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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest kevin1320






OMO, i still cant get enough of these two...they r just too cute together and they have a lot of eyeships....


love the way they look at each other....Banmal song is Daebak and yongseo is deabak also...


hopefully, they will perform it live..that is gonna be awesome...


lets wait and hope for the best...


goguma fightinggggggggggggggg



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Guest rjcm127
































































































































































































































I love the banmal song, lyrics are soo sweet. Then their conversation in the middle of the song that separates their parts of the song they personally wrote lyrics to is so cute. Thank You for the translations and screencaps. It was a very Merry X-Mas...I wish they do more versions (regular with cnblue and snsd), acoustic and live then have it released on iTunes here in America. I would so buy the song!!!
































































































































































I have a comment which people here may or may not take the wrong way, but I'm entitled to my opinion. Instead of reporting the other videos as spam with a negaitve remark on you tube why don't we just keep putting a comment of "If you like this video please go to the original link sweetpotato4339 and comment as well as rate as a like to help spread Goguma YongSeo Couple".
































































































































































Some people who may be randomly browsing the internet may have come across someone's page which has the Banmal song and become intrigued by the couple's, thus possibly creating another fan. I mean that's how I become fan's of other artist on YT. Even though I know it's not the original "official" vid - i go searching for it...So rather than requesting YT to have the vids be taken down let's promote the video even more through the alternative way. In a way if you're asking other's to take the video it may reflect poorly on our Goguma couple. Especially since the media already knows of soompi forums..
































































































































































An example of a good way of promoting the video would be wenoevol's vid with english subs Banmal Song with English Subs...In this person's comment box it says "please appreciate the official YongSeo youtube channel on sweetpotato4339 lets make this video more popular!!! kekeke" - This is good PR people.
































































































































































And please don't make fake YT accounts just to increase the votes on our Goguma YongSeo Couple, in a way that's cheating and I would not want any negative feedback about accounts being made just for comments and etc to reach Yong and Seo. As we all know Seohyun is a person who is upright honest and with strict morals so somehow I would think she would frown upon hearing such news...But if you have multiple personal YT accounts then go for it. I personally would like to see how many people comment and like the video with a thumbs up without having to worry if people just making additional accounts just to vote...

































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Guest Kerube-Chan






[News]WGM Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun reveals ‘Banmal Song’





Translated from Baidu Goguma Bar, credits to Goguma Bar News Team





MBC We Got Married’s ‘Goguma couple’, Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun, who are well-loved by many, has unexpectedly revealed their self-made ‘banmal song’ video on Youtube.





While the melody and lyrics of the Banmal song is written by Jung Yonghwa, Seohyun wrote part of the lyrics and participated in the production process of the song. After receiving the mission “to reveal their first couple song” during the episode on the 25th, they disclosed the Banmal song video on Youtube in the morning two days later on the 27th and received an overwhelming response.





MBC staff said that Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun completed the filming and uploading of the song entirely by themselves. In fact, the Goguma couple spent lots of effort in taking care of their wardrobe, lighting, details of the video, camera and props during the creation of the UCC produced solely by the both of them.





In addition, the behind-the-scenes of the making of the banmal song, as well as their friends’ well wishes towards the production their first couple song will be shown during the episode on the 1st of January.









First, thanks for the translation.





Second, I almost cry with that article, specially the part that talks about how much effort they put in the production of their MV... How can people not love them... I love them a lot!!!





Lets keep supporting them, what ever happens, just ignore the antis and lets keep our head high because we are above them...





I have been hitting the refresh botton a gazzillion times, even watched it through my mobile at work... I must be crazy!!!





Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas, just keep the love coming!!!


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Guest glennpaulo
























Wow my morning is even more beautiful because in just one day, we get half of our target.








Hope some countries can access also youtube.  








I thought that the discussion of yonghwa in rookie variety is already ended last night. As Boice i'm really disappointed because of it. but what else can i do its already been decided and the voting is already started as we know yonghwa is not one of the nominee. I thought that because he debuted in MBC variety Hunters last year, and also ended it same year because the show is violating animal rights, so his nomination in rookie is count as 2009. As for MBC bitterness, i think that's not the reason, MBC is a business group which involved in a professional relationship so there's no bitterness in their field.








@monkie2804 As for shinhye, she get the newcomer award because that is the first time she gets the lead role.








Let's get over with this issue, Yonghwa is still a nominee and a champion in our heart. all the love and support we give to both of them, is the most precious trophy for them. Hope this issue will be buried because it only destroy our beautiful week,let's look to a better side. and continue spazzing about our beautiful Ba~enmal song.























By the way, good morning everyone or good night to others.......









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hi goguma's i'm wondering if anybody has the audio mp3 for 
































































































































falling slowly-yongseo
































































































































banmal song (not rip from yt )  the one played in wgm
































































































































thanks :D
































































































































somebody should make a compilation with all yongseo duets:)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I already post the DL for mp3 banmal song from WGM in some page ago. But, i think it's ok to repost it
































































































































Banmal song mp3 cut from WGM (cut by me).
































































































































































































































































































































































































for mp3 yongseo's falling slowly, you can search in _hachimitsu folder at mediafire. 































































































































































































































































So the baby elephant is the one Yong brought from thailand. I forget about it, i should rewatching their episode from episode 1. 

































































































































































































































































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Guest K1L1On1Mr4






And I still can't get through with my curiosity of the possible meaning/significance of the username sweetpotato4339. We all know that SeoHyun is one person who always finds and gives significance to just about anything that must be done. So I am more than inclined to believe that the number 4339 is not just a random number.




A fellow goguma here, _d3seohyun, earlier posted a possible decoding of the NUMBER 4339.




She said that: 4 stands for the CN BLUE members; while 9 for the SOSHI members and the 3 and 3 are for the "Love Code".




Could the 3 and 3 also stand for the "Coded Okay Sign" that YongSeo Couple has been seen occasionally doing as in these captures?







My apologies for cutting your post, '3' i believe came from '<3' it's common emoticon in IRC to express love/like to someone :)




And my opinion that Yonghwa didn't enter the list, MBC certainly did something that will trigger some unhappiness among netizens. But Yonghwa already got many awards didn't he? It's enough to prove that Yong did an excellent job in Korean Entertainment industries, MBC just didn't want to acknowledge that. But i'm sure Yonghwa will get better things from another TV stations :D



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Soooooooo happy for these 2. What a wonderful gift and surprise. I really like the song and hope they will actually record and release it. I wish them nothing but happiness and all the best in the New Year. :wub: YongSeo fighting!

















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I love the Banmal song, it's so beautiful and they seem so happy ^_^ I love Seohyun's laugh and Yong's smile at the end, they're so cute :wub:

Their harmonization is great and their voices wonderful. Lol Seohyun didn't really played guitar but she tried so it's ok ^^ I can't wait to see them perform live, I'm sure it will be awesome. Seohyun with piano and Yonghwa with guitar would be better since Seohyun is more used to piano. Oh and the shine in their eyes, they're totally in love :w00t::D:wub:


I'm really disappointed that Yonghwa isn't nominated for MBC Best Variety Rookie, I really can't understand MBC <_< Yong is MC for SBS and went to their variety shows but Jokwon did the same. They're both MC for Inki and SBS Gayo Daejun and Jokwon was in Family Outing 2 (when he appeared with Gain, MBC was really angry at them) but he's nominated. It's true that recently FNC prefers SBS more than MBC but it's not a good reason because Jokwon did the same. I hope he's not too sad about that, I mean it could be awkward if he's with WGM cast at MBC Entertainment Award and that he's the only one left out for the Best Variety Rookie Award.

The same day he will MC for SBS Gayo Daejun with Jokwon, Heechul and an actress (I don't remember her name), so he will not be there anyway... isn't it?






Yongseo Hwaiting!! Banmal Song Daebak!! Yongseo Jjang!! We love Goguma :P



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It's sad to here our Yong~ was not nominated for MBC Award. I totally upsad TT.TT 


But Hyun~ fighting. She must has won the award. Fighting!!!


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Guys views already went up to 570,510. We're halfway to 1M. Keep it up guys. I'm really excited about this. I hope MBC will give them a special stage soon singing a mash-up of the Banmal Song and Falling Slowly. It would be so daebak.




Hoping for the best!


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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















first of all, I don't know what to say or how to express my feelings right now............... My internet connection temporarily stopped yesterday, so practically I was suffering yesterday because I couldn't access this thread. During that time there was something troubling my mind...... I don't know why but I just felt it....














Then DANG!!!!! the moment I open the thread it already jumped over 10 pages..... the first thing that came to my mind was "there must be something going on"....... Hell yeah!!! THE BANMAL SONG IS OUT ON YOUTUBE!!!! I was totally speechless and my cheek almost exploded from happiness! This was truly the best christmas and new year present EVER! I kept smiling like crazy as I watch the video everytime....














so yeah, this is why the PD didn't show the preview of next week's episode. They were planning to give GOGUMAS a surprise.......... THANK YOU PD-NIM!! all the gogumas have worked hard to prevent reuploadings and I am always grateful for your love for this couple. I bet when Yongseo open their youtube account again they will be surprised by how many views the video has......... I do hope they can upload more videos. I heard they are going to release the BTS of the banmal song... Is is true??
























LMAO gogumas are rocking youtube!   :w00t:
















i just wish some would ignore comments they dislike and just bury them by posting positive ones...but oh well.... <3
























a different BUSAN pic or same one before just blown up?  
















*quoted image*








c: as tagged + taengooyah@tumblr
















































@magdal. yes, the blue elephant was brought home the same day as their other babies by their appa yong :lol:  except the baby blue elephant doesn't stay in the couch...it stays with the avatar one above the fridge kekekek
















and yes, the pink one actually disappeared right after that coming home from thailand episode <3   if we could only see a clearer picture of seobaby's room in that pj picture they showed last epi, we would have probably seen it somewhere on her bed :lol:
















































YONGSEO topping 3 different categories in South Korea :woot:  
















*quoted image*



























on a side note, I'm really happy my YouTube account is one of the most popular! YAY me!! :D














Oh, and about Yong not nominated on one award, I can't help but question the decision. Why?? isn't he a rookie on the variety world?? :angry:. Also about the vote for best couple, I don't really care about that anymore (although I still want them to win :P) because it's only for Korean fans...... But YouTube reaches international fans so it's more meaningful!!














sooo, enjoy your new year GOGUMAS!! I bet all of you are still replaying the banmal song video right??? LET'S MAKE IT 1.000.000 VIEWS! we can do it!!









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Guest lexi_yOongSeeororo
































hi everyone!
















does someone have the full file of ep 37?
















with eng subs?
















can someone please hep me?

















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Hello Gochun angels!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm still drunk from the Banmal MV and from the awesome fics I read.. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm here to share my update: Campus Crush 8
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you for reading!

































































































































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer




















I swear, if we keep posting the view counts we'll get warned again by the mods or worse, the thread will be close.






































the three pages i just back read has a bunch of view count posts and that was after being warned twice by the mod...






































I know we're all excited it.... i do too... but we gotta stick to the rules...






































The last thing we want guys is while we're in the middle spazzing, the mods will just close off the thread...






































We're been warned twice... if we get warned the third time, i wouldn't be surprised if the thread will be closed.






































do you want that guys???




















































Please stop spamming the thread with Youtube video  view counts.





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Hello gochun angels!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm still having a hangover because of the Banmal Song MV.. And from the awesome fics I read. :lol:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm sharing an update too: Campus Crush 8






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just came back and saw i double posted.. soompi is acting weird again... i'm really sorry....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So the reason there was no Preview last Saturday is the Banmal MV.. they don't want us to see and expect the preparations because they'll air it before Jan 1.. Maybe a Christmas present from our beloved couple for all Gochun angels!! So sweet of them!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I was actually half expecting they'll omit Goguma couple this Saturday because of lack of Preview... (A self-preservation technique, so that I won't be fuming mad if it happens)LOL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And thank you!

































































































































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Guest teuksunghae



I just watch suju's foresight with our Kim Jung Min alias yongseo's MC KIM !

I don't know he was a rock singer ! and a really famous and good one too ! well anyway 

back to topic :

I can't wait till this friday .... I have a goguma thirst....

anyway anyone can tell me how to cook sweet potato like hyun does ???sweatingbullets.gif


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Guest _d3seohyun

Gogumas! Are you sure the BANMAL video is for public viewing?!The STARES, THE SMILES, THE GIDDY FACES...I feel like i'm watching something I shouldn't be watching...something private between the two. No matter how many times I've watched it I still cover my face during some parts as it makes me too giddy..i can't take it! hahha

some SCREENCAPS of the mv. I put some under spoiler so it doesn't look like i'm spamming the page. right click and click show picture if you can't view them. :D

please excuse my jibberish comments and for pointing out the obvious...i need to spazz this out even if it seems like i'm not making sense....

YONGSEO's "Please don't look at me or I might faint" faces are asdfghjklkjkhgfsfghjkl;!!! :wub:


Banmal MV version



Aigoo Yonghwa, I knew your serious face wouldn't last for long esp when with your buin smiling so giddily next to you.

first sign that he was trying to keep a straight face was at 0:51. he suceeded for a while until

it was his turn to sing... @1:20 :P failed! :lol:







LMAO. Seobaby what kind of stares were you giving the boy that he actually laughed out loud @ 1:38?

That laugh was a sure sign there's no way Yong can win over Seobaby when it comes to their eyeship galore during the remainder of the video (:






*Seobaby's little hair flip over the shoulder @1:45 and her smile...kyaaaa! If Yong had seen it, he would have lost it kekkeke


*the way she said Yong and moved her face a little towards him during the convo part of the song *dies* yonghwa knew better than to look hahahha




That stare! That smirk! adoring her while she's not looking @1:55


lmao. and sensing his gaze she knew better than to look at him too kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa these two!!!!!! Then when he's not looking...payback!!!!









hubby's turn....

@3:01 when Yonghwa's the one doing the staring and Seobaby is the one avoiding


and LMAO he looked away right after she gave him this stare :lol:











LMAO! Is this really soshi's shy maknae who before had to record her Oh! lyrics separately because she couldn't stand saying "oppa nulsaranghae" ? LOL Aigoo :sweatingbullets: LOL @ Yonghwa looking away when Seobaby was so into her confession hahahha

OMO Just look at the way her eyes followed him :w00t:

Then he looked at her...and their eyes met...sdfghjklhjhggfdsa!!!!










*OH MY GAWWWWDDDD! the way she said "I understand Yong" while they're looking at each other, it felt so...so...soo...acccccccccccckkk what's the word i'm looking for here gogumas?!



*awwwwwwwwwww he never fails to make her laugh



BTW, I'm curious too who's duckduckduck! how did he/she find out about the video? and sweetpotato4339 is definitely Seobaby!

@rjcm127 LOVE your post and I definitely agree!

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Guest _hachimitsu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I guess everyone is in Go-Chun (Goguma Heaven for anyone who's new to Yongseo^^) and refuse to come back to Earth? haha. However, like the some goguma posted, please make sure you follow the soompi rules - no spamming! This including posting youtube counts, yongseo thread view counts, well you get the idea. I just have a feeling the regulars still have to kindly remind this because I saw many new posters. Keep the thread alive ok? And ofcourse, welcome to Go-Chun~!
































































































































Since we are still in the Banmal Song MV Fever, I made this~~^^
































































































































































































































































I also owe the thread an old artwork... here (the 2 pages 'yongseo manga' i mentioned before. Sorry i made it raw black & white. I personally like it this way). The colored one below it was shared but I repost it because it's a pack. (Should I put it in a spoiler since it was shared?? huhu)
































































































































































































































































































































































































I wonder how many times did they record the video?^^

































































































































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Guest full-of-love












so guys i was bored couple of days ago so i ended up merging YongSeo couple picture to see how their baby would looks like, and to my amazement their baby is totally cute LMAO!!! the baby even has yong's sexy lips and hyun's trade marks eye bags









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