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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest scatterbrain

for the mission, i think we guessed the MV part, right? but we didn't think of the twist, to upload it in the internet and share it with all the gogumas in the world :lol: btw, is it going to be youtube?

i find the mission meaningful (THank you PD-nim) since they get to decide the concept of the MV. they will be able to make their own storyline. they will be able to create their own concept.

Both of them make a multi-talented couple. both able to play musical instrument, able to compose songs and lyrics. able to sing and able to create MV. they can build their own recording company :w00t:

SeoHyun may only be able to say thank you all the time. and it may give us doubts whether seohyun will only feel grateful towards yonghwa and nothing else. but i believe her thankfulness has a deeper meaning than what the word 'thank you' actually means...she just can't say more than that since she is too shy. yonghwa already knows that. thta's why his lyric says "rather than saying 'gomawoyo', why don't you say more intimate words such as saranghae". this is somewhat the reply to what seohyun wrote " i can say only thank you because everything is new to me. i still dunno what to say or how to say it"

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Merry Christmas guys!!!












I am so happy with this episode... aaahhhh.... (gochun in xmas!!!)biggrin.gif 












i am looking forward for the next episode.. what would it be? hmmmm.... rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif since there is no preview... 












I am dying of suspense here.. tears.giftears.giftears.giftears.giftears.gif... Looking forward for the saturday ...












I just think positive that MBC is preparing something special as well to our couple for this New Year!!.....

















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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hello gogumas! its been a long time since i posted here! hehe.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and about this episode, this episode reminds me of episode 19? or was it episode 19 when seohyun gave a piggyback to yonghwa and we all died here in spazzing since yonghwa was given the entire luxury, freedom to hug seohyun at the back! hahahahaa. ^^ i just remember how we wished to see them holding hands while walking, seohyun will speak in banmal comfortably and yong will give hyun piggyback. now seeing all of these came true, i cant wish for anything anymore! except kiss. lol. im now excited for their first year anniversary. i dont know what to expect but im sure it's epic! it will be EPIC!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MERRY CHRISTMAS GOGUMAAASS!!! have a blessed Christmas and Godbless. ^__________^

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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sorry for my ignorance, but what poll are you talking about? sorry,,































































































































































































































































































































































































































































recently MBC have a poll to vote the best couple in Korea. And people who can vote it is Korean people(?) and someone who has account in cyworld. And the last news i read is Yongseo came in 3rd but i don't know about the recent result. 
































































































































And I think you got (-) because your post less than 20 words. So make sure your next post has more than 20 words or give a pict or something. welcome in gochun.































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for the translate from chiness. I got the general story(?) of this episode. But i still hoping j2dlee or mountainmadman or my.yonghwa.baby to do translation with more detail. vicx.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest glennpaulo





sorry for my ignorance, but what poll are you talking about? sorry,,




It was a poll of the MBC best couple all couple participated in a drama and also variety. Luckily all 3 WGM couples were nominated. For more detailed information backread in page 1542. And no one liner post and no less than 20 words that's why you receive negative remarks. just edit your post. thank you. (in a nice way ^_^, your first post keke.)







for the mission, i think we guessed the MV part, right? but we didn't think of the twist, to upload it in the internet and share it with all the gogumas in the world :lol: btw, is it going to be youtube? 
























I think it's youtube, because that's the only site i know that most internationally renowned website. I think not sure.





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Guest anne0129
























OMG! I like this weeks episode too very much. We see a glimpse on how the CN BLUE bros compose. I mean I have read tidbits on how the compose and they did say they would use fillers like gibberish English and Japanese to compose but to see it is actually funny. I just love how they interact with each other. Hyun seems so at ease with the boys now. Yong gets jealous when he sees how Hyun is around same age friends. Hyun is very comfortable now with Yong from what we can see. I mean she even hits him and hard at that when he was teasing her with the intro.
















Thanks for the fast translations to our new angels. I truly appreciate your hard work.
















By the way speaking of translators, I know MountainMadman is on hiatus but anyone have any idea where j2dlee is? I miss our j2dlee angel. Did she retire already? I hope not I miss her very much and also sun_sun. I hope that we'll see them back soon. Please comeback!!!































j2dlee and sun_sun come back please!!!





















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Guest Zenzen01
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahhhh , i cant wait for the next episode. Does anybody here knows the link of the preview next week?

































































































































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Guest Caliope


There isn't Yongseo preview for next week.




- WGM Preview Next Week: CLICK


(Only Khuntoria and Adam)


- PREVIEW MBC Gayo Daejun: CLICK (Only Khuntoria)




Don't know what happened with WGM today... :blink:







Today... Khuntoria: 44 minutes!! :blink::blink:





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Guest Rouenna
































































































Anyoung! :w00t: Merry Christmas to all gogumas in the village!!
































































The latest episode is really interesting, isn't it? I'm laughing so hard at Yong in the beginning, imitating Hyun's scream, haha! He deserved that slap on the arm, aww. :wub:
































































I can see that Hyun is now quite close with the bro-in-laws as well, like they are not awkward with each other anymore. Look at Minhyuk tapping Hyun's chair just before he tells Hyun about Hoot being daebak (Yong's head swung around at that action, haha! He is so aware when it comes to his buin).
































































Look at Yong lazing around on the (manager's) bed and earlier that day (last episode) on their couch back at their home. He seems too comfortable and relax around Hyun already, that is, unless Hyun moves a wee bit too close for comfort and we can see him edging his face away (like on the piggyback when Hyun wrapped her arms around him and her face is too, too close, haha) or him moving away from her (when they finished watching the photos last ep). What's so funny is that after he lifts her during the piggyback, instead of walking on forward, he runs off to his left away from the cameras, hahahaha! It also just occurred to me that Hyun was wearing a skirt, with hose, yet she still agreed to the piggyback bet. :blink:Oh, shoo shoo, weird thoughts. :lol:
































































Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday. I can't wait for the Gayo Daejun festivals and, of course, next week's episode.

















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Wow 44 min. for one couple, that's like heaven. Maybe they decided to give every couple this much time and we have to wait two weeks for our couple's turn?!








OMG thinking of it I cannot wait two weeks crazy.gifexcl.gif








On a lighter note, anyone recognized Seohyuns stare at the beginning of the second part while they were still sitting on the ferry/criuser?








Till now I have never seen this expression on her face, twinkling her eyes looking at Yonghwa. It was like catching her off guard, an expression full of emotion.








Maybe I am seeing to much in this :wub: but I find it worth mentioning :phew:









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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















yeah our couple is going to make an MV and upload it onto YOUTUBE. it's confirmed already......
































Hmmm, I wonder what the MV's concept is going to be...... OMO I'm imagining things now :wub::wub:
















My only question is....... which account they are going to upload to?? does anyone know?

















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Guest MountainMadman

HELLO EVERYONE! Merry Christmas from sunny California. My family is out for last-minute shopping and whatnot, so that means I can pop in here to see what I've missed, and it looks like I've missed a lot. blink.gif

First of all, THANK YOU to the wonderful translators that translated yesterday's episode - there were a few wrong translations here and there, but overall, amazing! Thanks so much!

Anyways, I thought I'd drop off the translations of the banmal song...I wish I could do the whole episode, but alas, not this week...sorry! ^_^

It's so hard for me to say 'thanks' or 'bye' to you [NOTE: these are informal words in Korean.]

All I can say is "thank you" or "thanks so much" [NOTE: these are formal words in Korean.]

Everything is brand new to me, so I'm a little unsure

How should I say it? It's still really awkward

Even today, I worry about it

And there we transition into Yonghwa's part.

Have a wonderful and safe holiday season, everyone!

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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi Hi Hi ^^  MERRY CHRISMAS EVERYONE ...I'm really miss YongSeo and this thread...I just watch latest Ep....They're so cute and so natural to each other...and I saw good news that someone posted last few pages...SNSD and CNBLUE will come to Thailand same stage ( I deep hope that come true) ^^
































































































































































































































































































































Yong link Hyun's arm ^^ CUTE
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PS..everyone take care yourself also...the weather cold down now ^^
































































































































































































































































































































anne0129  thanks so much to miss me ^^  I still addict this thread ..auto open this thread when I have time...I'm not go far ^^  when I have a break, I helped my sister sub vid also ...

































































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Hmmm since there's no preview for next week, maybe they are going to upload the video to youtube on saturday + some random behind the scene clips (omg imagine! ALL THE LOVEY DOVEY MOMENTS YOU AT STARE ME I AT STARE YOU WE ARE IN LOVE SCENES! :wub: LOL OK GETTING TOO HIGH.) of them making the mv? Idk. Whatever it is, I'm a happy goguma now <3

Oops, I topped a page, gonna share my favourite yongseo photos~!



Sorry I really cannot remember who to credit, definitely one of the gogumas here. I'll credit it if you inform me~! SORRY T_T

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Guest Kerube-Chan




















When that video is uploaded, be it YT or some other random site, we have to call the goguma international power, and make the video No. 1 in views and a lot of good comments... We will need to find a way to prevent it to be uploaded in other channels or something like that... This is our opportunity to prove the YongSeo power to the PD.
















I know we can do it gogumas!!! I trust my family!!!
















Aside from that what a nice episode, this morning after I came home from a party the first thing I did was look for the raws, after watching it I could sleep peacefully... This was totally squeal worth it... OMG I am so happy for them... I know I repeat myself a lot but they have come so far... all the things that happened, the difficulties, misunderstanding and now this... How beautiful to see this relationship development in front of our eyes... I will be forever grateful, because I have learned so much from them...
















Man, I love my goguma family, we have been through a lot, and here we are... welcome to new family members, thanks people for the translations and caps, I love you all!!!
















Happy Holidays!!!
















Side Note: I cant wait for MBC Gayo Daejun.... Ahhhhh!!! I cant wait for the video of the banmal song, PD I hate/love you righ now!!! Ahhh!!! :lol:



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Guest love~eastsea~
































































































































































I would like to thank you, all the translators and those who posted pictures of what I might potentially miss if someone did not show it.
































































































































But I have something to ask, could someone posted the translation for the lyrics that Seohyun wrote? the sub video for the previous episode also did not include the lyrics of the song so could someone please translate the song for me? I am sure it'll be favor not only for me but for the rest of us too
































































































































(because I was wondering if translator could translate the show, why not the song, right? thank you^_^)

















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If you had gone back a page you would've seen this post:




















HELLO EVERYONE! Merry Christmas from sunny California. My family is out for last-minute shopping and whatnot, so that means I can pop in here to see what I've missed, and it looks like I've missed a lot. *quoted image*




















First of all, THANK YOU to the wonderful translators that translated yesterday's episode - there were a few wrong translations here and there, but overall, amazing! Thanks so much!




















Anyways, I thought I'd drop off the translations of the banmal song...I wish I could do the whole episode, but alas, not this week...sorry! ^_^




















It's so hard for me to say 'thanks' or 'bye' to you [NOTE: these are informal words in Korean.]






























































All I can say is "thank you" or "thanks so much" [NOTE: these are formal words in Korean.]






























































Everything is brand new to me, so I'm a little unsure






























































How should I say it? It's still really awkward






























































Even today, I worry about it











































And there we transition into Yonghwa's part.




















Have a wonderful and safe holiday season, everyone!







































I haven't had any real thoughts about the poll, but reading some posts has made me become aware of what the PD's have in mind regarding the popularity of the couples :ph34r:





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@aisuo415: This sounds bad, it's like the videos they posted at imbc some time ago, measuring the viewers rate or something along the way(for what purpose again?! I don't know). Should all Gogumas joint forces again, this seems crazy. How is the current situation anyway regarding the polls? does anyone know?









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Guest MoonHeeTae
































i dont want to spazz but















I will not forgive myself if I will not say this..















Banmal song really rock my Christmas and















the goguma couple, gave me a really, really















DAEBAK gift for this Christmas!!




























































Merry Christmas GoChun Villagers..^^















































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