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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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@bezbezbez thanks for all the hard work. hwaiting!

@lovekin i agree with you on the adam couple part. (Gogumas - please don't start pulling out pots and pans yet). as much as i love yongseo and their sweet moments. but somehow, i think adam couple seem to appeal to general. however, i beg to differ on the lack of romantic spark. instead they have a different type of spark that makes them a joy to watch as well. khuntoria (i started watching them first) gives out a fun feeling.

anyways...i think all three couples are jjang! of cos to me YongSeo are the most daebak!

to all YongSeo, Adam and Khuntoria supporters....hwaiting! merry christmas and happy new year!

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so I was watching SNSD's MV for Snowy Wish released just minutes ago






and I hope I'm not being delusional






doesn't that look like Hyun's guitar






that was gifted to her by Yong?












if it is or isn't






I hope Yong sees that his buin keeps up  at least some practice






he sounded kind of annoyed during the previous episode when it was accidentally discovered she didn't keep up the practicing






the image of Hyun and any guitar always brings up her connection to Yong in my mind






no doubt about it

GDA Behind The Scene






sorry to cut your post!






anyhooo I really love this bts vid!






i especially love the fact that Yongseo couple are referred to as Yong Nampeuyn (sp?) by media






thanks for sharing!





















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Guest eishazumi


















Hope some kind hearted Gogumas woll provide english sub and yongseo cut only from this fancam.















at last! so happy that both are very supportive to each other.








this is an official behind the scenes.OMG. this is daebak!


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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































































I see the voting issue is heating up, but lets take a break from it momentarily and enjoy this little clip just posted.
































































































































Dont know if it has been shared but i thought it was absolutely adorable! I squealed uncontrollably watching it XDXDXD
































































































































GDA Behind The Scene
































































































































At 3:53, Yong was dancing and singing to Oh! along with JongHyun while Hyun buin was performing on stage :D:D:D
































































































































Then at 5:19 when CNBlue won the Bonsang, Yong was secretly <but obviously> exchanging glances with Huyn with a small smile on his face..awww...
































































































































And for people who had wanted to see Huyn's reaction when Yong was on stage, you can see here how Huyn was completely engrossed and focused as Yong was giving his speech. Her sisters meanwhile were being their normal selves, playing and fooling around, but she did not pay attention to that at all.
































































































































And i love how they used the arrows to point at the subjects. Even the broadcast station noticed their subtle interactions now huh? XDXDXD
































































































































Edit: Forgot to mention, Huyn was fascinated by Yong's jazz rendition of Im a Loner too. She was singing and doing the Love love love sign as well. Husband and wife are so supportive of each other aint they? ^^































































































































































































































































Girl, I want to say that I love you, you have made a happy goguma!!! I am preparing for work and I cant stop spazzing about this fancam taken by some kind of entertainment program... OMG finally I see YH watching SH is performance and SH watching YH is performance she even said "Bochita" during the jazz rendition of I am a loner. I think Bochita is like cool or handsome I remember for the drama MGIAG...
































































































































I am so frigging happy, happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!! Have a wonderful, wonderful day, I know I am going to have it!!!!
































































































































Note: About the vote, I think if you can find a legal way to do it, just do it, as fans no one cant take from us the pleasure of supporting our loved one.

















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thank to @sweet_spy for the link :)








































OMG!!! i already smiling like crazy right now because this video XD








































repeat the favorites part !! huwaaa.. this is real my friends!!! YONGSEO is Real!! Kyaaaa...








































happpyyy :)
















































































yes!! yes!! agree 1000000% they are really look like ecah other...








































GOD, please make them a real couple.. please...








































huwaa... im happy right now... (sorry for my english..)








































Happy Holiday everyone :)








































Goguma's Fighting!!








































YongSeo Daebak...









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Guest full-of-love

@ sweet_spy First of all i just want to thank you so much for your vid :D it's a lovely contribution and second... for all the GoGuMa out there...is it me or does Yong look pissed off(Poker face :unsure: maybe??) beside the scene when he was doing the Oh! dance move and saying the SNSD chant....all the other time he had the poker face on.

EDIT: when they first showed Yong watching SNSD doing Oh!, Yong seems like he was angry due to Jealousy, it must be b/c since all the guys were watching Hyun in the revealing outfit that Hyun was wearing(I've notice that the outfit Hyun wore for Oh! in the golden disk award is slightly more revealing than the one she usually wear... the shirt was cut higher? and it revealed her belly button blush.gif ).It seems weird LMAO!! or is it just my imagination playing tricks on me? :huh:

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Guest k.rivera19
































































































just want to share this
































































hyun's unnies reaction to yong's pointing :wub::wub:
































































































































and.... hyun's reaction....
































































































































she actually said in the video she didnt see it :P
































































































































ah thanks to the Sweet_spy who provided the video =) :D ... and everyone here :wub::wub:

















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@full-of-love: I think Yonghwa was just nervous or concentrating bcoz CN Blue's performance was yet to come.








@sweet-spy: thank you so much for the link, I hoped for something like this to show up, great!








regarding the voting: I would love to see them as winners, honestly I don't know nothing about the other couples.








I just hope that the Goguma love in Korea is strong enough to make them win :) the whole cyworld thingy confuses me but if the majority here gives it a try I will too, just to show my love for this couple, they shouldn't lose :)

















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Hmm..does anyone know if there is voting for the other categories Yonghwa and Seohyun were nominated for? I remember reading somewhere they were both nominated for best male/female variety newcomer or something like that. The other nominees besides Yonghwa were Simon D, Khun, etc. And the other nominees besides Seohyun were Victoria and I don't remember the rest.

















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Guest glennpaulo








just want to share this




hyun's unnies reaction to yong's pointing  :wub::wub:  




*quoted image*




and.... hyun's reaction....




*quoted image*




she actually said in the video she didnt see it  :P







Wow thanks for sharing... After GDA im really spazz about that scene when yong is pointing.




When i watch the GDA i thought that im imagining things and now what i imagine is really what happen.




I already posted about that thing after GDA but that time its only my imagination and now the evidence is revealed.




I'm proud of them too.




So they are really in korean media eye now. Now i know what are our fellow goguma talking about that their relationship is in a hot topic in korea. That'y why they need to wear their ring in their private time only.





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thank you sweet_spy for sharing that video! it's indeed a must watch bts YongSeo moments!




yong, i swear, that stare says it all!






unnies were really into teasing YongSeo ♥






idk but this one, touched my heart! ahh, YongSeo!






i also wanna send my love to our K-Gogumas who are doing their best in voting for YongSeo! K-Gogumas fighting!!!



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Guest BluMistLaydee



Hi! I would just like to clear it up dear, MBC didn't say that International Fans can't vote. They said that Korean fans and those with CyWorld account can participate the poll. The main argument a while ago was on the manner of getting a CyWorld account. Whether you'll get an account legally or illegally. I hope you understand my point :)


For those who want to have a CYWORLD account, here's what we have so far,


1. Visit this site and fill in the text boxes there. http://devsquare.nate.com/Main/Foreigner#


2. Print the form and Sign the blanks that would require your signature.


3. Fax the completed form to (+ 82-2-2068-1560) along with an ID (passport, driver's license, etc issued from your country of residence).


4. From there, CYWORLD will contact you.


NOTE: We're not sure on how long the verification will be...some are saying that it might take a week :( Just try it :)



thanks for clearing that up for me Bezbezbez.. My post was made based from one of the articles I read it that stated voting for the Best Couple was not open for international fans and it was for Koreans living in Korea so my opinion was going from that. I did not mean to offend anyone but personally I still think it's not right to vote. They made certain provisions to ensure that voting was mainly for Koreans and personally I think fans of all the couples really should honor that.


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Guest blueeye
















































































@sweet_spy thank you for the video!! it reveals many things related to yongseo in GDA. kekeke...
















































 I have to rewatch the video n times to reassure myself that yong is really pointing to hyun and hyun didn't see it. LOL. thank god she has her unnies who tell her that until she realized that yong is pointing to her. :D:D
















































this video really makes our day right? (after those voting thingy.) :D
















































so once again, thank you sweet_spy, you are really a spy, sweet one, :P and also k.rivera19 and shanic for the caps.
















































happy spazzing gogumas! :D:D

















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Guest wishwash
































The part from GDA behind the scenes when Seohyun said Yonghwa was cool during his jazz rendition of I'm a Loner reminds me Yonghwa's habit in WGM. Whenever he wants to show off something, for instance his recording studio-like bedroom, he would ask seohyun, "is your husband cool or not?" - perhaps due to the lack of praise from seohyun at times? I don't know. That's why I love her reaction at GDA even more! She thinks her husband is really cool and suave in that performance, like all of us do!
































sweet_spy Thanks for the video! <3

















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Guest BluMistLaydee




@LoveKin I'm actually of the same opinion of you. I love YongSeo the most too, but to me and this is just my personal opinion, in all fairness the title for best couple should really go to the Adam Couple. They're highly credited as saving Season 2 WGM and for regaining public and international fans interest in the program. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have started to watch WGM again and come to my love for YongSeo. Also I'm glad to say I've seen recent polls and YongSeeo is only a few hundred votes behind them, which is a great testimony to their popularity.


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Guest blueshoes












source DC gall + Yoong ★ Hyoon baidu






:wub::wub::wub::wub: love this clip haha




GDA Behind The Scene






I try all day to register cyworld but I can't tears.giftears.giftears.gif K Gogumas fighting



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sweet_spy: Thank you thank you thank you so much I´m spazzing like crazy person here!!!:wub: ottokeeeeeeeeee ^^
































































































































shanic: Your 3th cap, that is what have me in clouds right now !! I swear that if they had made a close up to Yong´s face, we had seen that stare of him that kills us (do you know which one right?):wub::wub::wub: and Hyun, her face when he was giving the speach is priceless!!! She is so cute (and she seems so in love too) :wub:.
































































































































About the voting thing, I´m really sad because we can´t vote but there is nothing we can do about it, just support people who can do it. If I had a cyworld`s account I would vote too, there is nothing wrong with that, it is legal!
































































































































Well gogumas, stay in go-chun spazzing with all the goodies ^^... Thank you all!!!

































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I love all the coupls on the show . But i'm a big Adam fan.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































if Adam dont get the first place, I hope Sweet Potato Couple gets the 1 place ..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank u all so much for sopporting adam also.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I will not cheat because its not right. But for me Adam couple is the real fighter, they have been thru a alot (hardships)2 get where they are.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know  Sweet Potato Couple is not (always showing skinship)like the other couple(khuntoria) but they got something special. their eyes XD always talk.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love khuntoria 2 .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































                                                                 Fighting Sweet potato couple 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just showing some love for this couple (from a Adam couple fan).

































































































































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Guest scatterbrain

some translated part for GDA behind the scene, yongseo focused

[During SNSD 'Oh" performance]

SNSD on stage. how was seohyun's husband yonghwa's reaction?

was he attending a seminar? looked so sincere

this time, not serious anymore, skilfully danced along

{SNSD}. jung yonghwa shouting SNSD. trully seohyun's husband.

[CNBlue award announcement]

why did yuri stroke seohyun's hair?

Sunny was also busy playing 家家(i dont quite understand this one)

yuri played along

who was seohyun aiming at?

this time, sunny made an expression of a duck

then, what did sunny say to sooyoung?

MC:congratulations CNBLue

husband jungyonghwa received an award, seohyun was the first to react

yuri followed by continuously hitting

then, the other members pointing at seohyun, causing attention

yonghwa saw this, handsomely gave loving glance.

seohyun looked very pleased.

wuth piercing eyes~seohyun listen attentively to yonghwa husband's speech.

it was a firm look


yuri pointing, seohyun was surprised

husband jungyonghwa appeared on stage

she seemed like saying "aw, so cool"

yuri and seohyun followed the moves~deeply immersed in the chaeming stage

looks like yonghwa was pointing at seohyun

seohyun said " i didn't see it"

【SNSD receiving award】

Yonghwa watching seohyun cry

credit to:



i don't understand why bluemistlaydee's post was given minus points. i thought she mean that she support yongseo fully, but she won't be able to support yongseo if there was no adam couple. coz before yongseo joined WGM, adam couple was the one who bring success to WGM. and this couple was the one that attracted her to watch WGM. and she got to know yongseo as well and fall in love with this couple. so bluemistlaydee just want to give the credit to adam couple to thank them, no? that's how i understand it.

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Guest BluMistLaydee




lol :lol: there are some really funny people on Soompi (I'm not calling anyone out) but I think it incredibly immature to put negative marks on people's post when they are stating their own personal opinions that in no ways violates Soompi's rules. It's just an honest opinion from a fan of both couples, chill out.


ena123 thanks, you're made of awesome sauce bb!


eta: Thanks Scatterbrain! It looks like Korean Media is super attentive to our couple lately. Not sure how I feel about that yet. On one hand I'm super excited for it. It's great for our couple but on the other hand, too much attention from the media with their speculations can cause some serious backlash from YongHwa and Seohyun fans who aren't too fond of WGM.


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