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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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awww poor hyun, she seems so nervous! and awkward at their meal, sitting there being teased by mother in law. hahaha.
















































































































































it was super cute thou that they, hyun and mother in law, were holding hands and stuff. leaving yong out. lol
















































































































































i like how mbc did the format today, just like the old days. yay.

















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Guest LennieYongseo




very saddddd.. :( cause my streaming lagging.. this episode DAEBAK!!


yong mom's very very pretty, same with hyun.. ><


and they talked about kimchi and seo is very very shy..




hope someone can upload video in yotube ^^


and now wait for prev next week..


can't wait see yongseo holds hand in beach :)


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Guest shenibabi
































































































































































i want to share
































































































sr if were posted

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Faith_memory






Yong was the one who bought the glasses!!




oh my!! haha!! he doesn't look like he's that type, but he is the one!!! hahaha!!




congratulations to the YONG TEAM. haha!! ♥




omo, didn't watch the episode well.. the video is lagging!! geez haha!




Yong's mom is very beautiful indeed!! lol, and i honestly think that Yong and his Mom are alike in personality i think hahaha!!!




omo and PSH's message.. she seems to be close to Yong, kekeke hmmm.. XD




lol at TRAX. XD and Yong's pre-debut video!! hahaha Hyun saw it and kept teasing at him!




and the head on the shoulder.. i wonder what happened there and at the preview that they released? lol, obviously very different. could it be that it's from the BTS!! haha!




showing Yong and Hyun in the darkroom, is quite seldom lately.??? lol


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Guest CallMeDayDreamer














































































































































































































































































































































































Part 1: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=IuJYFdY1b_8































































































































































Part 2: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=JVTiXWdLbdk































































































































































Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFcwJXw0JGU































































































































































Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtnCnPQB4tg















































































































































































Credit: putputys

















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Guest sally7
















































































today we got 2 part
















































cute and funny episode
















































yong's mom still young and beauty and yong's dad good looking as well that why yong so handsome

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest rjcm127
































































































































































































































It felt soo short watching our couple. But it was a nice episode to watch Seohyun meet Omoni... They were soo cute on the train. How she stared at Yong while putting her face close to his when she tried on the glasses... <3 <3 <3 so in love with this couple...
































































































































































And not to mention CNBLUE's july concert clip of Seohyun meeting her inlaws...Their timeline is all screwed up in my head...thought it was during the time they were not in contact. But maybe that's what he was refering to at the Salon when he asked Seo if she made it home okay that one night... (and I thought it was the night of their birthday trip).
































































































































































I wish translations and subs were out already, but I must wait patiently : ( Thanks in advance for subbing and translating. Saranghae
































































































































































Edit 1
































































































































































I forgot to mention..so from today's episode I guess we can confirm that sweetpotato4339 is officially their channel since it was the first one one that was shown when they were loading the Banmal song...Can someone translate real quick and confirm? Oh and did you catch what PD-nim made sure for us to see...there was a shot of the comment "I love seohyun" by zisu1212 up top and at the bottom it says "I hope there together for real." This part is shown after they show the name of countries the video is seen in. THANK YOU PD-NIM, WE FEEL THE SAME WAY! :wub:

































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Guest glennpaulo
























Wow the guest MC is Yong Fan girl...Lizzy... I heard she wants also to be a star in WGM...








anyway... I really really really enjoy Yongseo cut today, as always kekeke... Hyun is very cute in Busan accent... Yong mother is full of humor...hehe...She's totally nervous... waiting for a nice upload of the yongseo cut..








For all the translator, seems that it will a hard subbing keke...Yongseo is 30mins aired. yet happy and meaningful...

















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Guest wallpaperfood

I can see where Yong gets his playful side from - his mom is exactly like him! (Or rather, he takes after her :P)

SHe was great in making Seohyun feel comfortable as well.

And sigh, Yong brought the glasses, so I lose -.-"

But I love how it was him who suggested Seo sleep on his shoulder! awwww

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waaaa today's episode was so cute! even though I missed their 1st part but I managed to watched the 2nd part :)

Today they were showing us lots of their old episode right? (the scene from episode 1 where Hyun read er diary, their sea-kimchi episode, scene at CN Blue concert finally revealed!!) :)

I think during the scene at Japanese restaurant, Yong's Mom mentioned that she also tried Hyun's sea kimchi...is it right?

and yes I agree thet Yong' Mom so pretty and sophisticated...she also very funny (now we know where Yong got his funny side) :)

now can't wait for the raw vid... :)


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Since this hasn't been mentioned yet, I just wanted to congrats to us GOGUMA FANS for being recognized for our love for yongseo by watching the Banmal Song, creating over 2000000 views!! yay for us!


















yongseo fighting forever :wub:


















because this is a lot... and i know not allowed.



































































i missed the preview :( but i saw them at the beach at the last second! lol



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Nest week preview is out with them @ the beach also & looks like they really enjoying the time @ there.










































































& think it's Adam officially last episode..















































If I'm not mistaken....










































































From putputysvid...















































Part 1:















































YongSeo 1















































YongSeo 2















































Part 2:















































YongSeo 3










































































































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Guest biancacoolio
















my favorite parts:






1)  seohyun teasing yonghwa about a video of his in the past... and she looked like she was enjoying yonghwa's embarrassment. it was so cute. i wish i screencapped it.






2) when seohyun was all up on yonghwa's face, scrutinizing his glasses.






3) seohyun running to greet yonghwa backstage, holding a CN Blue banner and she was like "YONGHWA OPPA!!" with her aegyo voice.






4) yonghwa jerking his shoulders up and down when seohyun leaned on his shoulder. lol






5) seohyun acting like she was about to hit yonghwa.






6) the closeness when they were leaning against each other. it looked like the most natural thing in the world.






7) seohyun saying "omoni" with a busan accent...






8) yonghwa's mom holding on seohyun's hand.






I LOVE this episode even though i don't understand 90% of what they're saying. ahhh, yongseo is such a joy to watch.



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Guest gogumacraze


Annyeong Mr n Mrs CEO and ALL DAEBAK gogumas!




It's almost 3am here n this jus suddenly hit me abt the duckduckduck. Not sure if this has been mentioned: 1st time it appeared was on the train to the beach to watch the sun rise when buin bot the duck eye masks. 2nd time was when they failed the driving test n was heading to the park. They saw a school of ducks in the pond? 3rd time was the house warming gifts tht buin bot for Yong Seobang n bils. Yong's toothbrush holder was a duck. :P jus random thots!




Waiting to watch the new epi!!! Will b back to Spazzzz with all lovely gogumas later. Gd nite/ gd morn/ gd afternoon!!


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I just love the whole scene today! They seems so sweet, cute and gorgeous as well!

Yong's mom looks very lovely and sweet. When the three of them walking together, I can imagine the family bright future~ LOL :D I'm so happy today!

Spread the Yongseo Love! Glad they have become more closer than we can imagine before. Yongseo Hwaiting! :wub:

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Guest Aki_yongseo
















































































It felt soo short watching our couple. But it was a nice episode to watch Seohyun meet Omoni... They were soo cute on the train. How she stared at Yong while putting her face close to his when she tried on the glasses... <3 <3 <3 so in love with this couple...
































































And not to mention CNBLUE's july concert clip of Seohyun meeting her inlaws...Their timeline is all screwed up in my head...thought it was during the time they were not in contact. But maybe that's what he was refering to at the Salon when he asked Seo if she made it home okay that one night... (and I thought it was the night of their birthday trip).
































































I wish translations and subs were out already, but I must wait patiently : (    Thanks in advance for subbing and translating. Saranghae































































































































Hihi, sorry to cut your post.
































































I too feels the episode was too short for our couple!! But i guess it was cos the ep is really Daebak and we are all in Go-chun to realise that time actually flies.. keke
































































For the backstage clip of CNBlue's concert, I think it was not shown earlier due to the couple's mildang (not sure is this the right spelling).. And Yong's asking Hyun if she made it home safely was misleaded by the studio MCs into thinking that he is referring to after they celebrated their Bday. So I must admit, I too thought he was referring to that ep..:sweatingbullets:
































































I saw the Adam's next week's preview!! That's good news to Kkapliners, and when i realise that it is Shindong's ShimShimtapa (sorry if spelled wrongly), I kind of remember Yong's first meeting with Hyun when he thought the person coming in was his wife when it actually is Shindong!! Hahaha..:lol:

















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in case you haven't receive part 3 and preview
































































































































































































































































part 3

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest sally7
































































































































































second part and preview
































































































they talk a lot this episode and i don't understand it at all
































































































need trans or summary what are they talking about

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Faith_memory






their cute moments comes naturally.. lol ♥








lol and omg.. 2am, many artists are still awake gawd. hahaha!!!




i wonder what happened on the preview... lol, the two of them were like shouting and panicking and stuffs. XD


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Guest rjcm127
































































































































































































Hihi, sorry to cut your post.
































































































































































I too feels the episode was too short for our couple!! But i guess it was cos the ep is really Daebak and we are all in Go-chun to realise that time actually flies.. keke
































































































































































For the backstage clip of CNBlue's concert, I think it was not shown earlier due to the couple's mildang (not sure is this the right spelling).. And Yong's asking Hyun if she made it home safely was misleaded by the studio MCs into thinking that he is referring to after they celebrated their Bday. So I must admit, I too thought he was referring to that ep..:sweatingbullets:
































































































































































I saw the Adam's next week's preview!! That's good news to Kkapliners, and when i realise that it is Shindong's ShimShimtapa (sorry if spelled wrongly), I kind of remember Yong's first meeting with Hyun when he thought the person coming in was his wife when it actually is Shindong!! Hahaha..:lol:































































































































































































































































































































Hi there..yes have to agree it really Daebak and we are all in Go-Chun..Still spazzing in my head while listening to Banmal song..
































































































































































Adams taping at SST was soo sad. It broke my heart when Gain couldn't continue singing her song due to crying. I started crying as well...I was just listening to it on yt with translations. Adam couple will be missed and I hope our Goguma couple will stay for a longer time...

































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