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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts

Guest shawn_daebak












My Body Shivers when I hear OUR GOGUMA GODDESS...








"i feel the adrenaline moving through my veins"








when I hear it...I had goosebumps...

































my eyebags were not eyebags anymore...








EYELUGGAGE now...gosh!!!








YONG!!! because i cant marry her...








marry her for me...pls...im begging you...



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Guest Kerube-Chan







Seohyun surprised me... Woahh I am wondering what YH is thinking... kekeke... Maybe he is seriously thinking about marking his territory... SH is totally gorgeus, I have to admit that she was always in the back... but now she is shining on her own... the transformation is just brilliant... YH you lucky guy!!!





Well I found a fancam from her performance in the Maknae thing:










Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!! Maybe more fancams are going to be out soon, we have to wait and see...





Edit: I forgot, congratulations to YH & SH for winning the Popularity Award!!!


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Guest yongsarang
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Did you guys enjoy SBS Gayo Daejun last nigh? Well for me, I did rolleyes.gif Despite some problems like live streaming sites wont work and major lagging issues lol. Today is KBS Gayo Daejun :) SNSD will be there unlike last night~! CNBLUE will peform 3 songs: Loner, Love and Romeo & Juliet (they covered this song already in Mnet) Sorry I dont know what is SNSD going to peform keke Mianhe~!
































































































































































































































































Here are the TP cuts of SNSD and CNBLUE last night~ Enjoylaugh.gif These are torrents except for CNB
































































































































































































































































Maknae Special Stage I loved how Seohyun went down <3 It gave me goosebumps keke. I like her English more than everyone in the perf but Lizzy has a nice English accent too~
































































































































































































































































CNBLUE - .001 .002 .003 .004
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Grand Opening – LAST FESTIVAL (cr: allkpop)
































































































































































































































































Performed by Nichkhun & Taecyeon & Wooyoung (2PM), Leeteuk & Shindong (Super Junior), Minho & Taemin (SHINee), Hara & Gyuri (KARA), Yonghwa (CNBLUE) & Hong Ki (F.T. Island), Supreme Team, SISTAR, 2AM, U-KISS, Orange Caramel
































































































































































































































































SNSD wil peform RDR and OH! Whole line up can be seen here
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest YuyuSaiyuki
































































































































































































































just wanna test my spoiler is it work or not kihkih~
































































































































































































































edt : ok! it's not working huhuhu~:sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































how to make spoiler uh~

test 2































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you baby_bo for the enlightenment biggrin.gif






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































btw can anyone translate the conversation of MC's after the maknae performance? i guess they are talking about it, saying something like its cute. one of the host is teasing yonghwa. please translate.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you gogumas
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest aya otohata

It's about 11 pm here and still can't stop spazzing lol. I need to get a life.

I showed my friends the vid of the maknae special and they were like: "Seohyun's always on lately...is SM training her to be a solo artist?" hehehe I'd totally buy her album but I love her with her unnies too.

During the small interview part...they showed Sulli, Lizzy, and Jiyoung laughing and talking with each other and I was like where's Seohyun? and for a moment I was hella worried. Also, the first time I saw the vid...I already had the feeling that she would sing the "adrenaline" line and it was DAEBAK!

lol imagine if Kyuhyun and Jinwoon were in the special...I wanna see a jealous Yong. Did Yong watch the performance live? or did he just see it on screen?

I keep forgetting to apologize for my english...It's not my first language and so really sorry for the bad grammar!

edit: I can't stop smiling on some of the comments on youtube saying that Seohyun was just hanging on air and just basically waving the purple cloth up and down and yet she managed to steal the show hehehe sooo true! sooo proud of our maknae!

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aneng, i love heechul!!! and thanks to him we kinda get what's really happening between yongseo!!! :w00t:

calculator, i agree with u about the level hyun's at if compared to the others. she's got this overwhelming star power exuding from her... i'm AWED! :w00t: hyun & yong really are a POWER COUPLE~!! they're ONE OF A KIND.

LOL @ shawn_daebak! haha eye luggage! yahhh same here! 'cause of yongseo i'm most of the time sleep deprived! gosh, it has been almost a year that i'm like that! i can see my eye bags forming already! dangggggggg! i seriously need some beauty sleep... it's getting out of hands but i can't help it!!! aigooo yongseooooooo virus inside out~ @_@

dannggg can't even focus at work due to this virus... :ph34r:


oh, i forgot to mention how daebak hyun's voice was when she sang her part! she seriously has that kinda sexy voice like brit's... she's improved a lot! :wub:

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Guest WendyLoveSoshi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Annyeong Gogumas. :) I have a feeling that this will be the last post of the page. Lol. KBS Gayo Daejun Live Streaming: http://sonyuhshidaenews.blogspot.com






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[NEWS][12.30.10] We Got Married - YongSeo, From Banmal To Piggyback
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun,who's part of the YongSeo couple who doesn't have any expereince in Love spoke Banmal more natually and Displayed more Skinship with Husband Yong.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On MBC's We Got Married Season 2 that aired on 25th December, Yonghwa and Seohyun were seen finishing up the Banmal song and going to the Han Garden for a Date. On this day, while the both of them were creating the lyrics for the song, The couple spoke of the time and feelings when they first met and how they developed.  Seohyun said out her feelings that can't be said directly towards Yong when they were starting to become closer.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































During this time, For the both of them to become closer and for Seohyun to say Banmal Natually, Yonghwa had a bet. Even though it's Awkward, Seohyun still managed to learn the ''skills'' of speaking Banmal. The both of them also started to become closer slowly......
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also, Skinship during the episode were seen as well. Recently, the both of them were successful in Holding hands and linking arms. This time, Yonghwa Piggybacked Seohyun. Because Yonghwa said Seohyun is very heavy, she became embarrassed. However, the both of them at that time looked more natuaral.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On the other side, Jo Kwon who was a couple with Gain on WGM Said: When Seohyun held hands for the first time, I screamed in shocked''.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits: Baidu Goguma News Team
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translation Credits (From Chinese): WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[TRANS][12.30.10] YongSeo Couple Appeared In Hong Kong News
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CN Blue Leader Jung Yonghwa and Girls' Generation Member Seohyun were acting as real couples in Popular Program ''We Got Married''. The ''Husband And Wife'' had a duet and revealed it on Youtube. In less than a day, the number of views had rose to over 50 Thousand.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits: Baidu/ Hong Kong News
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translation Credits (From Chinese): WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[iNFO][12.30.10] Additional Info From WGM Busan Fliming
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Who's the beautiful lady on the left? The answer is..... Yonghwa's Mom!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(It has been confirmed, it's not Yonghwa's Teacher, but his Mom)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Fan Account: Yonghwa's Mum likes Seohyun very much. Yong Mom is also a great beauty!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits: Baidu Goguma Bar
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translation Credits (From Chinese): WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews

































































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Guest shawn_daebak




















thats yong's mom?








so classy huh???








the mother in law and the wife had met...








what else?








i just want baby from them...
















may I ask? where can I watch the streaming later???



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Seohyun wore her couple ring during SBS Gayo Daejun Rehearsals.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Aigoo. What should I do with these two...

































































































































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Guest 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cam someone direct me to a link where i can watch in english subtitles?

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest crushh_11

Seohyun wore her couple ring during SBS Gayo Daejun Rehearsals.


If it won't work, here's a Youtube link (You might not see it clearer): Click

credits: woorissica

Aigoo. What should I do with these two...

wow! she's so pretty! i noticed she got Circus dress on=D

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Guest glennpaulo
















































Although it's kinda late, but....
















Congratulation to our YONGSEO couple for their POPULARITY AWARD...















































When i watching the maknae performance i thought that Seohyun is the center of spotlight.
















With just a split second, in her entrance she get all the eyes of the audience.
















 She's completely grown-up now. She's not only cute and beautiful but she also very sexy.
















uri yonghwa is very lucky to have a chance to care for her.
















I'm not sure if it is appropriate here to post these so i will put it in spoiler.
















30 secs teaser of CNBLUE new song that will release in Japan this january. "Try again, smile again". 
















Teaser posted by crystal_malfoy in CNBLUE thread.































GOGUMA Hwaiting!!!!

















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hey..just wanna share a little naughty thought hehe, in ep 37 when yong try to grab the basketball ring, in the rewind we can catch a glimpse of yong abs don't we?? hehe eventthough it's not choco abs but uri hyun sure love yong haha (why nobody mention it here ^-^)









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fanaccount of maknae's special stage:
















cr: _shikshin@twitter








fanacct 101229 Maknae special stage (sbs gayo daejun) 























After the girls finished their recordings, Taemin came up and was hanging in the mid-air. They were preparing for the Maknaes special stage. Everybody was just rehearsing because Seohyun was still changing her outfit. Actually they themselves were not familiarize with the performance because they were practicing the last dance moves together at one corner. After a while, a group of people went onto the stage and helped someone to deal with the wires and the scarfs. The keypoint was that despite that she was so busy, she still waved and greeted us. That's right...that person is woori obedient maknae~~






























































Seohyun ascended slowly and she goes higher and higher. It feels very scary when we saw Taemin was hanging so high in the mid air but never thought that they would hang Seohyun in the mid air higher that Taemin. Alot of the fangirls screamed but woori maknae didnt change her expression. Not sure what had happened, the second recording stopped not long after it started and they took a long time to recover. We were shouting, "Release our Seohyun first!" We were so worried that she would be afraid because it's so pitch dark up there and the place was infested with all sorts of insects but surprisingly maknae was very calm and steady. We were kind of relieved when we saw two or three staffs were up there accompanying her. On the ground floor, Sulli was looking at Seohyun...






























































Finally when they were going to start recording, we were being asked to stand up to adjust our sitting arrangement. So when everyone was retreating, maknae suddenly descended. OMG, she's so beautiful and looked like an angel/goddess! Everybody stood rooted to the ground but immediately shouted, "Seohyun Jjang! Seohyun Jjang!" It was one shot ok for maknae. It was perfect and nothing goes wrong so there's no need for second recording. She then bid goodbye~ thus that marks the end of our girls performance and soon they are flying to Japan...














































































cr eleven09ing















































credit: dcmarried
















Yong! Your wife is so hardworking!
















also noticed that earlier today naver articles show yongseo showing up side by side
















it's fate and these two are meant to be together!
































also to make this post even more Yongseo related lemme provide some of my thoughts as well
















I still don't understand how some people are still nervous about YongSeo ending in 2011
















Gogumas! I urge you guys to not let it be the end of this world if they do end their WGM relationship
















We know it will happen one day and it may happen later next year
















At least we know it won't be until the 2nd half of 2011, after Hyun's birthday
















And even then, it can be subject to extension
















So, always keep the faith & Expect the Unexpected (the good things....don't focus on the bad!)
















Please look forward to their BTS MV making, Busan Trip, Snow Valley trip, WEDDING PHOTOSHOOT, & many more activities to come
















We are so lucky that we have been privy to such a relationship
















Gogumas Fighting!

















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Guest jazziejec










"WOW" not really full describe what i feel when i watched the Maknae Special..since SBS Gayo released the statements of what every group's Maknaes will do in the said special..and made me more curious because they didn't say about what Seohyun will do..













NOW, I KNOW!..(",)













Seohyun's "grand entrance" really left me awed.. she really lives up to her image as SNSD's "Maknae Goddess"...(now, i wanna hear TRAX's "Oh My Goddess"..lol) i like how the other maknaes performed..esp Taeminnie and Baby Jiyoung..


























Our Maknae Seohyun, nailed the performance!! She had the spotlight right when she appeared until the end..Left me, fangirling again!!LOL..and also made me think what's Yong's reaction at that time..(",)



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Guest finalemarch
















































Does anyone here know what the MCs said about Seohyun?
















And what did Seohyun say during the intro before the performance with the other maknaes?
















And lastly, I heard they parodied a skit about Actresses. Anyone seen it?

















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Guest mach8infinity


cam someone direct me to a link where i can watch in english subtitles?



hi anyaluvsmodels, hope this helps.. you can find the subbed videos on the blogspot of sweetpotatodays. on a sidenote, i think you are getting negative marks because of your one-liner post. perhaps you may want to extend it?


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Guest vanilla88
















































Annyong my lovely gogumas!






























































Woahh..Hyun indeed a goddess..she look so sexy..and charming..































her english Daebak too!






























































this is the best month of Yongseo..































even i have a very bad flu and cough..i still have my energy b'coz of them.. :lol:






























































I wake up with full smile every morning and immediately check this thread..































oMayah!! *hyun style*
















the view of banmal vid was so amazing..
















lovely news about pic busan with yong mother..
















I keep my phone in my hand along the journey to office read everyone post here..
















so sad that the internet service is set off for my computer office..
















But still..refreshing this thread from my phone whenever i have free time..
















And start the session "telling story" with some officemates about our couple..
















and shared every wallies, pic, screencaps from this thread to my officemates through email.. :P
















Yes..that was my routine activity now..
















Am I certified enough to admit myself as a shipper of Yongseo couple?
















after i know this couple and join this thread my life really change..
















I never thought..that to find happiness just an easy click..
















CLICK to this thread..
















I'm happy, smile, laugh..doing silly dance and scream "Kyaaahhh so loud" reading every post here..
















There's such a very simple way to have a great worldwide family..
















Who always support each other..discuss everything with posutuve comments..compliment each other..give warm spazzing to read..
















IDKW felt so happy nodding my head when i read POV that same with mine..
















Aahh..this is heaven..one of the best place in the worlds.. excl.gif
















Thanks GOD.. :wub:
















BTS epi next saturday must be another daebak epi..yayy..
















Hmm..goguma FBI...Go-chun CIA... Sherlock Gogumas is there any Yongseo moment at SBS gayo yesterday??
















so excited if we can see YOng amazed by his angel-look-beautiful-buin?? maybe act like .."Anyone..close your eyes! She's mine now! "

































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Guest kasia3goguma
































































I know that the RING issue isn't that important, but after this rumor, I guess it's ok to post it.































































I like when they wear the ring, but when they aren't it still fine:)































































But, this is from today's Japan Record Awards! ;)































































Seohyun wears the ring :wub::)
































































Still watching KBS :)
































Soon CN Blue and then SNSD! :D
































Glennpaulo - thank for the news and link with CN Blue new song ! I'm totally waiting for it!

















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