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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest fabiistar07








and about the cd's from 2a.m, if i'm not mistaken,2 a.m gives two cds for both yong and hyun, rite?




and seulong message to them to kiss each other is on the cd that is given to hyun or Yong?




coz,if it is for hyun, then, it is a brave move from hyun indeed. it is as if she wanted Yong to read THAT on purpose..kekeke..like giving yong a hint that she is now ready for a kiss..*quoted image*







awhh! i'm so hoping for a wedding photoshoot!<3







it'd be soo cute! ^^




and i was also thinking the same thing with the CDs, what Seulong wrote about the kiss was for Hyun, so she must've read it before showing him, so maybe she wanted him to know







also the same with the picture in her dorm, b/c usually u know what you have in ur own camera







it's either > Hyun is really sneaky or i'm just thinking about it waaay too much (but i can't help it) lol





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Guest Revelmonk




About the latest mission, I don't think its performing a duet. I think its like what some of the other gogumas have been saying, like pepporo game or a kiss on the cheek or something intimate like that.




You can hear seohyun say, "no, I really can't do it" and I have only heard her say that when she is forced to do something intimate or something she is not comfortable with. Maybe a bet on a basketball game:wub:...anyway can't wait till saturday.



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Guest lovekin




About the latest mission, I don't think its performing a duet. I think its like what some of the other gogumas have been saying, like pepporo game or a kiss on the cheek or something intimate like that.




You can hear seohyun say, "no, I really can't do it" and I have only heard her say that when she is forced to do something intimate or something she is not comfortable with. Maybe a bet on a basketball game:wub:...anyway can't wait till saturday.






i don't know, i was watching the preview and her "no, i really can't do it" comment seemed to be about her inability to play basketball.  who knows, though, what with the PDs often weird editing.




but i'm of the opinion that it has to be a duet or meeting the parents.  seems like those are the realistic picks.  as cute as the pepero game would be, i don't think the PDs would force them to do that when they've only started being comfortable with skinship recently.  that would be a pretty ballsy move on their part, and i have an inkling that seo wouldn't have been up to that.  even if it's just a game, it requires extremely close contact that would make someone like her feel uncomfortable.  yong on the other hand would probably be shy about it, but i'm sure he'd have no arguments.  tongue.gif


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Guest ichigo_kawai








Anyeong all my family..."Waves"












Thanks everyone..for all goodies about yongseo couple, Thanks for your caps, translation, engsub videos, Link, Gifs (PanGG I love that gifs...) ^_^, and FMV ( Boo unnie I like your New FMV).












As usual, I wanna share my new FMV Lovely Skinship 36 Song (I think I love U)





Fan MV YongSeo Couple Lovely Skinship 36





I hope I can Spazzing with all of u, but I'm in hurry...







Will spazing tonight....^_^. I hope......












Have Nice Day..And Take care.





























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Hi gogumas!


First time posting,but i have been with y'all for quite some time, silently. Love this couple very much, they make me happy!


As for the preview mystery mission? Hmm, I think it might be something like what some of you suggested, peppero game, although I think that the PD might not suggest that since they finally became comfortable. Meeting the parents...maybe, but I don't think they would have those expressions. I don't know...but we will find out Saturday. I like the basketball preview, maybe a game of "21", I think Yong playing b-ball quite well makes him more sexier than he already is. :P



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Guest Purehearted11












  • cnblue-seo.jpg Could it be that they are doing a charity? this is held after they filmed wgm, sorry i am new to this and dont know how to post things

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Guest octoberday




Considering their first assignment was to compose a song together, I am inclined to the opinion that their mission is going to be a performance of said song. That would just make the most sense to me, as a follow-up.


As for the “pepero” game – as much as I’m willing to entertain that idea, it’s seems very improbable, on several accounts.  (But that’s not to say that I would mind if the production team randomly threw a chocolate stick at them and urged the game on. ^^)



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Guest Kerube-Chan



  • *quoted image* Could it be that they are doing a charity? this is held after they filmed wgm, sorry i am new to this and dont know how to post things
















Hi! That picture was taken the day they went to the saloon (When they received their mission for their 200 day performance at Incheon)... There was a fan account from DC... They prepared a lot of gift for them and gave them to them that day after they went out of the hospital... I dont know if the hospital visit was filmed by WGM, but they visited a girl (I think she wrote an account too, but dont really remember).
















I remember that, because when the pics from DC where out (About the gift delivery and the endorsment photos taken in the saloon) I though SH looked really pretty in that white dress... Also that day they receive their scultures from the 4 episode.
















Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!!



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Isn't WHITE Seohyun's Color???
























Well, on the Goddess MV, HOOT cover, and her PURE image says it all.
























Now of all the many English Chritmas Songs I wonder why YONGHWA sang...
























"I'm dreaming of a WHITE Christmas.... " :wub:
























Aiiisshhh!!!! :wub::wub:















Who knows, right? **Who knows???








**that line, i still have a hangover on Jossa's fic**








Jossa's fic --- written from the city of Seoul








And guys, thanks for the sharing Yong's concert pictures. =)



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Guest yongseocouple
































































































hello gogumas who very very kind hearted, can someone post the eps 36 with rdr sub on utube? i cant download it through mediafire. please please i owe you guys i wanna watch it so bad. thank you so much :))

















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Guest scatterbrain

next mission... i really can't think of anything that made them looked so shocked. and why does it have to be 9pm.

1. performing 'banmal' song ~ i thought they always wanted to perform together, so their reaction wouldn't be that shocked after reading the mission.

2. peppero game ~ i personally don't think the pd would give that kind of mission. their shocked reaction fits though...

3. wedding photoshoot ~ could be. but they should look happier receiving this kind of mission.

4. make simple MV for the song ~ possible.

5. visit SNSD dorm and perform the song in front of unnies. time for yong to officially meet SILs hahahaha... this just comes out randomly. coz they have to open the mission at 9pm. it 's time to return home. i suddenly remember the scene on episode2 when yong accompanied hyun home. so far, we had seen CNblue dorm twice. we should see SNSD dorm as well, right?

6. we'll just have to wait till saturday to find out :P

about the 2am CD. it was hyun who suggest to read the messages together. so hyun wants yong to read seulong's message :w00t: . and jiwoon's message, i watched the chinese subbed one. a small caption in a speech bubble reads:"a reliable FRIEND". so they acknowledge that jinwoon is a good friend.

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Saturday pali pali!!!! I can´t stop thinking about the mission! maybe performing in front of the other couples? Gain also seems to be in a similar place at night :mellow:, could it this be?, but can someone perform a song that was written the same day? :unsure: (maybe that is why they are in shock, they need to rehearse first).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I like the idea of permorming in front of sis in law! hahaha... poor Yong, but Hyun wouldn´t be that shocked if it was like that right? They both were like WHAT??... mmmmmmmm can´t wait, really I can´t  wait ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I also thought about video music...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































peppero day and wedding photoshoot are less possible to me...:huh:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for the goodies, I loved skinship video, the pics, fics and the theories ^^, everything! thanks a lot gogumas, tomorrow MC kim tweet, hope he can give us some light about this ^_^.

































































































































































































































































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i've got the monday blues




but then i came across this at dcmarried




i totally want these scoks!




i wonder if these were made before or after Hyun gifted her CNBLUE family/








cr: dcmarried





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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































i like the idea of visiting the SNSD dorm. isnt part of their list? meeting their family.






























































































































































































































































Hyun had visited the CN blue dorm twice, i hope Yong will visit the SNSD dorm. I wonder how all the girls will interact with hubby yong.






























































































































































































































































yong is really a sweet and romantic guy. how i wish all the guys has the same characteristic as yong- he can express his self freely to his girl....  hyun is so lucky especially if it really is for real!






























































































































































































































































we all hope it is right?






























































































































































































































































going crazy with the goguma couple for the past two weeks. they are the only reason






























































































































































































































































goguma villagers daebakkk

































































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chance upon this clip again when she is at sweet night....
































































































































































































































































































































cant help but wanting to show this clip...
































































































































































































































































































































ssp vs goguma then...
































































































































































































































































































































jung yong hwa vs goguma now....

































































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Guest The Hamzter
















































Jessiekwon: Thanks you so much... i really waiting for full video...and also can download as flv video...
































i already saw RDRsubs but the full download still not there... TQ so much once again...































































here its is as promised -
































WGM 36 RDR SUBS HD full episode - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxWoCiVBk9o
































Jessica Kwon - 권 제 시 카 TV

















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Hi Gogumas


I found an audio version of love light from CNBlue's concert Feel the Blue.  So beautiful - it feels more romantic, sexy with the addition of the Saxiphone.  I think it starts during the rap part of the song.  It makes the song sounds fresh.  It has a jazz feel to it.  You know, I've been thinking about Yong's music.  Lately he's shown a jazz feel to his song - first at gda.  I read an article in early November where Hyun also mentions how she's learning jazz piano.  I also found a u-tube video on her doing Gee in jazz.  I don't know who influenced whom - but I thought it was interesting that they are so into jazz right now.  Could this be just merely coincidence?






Let me know what you all think about the addition of the Sax - what it does to the song?


Thank you for the piano piece on Yongseo's song.  So beautiful.  Yong so talented.  I am anticipating Hyun's lyrics.  Its a good opportunity for her to express herself to Yong and reassures him of his place in her life.


Have anyone thought about why Seolong wrote to Hyun to kiss Yong?  Why would he so bold as to suggest it.  And from hand holding to kiss - is that a big jump? I have a theory on it - so please indulge me for a second.  I was thinking does this have anything to do with NAN where Yong asked about how to become closer with an upright girl and he was asked when his last kiss was and when he will kiss the girl?  I know that NAN is heavily scripted judging from the fact they read off clipboard notes, but what if that segment was not?   That particular NAN ep was filmed Oct 13 - about 2 days after their trip to goguma farm to harvest the goguma.  It was to be broadcast I think on Nov 15.  But probably people in the industry knew of what happened because Daesung - one of the host - is an idol too from Big Bang.  So this ep was filmed after the goguma field sometime in the second week of Nov.  Seolong must have written the message on the first week of Nov or the end of Oct - when they made their comeback - about 2 to 3 weeks after NAN was recorded.  I don't think that Seolong talks to Hyun much so when JW was going to gift Hyun the CD jacket - this was his opportunity to get his message across.  I think Seolong must have thought that Yong would not make his move because it might scare Hyun off and that Hyun must be the initiator like what she did in Japan with hand holding.  It made Yong confident about her wanting to hold hands with him.


What do you guys think?  Do you think that it was random why Seolong asked Hyun to kiss Yong?  Ahhh, maybe I'm over thinking it again.



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Guest WendyLoveSoshi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Annyeong~Haseyo Fellow Gogumas.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translated Fan Account: http://sonyuhshidaenews.blogspot.com/2010/12/info122110-yongseo-couple-fan-account.html
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry, I couldn't post it here since it's quite long. :) Well, they wasn't actually there during the recording. :) These 2 fans went over to the Seafood shop where Yonghwa first sang the Banmal song for Seohyun... They asked the manager some questions during the recording and took some pictures. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And I'm looking forward to this week's episode! ^o^ YongSeo Hwaiting!

































































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Guest anne0129
























Have watched and rewatched the last episode for I don't know how many times already. Thanks for all the translators and subbers who just keeps on giving so much love to this thread. I do wonder though where one of our angels are? j2dlee, I hope you will comeback soon. my.yonghwa.baby, thank you for translating and I, truly appreciate the way you provided explanations. Are you Korean? Cause I see you in CN BLUE thread and I didn't know you understood Korean. But again thank you. Also to trxk for your fast translations early after the episode aired. To KRD thank you too for subbing it as well as RDR subbing team. I hope to see sun_sun's subs too soon, and also thank you to sun_sun's sister for subbing the previous episode, I have watched part 1 and I am patiently waiting for the 2nd part. hehehe!!!
















The last episode was just cuteness overload for me. Yong choding is just adorable here and very sexy when he is in his composer mode. I always enjoy watching the CN BLUE bros when they appear in WGM and again they did not disappoint. I love almost all the scenes and I am more curious about the cut scenes. I mean when they were reading the messages from 2AM, how come they did not show what JoKwon and Jinwoon wrote to Yong? Who knows in that message Jinwoon might have written something like "Yong, it seems you have something to do why Hyun is becoming prettier and prettier everyday...hehehe!!!" So for me I wasn't worried with Jinwoon message to Hyun.
















Ahh!!! I just love this episode and I can't wait to watch them this Saturday. It would be truly an amazing Christmas present for us here. Sorry for not sharing anything. Just wanted to spazz a little since I found some free time. :)





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