone here from Jakarta too??








BTW, Is there anyone of you know how to make a thread for Yongseo (for Indonesia)?? Please help to explain to you who know how to make it? or maybe Gogumas from other country could you please help us too? (since i'm not that into computer-internet thing so much, so please consider..hehehe) or maybe we can just make a blog for YONGSEO, so we can spazz and use our bahasa there????








Thanks so much..:):):)

























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Guest bubbly_zu




Hi all goguma vil..first time posting here:D . I've been followed these thread since beginning but afraid to post here.^_^


I really love to read all your comment and POV:)


yes its going to release to night ..


I'm surely going to wait for it hehe:wub::)




btw I'm from MALAYSIA



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Hello all...
































































































































here is FNC notice about Banmal song. Can anyone translate it? (I think it's about the song will release in midnight)
































































































































[안녕하세요.FNC MUSIC입니다.
































































































































































































CNBLUE 보컬 정용화군이 작곡에 참여한































































‘처음 사랑하는 연인들을 위해’(부제 : 반말송)이 































































여러분들의 많은 관심에 힘입어































































오는 1월 14일 금요일 자정(13일에서 14일로 넘어가는 자정)에 































































각 음원 사이트에 공개됩니다!
































































































































































































BOICE 여러분들의 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































For Indonesian gogumas, I know you are excited with so many indonesian gogumas here. But please don't violate the rule. biggrin.gifAnd I think IDWS has a thread for WGM but I don't know about yongseo thread. You can follow and ask Yongseo_Indo at twitter.






























































































































































































































































EDIT : thanks aneng for the translate..
































































































































































































































































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[NOTICE] 'A Song for First-Time Couples' (Subtitled: Banmal Song) Music Release Notice
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is FNC MUSIC.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CNBLUE vocalist Jung Yonghwa's song
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































'A Song for First-Time Couples' (Subtitled: Banmal Song)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































is going to be released on music websites at midnight on 1/14 (midnight on the 13th going on to the 14th)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































because of everyone's interest in the song!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please give it a lot of interest, BOICE.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit: cnblue.co.kr + oskies @ cnblue-sky.net (TRANS)

































































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Guest maggiemeisje




haiii gogumas soo excited waiting banmal song ^^




the new titled so obviously,,hopefully hyun got message from yonghwa by banmal song aka 'for the first time couple in love'




gogumas indo annyong glad to see you in here,,im agree wif goguma thread for indo or we can spazz on twitter follow me @maggiemeisje




yongseo its real,,,,slowly but surely ^^



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wow...i'm surprise to see so many goguma from indonesia,salam kenal to you all...
























and about the song yonghwa wrote i can't wait to hear it and hope our dear translator can translate it for us to spazz about









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So addition to the news that Yonghwa wore his ring again in the second ZEPP tour. Look who's wearing it too.
















































































































































































Today at Daum Life On Awards 2010
















































































































































































































credits as tagged
































































































































































































































































































































































Soribada tutorial:
































































































































































































































































































































































► Only works if you have a VISA card (or other international cards like mastercard)
















































































































































































► There is no other way, so don't ask how to do it if you don't have a Visa.
















































































































































































► It will cost you 7700wons -Tax included- ( ~ USD 6.8) [ It's a "music card" with it you will be able to download 40songs within the month! That means you can also easily get every other super junior 4집 when they are released]
















































































































































































Almost everything is in english so it's very easy!































































































































































































































































































































































No need to register!
































































































































































































































































































































































First go here
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the pop up close as soon as you clicked confirmation!
















































































































































































Now go check your emails! You should have 2 mails: one with your bill to soribada, and the second with the card number!
































































































































































































































































































































































back to the main page
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































put on your card number and valid!
















































































































































































you will be redirected to soribada main page
































































































































































































































































































































































You can see your "special ID" at the top
















































































































































































now select Super Junior page~!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And you are done!
















































































































































































It will ask you in which folder to save the song, there is no software to download, it's like a direct download~~! ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































There is something else you can do to help the boys on the charts! not only the downloads but also the listenings are counted~!
















































































































































































You just have to click one button then play it with the player at the top of the page, put it on loop (even keep it when you leave your room!! XD) Every single time you listen to it it will count! ^^ 100 listenings = counted 100 times.Etc.~
















































































































































































To know more about listening, follow THIS tutorial!!
















































































































































































Credits to Alice @ sj-world.net































































































































































































































































































































































I've spent two days looking around korean sites to find one working for foreigners so please credits if you take out.
































































































































































































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Guest rRelina






thank u @wishwash from the news..yeah,im agree with u,I'm glad he dropped Inki instead of WGM.




and Indonesian Gogumashipper, nice to know u all. finally i found my one-region chingu :lol::D


and this is my twitter @rrelina


oiya @MissBarbietch_0106 im from jakarta too ^_^tepatnya jakarta timur



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Guest bettechai





[NOTICE] 'A Song for First-Time Couples' (Subtitled: Banmal Song) Music Release Notice




This is FNC MUSIC.


CNBLUE vocalist Jung Yonghwa's song


'A Song for First-Time Couples' (Subtitled: Banmal Song)


is going to be released on music websites at midnight on 1/14 (midnight on the 13th going on to the 14th)


because of everyone's interest in the song!


Please give it a lot of interest, BOICE.


Thank you.


Credit: cnblue.co.kr + oskies @ cnblue-sky.net (TRANS)



oh my tonight is the night oh gosh cant wait.. yipee...


hahaha whats the new drama for yong.??? can some one pls tell me...thanks


im so happy that there is so many Filipino's here..spread the love..:)


*bettechai Philippines..




have you seen this....so pretty..




cre:soshified @ twitter


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Guest aoi_enma































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I`m gonna wait for the release ...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*dugeundugeun* :D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Why i feel that Yongseo will get new drama after WGM end?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i believe all TV station in Korea don`t want miss to have chance Yongseo starring in their drama because high popularity of their domestically and internationally :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































adam couple get that chance, so why we don`t hope for Yongseo too? ;)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for indonesian goguma































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i make a group for you all in FB































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we can talk there ...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*because it`s not good spamming in here kekekeke :)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this is the link

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































Ok, I have to ask a something... I hope someone can help...
















































































Can someone confirm where the song is going to be sold????
















































































I have marked the page in wich someone posted a guide to buy from Soridaba, but the last news about the song was from the site called BUG... I am confused, I want to buy it, but I dont know from what site, if someone can help, I will really appreciate it!
















































































Aside from that, @Rara, Hello!!! For what I understand Soompi is an international forum so all the threads have to be in english language. To put an example for Spanish speakers, DJHinata is the owner of the SweetPotatoDays Spanish version and we can go and spazz there in spanish... I think Singapore fans have something like that too... And I understand you, Is so much better to be able to spazz in our own language without suffering with grammar and other things... but I hope Indonesian gogumas will keep coming around once in a while. BYE!
















































































People, lets not spam the thread, we are going to receive another warning, Just put your name and country and make a nice comment about YongSeo with more than 20 words...
















































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!! I love you all!!!

















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Guest digidigibob

Hello everyone! I'm a Goguma from the Philippines! Can you please add me on the list? Thank you so much!

Btw, I noticed that there are many Pinoy Gogumas here. We have a thread at Pinoy Exchange Forums dedicated for YongSeo, and I just want to invite you guys to visit and post on the thread! :D Here's the link http://www.pinoyexchange.com/forums/showthread.php?t=445452

I just want to share that I was able to convince a friend of mine to watch YongSeo! And she's now addicted to it. Yay! I really feel happy 'cause I now have a friend to spazz with. I feel happy to be able to let others know about Yongseo's LOVE. They shouldn't miss Yongseo's awesomeness, right? :wub:

I'm excited for Banmal's release! Kyaaaa~

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@Kerube-Chan- I saw at dc married different links of online music site so it's likely that they'll release it to ALL music sites. I already edited my previous post with Soribada tutorial.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let me emphasize that I said likely. There's a big chance, probably and highly possible that they'll do that.

































































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I read on baidu that SBS Inkigayo will be changing emcees. The new emcees are IU, Doojoon and Lee Hyunjin.

Hopefully this will give yonghwa more time to rest before his drama shoot.

In a way, I'm glad he dropped Inki instead of WGM.

so its confirmed then, wishwash?

well i'm glad too that he still sticks to wgm....for now...

another few hrs more and we'll get to hear the banmal song, composed solely

by yong! lets see what the hidden message he is sending to hyun...or us? ^_^

so its a digital single?

when i saw the album cover,

i thought its so cute of yong to draw himself and hyun like that..

ah! i must thank fluroscentflower for editing her post. tks dear!

when the vids and pics of those intimate photoshoot were shared here many mnths ago,

some gogumas were sensitive abt it. some were feeling distressed by it. :sweatingbullets:

i, for one, couldn't even looked at it..hey! those lips are for hyun u know! :phew:

and since those photos do not have anything to do with yongseo,

why would it be posted here?

some gogumas can view those pics with wide eyes, while some gogumas closed theirs..


so as time goes by..we have this some sort of understanding towards each other.

if there is someone who needs to share yong's pics with other actresses,

they can still post them here but under spoiler, with a warning to the sensitive gogumas..

i rmbr aisuo did this once and i appreciate her for that.

so, yeah...so much for the yongseo thread history hehehehe.


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Guest sapphire18












CNBLUE vocalist Jung Yonghwa's song















'A Song for First-Time Couples' (Subtitled: Banmal Song)

















































 맨처음 너를 보던 날








수줍기만 하던 너의 맑은 미소도








오늘이 지나면 가까워 질거야








매일 설레는 기대를 해








무슨 말을 건네 볼까








어떻게 하면 네가 웃어줄까








손을 건네보다 어색해질까봐








멋쩍은 웃음만 웃어봐








우리 서로 반말하는 사이가 되기를








아직 조금 서투르고 어색한데도








고마워요 라는 말투 대신








좀 더 친하게 말을 해줄래








우리 서로 반말하는 사이가 될거야








한걸음씩 천천히 다가와








이젠 내 두눈을 바라보며 말을 해줄래








널 사랑해








너와의 손을 잡던날








심장이 멈춘듯한 기분들에








무슨말 했는지 기억조차 안나








마냥 설레는 기분인걸








우리 서로 반말하는 사이가 되기를








아직 조금 서투르고 어색한데도








고마워요 라는 말투 대신








좀 더 친하게 말을 해줄래








우리 서로 반말하는 사이가 될거야








한걸음씩 천천히 다가와








이젠 내 두눈을 바라보며 말을 해줄래








널 사랑해








우리 서로 사랑하는 사이가 되기를








잡은 두손 영원히 놓지 않을꺼야








바라보는 너의 눈빛속에








행복한 미소만 있길 바래








우리 서로 사랑하는 사이가 될꺼야








아껴주고 편히 기대면 되








너를 보는 나의 두 눈빛이








말하고 있어








널 사랑해



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A song for First-Time couples, what is the meaning of the title? "First-time" couple, is that mean both of them are pair up in first time? It's so hard to determine the meaning from its title... anyone of you here wanna share your thought?
















































































































Hehe... so excited to wait for this song.... Btw, can anyone of you here who have been visiting baidu often looking into below spoiler, as I have a question and hope that you guys can help me... Thanks.
















































































































What is the Chinese translation for "A song for First-time couples"? 初恋人之歌?
















































































































































































































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sapphire18, thanks for the For First-Time Couple in Love lyrics!
































































I've read the english translation over at sweetpotatodays chatbox. It's so sweet! (I want to go back to my delusional YongSeo self and hope that this is what they really feel for each other.)
































































Everybody there is having a heart attack... or crying.
































































Can't post the trans here since I have no permission.
































































can't find my favorite line 'cause, seriously, they are all spazzingly sweet!
































































I hope Yong could sing this in English so that International YongSeo fans could feel it more.

































































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