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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest niiychan
































































hellooo everyone.. :)
















































finnally I make account in soompi after be a reader a long time  ago in this thread.
















































I love very much yongseo..
















































And I love this thread. :D
















































After saw GDA video, I believe yongseo is real !! Their gaze, reactions and tease of snsd's unnies is a proof .
















































They will not did like that if there is anything with them..
















































I'm sorry for my bad english. I'm still learning english until now.
















































Proud to be YongSeo Shipper and SONE !! :D

























































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Guest gettawa
































































































































































































































































Merry X'mas and Happy holiday to every goguma Lovers
































































































































I hope everyones will be fullfill with Happiness all day all night .... with our Yongseo :wub:

































































































































































































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Guest kevin1320












another thing for us to be spazzing....im so excited..he definitely fell in love with her wowowow




[NEWS][12.25.10] Yonghwa, wants to have a baby with Seohyun?!








Recently, Yonghwa, who was a couple with Girls' Generation Seohyun on  ''We Got Married'', revealed that ''If we really get married, I would  like a Boy and a girl with Seohyun''. (Omg)




Yonghwa recently said in KBS2TV's ''Happy Birthday'' Recording   ''Although it's a fake Marriage, everytime when I go for recording, I  feel very nervous. (?)''




When we first started, it's awkward but now, I feel very comfortable''.




''What happens if you become a father?'' He replied ''I've never became a  dad before, so it's not clear, But I'm Sure I'll be very happy''.




And he said something special as well ''If the child is at home while  I'm at work, I'll be worried about time. So if we really get married, I  want a boy and a girl''.




After a guest heard it, he said ''If a child has a dad like Yonghwa,  he/she would be very happy. He even requested Yonghwa to sing a song.  Facing the sudden request of singing a song, he sang ''Love Light''.  Yonghwa's sweet singing voice let everyone there admire.




Credits: Xiao Yu@ Baidu




Translation Credits (From Chinese): WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews




link: http://sonyuhshidaen...-have-baby.html








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Guest Caliope
























And he said something special as well ''If the child is at home while I'm at work, I'll be worried about time. So if we really get married, I want a boy and a girl''.



























Yeah Yonghwa!!!
















The male hormones are working. Very Good.
















Yonghwa..., you will be more noticeable :w00t:
















Can't wait the next episode... :wub: Piggy Back again!!
















Merry Xmas and Happy New Year, Gogumas ^^









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Guest dan_glitz
















Hey, it's the wee hours in my place here, but I can't slep coz tomorrow's Saturday, and it's Yongseo day.








Anyway, LOVE the article saying Yong wants kids with Hyun. Ooh, he's thinking deep huh..








Anyway, while reading some awesome Yongseo Fanficts here at soompi, I listened to Love light at the same time and stumbled 








upon this awesome rendition of Love Light. check it out!



















I know this is sometime ago but their live was REALLY good. Listen to Yong's voice. Omo, it melts me. 








I bet all the gogumas in our Go-Chun village that he was thinking of Seohyun back then. 



















Can't wait for tomorow and Merry Christmas! 





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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































@ kevin1320: whoa! the title is very misleading!! it caught my eye!(since it's translated from chinese forums there is a high possibility that it is misinterpreted)
































































































































































































































































but as i was reading the article i remember reading something from allkpop about that...
































































































































































































































































so here it is






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CNBLUE’s hot leader Jung Yonghwa revealed his children plans for the future.
































































































































































































































































This idol singer who is currently appearing on We Got Married as a “husband” to wife SNSD’s Seohyun stated, “If I really get married in the future, I want to have one son and one daughter.”
































































































































































































































































Regarding his experience as a husband to Seohyun he expressed, “Although this is a fake marriage, I feel nervous and excited every time I go to film the show. In the beginning everything felt very awkward and weird but now things are very comfortable and I enjoy the show.”
































































































































































































































































Furthermore, during KBS’s Happy Birthday, Jung Yonghwa revealed that it was his first time visiting a maternity ward. With a slight nervous expression, the singer answered the question asking how he would feel if his child was born, “Although I can’t imagine being a father because I never had the experience, I think I would be very happy. I feel that I would always be worried leaving my children to go to work.”
































































































































































































































































To this response, Kim Sung Eun commented, “It would be really nice to have a father like that,” and asked Jung Yong Hwa to sing a song for his future baby. Although the request was unexpected and sudden, Jung Yong Hwa accepted and sung beautifully a song called, Love Light.
































































































































































































































































Jung Yong Hwa’s confession regarding his children will be revealed on the 26th through KBS Happy Birthday so be sure to catch this episode!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































not that i dont like the idea of him and seohyun getting married for reals and having kids but.... yeahh....
































































































































































































































































i just dont like misinformation thats all

































































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Guest sprinkle_kitty








Hey goguma fans^^








I just want to say Merry Christmas!!!And Happy New Years!!!!! I wish you guys( and our yongseo) a safe and happy holiday^^








PS Updated a chapter in my story,




Destiny is playing with us ch.2





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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































Woah! The first news were a little misleading, I think the second news are a more accurate report...
































































































































When I was reading the first news my squeal of happiness was so high that my dog just looked at me like crazy, I just came back from last minute christmas shopping and luckily I am alone, I was jumping like crazy and then I read the second news and... Yeah it sounds more accurate than the first news...
































































































































Well, at least the man is thinking of his future and marriage and kids and I am happy that now filming for him is fun an not awkward anymore...
































































































































Thanks for sharing!!! We need to watch that show. Does anyone know in wich channel and what time it airs????
































































































































Again, Merry Christmas, I am still on the 24 in the afternoon... I promised myself I wouldnt be here, but I cant help it... :sweatingbullets:
































































































































Edit: Thanks rxp080100 I remember that show, Woah, I was really confused, thanks for the clarification!!!

















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Thanks for sharing!!! We need to watch that show.  Does anyone know in wich channel and what time it airs????






Again, Merry Christmas, I am still on the 24 in the afternoon... I promise myself I wouldnt be here, but I cant help it...  :sweatingbullets:











this is actually quite old news






it was aired in July sometime during Love promotions






here's the clip 









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Guest chelupa






hi it's chelupa here again... i got banned AGAIN, so i moved to another new ustream channel for WGM streaming tonight




again, if you go directly to ssf streaming, it's still the same ITNW channel



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Guest SophiaPia












MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERY ONE. Merry Christmas to our lovely YongSeo couple.

















Today music core and wgm a very nice christmas present. Piggyback, hopefully hug (kekeke!) and what is the 2nd mission will be? And @music core hopefully we will see YongSeo interactions even HI-5 will do. Coz this is mbc anyway :)








Thank you to all who continuing sharing YongSeo couple screen caps, videos, news, translations. esp the GDA Y star video. It's says it all on that videowub.gif w00t.gifwub.gif








chelupa thanks for the info. I hope my streaming later will be successful.








Cheers to YongSeo couple and cheers to all here. 








KOREAN GOGUMAS as always kamsahamnida



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Guest lunasol


MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE!! I Hope everyone will spend a good time with family and friends!! biggrin.gif




Today is my B-day (Christmas Eve) and we also just felt (7:45 pm) in Puerto Rico a 5.4 Richter scale quake with the epicenter just next to my town. It was scary! It just strongly rattle everything without great damage, at least that I know, and the Tsunami alert was not activated because the epicenter was inland. Thankfully my family was all together when it happened because it was just minutes after they sang to me Happy B-day.




With the scare, B-day and Christmas, I really can't wait for Yongseo's episode. To be honest I kinda have been wishing and waiting for it more than any Birthday or Christmas gift hahahaha. I think I am addicted to them!biggrin.gif Thankfully my loved ones are not reading this hahahaha




Again Merry Christmas and sending everyone hugs and kisses!!!


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Guest _d3seohyun

Hello Gogumas! Just dropping by to wish every single one of you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas!

and dropping a couple of caps as well before we spazz on a new episode...

*you can't really tell on these caps but i love how Seobaby's eyes opened up/sparkled when she was filming Yonghwa with her cam, right before she said "yes"


*Oh Seobaby, you working your lips like that (uknowingly?), pouting and all, can you really blame Yong for wanting a kiss? <3



*When Yonghwa "forgot" the lyrics, I love how his expression changed.


I love how he became kinda flustered and shy, and started fidgeting when Seobaby asked for those forgotten lyrics. And it was definitely such an "awwwwww" moment when the first thing he did when he heard his buin's request was touched and play around with his ring. <3



*This scene brings back me to their old days. I didn't realize how much I've missed Seobaby's clueless/innocent "WAEYO?" and Yonghwa's reaction towards it.


And of course nampyeon can't really do anything but give in to his buin's request, just like always...




*Yonghwa looking for her reaction...


Yong seobang,

Don't worry. if you keep pursuing, you'll definitely get to hear those words from her.

She'll probably give you the formal version though :P

Just look at her, she got it bad for you boy....

Making a "Yes!" gesture when you smiled and pointed at her, and eyes popping out when she realized you were performing....



It had always been sweetpotatoes > boys until you came along...

originally posted by cantthinkofname

her disgusted and nonchalant response to boys...


during 2pm's hip thrusting move, in that feb. 14 battle show thingy.



About the GDA bts from Ystar...I kinda wished such a thing wasn't aired. It's one thing for us fans to see and put pieces together but it's another thing when the netizens and media take notice of it too, you know what I mean? but hey it doesn't stop me from spazzing about it :P...

What I like most about those bts videos and fancams were their trying-not-to-be-obvious-i'm-looking-for-you moments (Seobaby's eyes rolling to hubby's direction while rubbing her cold hands together, Yonghwa cooly trying to spot Seobaby while talking to FT island before their hi5 moment..) <3

Doesn't it feel like only yesterday when their first episode aired? when this girl was asking this boy the difference between love and like, and he implying on his first black room interview that (at that moment) she felt like a dongseng he wanted to take care of. just look at them now. this is what makes uri YONGSEO special..their bond had truly grown into something beautiful :wub:




Merry Christmas GOGUMAS! Spread the LOVE!

I can't wait for the new episode. No wonder Yonghwa was throwing himself towards his buin and feigning an injury during bball, there was another piggybackHUG bet involved :w00t::P


@lunasol and the rest of the december babies...happy birthday :D

and thank you everyone for all the daily LOVE shared on this thread *hugz*

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Guest xDeJaVu







hahaz i would want to continue watching WGM more and more often than ever. They are super cute together and yonghwa tried to do arrow  dance. Together they are very funny indeed


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Guest mrsjoker
































































































Felt like ages since i dropped posts here... been busy at work (end of year is one crazy time...), anyway just stopping by quickly to say...































































































































































































oh...so excited for today episode... Piggyback? weeeeee...I hope this time Yong give Hyun the piggyback, the girl deserve one Yong~~~ kekekeke... and can't wait to see how the banmal song turns out... :wub:
































































@chacann : I saw this news on tumblr also, but i thought it is on 12th march... hmmm I need to check it back again (will post it here if i can find the reliable source)...but yeaaaayyyyyy...so excited for this...I'm thinking of going.
































































@Chelupa : THANK YOU....
































































@Lunasol : HAPPY BIRTHDAY... and take care.
































































@_d3seohyun : I ALWAYS LOVE your screencaps... kekekeke... Yongseo really have come a long way aren't they? and Yup...our Seobaby is not an abs/hip thrusting kinda girl, that does not put sparkle on her eyes... One thing I love from Hyun is that in this "flashy" world she lives in, where pretty faces boys with honey abs and occasional hip thrusting is always ready to bewitched you, yet she choose to be amaze and enchanted by a boy with a crooked smile, funny tooth, mischevious antics, sweet personality, who loves his guitar and has burning passion for music. :wub:

















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Guest toomuchsmiling


ikekeyou whoa, thanks for clearing that up!!! at first i was WAAAAY surprised reading the first article, spazzy, but confused. cuz that would have been REALLY scandalous for him to say. :P


awww, Yonghwa seems like he'd make a great dad. :wub: It's hard to imagine him married to anyone else but Seohyun but no one can tell the future!! :rolleyes:




finally the text preview came out!!! i wonder what they meant by piggyback basketball? :huh: Lemme guess, they made a bet on whoever scores more points or something gets a piggyback? :lol: and goshdarnit, lol, they're keeping the mission a surprise until the VERY end aren't they???? ahhhhh~






It's Christmas Eve in the U.S. right now but Christmas Day in Korea so~~~ here's to TWO days of Christmas? :lol:


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Guest calculator


First, I found this picture on a fan website.

Yes, a fan of this WGM couple.

I've realized how their hair color changes together.

They have similar hair color every time (I find it pretty cool).


This second picture, I'm constantly thinking... Please... just a little bit more...

You'd know what I mean, since I placed those two red arrow lines on there...

Again, similar hair color... ha ha ha...


Third, last picture I found.... Yes, a little bit more again...

I placed those two arrows there to show you what I mean by that...

But NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Oh well... that's just my thoughts...

What do you think everybody do you agree? LOL!

I know this is outta the blue, but Merry Christmas everybody!

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It's definitely a day to celebrate because it's both christmas and Yongseo day!


Here is a small christmas gift to everyone (I made it in a few hours so it's a little rough) - Merry Christmas - Yongseo [fanvid]


Also I'm changing channels because I already have two strikes on this current channel - New Channel - goguma1225


Regarding the voting issue - let's not worry too much about it, Yongseo will always be number 1 in our hearts! Korean goguma villagers FIGHTING! If there's one thing we should learn from Yongseo, it's to keep trying even if you end up failing! :D



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old but did anyone else catch this small gesture? Yonghwa's walking in front and i guess 'he clears the way' for her by stepping on the weeds. I found the small gesture incredibly cute and gentlemanly. ;)
















and merry christmas everyone :)









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i am anticipating todays episode!






I'm curious what Hyun will write for her lyrics












here's a fanmade poster:






Yongseo couple makes the best music together












cr: dcmarried






and this is the original the artist referenced:









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