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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I hope Yong and Hyun's bubu song becomes a full blown song and a hit one. Proceeds/royalties can be given to charity (just like WGM's Gain and Jo Kwon's). That's in their to-do/wish list, right?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































News from allkpop, December 21, 2010 at 8:33 pm:
































































































































Ryu Si Won, SNSD’s Tiffany & Yuri to MC for MBC’s “2010 Gayo Daejun”
































































































































(was crazy over Ryu Si Won, pre-YongSeo days)
































































































































Actor Ryu Si Won will team up with SNSD’s Yuri and Tiffany to MC for the “2010 MBC Gayo Daejun“, to be held on December 31st at the MBC Dream Center.
































































































































The trio has already caused a buzz in the industry, since all three members are Hallyu stars – it comes as no surprise, therefore, that they’ve already been given a new nickname: ‘Hallyu MCs.’
































































































































MBC’s “Gayo Daejun” boasts an impressive line-up of stars for their show, which will include never-before-seen performances and special collaboration stages. Over 40 different teams and a 150-member audience are expected to appear for it.
































































































































This is WGM's MBC, so may our wish that our couple have either one or both of these be granted! Surely, Yuri and Tiffany will support our couple just like in the Incheon Concert. :rolleyes:

































































































































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Guest CheriMerci














































































































































































































































































maybe i'm wrong but















































He wore another necklace in the concert





























































































































































Thank you for ur shared pic. I know that necklace is not the same one.































































But I think Yong changed the pendant to the ring.































































However maybe I'm wrong as well. :sweatingbullets:
































































































































Cr : as tagged + DCmarried +CNBLUE popcornfor2

































































































































































































































































































































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Guest yslovelightys































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































HELLO EVERYONE!!! biggrin.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm having a marathon of all Yongseo episodes 
































































































































































































































































































































And I can't believe I'm still smiling like a lovesick fool everytime I watch their episodes 
































































































































































































































































































































They've really grown so much since day 1
































































































































































































































































































































And I really find it funny that when Yongseo's WGM started
































































































































































































































































































































The lady MCs find Yong very handsome and charismatic (base on his image)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But as time passes by, they only see him as a choding
































































































































































































































































































































I really like the Yong choding
































































































































































































































































































































It shows how comfortable he is with Hyun that he can just throw away his image when he's with her
































































































































































































































































































































Besides, I think Hyun really likes the Yong Choding who makes her laugh with all his silly antics. wub.gif 

































































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So now I can't stop thinking about the link of Han River and their mystery mission hehe.. I thought is it because of the mission that they go to Han River or is it their own suggestion that they go to Han River.

annyeong haseyo! sorry to cut your post short. i was thinking about what you say... perhaps the mission could be something as simple as declaring 'SARANGHAE' three time to each other at Han River? that could warrant their surprise reaction. it ain't that hard to but yet they might be shy to do? like when jo kwon did for ga in at the shopping mall.

yup...although i was the wishful thinking one about the kiss but yes it make sense to let it naturally follow through rather than force it on them unlike the dambi mission in season 1 where she is required to do it during the photoshoot.

i agree with some of the Gogumas that Yong might not be too happy about the song being a couple song. it will mean much more if the song is totally his and its to her. sigh...why the PD have to make it a couple song.

@aisuo415: wah! great eye :) so subtle but yet tells a lot.

you peeps definitely have great detective eyes! anyways, many many thanks for all the spazz, insights, news and Merry Christmas everyone :) and i can't wait for the coming episode. hopefully it will be longer than usual so we can spazz.

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The voting for the Best Couple Award on 2010 MBC Entertainment Awards has started. I really don't have any idea if foreigners can vote. For those who have an account at cyworld. You should try.

































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Guest BluMistLaydee




@BlueShoes and CheriMerci.... tbh I think it is possible that could be the "ring", since from the pics you two provided it looks more like the bottom side of the ring than the front and in men rings, the bottom side tend to be bigger than the top side. So hey you never know.


But try not to sweat it if it really isn't the ring. This concert was for the fans and we know how rabid some of them can be. So I can't imagine how they might have interpret it if he wore on any part of his body -_-


and GlennPaulo. I totally agreed. I mentioned last time that I didn't care for the fact that WGM turn a song that was meant personally for her as a probably a gift, into a couple song. His face said it all to me, once we read the mission, before he quickly schooled his features. So I'm really really hoping that the whole thing turns out well and maybe we might be lucky and get to "see" what Hyun feels for him based on what she wrote.


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MC Jake tweeted again about WGM studio recording




anyone care to translate?

 우결녹화즐겁게잘마쳤습니다.오늘용서커플팬분들의 조공도감사드립니다.쿤톨의블록버스터급이벤트.아담의알콩달콩이벤트.용서의창작.놓치면벽잡고후회합니다.이번주토욜닥본사!






apparently studio family received treats from YongSeo fans!












so Yongseo fans did provide treats:




here's the dcmarried link




and here's a pic (there's more at the above link)








does the pic say not to reupload elsewhere? if someone understands please let me know because i can't read korean.... thanks!





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Korean reports are cute. Even making an article about Seohyun's camera/projector.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hi, did MC Kim tweet already?????












Found tweet from YongSeoFact






우결녹화즐겁게잘마쳤습니다.오늘용서커플팬분들의 조공도감사드립니다.쿤톨의블록버스터급이벤트.아담의알콩달콩이벤트.용서의창작.놓치면벽잡고후회합니다.이번주토욜닥본사!V587!!! http://yfrog.com/h0rahzj












Looks like Yongseo fans send them send them something



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Guest MountainMadman

thanks to rxp080100 for the tip!

우결녹화즐겁게잘마쳤습니다.오늘용서커플팬분들의 조공도감사드립니다.쿤톨의블록버스터급이벤트.아담의알콩달콩이벤트.용서의창작.놓치면벽잡고후회합니다.이번주토욜닥본사!

Finished WGM recording happily. Thank you to the YongSeo fans' contributions today. Khuntoria's blockbuster event. Adam's sweet and happy event. YongSeo's creation. You'll regret missing this episode. Don't miss Saturday this week!

EDIT: WendyLoveSoshi, thank you for the translations as well...although I think there's a slight mistranslation when you say "Khuntoria's movie event". The korean word  "블록버스터급" translates literally to "blockbuster-grade", which means "awesome, great", not "movie". I could see where you got confused, though. Just pointing it out. :)

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here's some fanart I discovered at dcmarried
































i really like this one:
































My Caption: YongSeo couple planning their future honeymoon!! 
































































cr: dcmarried
































and another one I thought was impressive:
































































cr: dcmarried
































looking through dcmarried gallery
































and comparing the number of views YongSeo couple receives from fans
































versus Adam Couple views
































you can definitely see how much more popular the Yongseo couple is 
































(Khuntoria couple is barely represented in dcmarried...i don't know why that is)
































for sure dcmarried & Korean YongSeo fans will help vote for YongSeo couple as Best Couple for MBC entertainment couple
































EDIT::: (I promise this is my last!)
































this fan found an amusing story of the location of the elephants in Yongseo's living room
































i think they were pointing out the different places the elephants were sitting in relation to when each scene was shown...
































so it shows the editing pds did...so now when did each scene happen first? i don't know 
































but Goguma FBI FTW!
































































cr: dcmarried

































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Guest WendyLoveSoshi








































































Here's my version. MountainMadMan, you are the best! ^_^
























































Today's Fliming ended happily. All the support from the Goguma fans, I really appreciate it.  Khuntoria Couple's Awesome event. Adam's Sweet Event and YongSeo's Song  making. If you miss this episode, you will regret it. Please anticipate  this week's live show! V587!!!
























































EDIT: @MountainMadMan - Thank you for pointing out my mistake. :) Thank you so much. :)









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bamz, u watched Oh, My School too yesterday?! i was about to change the channel till they targeted the question at Simon D haha... i recall we got a pic from Simon D's tweet showing his & yong's couple ring together. trying to help yong making some kinda statement to hyun & the public? keke oh, the Han River is definitely a very good spot for some romantic moments eh! :)

luvtokki: i agree with u about jinwoon. he may be friendly, nice & all. but once there's an opportunity, he'll surely grasp it... the "clean way" hopefully since he seems like a nice guy. heh heh from my experience, if i like a guy a lot... i'll try to get near that guy as close as possible & try to make him like me instead of being a troublemaker. i'll even go to the extend of hooking him up with the girl he's interested in although it hurts badly. if he ended up with the girl, i'll be sad but i'll try to shrug it off ASAP. so, yah that's what jinwoon is doing i guess? yong, beware of the power of jinwoon's one-sided love. kekekeke

blueshoes, sorry but i've to agree with bluemistlaydee that it's definitely the ring. i've watched it till my eyes went almost red LOL. the pic u posted is when the ring was at an angle, perpendicular to yong's chest... and the shadow of the ring made it look crescent-shaped.

rxp, thanks for the info~! wow yongseo fans are very generous eh! and i wonder what did MC Jake tweet about!? goshhh can't wait! this saturday will be my double dose of happiness (Christmas + Yongseo)!! :wub:

ohya someone mentioned about the reason hyun showed 2am's message to yong (sorry forgot ur nick -.-"). thank u for stating ur reason 'cause it basically explains what i've in mind all this while :D but at times, i think hyun is scared of jinwoon? and she tries to find protection thru' yong by showing him what jinwoon wrote to her. jinwoon's message may sound simple & innocent. but it has an indirect implication to both yongseo :lol: in hyun's view, he's stating that he's still likes her. in yong's view, he's someone yong should be more careful with. i believe yong knows this. he's a people-person although choding at times but not stupid.

*goes back to work* :ph34r:

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MC Jake tweeted again about WGM studio recording
































anyone care to translate?
































apparently studio family received treats from YongSeo fans!
































*quoted image*
































































so Yongseo fans did provide treats:
































here's the dcmarried link
































and here's a pic (there's more at the above link)
































*quoted image*
































does the pic say not to reupload elsewhere? if someone understands please let me know because i can't read korean.... thanks!































































wow i'm so proud of Yongseo fans in Korea, they even treat the studio family hehe:) makes them give more positive comments for our goguma couple^^





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Guest WendyLoveSoshi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[NEWS][12.22.10] Goguma Couple's Camera Becomes A Hot Topic
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































   j_0009.gifI suddenly became so busy today.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On MBC's We Got Married That Aired In The Afternoon On 18th December,  The Goguma Couple CN Blue Yonghwa and Girls' Generation' Seohyun is seen  using the Camera's special feature. This attracted the eyeballs of  audiences and netizens.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The thing that became the topic is the photos that were taken when The  YongSeo couple was digging for Gogumas and the way the camera was used.  Ordinary Camera's pictures has to be seen using a PC, or through the  Camera itself. However, on this day the Goguma couple is seen using the  Camera as a projector. Once the Program has ended, it attracted  attentions of Audiences and Netizens.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Loyal Audiences Posted Comments Through Twitter ''What is that camera  they are using now?''. ''What is that Camera on WGM Now?'', ''I want  that camera so much Ahh..'' Comments Ect. The response was great.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































''The Goguma Couple's Camera is Called ''Nikon Coolpix S1100pj''
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(Part Omitted)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits:  冻结@Baidu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translation Credits (From Chinese): WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews

































































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Guest Crystal392






Thanks to everyone for the info you've shared :D











I was stalking dcmarried and found a post with a video (wait until it loads) that has as bg music YongHwa's banmal song and the piano version by an awesome Goguma (Yong and sm00r@YT are super talented :D piano and voice fit almost perfectly), it also has sweet Goguma moments. I really love it and I am sure you all will love it: http://gall.dcinside.com/married/587238











hehehe I also saw an article at NATE about an oculist saying that it was important to use googles to protect the eyes from radiation when you went to snowboard/ski, and they mentioned uri YongSeo... I think they were using YongSeo snowboard date to remind everyone to use adequate equipment and take care of their health hehehe :lol:


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Guest WendyLoveSoshi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































UFO Translation 12.22.10. About YongSeo! ~~~~~~~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[TRANS][12.22.10] Seohyun's UFO Translation
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Omg, Yonghwa, rub her back now.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translation Credits (From Chinese): WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits: 冻结@Baidu

































































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hi goguma villagers, first time posting here. like the others i've been a silent lurker on this thread as well usually as anonymous, too lazy to login but this time i just really can't resist posting a comment.


regarding the mystery mission, i'm already dying to know what it is. the pepero game would really be nice, but yeah, it might shock our pure and innocent hyun. i think this isn't the busan trip yet. it might also be visiting the snsd unnies since hyun reacted rightaway.  but i find it suspicious that the card was handed to them already earlier that day and was told to open it at around 9pm, i really believe it's something they can do then and there.  so it might be a game indeed. :wub:


in the latest ep, the Banmal song really sounded nice. (Yong~ you're soo good! :wub: )  i'm really looking forward to hearing the rest of the song. my fave part was yong again concentrating while leaving his mouth wide open :) another thing was seulong's "encouraging" message :lol: seulong, ilu for this!


next week's episode better be good, it's like a christmas gift for us! argh, i really cant wait!! :):wub:



Can you tell me what is " pepero game"? I'm not Korean citizen so I can't understant it at all??????????


I'm in the mids of my midterms but I just needed my daily dosis of YongSeo before heading back to the books. The thread has been really slow lately, but at this time of the year it's expected. So many things to do and there's Christmas and New Year as well!


My best wishes to all of you from all around the world and thank you all spending this wonderful year with your fellow Goguma's. We don't know much about each other; what our real names are, where we all live, what color hair each of us has, what our favorite music is and so on. Still, I feel great happiness in this forum whether lurking or posting - they are the ones that connect us. There's so much love for this couple from the moment they began their journey and I can only say we've all been blessed to be able to witness it; from the first stolen gazes to holding hands to their hearts that has opened for each other slowly with time. We lucky bastards get to see all that! And yet... we can't help but be greedy and want more :lol:


Before I go, I just have to post this. Maybe it's been shared before, maybe not - I'm way too tired sleeping only 4 hours a day to get up at 5 and catch the earliest train to even have my brain function outside of my academical duties. So please don't mind. I'm sure the ones on the same boat as I am with the midterms/exams/schoolwork will understand. Heh.


I mentioned earlier that my favorite moment was Seohyun's frozen reaction - wrong. THIS is my favorite moment ever, ever, ever, ever, ever of solely Seohyun on WGM as I re-watched and re-watched this episode. Can't believe I didn't catch it the first time.


When Yonghwa was singing the guide song (the glibberish English) after they received their mission, Seohyun's reaction was like this when he first sang a line:


*quoted image*


But then... just a second later, her expression changes to this:


*quoted image*


It was like time stopped at that very subtle, gentle moment to watch just her.



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I totally agree with you. That moment was so sweet ^^ As a big fan of YongSeo, I'm really happy to see their happiness. I love both of them. 


At first time, when i watched drama "you're beautiful", I don't really like Kang Shinwoo ( that's our Yong~ Choding ^^)I thinked he is some kind of thing as timid, reserved and boring!!!. But whem I saw episode 8, I absolutely changed my mind. At that time, I had a thought crossed my mind that  "ahhh, this is my favourite type!!!" and I loved him so much from then. 


I stared searching him on Internet, finding out that he in a band called CN.BLUE and he is "falling in love" with Seo Hyun in WGM. I love everything related to him and later I love Seo Hyun so much. 


That is my way to know and love YongSeo. I fell it so lucky myself because I find  my pleasure every time i watch them. 


Love U very much! My YongSeo ^^^


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Guest full-of-love

UFO Translation 12.22.10. About YongSeo! ~~~~~~~~

[TRANS][12.22.10] Seohyun's UFO Translation

Omg, Yonghwa, rub her back now.

Translation Credits (From Chinese): WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews

Credits: 冻结@Baidu

@WendyLoveSoshi LMAO!!! i totally agree with you. If they can have a little skinship after the snowboarding event that would be awesome :wub: . If someone has an UFO account, they should reply to her saying what you said :w00t:

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