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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest justbulan








































There seems to be very few backroom interview with Yongseo lately - just one or two per ep unlike KT couple.  Maybe its because in Japan Yong said that he is always surpised by what Hyun said in the blackroom - and how its contradictory?
































Anyways, really daebak ep - really looking forward to the next.  Thanks for the translations, pics, vids and news.  Really appreciate it.































































so you notice it too? 
































to tell the truth i kinda missed their blackroom interview because in that moment we can see their feelings more genuinely.. esp hyun, since she is a type of a girl who surpress her own feelings inside.. [ i kinda curious about yong's blackroom about PSH phone.. what he will say about "him being jealous" is he gonna defend himself or kinda accept it.. too bad PD.. you're not telling us :(  ] 
































but maybe because both of them have busy schedules, esp yong.. 
































since he must be under preparing new album and C.N BLUE concert at that moment. 
































well it just my tought :P 









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Guest archiehon








































@crystalblue, I totally love the recipes idea bt i'm really not internet savvy. I really want to participate so i'll start to flip thru my recipe books to find something for uri seo hyunnie.
























Edit: http://www.allkpop.com/2011/01/yongseo-couple-travels-to-busan-to-meet-yonghwas-mother









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got few q to ask fellow gogumas..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hyun was not wearing her ring in the CN Blue concert BTS...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- so was the footage taken by her manager, as in personal footage,































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































or was it a part of wgm filming?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- also what does hyun mean when she said 'glasses is suspicious'






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and one last Q...(since this part is not subbed)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































-  in the restaurant, when mom praised yong to be a lovable child,































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong said something like a deol i ra seo (pardon the spelling)
































































































































































































































































































































what does that mean?
































































































































































































































































































































would appreaciate any help.  :)
































































































































































































































































































































just me being crazy wanting to know EVERY single thing they said... :rolleyes:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think I can give you my point of view with first and second one ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































1.- Remember that the footage was taken in the mildang time period (OMG they are so real, haha) and also remember that Hyun didn´t use her ring often until Japan trip? (or something like that) ^^, so it is really hard to say... I think, either if it was or not, it was a kind of spontaneous record, not an official filming of WGM.
































































































































































































































































































































2.- I think she said that because of the gift boys gave to her the first time she was in their dorm, it was a bloody hand? that scared her... poor Hyun, she was affraid of that kind of gift again :P.
































































































































































































































































































































Thank you gogumas for the news!!! and for everything...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: I love the recipes idea too!!! but too bad for me I´m worse than Hyun when it comes to cook blush.gif

































































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Guest YSforever




aww..don't be afraid of the rules..



no-one liner, no quoting of pics...just rmbr these 2, and u'll be fine..






i'm glad my q got you to post here, YS forever, and thank u for answering them.



hug u! and oh! welcome to Go-Chun!



my 2nd q is when hyun received the gift from yong, and she said 'glasses is suspicious'



am not sure if that is just a figure of speech OR there's a meaning to it..



hope to see u here more often..






:lol:@jnj , Thanks for making me feel welcomed.


Now I see where the problem is..


From Chinese sub what Hyun actually said is "somehow...it's so suspicious.."


I think Hyun begins many sentences by "Mong-Ga," which means "somehow" or "for some reason.." 


Yong teased about that in Ep36 when they were on the way to CNBLUE's dorm.


And why would Hyun feel suspicious about the gift?


I think it's because of the bloody hand Hyun got from Yong before :lol: so Hyun is not sure if Yong is going to give her an "actual gift" or not.


That's just my opinion..hope it helps!  



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magdal, YSforever...ah! i forgot abt that bloody hand! :lol:

no wonder hyun was shaking that box!

she doesn't want to get tricked the 2nd time arnd!

poor her...she knows better than having a playful hubby! :lol::lol:

and one more thing, when mom & hyun refer yong as playful,

i think that is a better term to describe yong, rather than choding..

crystalblue, that is one awesome idea. :D

*too bad i'm on the same level as hyun when it comes to cooking!*

u gogumas are really jjang to come up with this! hwaiting!

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Guest K1L1On1Mr4
































































































































































































































































































































Just curious that some posts above got some negative point even tough these posts didn't break any rules. I gave some +1 point to help reduce negative points. I guess some antis were lurking in this thread. If you happened to have negative point on your post but you were not break any rule just calm down, it's antis and you should ignore them. I personally will help to reduce any negative point in good and clean post ph34r.gif 

































































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Guest mrsjoker
































































































aaaaaa... I'm so overwhelmed at work, i have to postpone proper spazzing at the latest episode... -_-































































































































anyway just came out a bit to respond on some things because i am seriously itching to jump in the spazzing wagon but i don't have much time, so yeah..just a quick respond on some things...














































































































































































































Hi jnj, just to chip in my answers to your question :































































































































1. why is Hyun not wearing her ring at the BTS? so was the footage personal or was it part of WGM filming?































































































































--> hmmm...Hyun not wearing her ring might be because they are actually still in the "mildang" state at that time, and it's somewhat a semi personal footage? and besides i think only after the japan filming she began to wear the ring "almost" religiously outside of WGM filming. emm ... i don't think it's an officially WGM filming session, because from my understanding when artist have concerts like this they usually have some BTS media coverage or just a professional footage from the company if ever one day they decided to make a DVD out of the concerts, so it's going to be like a BTS footage of the concert. It's actually a pretty common thing. It's like showing the artist friends, colleagues and family that came to the concerts and show support, so perhaps MBC just ask permission to use this specific footage.































































































































But actually i am somewhat in a confuse state when i saw Hyun BTS footage at the concerts, due to some reasons :































































































































1. They are suppose to be in a "mildang" state, so why is hyun so bubbly and cutesy around Yong. Does this "mildang" issue actually had sorted out way before? but then suddenly in the august filming at the salon, it's as if they hadn't even spoke to each other and that the "mildang" issue is somewhat unresolved, in fact Hyun just found out that Yong action was a "mildang" after he admit it in the salon right? Seriously i am confused here.































































































































2. For some odd reason or say sense? I think that Yong was "acting" like he didn't know Hyun was coming to his concert (perhaps because he knew it was being filmed? maybe...). Because when Hyun greated him ever so bubbly and calling out 'Yonghwa oppaa~~ i'm a fan, give me a signature", He doesn't look surprised at all. He was so aware that it's Hyun, soooo he knew she was coming right? or maybe someone told him that Hyun is waiting backstage? (and i also think he knew Hyun was sitting at the 2nd floor just doesn't know the exact spot...). oh and Jonghyun was snooping out behind her to surprise her at that room, so Jonghyun knew she was there, watching the concert...so why yong said that "aaa you came, where were you sitting?", is he acting as if he doesn't know? grrrr... Now i have a headache... i'm confused. :sweatingbullets:














































































































































































































Do any of you gogumas can help me with this one?














































































































































































































2. What does hyun mean by 'Glasses is suspcious"? It's because of that "bloody hand" in a box thing that the boys surprised here with when visiting their dorm, so she was just beaing cautious... kekekekeke... cute Hyun.














































































































































































































3. Yong said "adeoliraseo", that means "It's because i'm your son" hah...cute kid huh... kekekekeke.














































































































































































































@CrystalBlue : I am loving your idea... count me in. I'm gonna go and ask my mom for some sweet cookies recipes... ^_^














































































































































































































@lulu2 : hmm...maybe you can help me with some of my confusion that i put above about Hyun footage in the CN Blue concerts? because your POV, that Yong might ask the staff to reserve some seat for Hyun might be it, but still i'm confuse on some things about that BTS footage. and yeah, i notice it too about their seemingly overlapping skinship. I find it so intriguing that Hyun easily cave in to Yong request to lean on his shoulder. She didn't do her usual response to a supposedly "new skinship type" request, like usually she would say De? or cringe her forehead in hesitation... but now we see her saying "algesoyo" so quickly as if she done it before? kekekekeke... sneaky sneaky Hyun... :wub:






























































































































































































































































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Guest glennpaulo
















aaaaaa... I'm so overwhelmed at work, i have to postpone proper spazzing at the latest episode... -_-















anyway just came out a bit to respond on some things because i am seriously itching to jump in the spazzing wagon but i don't have much time, so yeah..just a quick respond on some things...






























Hi jnj, just to chip in my answers to your question :















1. why is Hyun not wearing her ring at the BTS? so was the footage personal or was it part of WGM filming?















--> hmmm...Hyun not wearing her ring might be because they are actually still in the "mildang" state at that time, and it's somewhat a semi personal footage? and besides i think only after the japan filming she began to wear the ring "almost" religiously outside of WGM filming.  emm ... i don't think it's an officially WGM filming session, because from my understanding when artist have concerts like this they usually have some BTS media coverage or just a professional footage from the company if ever one day they decided to make a DVD out of the concerts, so it's going to be like a BTS footage of the concert. It's actually a pretty common thing. It's like showing the artist friends, colleagues and family that came to the concerts and show support, so perhaps MBC just ask permission to use this specific footage.















But actually i am somewhat in a confuse state when i saw Hyun BTS footage at the concerts, due to some reasons :















1. They are suppose to be in a "mildang" state, so why is hyun so bubbly and cutesy around Yong. Does this "mildang" issue actually had sorted out way before? but then suddenly in the august filming at the salon, it's as if they hadn't even spoke to each other and that the "mildang" issue is somewhat unresolved, in fact Hyun just found out that Yong action was a "mildang" after he admit it in the salon right? Seriously i am confused here.















2. For some odd reason or say sense? I think that Yong was "acting" like he didn't know Hyun was coming to his concert (perhaps because he knew it was being filmed? maybe...). Because when Hyun greated him ever so bubbly and calling out 'Yonghwa oppaa~~ i'm a fan, give me a signature", He doesn't look surprised at all. He was so aware that it's Hyun, soooo he knew she was coming right? or maybe someone told him that Hyun is waiting backstage? (and i also think he knew Hyun was sitting at the 2nd floor just doesn't know the exact spot...). oh and Jonghyun was snooping out behind her to surprise her at that room, so Jonghyun knew she was there, watching the concert...so why yong said that "aaa you came, where were you sitting?", is he acting as if he doesn't know? grrrr... Now i have a headache... i'm confused. :sweatingbullets:






























Do any of you gogumas can help me with this one?















sorry to cut your post, I might give you some idea about this... For me the footage of cnblue concert is from them(cnblue staff), maybe WGM get it from the person who took it, because you can see the footage is some kind of a video where the person who holds the camera is not trained,WGM has nothing to do about the footage i think . and you can here his voice(the person who took the video) when hyun scared from jonghyun, you can feel there that the person who took the video is somewhat close to the cnblue member.








Yong knowing Hyun is coming: maybe Yonghwa and cnblue don't know that Hyun is coming, why: base from the reaction of Jungshin, and Hyun not knowing that his family in law is right in front of her. And why yong is not shock when he see hyun,  actually we cannot say it that hes not really surprise because when hyun run over him and say "yonghwa oppa" , yong's face is behind the CNBLUE towel, when the moment Hyun run towards yong he already know it, (because she is his wife keke).  If Hyun is in the second floor at the very end, he cannot see it because the concert hall is dark..the hall has almost 3000 BOICES. You can see too that yong is disappointed because he didn't see Hyun while playing.








For the ring and mildang period, i can't still explain it. hope it helps..








EDIT: since I didn't see minhyuk in the footage, i have a hunch that MH is the one who took the footage.Goguma FBI can you clarify it, he talk when Hyun scared by jonghyun. And another thing i think Yong gave hyun the ticket(ticket sold out in just 1 minute so no time for hyun to buy her own) for the concert but maybe Hyun said that she's not sure to come because of her schedule.









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just dropping in to share something i found
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i love finding these beautiful fanarts by goguma villagers!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i wish i had this type of talent

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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jnj, like u... i'm also quite confused with some of the scenes. and i guess uri mrsjoker has just answered ur some of ur questions. :lol:

dear mrsjoker,

1. They are suppose to be in a "mildang" state, so why is hyun so bubbly and cutesy around Yong. Does this "mildang" issue actually had sorted out way before? but then suddenly in the august filming at the salon, it's as if they hadn't even spoke to each other and that the "mildang" issue is somewhat unresolved, in fact Hyun just found out that Yong action was a "mildang" after he admit it in the salon right? Seriously i am confused here.

IMO, actually i think this has been discussed many pages back but very thoroughly though. although it was the MILDANG PERIOD, it's just very uncalled for hyun to act coldly to yong when it's supposed to be his & cnblue's special day. but i'm also confused with yong's momentary cold streak when hyun was being all bubbly the moment she saw him. it felt so heavy... that scene, that i almost wanted to reach out to her. whereas yong looked like he didn't know how to react to hyun at that moment. i guess the MILDANG PERIOD was long enough to put a dent on their normal communication then. on topic, yong could've contacted hyun before his concert & she could've started to show her coldness to yong already but as u can see in WGM Horror, hyun looked perfectly normal. she must've controlled her anger/anxiety/sadness the best as she could at that time. i totally salute hyun for her wisdom that's beyond her age to be able to have such self-control.

oh, i wonder if it's really true that yong didn't know where hyun sat in his concert? or perhaps he didn't know what else to say but to ask such question despite him knowing her where-about during the concert? hmmmm... since he was still in the MILDANG PERIOD.

@ ur 2nd question: i think it must've been so random of yong to give her a gift out of the blue that she thinks it's suspicious. i would too if i was in her shoes... ohohoh how i wish! xD

ok, i'm also confused with some scenes. yong's mom said that he's not very good at expressing himself. but uhmm i think he has done a lot of expressing to hyun ever since the 1st few dates! although he usually express them in an unromantic way <_< but he's still romantic IMO~! :wub: hmmm could it be something like... in general, we normally act differently with a certain group of people. so, could that be it? yong acting differently towards his love interest? kekeekekekekek!

and i'm also confused that MIL even dared to talk about hyun being the 1st girl to be brought home. isn't MIL worried about the extremely envious "fans"? and WGM even aired it (understandable, this will surely help make the ratings higher besides making all gogumas scream/smile like mad & it's proven to be true :lol: ) what's more, MIL called hyun daughter-in-law initially, but totally forgot about it when they were in the car. uwahahaha am soo thankful that MIL was there to give us some hints on uri yongseo's progress! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :wub:

rxp, thanks for the beautiful fanart! LUVVV IT!

yukiagne, pls don't use inappropriate words. pls don't pour ur anger on other shippers who are just being nice & appreciative. don't u realize that what u just did could also damage all of the other yongseo shippers' image? i don't think i need to say more, it has been already said by many & i thought everyone already know that. i'm sure like calculator, u didn't mean it to be this way. so maybe u can edit ur post? :)


wallyyyyy~!! yahhh we sure did! LOL!! pssst... peek into my spoiler now! :phew:

i read in ur previous post that u came from malaysia???

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Guest wallpaperfood

mrsjoker: "2. For some odd reason or say sense? I think that Yong was "acting" like he didn't know Hyun was coming to his concert (perhaps because he knew it was being filmed? maybe...). Because when Hyun greated him ever so bubbly and calling out 'Yonghwa oppaa~~ i'm a fan, give me a signature", He doesn't look surprised at all. He was so aware that it's Hyun, soooo he knew she was coming right? or maybe someone told him that Hyun is waiting backstage? (and i also think he knew Hyun was sitting at the 2nd floor just doesn't know the exact spot...). oh and Jonghyun was snooping out behind her to surprise her at that room, so Jonghyun knew she was there, watching the concert...so why yong said that "aaa you came, where were you sitting?", is he acting as if he doesn't know? grrrr... Now i have a headache... i'm confused. :sweatingbullets:  "   (sorry, I don't know how to quote!!!)

I think that maybe Hyun might have revealed her intentions to Yong about attending his first concert, but because of the no-communication period, the issue/topic was left undiscussed. I remember someone saying that Hyun was busy that night, as it was Tiff/Yuri's last MC stint, as well as Tiff's bday. So I think that maybe Hyun managed to contact the CNBlue manager to reserve a seat or something.

Nevertheless, if you pause the vid riiiiight before Hyun's blue towel/banner covers Yong's face in the doorway (it's very quick), you will be able to see his genuinely surprised and pleased face (big cheek smile), and that's what leads me to think that he was aware of the possibility of Hyun's coming, but not sure if she might actually make it due to her schedule. That's why the "aaaahh you came" as well. =)   .... and also maybe he was really pleased that Hyun was *thinking of him*, which was what he was hoping for when he started the mildang.

As for his pokerface/non-surprised expression, I have a few theories:

(1) He's simply tired, and has no energy left for big reactions.

(2) He notices the camera/s and puts up his guard - see how he nearly hugs Hyun around the waist? But then again, they weren't pro at skinship at that time, so perhaps that's why he retracted...-.-"

(3) He remembers that he is supposed to be "pulling back" during this mildang phase, hence he does not act overly happy/excited/surprised, but plays it slightly cold cool with Hyun. Hyun was bubbly and happy because she had thought Yong was busy, remember ? (re:ep28). She did not know this was a part of Yong's mildang yet, so she wanted to make him feel at ease/relaxed, which I thought was very thoughtful of her.

(4) They are surrounded by people they are not used to acting as a couple in front of. There were probably tonnes of backstage staff there, a lot of whom must be friendly/close to the boys, hence Yong might have been shy with Hyun there. Recall that his last memory of her would be ep27's events...


I had one more reason, but I can't remember, lol. Hope other gogumas can help too! =)


!!!yah dreamyboo! posting at the same time again! hahahaha. I agree with what you said - Yong being cold left me feeling for Hyun :"(  , and I think you're right about his Mildang causing a "dent on their normal communication" 

ANd here's MY spoiler for u haha

I was born in Australia (and have been living here for 9 years), BUT I grew up in Msia for the first 10 hehe

:D. You are Msian too? =) I think I read it in ur post too ^^

yukiagne, please don't take it out on ena that way! =( . I think he/she is probably still feeling the *injustice* of calculator's comment, hence needs to unload a bit too -.-" . Maybe you could send a PM kindly explaining your POV instead of making it public, as it might make the rest of us seem like that too :(  .

ps yukiagne I just sent you a PM =)

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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyoung, gogumas! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































What a wonderful episode! Just want to share some of my fave moments. :P
































































































































































































































































Confused Hyun! If anyone noticed, the waiting room has two doors, hence she doesn't know where to face or what door will Yong pop in. She faces the banner on that door but she glances back on the other door, haha! :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































So, without her knowing, Jonghyun was able to sneak up behind her while she faced that other door. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































I find this one endearing. Just the two of them standing close together in the waiting room. It's like a typical scene of a celeb couple enjoying a few quiet moments after the concert (I've seen a lot like this since I worked before in entertainment). Wonder what's up with that bottle being wrapped by a banner? :phew:
































































































































































































































































































































When Yong saw his family, he placed that bottle on the table and Hyun buin picks it up. ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































Cute Hyun! She looks like a kindergarten girl here trying to practice for a recital, even shaking herself.
































































































































































































































































































































Have a wonderful week, gogumas!

































































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I think Hyun got really furious? XD at him after hearing his reasons for mildang ^^.








































 I remember someone posting about the first mildang episode in WGM was really edited out, and that there was a part when Hyun said that even if she couldn´t speak with Yong in that period, she still managed to know about him from other people. I also remember the confusion between if it was 1 month or 2 weeks :blink:. Also the news about Hyun and Yong having dinner (as an idea of WGM´s Pds) to not return to the awkward stage...








































I really think that she was hurt and confused about Yong´s attitude, but that has nothing to do with her showing up at their first concert. It is in Hyun´s personality, she is kind, pure and has a warm heart, and also she is a CNBlue/Yong´s fan hahaha (talking about music :P) so she was really happy for his success and knew how to put her annoyance aside that night. But you can still see the awkwardness from Yong´s side (Yong is really a transparent guy).








































I really think that she got anger after hearing Yong´s reasons, and I also think that during the 2 months of mildang in WGM she was kind of saving her pride more than being really really mad at him.








































For Yong knowing if she was there or not, I think he did invite her, but maybe she said that she wasn´t sure about going. I think this can explain Jungshin´s face when he saw her XD.








































And of course at the sounds of "YongHwa oppa" he knew it was her :wub:. If we? think that he is in love with herღ. How is it possible to doubt about his ability to recognize her voice?. And it is also possible  that someone has told him that Hyun was there.








































Sadly all we can do is to speculate, but that´s YongSeo´s world ^^...








































Edit: I agree with you dreamyboo!








































And about the arms around the waist I think he did it by instinct, thinking Hyun might fall ^^.















































































YukiAgne: Don´t worry... it is just that we all are from different parts of the world and what some of us can consider as a not  big deal, for others can be a very rude thing. That is why we need to control ourselves. Besides some gogumas apologized for that comment and that´s all, we have a clear conscience. Don´t take it personal, ena wasn´t talking about you, so I think the best thing we can do is let it go.








































Let´s enjoy our beloved couple instead, ok?









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Guest YukiAgne
































































I'm posting for the last time... LAST TIME....  :'(































































 I'm not damaging any GOGUMAS image here... Why? cause I know you hate it... That's the truth.. Why a GOGUMA like me can't show what she feels about...  We're hereto express what we feel about YongSeo and what other infos related to YongSeo...
































































 I'm damaging my own image...HATE me..it's ok... at least I have write all my feelings on what ena123 said... Really when I saw her/his post and drawing, I was like "wow! An adam fan... so overwhelming..." and when I saw calculator post, i really said "such an bubble gum!" cause I know how it feel to be said that kinds of words... Sad...And then whenever I visit this site/ forum from then, I'm happy that everyone is apologizing with ena123... We should really respect each other...
































































Weeks passed.. i thought the misunderstanding was also passed...and then i read what ena123 said again about "its like having said.....etc...." ... I was Dumbfounded... well for me, i was like "its like she was saying we're racist.." ....Common people...
































































I'm truly sorry for not editing it...but that's what and how I feel..I'm a GOGUMA (that's for sure) and I'm addicted at YongSeo and I love my GOGUMA Family! I'm sorry but i don't regret any word from what i post... my Goguma Family.... 































































:'( Annyeong!
































































































jnj, like u... i'm also quite confused with some of the scenes. and i guess uri mrsjoker has just answered ur some of ur questions. :lol:
































































dear mrsjoker,
































































IMO, actually i think this has been discussed many pages back but very thoroughly though. although it was the MILDANG PERIOD, it's just very uncalled for hyun to act coldly to yong when it's supposed to be his & cnblue's special day. but i'm also confused with yong's momentary cold streak when hyun was being all bubbly the moment she saw him. it felt so heavy... that scene, that i almost wanted to reach out to her. whereas yong looked like he didn't know how to react to hyun at that moment. i guess the MILDANG PERIOD was long enough to put a dent on their normal communication then. on topic, yong could've contacted hyun before his concert & she could've started to show her coldness to yong already but as u can see in WGM Horror, hyun looked perfectly normal. she must've controlled her anger/anxiety/sadness the best as she could at that time. i totally salute hyun for her wisdom that's beyond her age to be able to have such self-control.
































oh, i wonder if it's really true that yong didn't know where hyun sat in his concert? or perhaps he didn't know what else to say but to ask such question despite him knowing her where-about during the concert? hmmmm... since he was still in the MILDANG PERIOD.
































































@ ur 2nd question: i think it must've been so random of yong to give her a gift out of the blue that she thinks it's suspicious. i would too if i was in her shoes... ohohoh how i wish! xD
































































ok, i'm also confused with some scenes. yong's mom said that he's not very good at expressing himself. but uhmm i think he has done a lot of expressing to hyun ever since the 1st few dates! although he usually express them in an unromantic way  <_< but he's still romantic IMO~! :wub: hmmm could it be something like... in general, we normally act differently with a certain group of people. so, could that be it? yong acting differently towards his love interest? kekeekekekekek!
































































and i'm also confused that MIL even dared to talk about hyun being the 1st girl to be brought home. isn't MIL worried about the extremely envious "fans"? and WGM even aired it (understandable, this will surely help make the ratings higher besides making all gogumas scream/smile like mad & it's proven to be true :lol: ) what's more, MIL called hyun daughter-in-law initially, but totally forgot about it when they were in the car. uwahahaha am soo thankful that MIL was there to give us some hints on uri yongseo's progress! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :wub:
































































rxp, thanks for the beautiful fanart! LUVVV IT!
































































yukiagne, pls don't use inappropriate words. pls don't pour ur anger on other shippers who are just being nice & appreciative. don't u realize that what u just did could also damage all of the other yongseo shippers' image? i don't think i need to say more, it has been already said by many & i thought everyone already know that. i'm sure like calculator, u didn't mean it to be this way. so maybe u can edit ur post? :)
































































































































wallyyyyy~!! yahhh we sure did! LOL!! pssst... peek into my spoiler now!  :phew:

















































i read in ur previous post that u came from malaysia???































































































































































































I'm not pouring it to other shippers... I think you misinterpret my post... i;m only pertaining to ena123... sorry...

































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after watching the latest ep., i want to share some of my guesses which i had a long time ago. but because of the latest ep., my feeling became stronger about my guess.




firstly, i think hyun did cry because of yong. jongmo from trax is already the second member of sm family telling yong not to make hyun cry. the first member saying the same thing is owen from shinee in a variety show where yong appeared as a guest. after owen, heelchu joked with hyun in the sm's la concert asking if hyun was not with yong anymore (i can't recall the exact wording, but about this line). i am surprised that hyun cried because of yong because at that time, it's during the push and pull period. remember hyun's teary face and eyes in the backroom interview, i won't be surprised she cried because of yong's unpredictable behavior. i think hyun had many emotions during that period, knowing yong was busy preparing for cnblue's first concert, but at the same time missing yong a lot, waiting for his call... it's easy for her to feel not being cared of (and being loved, no matter as a friend or a buin) by yong. owen's, heelchu's and now jongmo's statements make me curious. i think something must have been happened to hyun at that period of time and the news must have been spread amongst sm family members. i had this guess a long time ago when hearing what owen said. i recalled that he was all of a sudden talked to yong asking not to make hyun cry and be nice to her. what he said is exactly what jongmo said in this ep. this coincidence is quite unusual.




in the latest ep, i really have to compliment yong. he is such a caring nampeon. appreciate him buying hyun a gift without reason, would not forget his buin when choosing a gift for his mom, watching couple glasses made him think of his buin; closing the car door for his buin before he got on the car; telling his mom hyun did not speak busan language well all because he was not good at speaking busan language in girl style so could not teach hyun well; when hearing his mother talking about the inexperienced hyun about making kimchi, he immediately comforted hyun asking her to learn one by one, not to be rush and everything is fine, he had eaten all the kimchi hyun made and felt delicious; he noticed every small expressions and postures of his buin, knowing when hyun is making aigoo which we never notice, hyun's smily eyes (she always smiles, yong nampeon now even knows when her eyes are smiling, omg!!!)




i think i have not finished what i want to share with you, but when thinking of our little couple, my mind has flied away to goguma heaven. i cannot organise what i want to write... they are so sweet... can't think more now. chat with you later... my mind is full of the sweetness of yong and hyun, especially their conversation in the train, no matter in the train in earlier ep or the train this time to busan, i love them all.


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Guest glennpaulo
















I'm posting for the last time... LAST TIME....  :'(








Weeks passed.. i thought the misunderstanding was also passed...and then i read what ena123 said again about "its like having said.....etc...." ... I was Dumbfounded... well for me, i was like "its like she was saying we're racist.." ....Common people...















Sorry to cut your post, but i think there must be a misunderstanding about this part, You're right the first problem is already settled, that photo post by ena is from them maybe because they are very happy for our support to Adam couple that's why they draw it, but after ena post the photo, calculator is there again, he/she said super harsh post/word to ena again then make us to being angry to calculator. Maybe that is a misunderstanding, if im not mistaken if the post gets many negative remark, it will be erased, maybe the post made by calculator with harsh word is already erased, and you didn't read it. that's why you're in that state of post.. and or its erased by calculator or edited.








I think that's a misunderstanding. So please let's not make it worse...








First i apologize for hitting the negative remark and although i didn't reply to your post i was angry to it, im sorry for not thinking first before doing something that may hurt your feeling. Im really sorry,,,... Hope other goguma will get what i say, and apologize as well, and you also for saying that harsh word. Hope we can fix it,,,
































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Guest chanchan4ever
































let's stop having problems about WGM couples..
















we just have our own favorite couple/s here..
















and this forum is all about love..love..love..
















how we love each other as one of the fans of our favorite couple..
















so please, let's just spread LOVE <3 <3
















don't bash anyone, if you don't like to be bashed by others..
















i'm not pointing to anybody here..
















i just wanna post because I LOVE YONGSEO..!!!! wub.gif









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Episode 39, another DAEBAK~~!!
















































































































Seriously, this is the first time I'm learning how to post image in forum and I just wanted to do so because of the eagerness of mine to share my spazzs, my favourite moment and joy with all of you. Haha~~~ :)
















































































































This episode really have a lot of scene and moment that I love and it is so hard for me to capture all the moments (I would say that the whole episode is LOVE moment). Therefore, I'm gonna list out some of my favourite part which I believe some of them has been shared by others gogoma lovers in earlier post before and some of it, I will put some screen caps.... (1st time uploading image in forum, not sure it works or not... duguen duguen.. :))
















































































































1. PSH's advice to Seohyun about Yonghwa how jealous Seohyun didn't speak banmal with him but with others CN Blue members.  Yonghwa seems to be a little bit nervous and he was playing with the frog to overcome (to cover) his nervousness perhaps...
















































































































2. Seohyun like a fan girl and asking for autograph from Yonghwa. She was like running towards him. I wondered if she couldn't stop and ran into his arm (since Yonghwa's arm like to hug her).. :rolleyes:
















































































































3. The entire conversation and head-lay-on-shoulder sleeping style in the train..no words can describe. I just feel LOVE pouring out from my monitor everytime I watch it. Haha...
















































































































4. Yonghwa's mother is a beauty. She is so elegant and she was so happy to meet her daughter-in-law. The scene where she was waiting outside the station and looking towards the escalator, anticipating his proud son to came home with his wife, I just feel it from her facial expression. Btw, does anyone know what is Yonghwa's mother proffesion?
















































































































5. Yonghwa touched Seohyun naturally after watching their video, and he felt so shy watching the video.
































































































































































































































6. Seohyun naturally beat Yonghwa.
































































































































































































































7. Yonghwa serious + jealous face.
































































































































































































































8. Seohyun touched Yonghwa naturally and their knees are "stick" together.. :P
































































































































































































































9. 1st time meeting Yonghwa's parents and brother- Seohyun's shocked expression...
































































































































































































































10. Yonghwa seems like purposely raised his arm and waited for Seohyun to beat him? :wub:
































































































































































































































11. When she was so surprise Yonghwa bought her a gift without any occasion. She asked "chinja??" and the 2nd time again "chinja??!!" (raising her voice)... :lol:
































































































































































































































12. I specially like this angle of her eyes looking upwards to Yonghwa. She seems so shy with glasses on (lower down her face) and yet still waiting for Yonghwa to see her...
































































































































































































































13. Can you see the Yonghwa's smile in the mirror reflections? Although the reflection is a bit blur, you still can see his big big smile while seeing his wife's anxious look on the mirror... so cute.. :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































14. When I watched this scene, whereby Seohyun get to know that Yonghwa's friends is in army (National service) now. Wondered what was she thinking that time, would she think that "is it my Yonghwa about to go to army as well? what if I hardly see him? I will be surely very sad...." Her facial expression seems like in deep thinking while trying to keep a smile on her face... don't you agree?
































































































































































































































15. 2nd time meeting mother-in-law- Seohyun's Nervous + Happy expression. Yonghwa's excited and proud expression...
































































































































































































































16. Yonghwa's peeping towards Seohyun to see whether she is comfortable or not in front of his mother... haha..
































































































































































































































17. Yonghwa laughed happily when recalling 1st time they made Kimchi together, so sweet...
































































































































































































































18. Yonghwa encouraging & smile to Seohyun when his mother asking her on what type of dishes she is learning now... Seems like he is thinking "oh, my mother truly love this girl and question to her is really like an mother-in-law to a beloved daughter-in-law".. haha..
































































































































































































































Throughout all the episodes, I really feel relationships and LOVE been built up between this lovely couple. This LOVE is driving all of us (gogoma lovers) crazy. Fantastic Fanfic, Fan MVs/ videos, Screens caps, translations, anniversary projects... etc etc..worldwide recipes?, marriage agreement (haha, I like this idea though) has been popping out just to show our LOVE to them...
















































































































Thank you very much... ;)
















































































































Yeah~~!! the pictures worked.. so happy..

















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i'm going to do a pic spam post just to clear up any negative tones on this page :)
































































so after my post can we agree to stay on topic and talk about YONGSEO *and not about other fans, other couples, other issues....*
































































this is GO-CHUN after all ;)
































































as always cr:dcmarried
































































(i have no creative bone in my body!)
































































































































so pretty!!!
































































if the above pic didn't make you smile just now
































































this might help even more: 

































































































































then and now:
































































































































































































the past...their very first concert:
































































































































violent hyun strikes again!

































































































































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aigooo yukiagne... i know u didn't mean it. i feel like hugging u somehow. u seem like a cute lil' girl? ^^ well, it's good to express opinions & u're right... this place is a place to express our own personal opinions on yongseo. but it would be better if u expressed it in a gentler way & minus the inappropriate words. besides, u could've just PMed her nicely about ur opinions. anyways, let's just forget about it & continue to be a better person just like what uri yongseo are doing. :) *hugs*


btw, what i meant by other shippers are shippers from adam couple or khuntoria couple.

and pls don't let that be ur last post dear yukiagne~! ^____^

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