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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest yongseocouple










lol  :lol: there are some really funny people on Soompi (I'm not calling anyone out) but I think it incredibly immature to put negative marks on people's post when they are stating their own personal opinions that in no ways violates Soompi's rules. It's just an honest opinion from a fan of both couples, chill out.








ena123 thanks, you're made of awesome sauce bb!















i really think soooo. there r some peoples who easily give (-) on people's opinion. hehehe, but u know we have to respect people's opinion right. we can share anything here right as long as it doesnt bother someone else.
























and thank you for posting GDA BTS. i really cant stop spazzing now. saturday is closer cant wait to watch our lovely couple. hope this week episode will be christmas special. i'm really looking forward to it. fighting goguma :D



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Guest BluMistLaydee




@Scatterbrain again. That's exactly what I meant. I used to almost religiously follow the 1st season of WGM and I loved all the couples on there. When they all left, I had stopped watching the show and didn't hold any interest in it until the Adam Couple came in October of last year. Their funny antics reminded me of the Ant and the AnBi couples and I started following the show again just for them and by the time YongSeo joined I was back on the hock of the show. This is something that many longtime fans of WGM have been saying forever now. MBC gives their gratitude to the Adam couple all the time because it was them who initially brought the ratings back up and now with all three couples who are highly love in Korea, WGM is getting the best rating sthey've ever had. I'm big on fairness and doing things the right way. So while my love for YongSeo is bigger obviously, I will give credit where credit is due and I'll forever be thankful for the Adam couple for bringing me back. If it wasn't for them I doubt I would've started watching the show again and I would've missed out on the awesomeness that is YongSeo.


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lol  :lol: there are some really funny people on Soompi (I'm not calling anyone out) but I think it incredibly immature to put negative marks on people's post when they are stating their own personal opinions that in no ways violates Soompi's rules. It's just an honest opinion from a fan of both couples, chill out.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ena123 thanks, you're made of awesome sauce bb!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































eta: Thanks Scatterbrain! It looks like Korean Media is super attentive to our couple lately. Not sure how I feel about that yet. On one hand I'm super excited for it. It's great for our couple but on the other hand, too much attention from the media with their speculations can cause some serious backlash from YongHwa and Seohyun fans who aren't too fond of WGM.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank u . Do not let this get into you. Thank u for loving Adam couple also, 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































plizzz people show some support for khuntoria couple also. I know what  their fans have done is not right ,but khun and victoria need also our support they have not done anything wrong its just some fans that just make khuntoria couple look bad. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 Fighting  yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Soshimunky






Annyonghaseyo Gogumas :D






I just finished watching 200th day episode of our couple and is still red-faced from laughing+smiling+spazzing so much. I can't believe I still have this kind of reaction even after watching it for the umphteenth time! I'm sorry but really, I just have to spazz. Here is the only place I can scream my heart out keke.






On GDA BTS, thank you dear gogumas for sharing that video. It's awesome. We have always known how much Yong & Hyun support each other's career and dreams but watching small reactions like Hyun doing 'Love Love Love' gestures and Yong shouting along 'Sonyuh Shidae' during Oh! performance are very heartwarming.






On MBC best couple award, I wish the best for all three couples and their fans :) Of course, I will be rooting for Yongseo but if they did not win, it's okay too.






On Banmal Song. Ok, this is the very thing I am very excited about (even more so than the 9PM mission, actually). When Yong & Hyun just started WGM, the scene where both of them were singing 'Falling Slowly' was so beautiful that I feel like it is a waste of their talent if they won't have a duet together. During that time, I already knew Yonghwa could compose songs (I was already a fan of CN Blue before WGM). After watching that episode, "Producing a song composed by Yong and written by Hyun" became my top Yongseo wishlist. However because many people predicted them not to last long in WGM during that time (as they were proclaimed as being uninteresting), I shove the thought in a corner. And now, who would have thought, gogumas, our couple stayed strong and became so interesting that many ate their own words (ah~ I love converting people into goguma fandom keke). Anyway, the main point is, The Song, the very song I have been wanting to hear is here (well, not yet but soon!). I'm filled with emotions now, I'm sorry but I'm just very happy!






I cannot wait to know what lyrics Hyun is going to write. I cannot wait to listen to the full song. I'm also a little bit worried that it won't be as good as expected BUT i will still appreciate their efforts. Yong & Hyun are incredibly talented in their own ways but you can't be perfect every time. So if their voices did not harmonize well together in the song, or the song does not sound as good as the piano cover we heard, I'm sure I will still love it because I've witnessed what they have went through to put the song together. And it started from Yonghwa's sincere intention anyway, so it is precious for me, a goguma :P






Wow I've written a long account again. And most of it is about a song. Maybe because I love music so much (despite being tone-deaf) keke.






Gogumas, please keep on posting here. I love reading all of your input because most of the time you guys make this biology-slash-chemistry student smile after a long, hard day working in the lab.






Until Saturday, Christmas day, Yongseo day, Goguma day, stay safe dear villagers of Go-chun :wub:



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Guest glennpaulo












Guys i think, some of us overdoing in giving of remarks. So for those newbie in soompi:




Negative remarks is use only for those who post that against the rule, for those who are saying bad about our couple and for those who are posting that out of topic in this thread. 




For BluMistLaydee post, i think he/she did obey all the things that need to do to not have negative remarks.




Don't put negative remarks if his/her opinion is not the same to you. Let's be mature.




Accept everyone's opinion, if you don't like his post just ignore it 




We need peace here, it is a forum so we need everyone's opinion. to understand each other.





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I also think that Adam couple deserves it, but since I´m a big fan of YongSeo I can´t help but wishing them to win ^^ :wub:. In my case, I didn´t came back to WGM because of Adam (It was because of YongSeo), so I don´t think it is fair to say that they are  the reason of why we got interested in the show/again. Maybe that is why they give BluMistLaydee minus, but guys, that is her opinion and there is nothing wrong with it ^^.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But yeah, they are the senior couple, the first one of the new "era" of WGM,  and they are strong enough to keep their fans after one year and I must say I think  they are so funny and cute and such a great couple hahaha :rolleyes:...  But I believe that this award it is not about who deserves it, it is about who you think is the best, so lets cheers for the one we have in our heart.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway it will be a good thing that any of WGM´s couples win this award, cause it will show up the strong of the show and how much people like it :wub:. We all are part of the WGM family and in times like this we should join and cheers for our favorite tv couple´s show!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































WGM fans fighting! Adam fans fighting! Khuntoria fans fighting! YongSeo lovers, gogumas, aliens fighting!^_^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































BluMistLaydee: thank you, now I understand better what you said ^^... cheers dear goguma ^^

































































































































































































































































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Guest BluMistLaydee




thanks again ena123. I will also show support for the Khuntoria couple as well. Although I'm not into them, which I think stems from them reminding me too much of the Alshin couple, who were my favorite of season 1 and who broke my heart (yes I'm still bitter Shinea went and married some guy within a few months of their stint ending :tears: ) I will admit that they are a cute couple as well. I hope their fans, as well as fans from all the couples respect the wishes of the MBC and let voting go the right way. The Best Couple award isn't a big deal for me. We know who's our best couple in our hearts and that's whats the most important thing anyways.


anyways. I'll stop terrorizing you Gogumas today. I have some errands to run!




@magdal.. I didn't say it was everyone's reason for the interest of the show :sweatingbullets: . I just stated Adam initially brought the ratings back up and regaining interest in the show because prior to the Adam couple joining, WGM had really low ratings and there were talks of it being canceled. The article that came out early this year, with the PD, stated just how much of an impact the Adam couple had on WGM and it's ratings. I think it's also why MBC said one couple have a high possibility of winning the award. To be honest, I think MBC knows fully well who they are going to give the award too.


alright I'm really leaving now. hehe.. Have a good day/night gogumas. Happy holidays! :lol:


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About the bet on the mission... I go for the performance in the year end program of the Banmal Song.











As for the significance of 9pm for the mission to be opened, I think WGM wants our couple to make the song with less pressure to them. I think that if from the start WGM told them that they will be performing the song, the pressure will be greater and it will affect the outcome of the song. I also think that it will come out more natural if it has less pressure.











As for Hyun's reaction, I think it's like that because this song is her first try in composing. For it to be performed on that program would have that reaction if I were the composer.











This are just my opinions. Good night fellow gogumas.


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Guest dan_glitz
























LET'S SPAZZ ABOUT THE GDA BTS 2010!!! Oh my, when I first saw this, I thought it was going to be an SNSD thing, but hey, there were also some Yongseo thing! WOOO! 








And I instantly thought of you guys here at soompi, seohwa couple thread, the goguma villagers of Go-Chun who worships the Goguma Land President and his wife(as quoted last episode when they were filming their goguma distribution) keke.








Uri Yongseo Moments: (DEFINITELY SPAZZING MATERIAL) (definitely confirm guaranteed plus chop)(yes, im from SG)








03:52-03:57 : Yonghwa and Jonghyun doing the 'oh' dance part. they still remember the steps Seohyun taught them some time ago! CUTE!








03:58-04:00 : Yonghwa joins fanboys and doing 'Oh' fanchant. Aigoo.








05:01-05:36 : YONGSEO MOMENTS ALL THE WAY. CNBlue was awarded, so therefore, we can see Seohyun's and SNSD's daebak reactions. 








05:19 : What we've been investigating so far is finally solved. Yonghwa found Seohyun and gave her that 'I'm-getting-an-award' look. All thanks to her SNSD unnies for  pointing at Seohyun. LOL at the arrows. Its like the person who uploads the video wants us to focus on yongseo. BUT I LIKE.








05:33-05:36 : Our lovely Manager Oppa makes appearance! we're should appoint him as our Go-chun Advisor. :)








06:50 : Seohyun's surprised look at hearing that CNBlue's turn to perform.








06:58-07:03 : Seohyun and Yuri doing CNBlue's Love's hand 'love L' signs and claps. clap clap clap for this!








07:06-07-07 : Jessica looking at CNBlue's performance and pointing to Seohyun. Apparently, during this time, Yonghwa pointed at something (let's assume he's pointing at Seohyun), which led Jessica to do this action.








09:23-09:28 : SNSD winning Daesang award. Seohyun was crying till her mascara and eyeliner were smudged. Yong keeps looking at the stage. He must be like, woah, My wife is so cool to win this award 2 times. I wish I can hug her now. (we wish:)








Ok, omg I can't believe I did this. But I really think Yonghwa and CNBlue looked really smart and cool when they went up to receive their award.








Gaaah. People, we are spazzing about the fancams again! Good.








Let's just hope there'll be kind souls that will sub the whole video so that we can understand wha the man was saying:) 








Last but not least, let's not fret too much on the MBC Awards kay, since it won't affect our couple's relationship. It's good if they win it, but if others win, so be it. Our Yongseo couple is our best couple as it already is. 








One more, sorry, I'm so proud of our thread!!! Never seen any thread so alive and so spazzastic. Plus u guys are way cooler than listening to ahjummas gossiping at the market. I can get first class info about our couple here. YAY FOR ALL OF US!
















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Guest yobishi



Hiii, as you can see from my avatar that i'm an Adam shipper ^__^ but that doesn't mean we can't be friend. I find Sweet potato cute also especially on the last ep, i laugh so much watching the ha ha ha ha ha ha part LOL and their skinship becomes more natural, great job!! hehe..

Just want to share this happy news

This is from the admin of AC FB

"Let's make this a friendly competition~


If Khuntoria wins "Best Couple", we'll send trophies to Adam Couple and Sweet Potato Couple.


If Sweet Potato Couple wins "Best Couple", we'll send trophies to Adam Couple and Khuntoria.


If Adam Couple wins "Best Couple", we'll send trophies to Khuntoria and Sweet Potato Couple.


The admins and I have decided to do so because they're all cute and lovely couples. Having such category is weird...


Personally, I love all of the couples. I hate to see any of them lose to one another.


The admins of ♥ Adam Couple ♥ FB page will personally take money out of our pockets to make "Best Couple" trophies for the two who lose in the MBC "Best Couple" category. It may not be "OFFICIAL", but hey...the artists will agree: Fans' gift > award trophy.


-Admin Larry, Kellci & J.Cee"

Let's hope the best for the 3 couples. And pray that they will last in WGM for a very loong time.

We're indeed a BIG WGM FAMILY ^__^


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I am too still spazzing abt the GDA video :)








what I find most intriguing is that it's not a fancam but an actual broadcast station recording?!








And it's so great to hear Yong 'Nampyeon' as it is a matter of fact that Yong is Seohyun's husband :) I don't know if they added 'WGM' or 'make believe husband' but I think/hope they didn't ;) it seems oh soo real









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In the middle of all the ruckus, I just wanted to steal a portion of this page inviting you to read my update. :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































Campus Crush 7
































































































































































































































































I'm happy just watching YongSeo couple,I don't care if they win the award or not, though I admit it's an added bonus. coz 1. they already won my heart and other goguma shippers 2. they are happy with each other 3. They are an upright responsible model citizens, we fans should be just like them.

































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest omgirly


































































09:23-09:28 : SNSD winning Daesang award. Seohyun was crying till her mascara and eyeliner were smudged. Yong keeps looking at the stage. He must be like, woah, My wife is so cool to win this award 2 times. I wish I can hug her now. (we wish:)




















Sorry to cut your post, but I must be last person to see it. It looks like Hyun is wearing the couple ring. I wonder when she put it on, since she didn't have it on when they were on the red carpet and during the performances. Hmm. Maybe you observant gogumas already saw this and pointed it out and I'm just not as attuned to looking for these things? :)




















I know recently there was a whole discussion about the couple rings here on the thread about what not wearing it means or doesn't mean, but I will simply say that after watching this BTS video and the couple's reaction to each other, seeing her wear couple ring just makes me smile. That's all. No careful dissection will be provided.




















Anyway, thanks to all of you who shared this awesome BTS special. Seriously. What a great holiday gift! Happy holidays!!




















*heading back into lurker mode*





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Guest justbulan














































































Sorry to cut your post, but I must be last person to see it. It looks like Hyun is wearing the couple ring. I wonder when she put it on, since she didn't have it on when they were on the red carpet and during the performances. Hmm. Maybe you observant gogumas already saw this and pointed it out and I'm just not as attuned to looking for these things? :)






















































Anyway, thanks for sharing this awesome BTS special. Seriously. What a great holiday gift!






















































*heading back into lurker mode*






















































try to read the older page.. :P 
















if i'm not wrong someone posted her image wearing the ring since the beginning of GDA (red carpet moment) but after GDA, she never seen wearing it on the stage anymore (except for the latest video in japan) 
















here you go:
































credit goes to google









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Guest blueshoes




Oh top page ..





Christmas Eve !!!

Merry Christmas everyone ~~*





Point to .... who who who








credit 奶油飯團 @ Yoong★Hyoon baidu




check VIDEO again








another fan art








credit Dmate @ DC married gall



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hello gogumas..
















































regarding the best couple argument...though im hurt how the khuntoria did asomething wrong but we cannot do anything.let just hope they will stop this wrongdoing and be fair...
















































lets try this cyworld thing if this will help for our yongseo..thanks bezbez your amazing..
















































this is a gogumas world ..i dont mean to stop praising other couple but lets just do it for our couple..lets not keep on saying others deserve than our couple coz it hurts some of us here (sp me)
















































lets do what we can do for our couple ( in a fair battle), lets do best that we can becoz we love our couple
















































gogumas fighting..yongseo fighting...

















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Guest hihi_hehe
























C'm on Xmas is here! Put the voting aside ! I don't wanna talk about the voting, who is the best? Fans will determine that!
































GDA BTS spazzing
















I super love this vid. Even though I've watched fan cams but this vid is just :wub:
















Hoot! I can see that Yongseo is under media's eyes :ph34r:
















But heck yeah! YongSeo is more than the word " lovely" is.
















Yonghwa and Jonghyun with "Oh"? LOL they gotta know the dance well
















When Cnblue was announced as a winner. The girls were so %$%$#%^%$^%$&&^, they were just spazzing and teasing LOL
















and when SNSD had their speech :tears:
















Yonghwa, did you want to run up the stage and hug Seohyun? She was crying T____T
















Sum it up, YongSeo is soooo soooo ................. cute!





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Guest kiddywiddy






annyong goguma shipper...(espcially for those who are always make this theard running so fastly)


1st timer being post sumthing here coz being full time lurker for the whole year..(|<) :blink:


well regarding to the BEST COUPLE award, there's nothing to be figth coz we all knows how cute and adorable they are..eventhough either YONGSEO,ADAM or KHUNTORIA cp won we will still support the WGM show itself..all three cp have their owns charm to make our heart melts with their move,reaction toward each other and the most precious thing that I discover is the LOVE that the show to each other..so to all GOGUMA,ADAM & KHUNTORIA shipper please don't fight each other for the sake of the shows cause all the cp themselves they are friends towards each other outside the shows..


lastly sorry for my POOR english..


being been GOGUMA shipper ever..



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Guest fabiistar07








Hiii, as you can see from my avatar that i'm an Adam shipper ^__^ but that doesn't mean we can't be friend. I find Sweet potato cute also especially on the last ep, i laugh so much watching the ha ha ha ha ha ha part LOL and their skinship becomes more natural, great job!! hehe..




Just want to share this happy news




This is from the admin of AC FB




"Let's make this a friendly competition~














If Khuntoria wins "Best Couple", we'll send trophies to Adam Couple and Sweet Potato Couple.














If Sweet Potato Couple wins "Best Couple", we'll send trophies to Adam Couple and Khuntoria.














If Adam Couple wins "Best Couple", we'll send trophies to Khuntoria and Sweet Potato Couple.














The admins and I have decided to do so because they're all cute and lovely couples. Having such category is weird...














Personally, I love all of the couples. I hate to see any of them lose to one another.














The admins of ♥ Adam Couple ♥ FB page will personally take money out of our pockets to make "Best Couple" trophies for the two who lose in the MBC "Best Couple" category. It may not be "OFFICIAL", but hey...the artists will agree: Fans' gift > award trophy.














-Admin Larry, Kellci & J.Cee"




Let's hope the best for the 3 couples. And pray that they will last in WGM for a very loong time.




We're indeed a BIG WGM FAMILY ^__^







This seems like a great idea! :D




I personally started watching WGM because of SeoHyun and then got to love this couple :wub:




I've only watched some parts of the episodes of the Adam and Khuntoria couple, but they are all great couples as well.




And it's true that we're all a BIG WGM FAMILY, and we shouldn't be fighting, whoever wins then wins, but it doesn't make the other couples less awesome, or make their fans not want to watch them anymore. All I want (and i'm sure most of us do) is for WGM and their couples to last as long as possible and keep giving us great moments to remember and spazz about keke









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Guest Crystal392






Thanks to everyone for sharing the link to GDA video! The video is still loading but I am already spazzing by looking at your screencaps :w00t: thanks thanks thanks. YongSeo soo cute ♥ I just watched the video and OMG why are they so cute? xD YongSeo is love love love hehehehehe




As a YongSeo fan I'd love to see them winning 'Best couple', but if they don't they will still be #1 couple in my heart hehehehe (nothing will change that ;) )...




Soo... Adam couple, YongSeo couple and Khuntoria couple: hwaiting! :D




Korean Gogumas and International Gogumas with a cyworld account hwaiting! hehehe :P


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