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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I´m really late, I know,  but what a bad goguma I would feel if I don´t spazz about this :rolleyes:!!!
















































































spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  haha, thank you cherimerci and Mountainmadman for pic and translation ^^. I´m so happy seing this, I think you all said it all so I will only say... I LOVE YOU YONGSEO! I LOVE YOUR LOVE :wub:.
















































































About the song, thanks scatterbrain ^^, it is really a pitty but what can we do, nothing -_- so let´s wait ... YongSeo always give us what we want so I´m sure they will be giving us a duet of the song ^^...
















































































I love you all gogumas, you made me so happy with all your spazz hahaha ^_^

















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Guest myblue
































































I got this news in baidu. Please do not be alarmed. is a pity but well, we know how crazy Yong's and Hyun's schedules are. and their health are the most important.
































all the news released in baidu have been very reliable so far...
































Looks like SeoHyun and JungYongHwa won't be able to release banmal song in the time being
































Seohyun JungYongHwa composed banmal song in WGM recently. jungyonghwa composed the song and the lyrics for the chorus. seohyun wrote the lyrics for the first part. Both of them finished composing the song. released it in youtube and broke 1million views.
































but it seems that the song won't be able to be released in the time being. CNBLUe management told the media: both of them wont be collaborating. even if CNBlue can promote this song, they won't be able to use the lyrics that seohyun wrote.
































considering CNB and SNSD schedules, a duet is not possible at the moment. Last year Adam couple also released a song and received cheers from fans. this time, banmal song also received attention from netizens, and are expected to be released as well.
































WGM crew said: this song was able to be written because jungyonghwa and seohyun felt the love. to them, it's very meaningful. even though fans felt it's a pity, looks like there's no other way
































on the other hand. on WGM on the 8th, seohyun visits jungyonghwa's hometown Busan. she will meet mom-in-law for the first time. mom-in-law mentions seohyun's sea-flavoured kimchee and fist-sized bean paste soup. how will seohyun and jungyonghwa reacts?
































credit to goguma baidu
































i don't mind them not releasing the song. they need to take care of their health. we can watch them in youtube and that's good enough for me. and we already receive a lot of good news from them. the busan trip picture, the news about seohyun meeting mom-in-law. can't have too much good news.































































@ sscatterbrain.. thank you so much for the translation.. mmmm in my opinion i think both of their companies really want this song to be release (in terms of profits, fame) but unfortunately they dont have enough time and i guess their still considiring other factors.. i felt sad ( not that much) because most of us expected that it will be release on the 14th, fans around the world are so much excited about the news the , and ofcourse the chance of them seeing together is quite imposible  but what to do?  the best thing, is for us to wait beacause for sure their planning the best and the perfect timing for our couple.
































cant wait for saturday!!!! i remember in episode 7 yong's mom is very happy to be able to talked to hyun and she said she is a fan of seohyun, and the best part i love the most is that when she told her that she is really happy that yong met a girl who is sincere and have a kind heart...

































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Daebak! DAebak! Daebak!

That is the silent screams of my heart... I am sooo happy to see the picture. True indeed that picture paints a thousand words. Our Yongseo couple has definitely come a long way, from being awkward with each other to the my-head-on-your-shoulder picture. i am soo excited for saturday, if only i can make tomorrow saturday... then all of us will be bound for Go-chun. I want to see their interaction with Yong's mom.. the conversation during the train ride, the meeting with friends, the holding hands on the beach... exciting indeed!

Thanks for sharing a closer view of the Yesung fancam. It's cute. I am sure Hyun is familiar with Yesung because they are of the same management but somehow her not wanting to hold his hand (despite the absence of malice in the gesture), is totally cute for me. it made me wonder, why? :P could it be that the jealous (playful) Yonghwa expressed his dislike over Hyun holding some other boy's hand? or does Hyun feel its inappropriate to hold someone else's hand other than the boy she bravely grabbed and link arms with more often recently? or does the prim and proper Hyun does not want to have to send an sms to Yonghwa telling him that "she held hands with Yesung oppa after the show and thought she'd let him know". i remember she did the same thing when she held hands with Kyuhyun(?) during their duet. Oh isnt Seohyun lovable? Now i truly understand why Yonghwa had to ask Psy how to approach a girl who is prim and proper... :wub:

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Guest Seychan
































their couple eye-glasses!
















so cute!
















blue for yong & pink for hyun
















cr: dcmarried & as tagged
















*quoted image*
















*quoted image*
















*quoted image*
















(the case on the table...)































Thank u so much :rolleyes:
















Wa glassess couple are so cute. I want this one too B) I'm thinking maybe Yong buy and give his buin one with pink glass like this time Yong buy elephants at Thailand. They maybe playing around, see mirror, and Yong tease Huyn something cute and sweet. Then, sleep with the way so sweet like this. Like a drama, like a dream :wub: How sweet they are <3 how deabak they are.  I dying for happiness. Crying now






























































I love this pic so much and all of my stuff around me full of this pic: desktop, cellphone,... and my ringtone is banmal song :wub:






























































More than my wish is everyday is Saturday, is ski's day, happy journey... I wish they will always be together everyday, everynight, forever. Hopefully in the future will have a cute baby sitting in between them :wub:blush.gif































Love you guys and love our Goguma couple. You guys make my day <3
















































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Guest SophiaPia








































No worries guys it's say for time being. Who knows they will also release that banmal song, but not now. Anyway, both YongSeo company and wgmPd knows that in 3days 1Mil views enough to proved that what YongSeo did on their mission is really really successful. Even if YongSeo will do another song for sure it will be successful no doubt about it. And yes! what ever they do they always put their love on it, cause it's real. wub.gifwub.gif























































For the time being, let's all wait and see what will be the next move of their respective company and wgm. The IMPORTANT things, we have loads of episodes coming up for our lovely YongSeo couple. Just looking at this pix, we are all excited already. We want it's always saturday :) Busan, snowboarding, wedding shoot and MOREEEEEE. So, let's all be happy and be happy w/ our lovely couple. YongSeo couple daebak.
































































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Guest Kerube-Chan







I have been catching up the last hour and a half... I cant put into words how happy I am...this is just so great, I feel like crying from hapiness, in my hearth they are really real. God bless you guys!





On another note, it is a pity they are not going to realease the duet right now... well, maybe in the future, for the moment I will be happy with the YT video.





Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas... Lets keep the love coming!





Note: what really makes me happy is that they are not using microphone, it give me the feeling that they were just sharing the moment in private.... I love/hate the person that took this pic. It is so intimate....ahhhhh


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Here's YongSeo in dreamland. I just love this picture so I just need to do something about it. Hope you guys will likey...
















This is such a sweet picture.  I can just imagine what they are dreaming at this time. Plus their couple glasses. How sweet can this two get?



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Oy, everyone,

to bridge the days until D-Day I have a suggestion. How about we make a friendly bet as to who brought the glasses, Yonghwa or Seohyun? I'm saying Seohyun, mostly because afterwards (in all the fan-taken pix) he was the one who wore his - same time in the beginning with the Couple Ring. She bought it, but in the beginning, it was him who wore it all the time. (Things have changed now - I'm just saying this to intercept another debate about the C-Ring.) Yeah ...

Seohyun brought the glasses: Trent

Yonghwa brought the glasses:

Best regards,


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Guest soshisoshisoshi
























Oy, everyone,
















to bridge the days until D-Day I have a suggestion. How about we make a friendly bet as to who brought the glasses, Yonghwa or Seohyun? I'm saying Seohyun, mostly because afterwards (in all the fan-taken pix) he was the one who wore his - same time in the beginning with the Couple Ring. She bought it, but in the beginning, it was him who wore it all the time. (Things have changed now - I'm just saying this to intercept another debate about the C-Ring.) Yeah ...
















Seohyun brought the glasses: Trent








Yonghwa brought the glasses:
















Best regards,


































hey, let me join your game!! I'll choose Yonghwa as the person who brought the glasses. Why? because I think he wore that glasses on many occasions (during inkigayo perhaps) and other events, and before the busan trip he bought the pink one for Hyun I could be wrong though, because I'm not sure if he's been wearing the same glasses. nevertheless, I choose Yonghwa...














Seohyun brought the glasses: Trent








Yonghwa brought the glasses: soshisoshisoshi
















I know many have shared their pic inside the train but I just can't help but share it again......... it's just too lovely :wub:
















































credits: DC
















I really really love the second pic. It gives us the feel that they are boarding the train, heading for PARIS for honeymoon  :wub::wub::wub:.........SQUEEEE!! seeking love in Italy :wub: *dream mode on*. Maybe one of you guys can make another pic using florence / firenze duomo since it's the place they badly want to go....














Oh well, if they cannot promote the song together what can we do anyway? their schedules are jam-packed -_-. But there's one thing I'm still confused...... the release date of the song will still be 14th January right?? or there will be a change??














woops, it's almost midnight here......... gotta go to sleep, after looking their lovely picture once again :P














EDIT: Oh, I almost forgot.... I was going to share this just now. looking at the pic reminds me of a fanfic by our amazing princessjulia. the story might happen in real life!














"Yonghwa noticed that the aircondition inside the train was too strong. He glanced at his companion. Seohyun was leaning back in her seat but her arms were wrapped around her shoulders. She looked cold in her knitted sweater. He took off his jacket and gingerly placed it around her. She jolted in surprise but he proceeded to tuck her in, leaning forward without realizing that his face was almost a few inches from hers. .
















When he finally did, he looked up and for a brief moment their eyes met. Her eyes, which have always been innocently beautiful, stared at him in a mixture of surprise and what-seemed-to-him as curious anticipation. He smiled. Then she dropped her gaze, shy. “Kamsahamnida Oppa.”
















Was it just her who felt that momentary surge of electricity deep within? Seohyun ignored the sudden heavy thumping of her heart and closed her eyes, welcoming sleep".









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Guest anne0129
















































Okay....with the glasses....I was actually thinking that it was a gift from a fan or something.......never thought that they would buy it....but for the sake of the bet I am thinking Seohyun.
































I just love the picture. I have made it my lappy's wallpaper and also my celfone's. Can't get over how cute they are. :wub::wub::wub::wub:









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Guest Aki_yongseo
































































































OMG!! I feel like crying!! Tears of joy, of course! Hyun have the look of feeling secure trusting her husband will protect her, thus her peaceful look and Yong looks really manly there!! They REALLY look like a young husband and wife!! SO COMPATIBLE!!
































































I wonder how the SNSD unnies are reacting to this photo?? Squeling or Crying in joy?? Actually I hope they just help her pack her belongings and send her to CNBlue's dorm. (I'm not thinking anything weird!!)Hahaha.. She belongs to YONG!!! That one photo speaks a thousand words! All Hyun's fanboys should by now know who owns Hyun, definitely is YONG!! hahaha..

















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Guest yongseorockin




Oy, everyone,




to bridge the days until D-Day I have a suggestion. How about we make a friendly bet as to who brought the glasses, Yonghwa or Seohyun? I'm saying Seohyun, mostly because afterwards (in all the fan-taken pix) he was the one who wore his - same time in the beginning with the Couple Ring. She bought it, but in the beginning, it was him who wore it all the time. (Things have changed now - I'm just saying this to intercept another debate about the C-Ring.) Yeah ...




Seohyun brought the glasses: Trent


Yonghwa brought the glasses:




Best regards,








I vote Yong Hwa! Hahaha. Oh a side note SNSD new music video came out and it sounds great!




Especially like the part where young jin sings all the name out. Here's the link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKqhgoKN9g0&feature=player_embedded




YONGSEO DAEBAK! Wishing everyday is Saturday...but then again, it means I would procrastinate a lot. Hai...Have to balance between Yongseo and studiess..


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Guest lexi_yOongSeeororo




does anyone have soshisubs files that they could maybe want to share? i can't seem to get into their site and dl the soshisubs wgm eps...can someone please help? i have only downloaded until episode 13 from happyjoylife site...



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Guest yongseocouple
































































































HELLO!!! I'M SO LATE FOR SPAZZING!! BUT IT'S BETTER LATE THAN NEVER RITE? HAHAHAHAHA OMOOOOOO THEY look very comfortable to each other. okay IT"S actually MORE THAN comfortable. omoooo i cant wait to that epi. when will it be aired actually?














































































































































































































and for those who, wondering if it will edit or not. actually i dont care if this pic will edit or not. there always some good thing behind something. if this pic is edit out we probably get:































































































































1. wayyyy better than just leaning head to each other (hug maybe? :wub:)































































































































2. (this is the strong reason why i dont have to panic if it wont be aired) SO THIS PICTURE IS PRIVATE. and we can conclude that THEY R REAL ehehehehe














































































































































































































okay more time i see this pic, i get wilder mind. what will they doing after this? i'm sooo looking forward for other skinship, eyeship and soon. HUGGING OR KISSING MAYBE? hahahaha (mianhae for dreaming too high. i'm just still on gochun)

















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does anyone have soshisubs files that they could maybe want to share? i can't seem to get into their site and dl the soshisubs wgm eps...can someone please help? i have only downloaded until episode 13 from happyjoylife site...
































I only have links of other subbers, just some are soshisubs. Hope this can help.





































































































































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No wonder the thread's been moving soooo fast, another bomb exploded...hehehehe.  I am so glad to see the latest photo. Whether it's supposed to be a private moment or whether it's going to be shown this coming Saturday, I don't care, what's important is that we get to see this cute scene :wub:  Starting today, I won't be bothered anymore if at the end of every episode PD decides not to show any previews for this couple, cause now I know, PD is just torturing us for a daebak new episode each time :rolleyes:, If I'm not mistaken this is now the 2nd or 3rd time that previews are not shown, but, when the latest episode is shown it usually comes out awesome that left us all Goguma's in Go-chun for quite sometime blush.gif
































































To MC Kim, thanks for the twit, that only shows how you support this couple :phew:
































































Can't wait for Saturday!  I am so excited how Hyun would be infront of her mother-in-law and how Yong will handle the situation :wub:

































































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Oy, everyone,
















































































to bridge the days until D-Day I have a suggestion. How about we make a friendly bet as to who brought the glasses, Yonghwa or Seohyun? I'm saying Seohyun, mostly because afterwards (in all the fan-taken pix) he was the one who wore his - same time in the beginning with the Couple Ring. She bought it, but in the beginning, it was him who wore it all the time. (Things have changed now - I'm just saying this to intercept another debate about the C-Ring.) Yeah ...
















































































Seohyun brought the glasses: Trent
















































































Yonghwa brought the glasses:
















































































Best regards,















































































































































































































































I want to bet ^^!!!... SeoHyun and please don´t ask me why haha :P
















































































Seohyun brought the glasses: Trent
















































































































































































































































Yonghwa brought the glasses: soshisoshisoshi































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: with Seychan vote ^^

















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Guest Seychan
































Oy, everyone,
















to bridge the days until D-Day I have a suggestion. How about we make a friendly bet as to who brought the glasses, Yonghwa or Seohyun? I'm saying Seohyun, mostly because afterwards (in all the fan-taken pix) he was the one who wore his - same time in the beginning with the Couple Ring. She bought it, but in the beginning, it was him who wore it all the time. (Things have changed now - I'm just saying this to intercept another debate about the C-Ring.) Yeah ...
















Seohyun brought the glasses: Trent
















Yonghwa brought the glasses:
















Best regards,















































I'm vote for Yong seobang :wub: maybe Yong brought the glasses like the elephants at Thailand ;)) I realize Yong always wear glasses, and especially this type of glasses.






























































I think when go to shopping, he saw this cute pink glasses and remembered his wife and brought glasses couple. Blue for him and pink for his lovely wife :wub:
















Yonghwa brought the glasses:  Seychan :wub:

















































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Oy, everyone,
















to bridge the days until D-Day I have a suggestion. How about we make a friendly bet as to who brought the glasses, Yonghwa or Seohyun? I'm saying Seohyun, mostly because afterwards (in all the fan-taken pix) he was the one who wore his - same time in the beginning with the Couple Ring. She bought it, but in the beginning, it was him who wore it all the time. (Things have changed now - I'm just saying this to intercept another debate about the C-Ring.) Yeah ...
















Seohyun brought the glasses: Trent
















Yonghwa brought the glasses:
















Best regards,















































Hi Trent,
















Just want to join your little game.... my bet goes to Seohyun...reason?  Well, she likes to read books,  and we all know that she has greatly influenced her husband to start reading again since the first time they met, maybe, Yong had mentioned in passing about his eyes reading problem.  Being a thoughtful girl that she is, she probably bought a pair as a thank  you present to Yong for bringing her to Busan to meet his family and friends...hehehehe. :wub:
















Seohyun brought the glasses:  shawie

















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Guest Ae-Rin








































































































Hello dear goguma villagers! <3





































































































































































































































































































































































It's been quite a long time since I've been able to check this thread... But holidays are over, and I had to go back to classes...
























































































Anyway, I was so happy seeing this picture! Thank you for sharing.
























































































They look so sweet and confortable with each other.
























































































Actually, this reminds me of my first boyfriend. Not a long time after we admited we liked each other, we had to take a one hour long bus ride together. I was way younger than Seohyun, but as naïve and innocent as her, I really wanted to lean on his shoulder, but I was to shy to do it. So I was like leaning on the seat, yawning, saying "How weird, I feel so tired...". He understood the message and said "You can lean on my shoulder if you want!" <3 (but then a few months later he bacame a total jerk, but that's another story, hehe). I can totally imagine Yonghwa doing something like that, don't you think? That's one of the thing I love about Yongseo. They remind me the true meaning of a relationship. They didn't know each other at first, but with time, they are now very close and confortable. I didn't know Seohyun much before WGM, but I think that the show was definitly a good thing for her.
























































































Oh, and I can't wait to see Yonghwa's mother! I wonder how she's like... Aaah, can't wait for saturday!!!





































































































































































































































































































































































Oh, and I absolutly LOVE their couple eye-glasses. Not a long time ago, a friend lent me huge glasses who kind of looked liked these, and I loved them. So I'm even happier to see Yongseo wearing similar ones. They look so cute <3





































































































































































































































































































































































Hope you guys have a wonderful day!
























































































(even if I guess that right now, it's probably late at night for most of you...)









































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PS: I'm working on chapter 4 of 
















































































Once Again ! I really hope I will be able to update tonight or tomorrow... Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been very busy!
































































































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