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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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hahhh aigooo (dang, i'm getting the habit of saying aigoo nowadays even in front of my boss! aigooo look what have yongseo done to me! :lol: )... it's good that i was too busy working to entertain my fragile heart when i 1st saw the post posted by linda. i guess after receiving the 1st "false alarm" yesterday, i got a better immunity? HAH! HOPEFULLY!! but seriously, after reading from the most SHOCKING news to the WONDERFUL ones... LOL i must say KAMSAHAMNIDA to mountainmadman, mrsjoker, jnj, ckmc109, heartbreak, otty, luvtokki, trent, rxp, lulu, glennpaulo, magdal, kerube, lenovo-cuz, d3, baby_bo, qwenli, gogumaforever, wishwash, aisuo, & many moreee! u guys have taken good care of my fragile heart here. :wub:

lenovo-cuz... ur statement is daebak & i'm with ya!!! xD

come to think of it, what some of u have discussed make sense. what we've gotten from yongseo so far beats all of the other LOVE/RELATIONSHIP genre shows. they're just too real to be unreal! so, here's what i wanna say...

77878825.jpgcr. klaritia

to always support YONGSEO thru' thick & thin.

to always wish YONGSEO all the best.

to always try my best not to over-react with YONGSEO-related issues when things don't go the way i want them to.

oh ya, why don;t they mention about the aquarium date in the airing schedule of their eps? that's a bit weird eh. is that aquarium date just a rumour?

jnj~!! what're u guys tweeting for???? @_@

edit: hahh woolly!!!! ^____________- kekeeke :P

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Guest Phoebechiu

I read the news from China Baidu

Hyun already met Yong's mother during their Busan trip.wub.gif

The lady who we thought was Yong's teacher is actually Yong's mother.

It's confirmed by Korean fans.

According to Korean fans, Yong's mother likes Hyun a lot and his mother is pretty. 

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Guest 1sweetlove








Hiiiiiiiiii to all gogumas kekekek!!! blush.gif












For those who are curious about the MAKNAE STAGE!








Here's a few second of the rehearsal! Seohyun's gorgeous :wub: as always!




























credit to SuperGina1990








excl.gif TO WATCH SBS GAYO LIVE : HERE's THE LINK ( :ph34r: Quickly hurry the other links are no longer available :




























edit: kasia3goguma I saw you!!!!! :ph34r::lol:





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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































Thank You for the link! You're saving me !!!
































I'm waiting for Maknae Special Stage! ---> Seohyun in GOLDEN DRESS, Amazing Performance, Seohyun looked beautiful!:D
































I'm watching SBS Gayo Live! I saw Yong, as usual he looks great, hope everything will ok with his MC'ing...!
































Haha, I was on YT page for a veeery long time :P
































Well I'm from Europe so I had to sleeep, but I saw very early the news about 1 MILLION:D
































 Phoebechiu - thank You for the confirmation! I can't wait to see this episode and I really want to know what Yong's Mom thinks about Seohyun and their marriage! :rolleyes:

















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Guest crushh_11

OMO!!! i love the maknae special!!!!!!! Seohyun does looks like a goddess from heaven!!! very pretty!! i was so shocked!!! totally, my jaw dropped!

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Guest chachann






i love the maknae performance!!! seohyun look extra gorgeous!!!


i don't think we can watch any interaction between yongseo because all snsd show is prerecorded..


they went to japan tonight..



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Guest yangyoseob




Gogumas, Seohyun she was gorgeous on stage T_T She wore a beautiful gold dress and was flying on stage ~.


Seohyun & Yonghwa won the popularity award on MBC Entertaintment awards. Congratulations!!



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Our Seo Hyun won PopularityAward at MBC Entertainment Award!. Congratulation Hyun~!



YongSeo are together at SBS Gayo Deajeon, so sweet to see them. 




I think Yong~ is so happy after see Maknae special stage, may be because his buin perfrom so fantastic and... certainly he's so proud! ^^



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Guest dan_glitz
















heyo! wow! so excited to see this thread moving so fast! Ep 37, Banmal song, mbc awards, sbs gayo daejun. wo! and it's nice to see seohyun winning an award! good one '91 chingoo! 








I don't know how many times I heard Banmal song in these 3 days. it gives me a, 'kiaaa' kinda feeling.








I was thinking a lot of Yongseo lately, what with all mentioned above, negative rumours spreading and all. haish. 








So anyway, MC Jake tweeted already right abt wgm this sat, and he did mentioned yongseo, so don't worry goguma villagers!








I just wrote a fanfict about Yongseo. It's my virgin attempt, and you goguma Villagers are the first ones I want to share with. Enjoy!!!








Running Man with Yongseo Couple








p.s i like using the colour aubergine on the words yongseo coz its the colour of sweet potato!





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Omo Omo Angel :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr:Chichinhu tweet
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Special maknae performance

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest crushh_11

So sad that YongSeo did not win the Best Couple Award. 

But I always support, love YongSeo 4ever!

who won? (if its not yongseo, i hope its adam!)

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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































seohyun won the popularity award at mbc awards?
































































































































































































































































omg im so proud of her!! congratulations to her!!! (:
































































































































































































































































i bet yong is happy that his wife won :]
































































































































































































































































hyun looks gorgeous during the makneae performance!!
































































































































































































































































i havent watched it yet but OH MY LORD!!
































































































































































































































































and yong good job mcing for sbs gayo this year you have improved sooo much!! :D
































































































































































































































































congrats to the adam couple!! they deserve it! :]

































































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Guest wishwash
































saw on twitter:
















kkaplinesubs: So recap. Best Newcomer (Variety) Male and Female: Jo Kwon and Ga In respectively Best Couple: Adam Couple
































So glad they won...they really deserve it. Hopefully our Yongseo couple can grow even closer and develop greater chemistry... and win the best couple award next year! <3 <3

















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Yonghwa and Seohyun won popularity award on MBC Ent Award.
































































































































Adam couple won the best couple.
































































































































































































































































Let's congratulate them all. 
































































































































We party tonightw00t.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































And Hyun has met Yong's parent. the teacher in the pict is yong parent.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Special Maknae SBS Gayo































































































































































































































































cn blue performance at sbs gayo Hubby Yong is DJing again XD

































































































































































































































































































































































































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Have you watched the Maknae Special?































































































































SeoHyun... Ahhhh...































































































































Goddess indeed!































































































































Perfect Eglish!































































































































Moreover, she's so beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, HOT.































































































































Couldn't say more. :D































































































































Maknae Special
































































And, congratulations both to Yong and Hyun for winning the Popularity award. Yay!

































































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Guest Seychan
















































Thank for your vid :X Wa our Huy~n appear like a queen :wub: so sexy and attractive :wub: voice at English best among maknae <3 Yo~ng seobang surely will feel very proud and happy about his wife

















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this is the first time i saw Hyun so sexy and attractive (Maknees perform). i like wow feel like stunted. so gorgeous. even she appeared really short but she stole all the show, really. i think YOng in awe in that moment:-)


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i want to thank the gogumas who, on our behalf, congratulated AC on their winning.

AC really deserve it..

hug to all gogumas who took this iniative :wub:

too bad uri yongseo were not there to accept their award tho, or else it'll be daebak!

but its nice to see bros-in-law accepting the awards on their behalf..

everything abt hyun is perfect tonite!

am sure yong's heart went dugeun dugeun, seeing buin flying up high.. :wub:

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