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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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^ Here's the link: *quoted image*
































































































































credits: dc married































































































































































































































































Aneng, me too, i got minus and i don't think I said something bad for our couple. I think some are trolling again.

































































































































Because of this international voting, some other couple's fan (and even us) are visiting each other's forum. But i don't put any minus or plus, so i hope they stop doing that to us as well.

































































































































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Guest bezbezbez


























































I had a nice talk with the Khuntoria fans on their live chat and we manage to clarify things before things will get worse. They said that they didn't know that only Koreans can vote because they don't have regular translators unlike on our side. They also stopped the scheme they had before when they knew it was illegal. They are also very much sorry of the incident/issue because it has caused a mild fan war on the WGM family.






































I believe that we should just end this issue soon because no matter who wins on the Best Couple Category, we should be happy for them. It'll only show how big is the impact of WGM as a whole. Let's wish all the Korean fans good luck on the poll. Just let them do what they could and everything will turn out well.






































A big Shout out to the KHUNTORIA fans who might be viewing the page. Guys, I hope that you'll keep the promise of not doing the illegal actions because I did talk to you in a respectful and peaceful manner. You wouldn't here any negative feedbacks/comments from us unless we see another batch of fans doing the illegal action. Please tell the chinese fans to stop too because we have already asked the Baidu not to do it. Please do the same action. Thanks!






































To the GOGUMAS, I have received offers that a group of Koreans will give some phone numbers to us just to vote for YongSeo, but I declined them just because I know it's an immoral act to do. I'm saying this to you because I'm asking everyone to decline those offers too. Let's act lawfully :)



































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Guest sprinkle_kitty








Hey goguma fans,








I was wondering, is there a site where I can find all these cute yongseo fan artwork??? The artworks are sooo cute but I just can't seem to find it.><





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Backroom interviews of Yongseo.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please tell me who's who. XD They look like each other already. I swear.

































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Guest eishazumi










i did register! what to do next?















OMG don't know what to do next.















BTW thanks for the suggestion.my first attempts fail because of the password. so, I combine letters and numbers and it works.















funny thing is i used my friends contact number(japan no).























finish register already so whats next? please help!








for me yongseo will always be number 1 but then i still wanted to give my best to support this couple.























"those who give up cannot gain victory. its not victory that is so important but the FIGHTING SPIRIT. Even of we fail, Think even just the attitude of not giving up is BEAUTIFUL itself"

























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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for helping me with the link aneng ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The issues of fairness, I have no idea. Up to fans I guess.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But to those with cyworld accounts, we do it legally regardless of korean citizen or not.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't really care about polls but I just wanted to vote for Yongseo because I feel thankful to them (:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392






Hi my lovely Gogumas... About the voting thing, I think we should vote as long as it's done the legal way (not using Korean phone numbers or that stuff).











As cosmiclatte said we, as foreigners, can have cyworld accounts and with that we can vote. :)









Just to be 100% sure about this whole thing, how to sign in into cyworld and that stuff I've asked a friend who knows korean, when she answers me I will tell you











Have you seen the video DCGogumas made? is super sweet:












(YongSeo Couple) 2010 Best Couple Vote Promotion VID








Btw, I tried the soompi tutorial (create a cyworld account) and I'm lost xD hahaha :lol: If I find out something I will tell you ;)


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Guest Seychan
































Backroom interviews of Yongseo.
















*quoted image*
















credits: dc married
















Please tell me who's who. XD They look like each other already. I swear.































Your pic's so funny. Have a quote said that "When two people love each other, they become similar in the face, then characters."































 I realize most of the couples are like that :P and our Yongseo also no exception :wub: Big eyes and V shape faces, they look increasingly alike :wub:






























































Especially in the episode 36, when Yong tease Huyn and make his face same Huyn's photo. They are exactly alike. Aigooo, they're in love :wub:

















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so... its been a while since i've done a random post.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so here's one for ya!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so... today i was going to work and i plug up my phone to play music. my "good drive" playlist consist of a lot of cn blue songs. and so eventually "i dont know why" came on. then as i was singing a long and thinking about cn blue, then yong, then yongseo, and then hyun. and then i was thinking about how everyone on this thread pretty much decided that the song "i dont know why" was made for hyun, lol. and somehow all that came together to me thinking about the scene in episode 35 where yong is telling hyun about the new song he was writing about her. and she said "love light" and he said no, it's something over the months and available to write. and she says "is it released yet?"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and he says no. and so it made me think... did she think "i dont know why" was for her too? like everyone else here in go-chun? because hey! when a guy writes a song for you, you start thinking, maybe he wrote another. and even if "i dont know why" wasnt written for hyun (which we will always believe it is and was) he really did write another for her. how freaking awesome is that. and how lucky is she, that she's married to an actually SONG WRITER idol, who writes songs about her!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































old news? yea, so what?! haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































have a wonderful day and night everyone!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































merry christmas too :):)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i found this cute fanart somewhere. i've not seen it and not sure if it was ever posted. but here! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr. to originals :)

































































































































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Guest BluMistLaydee




Can I just say how appalled I am that some of you are willing to take on the path of voting even though MBC specifically stated that the poll was for KOREANS and KOREANS only? I love YongSeo as much as everyone on here. One of the reason I absolutely love them is because of their stance on life, especially Seohyun who lives a very justly. Now from what we know about Seohyun and Yong, do you really think that they would be appreciative to win an award that wasn't won fairly? Think about that before you take on the path of cheating and yes it is cheating, regardless if you can register for a CyWorld account legally.


I really can't believe that some of you are still willing to do this. Registering to vote despite the fact it was stated that this vote was not open to international fans is just wrong. I expected better of YongSeo fans. <_<


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Guest bezbezbez
















Can I just say how appalled I am that some of you are willing to take on the path of voting even though MBC specifically stated that the poll was for KOREANS and KOREANS only? I love YongSeo as much as everyone on here. One of the reason I absolutely love them is because of their stance on life, especially Seohyun who lives a very justly. Now from what we know about Seohyun and Yong, do you really think that they would be appreciative to win an award that wasn't won fairly? Think about that before you take on the path of cheating and yes it is cheating, regardless if you can register for a CyWorld account legally.












I really can't believe that some of you are still willing to do this. Registering to vote despite the fact it was stated that this vote was not open to international fans is just wrong. I expected better of YongSeo fans. <_<























Hi! I would just like to clear it up dear, MBC didn't say that International Fans can't vote. They said that Korean fans and those with CyWorld account can participate the poll. The main argument a while ago was on the manner of getting a CyWorld account. Whether you'll get an account legally or illegally. I hope you understand my point :)












For those who want to have a CYWORLD account, here's what we have so far,












1. Visit this site and fill in the text boxes there. http://devsquare.nate.com/Main/Foreigner#












2. Print the form and Sign the blanks that would require your signature.












3. Fax the completed form to (+ 82-2-2068-1560) along with an ID (passport, driver's license, etc issued from your country of residence).












4. From there, CYWORLD will contact you.












NOTE: We're not sure on how long the verification will be...some are saying that it might take a week :( Just try it :)





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Guest biancacoolio










Guys, i think we need not stress over the MBC poll. It only causes unnecessary conflict and  rifts between the fanclubs of the three couples. I don't think Yonghwa and Seohyun would be so upset if they don't win it. They might be happy if they do, yes, but i don't think they would cry themselves to sleep if, say, the Adam couple or Khuntoria couple would bring home the trophy. They are very laid-back and mature. That's why I like them in the first place. B)






I mean, both the international and Korean Yongseo fans have showered them nothing but love. From diligently organizing projects after projects after projects, cooking food for them, the staff, and even the MCs... devoting an impossible amount of time making videos, fanarts, and fanfics, constantly defending them against the persistent antis... that's awesome as it is!! If i was either Yonghwa and Seohyun, i wouldn't ask for anything else.






And losing or winning the award is not a clear indicator of their popularity. We know how there are numerous measures the fans can take to rig these kind of polls in their favor. I just hope we gogumas don't resort to doing this. ^_^






Let us be perpetually positive and continue supporting our couple as they continue to blossom right before our eyes~~:wub:



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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can I just say how appalled I am that some of you are willing to take on the path of voting even though MBC specifically stated that the poll was for KOREANS and KOREANS only? I love YongSeo as much as everyone on here. One of the reason I absolutely love them is because of their stance on life, especially Seohyun who lives a very justly. Now from what we know about Seohyun and Yong, do you really think that they would be appreciative to win an award that wasn't won fairly? Think about that before you take on the path of cheating and yes it is cheating, regardless if you can register for a CyWorld account legally.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really can't believe that some of you are still willing to do this. Registering to vote despite the fact it was stated that this vote was not open to international fans is just wrong. I expected better of YongSeo fans. <_<































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If one has a Cyworld account legally, why is it called CHEATING to use the services you are legally registered for? NATE/CYWORLD approves foreign registrations therefore agreeing to global usage of their services.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have a Cyworld account since years ago and why am I called a cheater to use their services?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm sorry but some of you are not making sense here. Please calm down and think. I know all of us are protective of our couples.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest bezbezbez
















If one has a Cyworld account legally, why is it called CHEATING to use the services you are legally registered for? NATE/CYWORLD approves foreign registrations therefore agreeing to global usage of their services.












I have a Cyworld account since years ago and why am I called a cheater to use their services?












I'm sorry but some of you are not making sense here. Please calm down and think. I know all of us are protective of our couples.























I think the same way, but let's just let this post pass dear. Maybe the poser just got her info wrong and misunderstood the situation. I believe that she didn't mean to sound like she's against some Gogumas. Let's keep everything cool and good in the YongSeo World :)





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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































bezbezbez Okay I will, got a little defensive there :) I hope it's only a misunderstanding too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































By the way, you are right, Cyworld verifications can take up to a week but I got mine in a few days. So for those who are trying to make Cyworld accounts, do it fast since voting ends 29th December (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Two People (성시경 두 사람) Yonghwa & Seohyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kyaaaa~ x3

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest eishazumi










The only reason why we are here in this thread is because of YONGSEO.















we may have different opinions, beliefs, culture and etc.















but We are still the same.















WE support and love Yongseo and that make US as ONE.































by all ways and means if I as international fans can vote.  then i  will.















I'll give it try. I'll try my best to have a NATE account and  there's nothing wrong with that at least i try.










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Guest bezbezbez




















It has been a tiring and controversial day for everyone. We've learn a lot of things today that we can truly treasure as a YongSeo Shipper. I believe that everyone wants to vote for YongSeo, but it's just that we couldn't. Trust me, no one understands your feeling better than me. I've spent the whole day trying to have my account at CyWorld, but it seems like it will need a week or two for it to be verified. I believe that there is no need for us to sulk or feel down because the K-GOGUMAS are in a much worse and pressured situation than ours. Let's just do our best by cheering them up.






































Some of them reads soompi, so intead of posting negativity, why don't we post a note for support to our fellow Gogumas who can vote. Gogumas at twitville can always tweet posts that can cheer the K-GOGUMAS. We have some korean people there, they might consider our effort. Our dear graphic artists here can always make fan arts that will cheer them up or the creators of fanvids might want to make another promotional or support driven video. Let's not limit the word SUPPORT to the act of voting, we should utilize what ever we have right now.






































That's all for now, GOGUMAS :)






































Never give up, until the end :)











































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Guest lovekin


wow, this whole voting contest has been blown to universal proportions.  it's really not a big deal.  i'm not even going to get into the attitudes that have been displayed thus far because it's just headache-inducing.




what other fans do for their favorite couples shouldn't be our business, really.  personally, trying to obtain illegal membership to vote seems a bit silly and unscrupulous, so it's not something i'd ever do and shame on those who choose to, but why twist our knickers over it?  should their couple win due to tampering, they'll have to deal with the possibility that the win was undeserved.




for those who have a legal account, i hope you vote!  i usually don't take these voting things seriously, and i'm not big on participating because it's really all about popularity.  furthermore, i don't think you can get an accurate reading unless you opened the vote to the entire world.  to be honest, i'd be more inclined to believe the effect couples have on people if the people behind the show were to choose the stand-out couple since they're the ones who see them at their most genuine (read: pre-editing).










that being said, however, i actually hope the adam couple wins.  there's a reason why they were made a permanent cast on the show - and i mean, i'm going to hope that yongseo are interested in becoming permanent as well in the future 

wink.gif - and i think they've earned the title.  speaking for myself, i think they lack a romantic spark, but there's definitely something about them that makes them outstanding as a pair.  plus, i think it would be less of a problem for khuntoria and yongseo fans (and i only say this because i'm under the impression that khuntoria and yongseo fans have deemed each other rivals or something ... which i find hilarious but that's another subject altogether).





so don't sweat the small stuff, petit gogumas~ this is supposed to be in good fun, and what one person does to achieve the best for their favorite couple is their business and not anyone else's, regardless of whether it's done in bad taste.  let's content ourselves with the fact that we, as yongseo fans, are doing our best within the rules.  tongue.gif


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Guest sweet_spy












I see the voting issue is heating up, but lets take a break from it momentarily and enjoy this little clip just posted.








Dont know if it has been shared but i thought it was absolutely adorable! I squealed uncontrollably watching it XDXDXD








GDA Behind The Scene








At 3:53, Yong was dancing and singing to Oh! along with JongHyun while Hyun buin was performing on stage :D:D:D








Then at 5:19 when CNBlue won the Bonsang, Yong was secretly <but obviously> exchanging glances with Huyn with a small smile on his face..awww...








And for people who had wanted to see Huyn's reaction when Yong was on stage, you can see here how Huyn was completely engrossed and focused as Yong was giving his speech. Her sisters meanwhile were being their normal selves, playing and fooling around, but she did not pay attention to that at all.








And i love how they used the arrows to point at the subjects. Even the broadcast station noticed their subtle interactions now huh? XDXDXD








Edit: Forgot to mention, Huyn was fascinated by Yong's jazz rendition of Im a Loner too. She was singing and doing the Love love love sign as well. Husband and wife are so supportive of each other aint they? ^^



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