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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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OMG, i was like OMG this is totally insane for all entire nation of GOGUMAs...





On the side note:- KOrean GUGUMA u guys rock, we here totally INSANE with this pic..





I really hope PD will think about extending their airtime for this coming Saturday. Im in heaven ..and i think we all in heaven right now..


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I wanna spazz too though a little bit late, but still.




When I first checked in the thread jumped 5 pages and I immediately thought "something good or bad had happened"




and when I saw the lovely picture of our lovely couple, awesome!!! what a way to start the day, while yesterday we were so anxious and today total bliss, it's nerve-wrecking but it's totally worth it :) (though my poor heart).




And I kinda think/hope too that our couple gets more airtime this saturday, it's only fair, isn't it?!!





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some of you guys thinks that maybe next week uri yongseo get 40 min, i would like that, but does it mean 4 the next ep they will airs only for 7 min like what happen to the khuntoria? so what do you guys prefers? got 40min airtime and cut to 7 min only at next ep? or 20 min this ep just like usual so next ep there will be no decrease on airtime on uri couple?









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Just when I swear that































































































































































































































































I'm not going to open this soompi thread again































































































































































































































































as a process of my distancing with all this YongSeo addiction,































































































































































































































































I opened Sweetpotatodays and
































































































































BAM! epic picture!
































































































































Oh Lord,































































































































































































































































how am I going to get out































































































































































































































































of this YongSeo love pit!

































































































































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I think, I just stick with 20 min per week so that next week I'm sure can watch them in totally another 20 min.










































































Just like other couple, they must be frust & furious just to watch their fav couple for only 7 min.










































































Can't wait for Saturday to come...










































































& it's not even Saturday but this thread already gone crazy jumping from page to page and look.. the users are increase... 400++...















































































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I was just at Sweet Potato Days getting my daily update on Yongseo, when they posted this:







[TRIVIA] YongSeo couple attend SHINee 1st consert in Seoul


Posted by LightRose at 4:47 AM



1st January:



Lee Soo Man, Kim Young Min, Super Junior (Kyuhyun and Donghae), SNSD (Hyoyeon, Seohyun, Yoona etc), F(x) (Victoria, Luna, Sulli, Krystal), Go Ara, B2ST (Dongwoon, Yoseob, Doojoon), Lee Seok Jin, Park Jisun, Jung Yonghwa,






2nd January:



Shim Jaewon, Trax, Super Junior (Shiwon), SNSD (Jessica, Sooyoung), F(x) (Amber, Krystal), Jino and etc, Jung Yoogeun, Ssamdi, FT Island, Kara (Goo hara, Nicole, Han Seungyeon), Wonder Girls (YeEun), Miss A (Jia), 2PM (Nichkhun, Junho), Wheesung, Narsha






Cr: Shineeshawols@soompi







Okay, bear with me here because I might just be reading into things A LOT! Also I don't know how accurate this is....BUT! Here are a few things I took note of:






1) Seohyun, Yonghwa and LSM? - I won't say anymore than that!






2) Yonghwa didn't go to the concert with his closest friends - FT Island






3) Seohyun didn't go to the concert with Kara's Nicole - they are known to be close






Things might have happened this way just because they had schedules the next day...but isn't it all a little bit TOO coincidental? Just some food for thought! :D






EDIT: Also, I found this fancam today that had a closer view of Seohyun and Yesung at the MBC Gayo. From this view, you can see that Yesung didn't say anything to Seohyun, she just hesitated to take his hand. When she hesitated, it was like Yesung remembered something and took Taeyeon's hand instead. Onew nor Taeyeon was surprised by this move...hmmm do they know something we don't? Like perhaps....the fact that Seohyun is 100% taken?






Fancam - Seohyun only holds ONE boy's hand!






DISCLAIMER: This is ALL speculation! A really spazz-crazy goguma speculation at that! :P






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Guest wallpaperfood


I knew someth\ng had happened when I saw the thread ump 6 pages!!!


I'm so speechless I don't even knoq what to post about, I just had to!

I even just squealed and choke, then ran to kitchn to get water, and tokd my gran about it (the woman knows NOTHING about Yongseo/Kpop/"young=ppl-stuff" so she was like -_-?!!!)

OMG OMG!! I've never been so speechless before! YAH YONGSEO WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME? I've never posted somehting this shrot as wel!



OMG GOguma1207 thanks for that! I rmb someone posting a while back that Yong and Seo were indeed at Shinee's 1st concert - I was actually quite surprised no one here spazzed about it -.-  ; but omg, I didn't know LSM attended either!!!! (ANd I wanted to give you a +1 but I've exceeded my quota lol, soz)

Also, omg my typos! - I apologise.,..I'm just so way over cloud nine even..

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Guest gettawa
























































































































































































Hi every goguma Lovers








































































































































































first time when I saw this picture I can't say anything








































































































































































I was touched by the peace trust happiness. Ohhhhhhhhh they are so beautiful








































































































































































Its really beautifull








































































































































































I love you YongGeo








































































































































































I want to say Thanksyou everyone for  This picture ,News ,Translation 








































































































































































Thanks & Love you 

















































































































































































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I was just at Sweet Potato Days getting my daily update on Yongseo, when they posted this:









Okay, bear with me here because I might just be reading into things A LOT!  Also I don't know how accurate this is....BUT! Here are a few things I took note of:





1) Seohyun, Yonghwa and LSM? - I won't say anymore than that!





2) Yonghwa didn't go to the concert with his closest friends - FT Island





3) Seohyun didn't go to the concert with Kara's Nicole - they are known to be close





Things might have happened this way just because they had schedules the next day...but isn't it all a little bit TOO coincidental?  Just some food for thought!  :D





EDIT: Also, I found this fancam today that had a closer view of Seohyun and Yesung at the MBC Gayo.  From this view, you can see that Yesung didn't say anything to Seohyun, she just hesitated to take his hand.  When she hesitated, it was like Yesung remembered something and took Taeyeon's hand instead.  Onew nor Taeyeon was surprised by this move...hmmm do they know something we don't? Like perhaps....the fact that Seohyun is 100% taken?





Fancam - Seohyun only holds ONE boy's hand!





DISCLAIMER: This is ALL speculation!  A really spazz-crazy goguma speculation at that!  :P





I had known about these stuff from my friend. She took it from shineeworld and told me.


I have looking forward to you guys, discussing and sharing fancam about this. But I wait so long until see your post.




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Guest _d3seohyun

OMG @ the newst pic. it seems like only yesterday I was making caps of them during their train trip, enhancing and enlarging caps just to see whether their elbows were touching... :tears:

LMAO. I was wrong! Yesung didn't say anything to her. :lol: maknae hahhahah Yesung's reaction is priceless!

101231 SEOBABY only wants to hold hands with YONG

c: as tagged + uploader

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Guest Xanshi


Awesome Picture!!!




I firmly believe that the picture was taken by WGM staff (they must be nearby, right?) while they weren't filming. 




And indeed "A picture is worth a thousand words", maybe this is the reason why WGM PD decided to go for the wedding photoshoot. I mean the Busan trip happened at the end of November. Seeing how our inexperience maknae is getting comfortable in this kind of skinship means she could handle the level of skinship required for a wedding photoshoot.




Usually wedding photoshoot happen alot sooner for the previous couples. But Yongseo is different case because of Hyun having no prior experience in relationship.




I'm just so happy on their development as a couple. It does indeed feel natural....




Hopefully we can see those wedding pictures ASAP!




I'm dying to find out how wonderful the pictures turn out to be.....


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Guest luv_yesung








Just when I swear that











I'm not going to open this soompi thread again











as a process of my distancing with all this YongSeo addiction,











I opened Sweetpotatodays and






BAM! epic picture!






Oh Lord,











how am I going to get out











of this YongSeo love pit!

















i know the feeling,but in go-chun there's no way out






once u enter the gate,...BAM!!!u have to join the ride till the end






hahaha sorry i didn't make any sense,thanks to the yongseo



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Guest SophiaPia








































I want to scream for happiness as well YEAH BABYYYYYYYYYYY! I went to church pray to God that YongSeo will end up together and now what this photo is this a sign from God wub.gifw00t.gifwub.gif.  So so sweet. Under that wife Hyun jacket i guess they are holding hands. I told you all chingus 'don't worry be happy'. I'm so excited. I wish it's always saturday biggrin.gif 
























Korean Gogumas kamsahamnida. Saranghae.
























It's normal to a wife/gf to get nervous in front of Mum in law. For sure hubby Yong will feel the same once he meet his parents in law. But for sure Mum in law 101% love wife Hyun. Let's all be happy and think positive because wgm YongSeo always gives us surprises. Cheers to all
























edit: MountainMadman welcome back thanks for the translations.









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Don't you guys ever imagine(me 1 of it), it will be more epic if @ Shinee concert Hyun go with Sunny also.















































Let say that they really meet Yong before or after concert.















































So that she can personally introduce Yong to LSM, in front of Hyun. :sweatingbullets:















































Don't know what is LSM personality. <_< . Is he lenient type??? Is he straight?? Is he serious type person...???















































As we know that Sunny is LSM niece.















































It will be more daebak...















































on 1 Jan of the year.... :phew: Will be their year...2011...





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Guest linh80


the more i look at the photo the more i cant get my eyes off them. so beautiful. the more i think how can these two can seperate, that cant be. i want them to go till the end their journey, i want to see them have children toghether. i want together forever. always Yong and Hyun and YOngseo forever;-)


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this thread not only jumped, it leaped!!

and here i thought

ah! MC Kim must have tweeted something daebak abt uri yongseo!

i keep refreshing the pages and yongseo lean-on-my-shoulder pic stares at me!

every single page!

so here i am with starry starry eyes, a wide wide silly grin and a bursting heart, :wub:

staring back at them!

and unconsciously am looking out for their hands! where did they place their hands!

what are those hands doing under hyun's jacket? are they keeping warm together? ;)

ahh...so sweet! :wub:

and buin must have sweet dreams to be smiling in her sleep like that...what a bliss! :wub:

i rmbr reading a goguma's POV abt hyun resting her head during their banmal song recording,

and this goguma (sorry can rmbr who it is) mentioned abt how its so natural for

hyun to rest her head on yong's shoulder, its as if, its not hyun's first time doing it?

with this pic, can we safely say, that hyun had indeed done it before! :phew:

like always...expect the unexpected from yongseo..

and to new family members... A Big & Warm Welcome to Go-Chun!

yes! this thread is indeed go-chun! :lol:


tks to cherimerci for sharing that epic pic here

and to mountainmadman for translations.

to K gogumas...a BIG THANK U!! love u guys! /size]

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guys, rdrsubs are out for the latest episode. you might want to watch it again...








do you think they will show this picture or if it will have a particular scene in the episodes of Busan visit? I really hope that they do...



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Guest lenovo
















































































































































































































































I so agree.
















































































































































































































Only one person gets to hold her hands....... :wub::wub:












































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Under the sheets baby!! What's going on under the sheets?! :rolleyes:































































































































































































































































































































































































































We wont ever get tired of that pic until D-day comes.































































































































































































































































































































































































































This has been an epic day for us all!































































































































































































































































































































































































































Need we say more?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa's bursting cheeks OBVIOUSLY sold him. hahaha!!!

































































































































































































































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Guest linh80


this couple they really know how to kill me. their slowliness make me giggle and more anticipated. and now when they are ready, they surprised at everyday with their rocket speed of skinship, and when they do it they continue doing that. we are afraid that they just holding hands for a moment, but now everywhere they go they holding hands and links.




with this speed i am afraid that PDmims have to stop them sometimes :rolleyes: or i just imagination. my heart still pounds so loudly just because of their photo. waiting for the they they kiss softly. :wub::w00t:


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