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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hi to all,



















I totally been addicted & can't wait for next episode.







Love when Hyun take a glance at Yong, LOVE looks for the hubby.







Must be she think he's so cool...







& scene where she's freaking out hearing Jonghyun reply... hahahha







That totally daebak...







Broadcast direct in national TV, (& take the maknae down with him also, sly Jonghyun.) hehe.







Love the decoration in Yong bedroom.







Pink bedspread, LOVE curtain (light pink also), pink desk cover...hehe



















I will vote for "BANMAL" performance.




I think that the most accurate for this time since Adam & Khun also recorded a new song for their wife.




(I think it's a duet).




Maybe they can include to perform @ MBC show.. since SNSD also agree to attend it...




But, meet the parents also, is 1 of the high possibility.




Since we know that they go to Busan.




Love if it's include with Hyun parents also.




(is Hyun parents live at Seoul???)




But for pepero game...




it's more merrier if include other couple..




It's more a game rather than play by 1 couple...




& wedding photo...




could be..




a night scene for them...




maybe they can go some place that close at night...i.e: Library, any1....(since Hyun love books...)








Did any K-Goguma got any rumors bout our couple vote...




How is it going???




Hope our couple win, but the contender's was kinda strong...












Nice place to visit..




Maybe PD's should think to do a wedding photoshoot there...




(less fans, so they can be their own self, do romantic stuff and so on...)




Imagine they do a photoshoot in 1 of cathedral church.




with background of an antic+gothic building.




with black & white photo...




gosh.. so tempting, just to imagine it...








watch all fancams.. but can't find the Love Light vid or audio...




so sad..




from fan account, Love Light seems more soft+kinda-falling-in-love-once-again type.











Happy holiday & Merry Christmas to all.




Hope u guys happy always




& take care












Before I forgot.....




Will been away starting 24 until 2nd..








Will miss 2 daebak episode...




3 special end of year stage.




MBC + Inki special this week.




Fanfic... clumsy 1 ep, Madman, trent, all fanfic writer




If...If they really perform on MBC special..




I know.. I will feel down since cannot been spazzing with you guys here...




Will miss, my guess 100++ pages of spazzing in this thread..




So there you go...




Now I know... I've been addicted to this couple...








+ Hope they can continue their "beautiful relationship forever"




+ Hope they can celebrate their 1st year anniversary do a good deed.. (such as donate blood with YongSeo fans)




+ Hope they can be more success in their career




+ Hope they can get a very healthy body & mind











+ Hope we can always be happy




+ Hope we can always success in our works/school




+ Hope we can get a very healthy body & mind








+ Hope there's no war in this world..








Me, zealous



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Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all Goguma villagers.


Thanks you for all the pics, news, fancams, gifs, and translations.


I think everyone has said my fav scene from this last ep: hyun's aegeyo and Yong's reaction, Yong thinking that Hyun is hiding something in her camera ( the jealousy/worry seems spontaneous and genuine here) and her frozen reaction to the meaning of the song.


I am leaning towards a special performance by our couple perhaps on MBC gayo on 12/31 (New Years Eve).  I think that CNBlue will be going to that.  I'm not sure about SNSD though because they have Japan schedules too.  I saw that they may be in Japan 23 to 25th and they were invited to a Japanese award show on the 30th Dec.  (If SNSD attends - may Hyun and Yong spend New Years Eve and the beginning of the New Year together - share a toast you two).   A special performance would fit since Nickhun and JoKwon are also making songs.  They may have to open the envelope at 9pm so to prevent them from restraining themselves on the lyrics if they knew that they had to perform it on stage.


If it is the perro, then this is my thought.  The original mission from the PD was to create a couple song using the banmal song.  This would be in line to what Nickhun and Jokwon will be doing for the Christmas episode too.  Then I think the PD was sneaky and snuck a peroro mission after Hyun's hoot photo and Seulong's bobo comment.  I think its a bonus that Yong did a slip of the tongue and sang "kiss me tonight".  Opening the envelope at 9pm would be ideal because its kinda awkward to do a peroro during daylight.  Though its awkward enough that they have to do it by themselves.


Do you guys think that "kiss me tonight" may be the original lyrics.  It seems to rhyme more with the word in the previous sentence than Love you girl.  I think that Yong may not have wanted to sing it because he doesn't want to pressure Hyun.  Hyun's reaction was to stare at Yong - I think Yong felt that stare.  I wonder what Hyun must have been thinking when she heard Yong said that.  They are progressing: first hand-holding now kissing!


To the discussion about the banmal song  being made to be a couple song.  I think that it may be a blessing in disguise.  I think Yong got his message across in that he wants Hyun to say to him in banmal "Saranghae" and to speak to him in banmal in general.  Hyun writing the first part of the song about her real feeling can be her message to Yong.  It can be a message of reassurance of how she views her relationship with him since Yong sometimes find it hard to read Hyun.


A full on kiss is unlikely because WGM wouldn't do that (SME and FNC would probably go ballistic).   And I don't think WGM would force a couple to meet the parents.  I would rather the Pusan trip be Yong's idea because it would be more meaningful that way.  It would be like he felt that their relationship is in the right state for Hyun to meet his friends and teacher in Pusan.  Despite it being on tv, it's still meaningful to introduce a girl to your childhood friends.


I have a feeling that we should not expect to have a lot or any filming news in Jan and first half of Feb.  In Jan, Yong will be having his Zepp tour in Japan from Jan 9 -16.  I think he will be missing a couple of weeks of inki (if inki is on as usual) and in Feb, I think their Korean album will be released so he would have to do promotions.  He can't miss anything like Hyun missed the fansigning because he is the leader.  Hyun will also probably be in Japan in Jan and there is SMTown Japan on 24th and 25th of Jan.   I think SNSD is also releasing Oh in Japan - but not sure when.  Hopefully, our couple will be able to see each other in Korea and/or Japan even non-filming days so they can maintain their close relationship.  Hyun break down your wall and call Yong when you miss him.


Ok, last thing - not meaning to dwell on it (so don't be harsh on me, please) - from the video of CNBlue at gda shown at CNBlue's 2nd Korean concert, you can see Yong wearing a ring on his ring finger on their way home from gda and nothing else.  Perhaps he had it with him at all times.  Btw, I can't get Junshing Chingoo's sleeping face out of my mind with the open mouth and all.   Aigooo.


What a year for Hyun and Yong.  May the New Year bring them more success professionally and sweet harmoneous LOVE together personally.



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Guest dan_glitz
















I don't know why phew.gif,








But the chorus part of the Banmal Song is super stuck in my head








it's this part...








"uri ijae banmal......... go ya" (can't write down the rest coz i don't really know)








I am so looking forward to this song, I'm sure it's gonna be DAEBAK.








I believe Seo Hyun can write a damn nice intro to this song. Yong Hwa believed it too.








I like how Yong Hwa believes in Seo Hyun and that she can do whatever and whenever.








Like when they have to meet each other in Japan and Yong Hwa's phone battery was flat,








he believed that Seo HYun can find him. 








Oh, 1 more...



























Waiting waiting waiting. 



















Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. SATURDAY!





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- Kiss:prncsscharming(wishing) : it's not a mission that ever done in WGM in the past so I don't think so.... they never have any mission that encourage physical contact as extreme as kissing.... ( though I wish it's true and we can spazz later ) 
































































































































































Hi teuksunghae! Sorry to cut your post. I was thinking more of what they had SonDanbi do with Marco in WGM season 1. It wasn't a mission to 'make out' more like a kiss on the cheek... LOL! But you're right... realistically, kissing on the lips would be out (unless for the wedding photo shoot) Kissing on the forehead and cheek and nose and hand... I'm all for it!!! HAHAHA... :D

































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just gonna drop this info,snsd is confirmed to perform at sbs gayo daejun 2010 (which is yonghwa will be
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































present as performer and MC)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: chichinhu

































































































































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Guest desirenhope
































































































I personally hope the mission doesn't have anything to do with kissing (even though it would be good for my and other guguma's selfish dirty thoughts). I feel like if they start to do a kiss or anything related to kiss, then it would spoil the flow for them. Like how can u kiss but then still be stuck at the phase of linking arms and holding hands. I rather let nature take its own time and place. Furthermore, i am dead sure, SM would want it to be edited out.
















































































But then again who knows. We always have to expect the unexpected for our couple.
















































































And YAY for SBS & MBC Gayo Daejun. Our couple will be seeing each other a lot next week and the week after because of special shows like this.









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Guest yslovelightys




























hihi_hehe THANKS FOR THAT VID!! biggrin.gif 




















I actually like it even more that Yong prefers to wear the ring when not being filmed or on broadcast.




















It gives me the feeling that what he and hyun have is something more private, more personal. wub.gif




















It totally erases (for me) the notion that what they were/are doing is just for the show (WGM).




















And this definitely strengthened my belief even more that they are for real. biggrin.gif








































BTW, about the jinwoon thing...I don't think he meant anything bad with that message. He was actually a good sport about the whole thing...well, maybe not when yong and hyun started WGM but as the show continues, we can actually see how he had also fallen,albeit unwillingly, into the charm of our Yongseo couple. And just like what some gogumas here said, let's not forget that in that message he said something about WGM being fun. I actually pity him because it might have been hard for him to watch yong and hyun do all those things especially since he'd been very vocal about his feelings for hyun. Besides, I don't think Yong would have befriended him if jinwoon had other motives, I think Yong would have seen through that facade early on. AND, I also don't think Seulong would have said what he had said if he knows that jinwoon isn't cool with it. No matter how friendly Seulong and Yong may get, the fact is that Seulong is still very much closer to Jinwoon. 




















I hope I didn't offend anyone with my opinion. It's just, well, an opinion. sweatingbullets.gif





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Guest jitluvyongseo

Jessiekwon: Thanks you so much... i really waiting for full video...and also can download as flv video...

i already saw RDRsubs but the full download still not there... TQ so much once again...

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Guest lain_laen

Annyong gogumas...

This is my first post. I've been a lurker in this thread for about 2.5 months (and this is also my first time monitoring a thread continuously :) ) . Thank you to all of you who've shared the video, caps, and translation. I wanna share some caps, Seohyun's reaction in in the darkroom interview every time she looks nervous (sorry for the quality 'cause i've just learned how to capt):

Ep. 11


Ep. 36


It seems she always touch her hair when she get nervous ^_^

i wanna ask how to put a spoiler in a post? thx in advance

Sorry for my poor english.

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Guest Germbaby




Hi goguma family,


I have been reading many of your comments and would like to share my views on the following:


1. Did you guys realised that when Yong refused to get up for the dance, Seohyun hesitated a while. I think that's because she is wearing skirting with panty hose. However, she still continued to go near Yong and pulle him up. These two getting closer.


2. When Seohyun refused to let Yong have the camera the first time, Yong's reaction seems very genuine. A JEALOUS AND WORRIED BOYFRIEND!


3. When Seohyun did the Hoot's pose again. YONG's reaction was DAEBEK. Seem like one proud and happy boyfriend!


4. As for Jinwon, I think it's ok. He is interested in Seohyun even beforeWGM. No harm and nobody has a right to stop someone liking/courting another . The Stronger one will win Seohyun's heart. No Problem for Yong I think


5. When Yong is reading Jinwon's message, he seems very alert. Want to know his enemy better. Haha


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Guest The Hamzter
















































Jessiekwon: Thanks you so much... i really waiting for full video...and also can download as flv video...
































i already saw RDRsubs but the full download still not there... TQ so much once again...































































im gonna download RDR subs vidz now and render it in HD should be up by the morning - look for my tags on my yutube vidz and like or post a comment :),for the latest of my HD vidz follow me on twitter via - http://twitter.com/TheHamzter luv sharing sweet potato luv im doing this for all ya fanz yongseoh FIGHTING!!!
































Jessica Kwon - 권 제 시 카 TV

















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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
























Hello, all :)








I just wanted to point out and express what I saw and felt during this episode. It's going to be super long with tons of analysis, so if that's not your sort of thing, I don't have any problems with your not reading it. Just letting you know :)








1. Our Hyun has changed. So much.








Among many other reasons, one specific example that really stood out for me was when our couple was on their way to CNBlue's dorm. The two of them had their arms linked, and it looked so natural. I feel like Hyun would have felt more awkward if they hadn't linked arms. I don't know about the rest of GoChun, but I never thought it'd be this way. Although I'm so glad that it is, it's just not what I saw in Hyun at first. Oh, the power of love happy.gif








2. As much as people say WGM is scripted, (and it is to a certain extent; ie: missions) there is no way that WGM scripted the Banmal song for YongHwa before this weekend's episode.








When Yong sings Hyun the Banmal song for Hyun again at their home, the video flips back to last's week episode to show that he deliberately didn't say the lyrics to the end part when he actually says "Come closer to me step by step/Look into my eyes and say, "I love you~", he's in the same key. (Okay fine, he's like a half step off, but still!) I cannot emphasize enough how big of a deal this is. You see, when singers release new albums and are asked to sing a bit of their title songs on shows to advertise, they're often not in the same key. This is really obvious when after they sing (or even while they're singing) the PD's add the studio recording of the song as the background music, and you can tell that it's not in the same key. 








The fact that Yong's just about in the same key means either 1) he has perfect pitch (which I doubt, by the way, because even though I think he's a phenomenal singer, I've heard him go off key, and I don't think he was born with PP), or 2)he's sang it so many times that it's ingrained in his head. I think it's the latter. This means he's been singing and singing and singing and writing and writing lyrics for this song for, as he said, four to five months. 








I'm pointing this out because although I think it's a given now for most Gogumas that Yong and Hyun think about each other all the time outside of WGM filming, for me, being the cynical person that I am, and having been a WGM fan who's seen amazing couples fall apart in season one, a part of me kind of still thinks it's all kind of just for the show, you know? Believe me, I WANT YongSeo to prove me wrong and show the world the most epic "happily ever after." I don't know. The song to me seemed like a sure sign of Yong thinking about Hyun outside of WGM.








i know that was a really small technical aspect, but it screamed LOVE to me. tongue.gif








3. Jinwoon still likes Seohyun. But I find nothing wrong with that. 








As much as most of us probably hate talking about this, WGM is just a show. YongSeo is not married. And as far as we all know, they're not dating. THEREFORE, according to societal norms and standards, there's nothing wrong with what Jinwoon said. Also, I don't think he's jealous of YongSeo all the time or anything. I feel like for the most part, he's genuinely happy for all the growths in YongSeo's relationship. He seems happy about it, and he claps and laughs and smiles with the rest of the studio family, and with us. He may still notice Hyun enough to say that "she's getting very pretty lately," but that doesn't mean he's upset, per se, about YongSeo. Does that make sense?








4. I highly doubt that the second mission was any of what gogumas have mentioned so far.








In the preview, YongSeo opens the second envelope, and they both show signs of surprise and the fact that they kind of don't like the mission. If it were, let's say, the pepero game, I really don't see why both of them would have gotten so upset so quickly. I mean, it's a little embarrassing to do, and maybe a bit awkward, but nothing to get that upset about, you know? And if it were the wedding photoshoot, why on earth would both of them get so upset? If it were seeing each other's parents, I feel like at least one of them would have shown signs of some excitement. At the very least, I think the WGM PD's definitely would have chosen a mission that would test the relationship a bit, something to take the relationship further. But it must have been something unexpected. I think so anyhow. happy.gif








5. In case any gogumas were still wondering, this was probably most definitely filmed on November 8th, which is a Monday.








Besides the fact that Yong mentioned that SNSD was #1 two weeks in a row and SNSD had made their comeback on October 27th, Yonghwa, Jonghyun, and Jungshin all emphasized the "nation's chingu, JungShin chingu" thing over the phone multiple times. I'm pointing this out because some time between November 5th and 7th, JungShin was all over the news (quite literally) because somehow he had randomly showed up in some daily evening news program as a flight passenger being checked at customs in an airport. Apparently a show about airport security was done, and the day the program was filmed happened to be the day that CNBLUE was coming back from, I believe, Japan. 
















The circles were made by fans to point out the CNBLUE members. The top frame shows Jungshin being examined, and the bottom frame shows JongHyun tying his shoes and YongHwa waiting to come through the scanners. This was filmed completely unbeknownst to CNBLUE, and fans had quite a shock when they were watching the evening news when they recognized Jungshin Chingu. This "nation's chingu" concept came from a comment/reply that a reader had tacked on to a news article about this comical event. In one of  bhlee203's fancams of CNBLUE (YongHwa starts talking about it at 3:38), you can see YongHwa actually talk about this exact reply. On November 7th, Sunday, CNBLUE performed at some Hope Concert at Sport's World for its 5th year in business or something, and in the fancam YongHwa specifically says, "I was monitoring (aka searching/reading about stuff about myself and CNBLUE on the internet) recently, and there was an article about JungShin be scanned at the airport, and some reader had replied, 'He is surely the nation's chingu, Jungshin chingu,'" and he found it hilarious. The fact that JS, YH, and JH referred to JS as that multiple times in a phone call that couldn't have lasted more than ten minutes indicates that it was an inside joke they were still getting a kick out of. It was still fresh in their heads, and they still found it funny. It had to have been within a few days of the event.








Also, according to the first phone call, JS, JH, and MH were lounging in their undies, but by the time YongSeo arrived at the dorm MH wasn't there. MH has to record for his drama, and according to CNBLUE's official schedule, he didn't film on the 9th, but filmed on the 8th. This probably means he would not have had a reason to leave his dorm if he didn't have anything scheduled. He didn't have anything scheduled that Tuesday. It must have been a Monday. Also, JungShin said in the phone that he'd be getting ready later for other things, and CNBLUE's schedule indicates that on the 8th, he filmed for Star King. There's nothing listed for the 9th.  








6. There's so much about YongSeo that fans will never get to see.








The whole "11. Visit the Firenze Duomo" thing....um, what?! That is so random. I mean, that couldn't have been a mutual decision had they not discussed the possibility in detail, right? I mean, how did the Duomo creep in as a conversation topic anyway? And what made them think there'd be another international filming? It's upsetting, but we as fans will probably not get to know any of this. 








Also, WGM PD's definitely edited out hours worth of YongSeo interaction in their home because before Yong calls JH, if you look at the white table in the living room, there's a plate full of peeled goguma skins. This means they tried their gogumas. Well, we never saw it happen. 








Another this is In Yong's room, after YongSeo's been recording/fooling around for a bit, a plate of fruits and two drinks that hadn't been there before show up on the screen. I doubt that JS or JH just quickly dropped by as if they were butlers and left without a word. Knowing them, they probably said something funny and made YongSeo laugh when they dropped off the food. We didn't get to see that either. Hmph.dry.gif
















There's probably more I could say, but I'm getting really tired, and it already looks like I wrote a novel.








Thank you to the gogumas who actually read all that. I know that takes dedication and tons of respect. Kudos to you all.








Oh, and today is a good day for Yong fans because NAN is airing in a few hours. biggrin.gif








Happy holidays!
















Upon further analysis of the preview, I've come to realize that I was wrong. Yes, both of them were shocked and embarrassed, but Hyun seems' HORRIFIED and Yong seems shy, but happy about it. The last thing we see is Yong's "exploding cheekbones." He's most definitely shy about whatever the next mission is, but he seems really happy about it. I bascially think he's happy about it on the inside, but is showing more signs of shock and embarrassment on the outside due to his pride as a guy and for the sake of Hyun. smile.gif









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just another info
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































its mbc gayo daejun,well mbc ,maybe they can perform their couple song ??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































because in mbc show they gonna in one studio together
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr; yoongislove
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It seems that they use different studios for MBC Gayo Daejun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































# Ilsan MBC Lounge : Davichi, Supreme Team, Ze:a, SG Wannabe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































# Ilsan MBC Studio #5: 2PM , Narsha , Rainbow , Miss A , SNSD , Son Dambi , Seo Inyoung , Super Junior ,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cn Blue , IU , Younha , Lim Junghee , Kara , FT Island , F(x)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































# Ilsan MBC Studio #6 : 2PM,2AM, Narsha , BoA,Beast , Shinee , Seo Inyoung ,Suju, Supreme Team,Secret,Sistar, AS,Ukiss, Infinite,Ze:A,Kara,T-ara,4minute, Song Daekwan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr; chichinchu































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































also because the show at 31 dec (usually all the artist spend new year together at that show)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they can spending new year together for first time.

































































































































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Guest luv_yesung
































been watching latest episode for hmmmm.....i can't even remember how many times :sweatingbullets: Is it just me that wished the spend more times on their house? I mean i love seeing them visiting various places on dates but watching them on their house is so ... i may say give more of husband and wife vibe :wub:
















i wish they spend the night in the house,hy--un sleep in their bedroom and yo--ng on the couch,in the morning hy--un buin preparing breakfast and wake up yo--ng nampyon
















yo--ng chodingness strikes again,he refuse to wake up so that hy--un buin have to pull his arms like last episodes :sweatingbullets:
















sorry my imagination go wild,and it's only Monday,how can i survive until Saturday??!!!
















sorry gogumas for my poor english :sweatingbullets:

















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Guest Kerube-Chan


















5. In case any gogumas were still wondering, this was probably most definitely filmed on November 8th, which is a Monday.
















Besides the fact that Yong mentioned that SNSD was #1 two weeks in a row and SNSD had made their comeback on October 27th, Yonghwa, Jonghyun, and Jungshin all emphasized the "nation's chingu, JungShin chingu" thing over the phone multiple times. I'm pointing this out because some time between November 5th and 7th, JungShin was all over the news (quite literally) because somehow he had randomly showed up in some daily evening news program as a flight passenger being checked at customs in an airport. Apparently a show about airport security was done, and the day the program was filmed happened to be the day that CNBLUE was coming back from, I believe, Japan. 
















*quoted image*
















The circles were made by fans to point out the CNBLUE members. The top frame shows Jungshin being examined, and the bottom frame shows JongHyun tying his shoes and YongHwa waiting to come through the scanners. This was filmed completely unbeknownst to CNBLUE, and fans had quite a shock when they were watching the evening news when they recognized Jungshin Chingu. This "nation's chingu" concept came from a comment/reply that a reader had tacked on to a news article about this comical event. In one of  bhlee203's fancams of CNBLUE (YongHwa starts talking about it at 3:38), you can see YongHwa actually talk about this exact reply. On November 7th, Sunday, CNBLUE performed at some Hope Concert at Sport's World for its 5th year in business or something, and in the fancam YongHwa specifically says, "I was monitoring (aka searching/reading about stuff about myself and CNBLUE on the internet) recently, and there was an article about JungShin be scanned at the airport, and some reader had replied, 'He is surely the nation's chingu, Jungshin chingu,'" and he found it hilarious. The fact that JS, YH, and JH referred to JS as that multiple times in a phone call that couldn't have lasted more than ten minutes indicates that it was an inside joke they were still getting a kick out of. It was still fresh in their heads, and they still found it funny. It had to have been within a few days of the event.
















Also, according to the first phone call, JS, JH, and MH were lounging in their undies, but by the time YongSeo arrived at the dorm MH wasn't there. MH has to record for his drama, and according to CNBLUE's official schedule, he didn't film on the 9th, but filmed on the 8th. This probably means he would not have had a reason to leave his dorm if he didn't have anything scheduled. He didn't have anything scheduled that Tuesday. It must have been a Monday. Also, JungShin said in the phone that he'd be getting ready later for other things, and CNBLUE's schedule indicates that on the 8th, he filmed for Star King. There's nothing listed for the 9th.  































I want to thank you so much for doing this investigation, Gogumas detectives are Jjang!!!
















I will keep my vote with the wedding PhotoShoot.
















I think they filmed until midnight in the 8 and received a mission to film the next day to... That is why SH asked the stylist to make her make-up while she rest on the 9... Maybe Yongseo was played by the WGM PD (As they always film on tuesday, but this time they filmed on monday because SH is schedule), maybe SH was really going to the fansigning even, but SM give them permission to take her out the next day... or something like that.
















About the Florence Duomo, well somebody posted an interview of YH and they asked him what he have been reading and he answered Calm and Passion wich is a Japanese novel about a couple who decided to meet again after 10 years en the Florence Duomo, there is a movie with a Happy ending and the book with not a happy ending... Interesting thing is that Yongseo is thinking in their future, and sure enough they realize they are pretty young to be considering forever with their career and live before them... They are very mature for their age and I just hope they doesnt lost everything they have gained so far with their relationship.
















Happy spazzzing fellow gogumas!!!



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Just wanted to ask if someone could please kindly translate (even roughly) the following article.  I saw it in sweet potato days:




It seems to mention how in the Japan trip the captions made by the crew foreshadow Hyun's linking her arm with Yong.  It also mentions how there are hints of a kiss in the latest episode so that maybe there will be a kiss in the next?


I don't know in what context this is written - that is whether the crew film the event and to prevent rejection from the audience of the skinship, they prepare the audience beforehand with lots of captions hinting of what is to come.


Thank you in advance.



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Hi again,












would like to confirm something.







Last time, there's a picture of Hyun, tweet by a stylist, right..???







Picture with Hyun listening using earphone.







That we discuss weather this couple really do a wedding picture.












did anyone remember the date????



















Ok I found it..







Thanks to Sweet Potato Blog...







They really keep track of everything...







But it on 11 Nov... :(







will check the twitter again....







hopefully it's on 9 Nov....







or maybe.. just maybe, they do next mission on 11 Nov... who knows right...













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