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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest kasia3goguma
































































My answer is: Yonghwa brought the glasses ;)














































































































I woke up this morning, found out that I passed some exam on my university (yaaay! :D) and then looked on Soompi Thread, and OMG.... w00t.gifw00t.gif   I just don't know what to say! This picture just made my day, I showed it to everyone, hahaha :D  :P, I just love it!































































They look so sweet :wub:, and just thinking about the past... wow, that's something just... they look so real! The way Seohyun acts lately (the last episode with Banmal)... She has changed so much, and all those changes are real...so there must be something real in it (between them)! And this pic is just soo lovely and sweet! Finally THEY ARE SOOO COMFORTABLE WITH EACH OTHER.














































































































PS. About Adam Couple, I watched them from the beginning... I'm really sorry and feel sad about it :( It's great to see that all Gogumas are with Adam Fans right now!
































































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Sorry to cut your post :sweatingbullets: I just saw the picture this morning while waking up and TOTALLY SPAAZZED!! They are sooooo cute!! I'm just gonna imagine that their hands are intertwined under that coat! :wub: And since Soshisoshisohi requested a picture in Italy...I thought I'd try and make the picture! Hope you guys like it!! :D
















































































*quoted image*































































































































































I love it ^^ can I use it for twitter background ^^?? I will put your name on it... please please ^^:wub:
















































































And about the latest news I have a doubt regarding to Seulong and Jinwoo, will they stay in WGM?:unsure:
















































































This post is so wrong, sorry guys. Should I update Trend´s bet to make it better? ^^
















































































Seohyun brought the glasses:















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa brought the glasses:















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong´s omoni:
















































































aya otohata
















































































EDIT: sorry, toped the page -_-















































































































































































































































Thank u so much intoxd ^^































































































































































...just sharing

































































































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I just finish reading MountainMadman new entry  oneshot story.And i was squealling already inside, then i click the next page the, WOW!!! i saw those pic...i was spazzing to much brought tears to my eyes....Good thing that my room mates are sleeping already and the only light is from my computer because if they will see they will think im in my regression mood again. I told them i'm not alone there are also a lot of ajumma who are crazy about this cutey couple. They telling me i'm crazy but im thinking they are worth my craziness...Ahhh they are really so cute...their cuteness is just overflowing...:wub::wub::wub:



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Guest intoxd



I love it ^^ can I use it for twitter background ^^?? I will put your name on it... please please ^^:wub:


Hehehe thank you!! :) Woow, I'm honored you'd use it as your background!! Go ahead, I don't mind :lol:


[edit] I've been rewatching the Yongseo cuteness and noticed some cute moments in the Horror Special =) I managed to make screencaps!! Sorry the quality isn't so great xD





Yong is leaning so much onto Hyun, it's adorable!




And I especially loved this part of the episode. Setting aside every horrorific thing they've just experienced, they still get all flustered when they take their picture. It's as if there's no more scaryness, just our comfortable Goguma couple :wub: I love Yong's shy face :lol:








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Guest MaeDang
















































I also think Seo bought the glasses. Yong only bought something in specific occasions ( birthdays, anniversaries). Besides, girls (especially who is in love :wub:) like to buy couple things more than anyone. SO the answer is definitely Seohyun who brought the couple glasses

















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Guest BluMistLaydee
































































































































































































you guys can add me to the list that Seohyun bought the glassess... lol seems like something she you would do for some reason tongue2.gif

















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Guest tkagoguma
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i also think hyun bought the glasses..hihi..phew.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and..oh god..i'm feel so sad for adam couple fans..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































adam couple are hilarious..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyway i wish them all the best for everything..

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest manimani25
































































Hello my lovely Gogumas! My first entry here though I've been following this thread for a few months!
































I couldn't make any posting or reply to this thread for a long time but the soompi administrator finally solved it for me! :) 
































A big THANK YOU to the administrators!! You made my day!!!
































































I'm so happy that I can spazz with you guys finally after being a lurker for so long!!
































First, I want to thank all the translators, subbers, our sharp eye FBI gogumas who always share interesting pics and
































thoughts on yongseo !!! You guys are totally jjang!!! 
































































I hope I'll be able to contribute something too from now on!!!
































First, I'm going to share this Xmas themed wallpaper I create last Xmas. 
































Thought Xmas is over but I just wanna share it with you guys :)
































































































































































Oh. And I wanna join in the guessing game too.
































I think yonghwa bought the glasses coz' I remember seeing him wearing similar glasses at Inkigayo































































































Seohyun brought the glasses:  
































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa brought the glasses: 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong´s omoni: 
































aya otohata
































































To shanic and soshishoshisoshi, Thank you so so much for giving me advice and support when I emailed you guys about my problem!!  It's solved now! Yeah!!!!
































































p/s: Sorry for the long post... This is my first time posting, I hope I didn't violate any rules..

































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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








I'll play with you all and my choice is Hyun that brought the glasses simply because Busan Namja -IMHO- wouldn't to that simple thing phew.gif




Seohyun brought the glasses: 































































Yonghwa brought the glasses: 











































































Yong´s omoni: 







aya otohata











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After returning from work and school today, my daughter and I both went to Sweet Potato Days and saw the picture!  My daughter squealed in delight, I said, “Oh my God, will you look at them!?”

And I knew Soompi would be buzzin’ – I was right!

I told you so, In one of my previous posts I said I felt that Hyun had done the ‘head on the shoulder’ move before the banmal song BTS.  You guys need to listen to your oppa/hyung!  He’s got skills when it comes to Yong/Hyun…..

They look so peaceful and calm, so good with each other, in their go-chun place again.

If I were Yong I don’t think I could close my eyes.  I would just quietly sit there with my eyes open, afraid to even breathe - because I might frighten that lovely creature that had landed on my shoulder – and then she would move away.  I would take in the sight of her lovely face resting there, her head warm against my shoulder, the smell of her hair in my nose, the sound of her breath softly flowing.  Yong is truly a blessed young man; I hope he truly realizes his enormous good fortune to have captured an angel’s heart!

I wonder if he suggested it, or she just randomly did it.  We’ll have to wait for Saturday to find out……

And she is only his.  No other ‘oppa’ can touch her in the same way.  Even if she’s known them for years.  Hand holding is only for a performance.  High fives – yeah, maybe briefly.  And minimal eye contact.  We know who the ‘stares’ are for, don’t we?!  

But, I don’t get the ‘deal’ with the eyeglasses – I see all the K-pop idols wearing them – or not.  What’s the deal?   I guess it’s some kind of ‘fashion statement’ to make them look more studious or intellectual?  They don’t need them to see.  I can see sunglasses as a fashion statement, but I don’t get wearing regular eyeglasses.  In the U.S., this would say ‘geek’ as a fashion statement.

One other totally unrelated subject.  SNSD has done MVs/stage appearances for ‘Hoot’, ‘Mistake’ and ‘Snowy Wish’ from their latest CD.  But, what happened to ‘Wake Up’?  I’ve heard this song and it’s really good.  Has anybody seen SNSD perform this song anywhere?  If yes, tell me where I can see them perform ‘Wake Up’.  Thanks!

Sad news about Adam couple!  I didn’t watch them, but I know they are friends with Yongseo, I hope they get a chance to date for real, too!   He’s really funny, I remember them at the ‘Chuseok Horror Special’ they both seemed funny and nice.

Anyway, love all the OMG SPAZZING here, can’t wait for Saturday!      


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Wanna play too
































































































































I personally think its Yong who bought the glasses. If u look at the pic.
































































































































you see the box is on Yong's side.
































































































































I disagree with you MaeDang and K1L1On1MR4 about Yong (and I mean no
































































































































disrespect your opinions) so sorry if I offended you.
































































































































Beside Yong is a song writer they tend to be more romanticwub.gif

































































































































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Guest full-of-love
































































































































































































































































Hey guys came back to spazz about yongseo again lol.. :w00t: i was in school for like 6 hours but i could not keep my mind off of yongseo at all :wacko: ! the picture at busan just gave me a huge shock lol :D...
































































































































About the adam couple.. i know it's not YongSeo related or anything, but it's a pitty that they're leaving :( , I think that us goguma should go over to Adam couple thread and leave some encouraging message since we are a WGM family and to show that we care :wub: . I don't want to be all negative or anything but YongSeo will go through what the Adam couple is going through right now eventually :( . So since we are all so prepared so i guess it wouldn't be as hard on us as the Adam couple's fan but please do spread the WGM love and help cheer up the Adam Couple's fans.

































































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Wow, I never thought people would play with me. Thanks a ton! I already felt stupid when nobody answered.

Seohyun brought the glasses: 









Yonghwa brought the glasses: 












Yong´s omoni: 

aya otohata

Oh, BTW ... should we maybe go over to the Adam Couple Thread and show them our support? It's hitting them pretty hard and we are all WGM fans, so ... you know, "Kimi Ni Todoke" - from us to them. Bring virtual condolence cookies over!

Best regards,


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Guest ena123
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I want 2 thank u all for supporting us Adam fans and Adam couple..
































































































































































































































































































































































































I know many of you are sad because of their end on WGM, because some of u are also WATCHING adam couple   ..
































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank u so much.
































































































































































































































































































































































































              U people are awesome tears.giftears.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MAY the End for Yongseo on WGM never come. because i know its going 2 be very hard 2 handel for u Yongseo fans AND ME  tears.gif tears.gif  ..

































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
























Sorry to cut your post :sweatingbullets: I just saw the picture this morning while waking up and TOTALLY SPAAZZED!! They are sooooo cute!! I'm just gonna imagine that their hands are intertwined under that coat! :wub: And since Soshisoshisohi requested a picture in Italy...I thought I'd try and make the picture! Hope you guys like it!! :D























*quoted image*


































WOW!!!! thanks alot man!!! Really love it!! I want to use it as my laptop wallpaper :w00t:. I just hope that the WGM staff would consider a filming in Italy.............. Hey, it's possible you know, although the chance is quite low. Why do I say it's possible? f(x)'s "Koala" has many episodes in many countries, and some are in Europe. I think the WGM crew could save a budget for that.... why not ^_^














aww, I just read the news regarding adam couple.............. It's sad that they are leaving. I hope they turn out dating in real life. Hey, I just hope that Kwon advised Yong on many things, since he is a "sunbae" in WGM after all.  Maybe we should drop by their official thread and say a few words thanks......














in the mean time..... SATURDAY PALLI!!!!









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Guest lizsch
























































































OMG! I saw the pic on the morning...and really cried of excitement! I cant stop seeing it LOL and i've been all day with a smiley face haha








































































Cant wait for friday/sat!! I want to see the episode. hahaha once again thank you gogumas for all the pics/trans/etc etc and OF COURSE FOR THE SPAZZING TIME! I love to read everything you write n_n








































































I also want to play!








































































My pov of the glasses, as @InLove_WithYou said, I also think is Yong who bought it, as the box is to his side. Of course I still have doubts...








































































Seohyun brought the glasses:








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa brought the glasses:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong´s omoni:








































































aya otohata









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I want 2 thank u all for supporting us Adam fans and Adam couple..


I know many of you are sad because of their end on WGM, because some of u are also WATCH adam couple   ..


Thank u so much.


              U people are awesome tears.giftears.gif



MAY the End for Yongseo on WGM never come. because i know its going 2 be very hard 2 handel for u Yongseo fans AND ME  tears.gif tears.gif  ..



I found out that saying good bye is the most saddess!sad.gif Seeing Adam couple lelf WGM, my memory about Joongbo have come back.


That day, I had not known Soompi so I just can share it to anyone. I can oly replay the last ep again and again...


I sorry to bring that to our thread. I just want to re-share my lost memory. Hope you guys not irritated!


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Guest K1L1On1Mr4





























































































































































































































































































































































































































Don't worry, i'm not that easily offended. There's nothing need to be upset about, agree and disagree are part of life :D































































































































This is heaven after all, we need to love each other even if sometimes we have different opinions :D






























































































































































































































About Adam Couple, i already went there and left message to cheer them up. We must prepare ourself too, just in case YongSeo couple leave WGm. My hope that this thread will remain forevere even someday YongSeo leave WGM, we still have plenty of FBI gogumas here to share recent news about them and eventually will spazz with us just like this times wub.gif

































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Hello fellow Gogumas!! :wub:














When I refreshed my page last night, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I remembered that I was previously on page 1613 and when I hit the refresh button, I saw that there were 1621 pages... which meant that the thread had jumped 8 pages while I was away for 1 day. I knew something big has happened for our pages to jump so many pages... and I was dreading to read on because the last few posts that I read a day ago had some of you lamenting on the suspected end of uri couple due to a DC married post (and which turned out to be unrelated to uri couple!!). :crazy:














After scrolling down reading a few posts, then CheriMerci posted some news in Korean, which made me :wacko: because I thought, "Uh-oh... here we go again. Another piece of something in Korean which will make some of us wring our hands." Then I scrolled down further on CheriMerci's post and got a shock when I saw the epic picture of uri couple sleeping in the train. At first I thought, "Wow! what a nice photoshopped picture of uri couple." I even went near to my screen to study at the neckline and head position of the picture to determine where the line of photoshopping was. I couldn't discern any marks at all, and I was saying to myself that the artist did a very professional job of photoshopping uri couple. And do you know what I did?!! I dismissed the picture :lol:excl.gif until I came onto lovekin's epic OMFG post! I immediately went back to CheriMerci's post to relook at uri couple's picture and also went "OMFG! OMFG! OMFG!" and face palms, slapped my forehead, stamped my feet and jumped up and down on my seat! I had to suppress any loud noises coming out of my mouth because I have a sick boy sleeping in my very dark room! But I was screaming loudly inside my head! I believe that many fellow Gogumas can relate to my reaction, because that was also your reaction upon seeing the epic photo. By the time I finished reading all the posts (which jumped another page after I went through 8 pages) it was almost 1.00am and I had to wake up in 4.5 hours time! So... first thing I did when I came to the office was to post my thoughts here, as well as the epic picture, credit CherieMerci.




























@ SophiaPia,

now I know the reasons why I felt that the Busan pictures showed "ownership" and why I felt that the "head on shoulder" of Hyun on Yong in the Banmal BTS was a reflex action. My own mystery is solved, Sophia!














I would also like to participate in Trent's game.














Seohyun brought the glasses:
















































































































Yonghwa brought the glasses:

























































































































































My fellow Gogumas... have a wonderful spazzy smiley day! I know I will!!

















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Guest clrais
















































love reading all your comments here. As for the glasses, i think yong brought them. One day closer to saturday...ahhhh. Just looking at the pic again makes me smile ear to ear.

















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