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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest yongseocouple
































































































tomorrow is CNBLUE concert and i owe K-gogumas to inform us whether hyun come to there or not. i hope hyun will come like the last concert CNBLUE did. yeay YONGSEO!!














































































































































































































and hope tomorrow episode will be daebak so that will be erase all the dissapoinment of gogumas!! cheers to yongseo. cheers to goguma :)))

















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tommorrow CNblue concert, i want Yong stay healthy. seriously he needs to sleep enough. because if he tired than there will be a lot of blame to WGM. I hope Hyun will be their but secretly. because i dont want she will be get hurt of some anti WGM. support her husband at backstage is perfect. i hope the best for Yong and his bandmate 2morrow and may be Hyun brave enough to give a kiss on his check to give more strong 2morrow then Yong will overcomes his tireness :wub::wub:


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Guest Caliope


My opinion:

I forget the negative points.

Since a moderator soompi caught our attention, this thread has changed considerably.

My only negative points for:

- Those who use insults to our couple.

- Those who use written post that have nothing to do with our couple.

We should enjoy our couple, and every time it seems that a couple psychology thread (ring)

Tomorrow is a great day: WGM Episode and CNBLUE concert.




I will banish the idea that Seohyun go to the 2º concert, because she went to the 1º concert. But ... Who knows? :P




I do not agree with something I read earlier. Something like: "when YongHwa coughed..."




For those who don't know, a person with vocal cord nodules, coughs quite often.




That has nothing to do with the cold or stress or anything. That had to do at first (when they formed nodules) but not now.




This is my opinion.





Dear Santa:

This year Yongseo fans have been very good (except for some Goguma derailed... ¬¬)

We have supported (and will continue to do) to Yongseo couple (CNBLUE and SNSD).

Therefore, this year we want your gifts to us:

- CNBLUE members and SNSD members have good health, much success and happiness.

- We want a Yongseo CD with: "Banmal song" electronic, "Banmal Song" rock version, "Banmal Song" acoustic, "Banmal Song" soft version...

- We want a official MV for "Banmal Song".

- Please... Could you teach Seohyun how to cook? :P

- As Christmas is magic, we want you protect all Yongseo Fans. We want you protect others (Yongseo no fans and Yongseo antis), giving Goguma Love... and so they can discover how wonderful it is our couple.

- And last, protect us to continue providing our love for Yongseo couple.

With all our love,

Yongseo Fans.








For all Yongseo Fans ...


Merry Christmas and the new year bring Happiness, Love, Work and a lot of good Health for you and yours ^^




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Hi regarding winning the best couple award, I feel that I just have to come out and express my opinion.


















I think that if you like someone or anything for that matter, you should vote and hope they win. Whether or not they have garnered too much attention is not for us to judge. In any case for celebrities, more attention is better than less. Nobody bothers about losing couple or people. Most people only will remember the winners.


















Hence it is better to win the best couple award because it will send a message to the producers and the stations about where Yongseo stands. Whichever couple who wins the award will be guaranteed a continued timeslot on WGM. I am sure the production team and the station track the popularity of each couple very closely. So it is very important to give them support.


















I think it is important in life that whatever we do, we give our best and try to win. Of course if we have tried our best and we still come in 2nd or in lesser positions we should not be disheartened and try again and again. But I find the attitude of giving up even before trying to win very disturbing. At least if we did not win, we can say that we tried our best. But if we dont try, then we may regret later and always think about "what if...".


















Also if we dont try and somebody else wins, than do we just discredit their win? Saying that they wouldnt have win if we give it our 100%? Eventually we should celebrate all winners, because they always win for a reason whether it is fair or not.


















So I really hope that Yongseo wins and hope Yong and Hyun will win many many other awards in their career. Because awards are not only a mark of achievement, it is feedback from others and everyone loves positive feedback :)



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LOL caliope, I loved your letter for Santa :rolleyes:.
















Thank you all gogumas for pics, and links and news and everything about our YongSeo!!!. They both are such wonderful persons and I wish the very best for themselves and their loved ones.
















I want to ask something to Santa too. I want you Santa to protect their hearts from all the bad intentions that  may surround them, Give them strength to keep going and don´t let them separate ever, that their friendship last forever.
















And you know? people say that if you kiss someone you love under a mistletoe, you will be blessed with eternal love ... so Santa, please let a mistletoe in YongSeo´s home  and let the magic happen :wub:. (so shipper so shipper)
















Merry Christmas dear gogumas and a very happy New Year! a lot of blessing for you Go-chun villagers and for our beloved couple :wub:





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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















bettechai.......... can you please edit your post so it will be more than 1 line and more than 20 words. Oh, and about the ring, no need to worry. you can track back to previous pages to read about our discussions about the ring. You shouldn't worry too much ;)














YAY! tomorrow is WGM day, and also CNBLUE's concert. Is there a reason not to celebrate??? I agree with yongseocouple those events will cure our disappointments lately and will create cheerful atmosphere for all of us :D.














Regarding the CNBLUE concert, Yong and bro-in-laws have been working really hard this year! 2 concerts already with them as a rookie this year...... how amazing is that!!! and also SNSD with their successes this year. AMAZING Hubby and Wife :wub:














EDIT: Yay my 100th post. Didn't think I would be hooked in a single thread like this. I guess this is not really important..... carry on:sweatingbullets:
















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gudeve, good morning and good afternoon Goguma villagers :)













i was rewatching the past episodes of YongSeo...






and i just wanna share this screencap












i love MC Kim's reaction here...






like he's the father of this two lovebirds :)


































btw, congratulations SNSD at MuBank... i love the soft version of CN Blue's Love :)




















and oh! goodluck to CN Blue's concert tomorrow :) fighting!!



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Guest Rouenna
































































































Hello gogumas! :)
































































I can't wait for tomorrow's episode, especially the "naturally linking arms" part that MC Kim tweeted about. :w00t:
































































Also, good luck to CNBLUE's concert tomorrow.
































































Uri couple is so busy even today. After Music Bank earlier, I'm sure Yong and bro-in-laws are rehearsing pretty hard now. Even Hyun was off on another schedule. Just watched a Twitcast (live streaming) of SNSD at Lotte world a while ago and they performed four songs. They're still wearing the blue costume they had on earlier.
































































Anyway, all I hope this Christmas is for yongseo and all gogumas to have a blessed holiday and to continue that positive spirit. :D

















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Guest dan_glitz
















I'm really amazed with our idol's stamina this December. So many awards show, so many rehearsals and performances. With CNBlue concert somemore, 








I'm just hoping Yong wouldn't break down. I'm sure Hyun will be fine, since she's all about healthy food and being really healthy. Hey Hyun! why don't you bring








some of your health juices to Yong? Surely he will be thankful. And oh, yes linh80, I soo agree with you that Hyun should give a good luck kiss to Yong. :)













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Dropping in to share with everyone my new fanvid - Art of Love.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It really is the perfect song for Yongseo and I've been wanting to make this ever since the mildang period. However I waited patiently and didn't make it until after this week's episode where we were really able to see the fruit of Yonghwa's unyielding patience!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's episode. I feel like ever since the Japan episodes, they are in a new season of their relationship.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love the goguma village because we are always positive and fun. Let's keep that atmosphere in this thread always! Yongseo FIGHTING!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Sorry for random spazz but i think fans need to learn how to stay cool regarding Yong 's schedules..of course he got tight schedules but then fan need to learn how to deal with this. They are rookie group and they still in the middle of branding their name. Obviously, they need to work harder especially they are in a band group .





Me, kinda felt a little bit sad over K-Boice who over react toward Yong schedule and ask for him to drop off from WGM. They are a lot of things K-boice can do to help/encourage him to stay healthy such as sent him healthy food during his schedules and etc..they know better than us on what to do right?





A lot of artist have tight schedules same as YOng, but do you see their fans ask for any drop off from any show? Nop right. For example, Yoochun got tight schedules during his drama sungkyunkwan and at the same time, his new album, plus touring, practicing his dance even at the drama set. That is not even tight compare to what he did previously before lawsuit.. What i wanna say here, instead of asking your fav idol to drop off from any show, fans need to help their fav idol to stay focus and happy while working..





Sorry i spazz in here rather than at CNB thread..this is regarding WGM too ^^





By da way, Hyun wink wink during her part.. She looked sexy and damn so lovely. While Yong look kinda hmm,...i think he stress out ..plus with all fans thingy /media thingy and his schedule.





He need to learn how to handle that stuff..maybe hyun can help him , a kiss would be fine .


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Guest yasmin_waldz






my first post... yay, finally! seriously, never a day goes by without checking this thread... the endless information that you guys so generously give, all for our love for the couple... my heartfelt thanks to all of you...


my sister was the one who introduced me to this couple... she knows that I like cnblue and told me that he is being paired up with a member from SNSD.. i got to admit, I am not their biggest fan (still not), but Seohyun made me like them somehow... just goes to show how amazing this girl is... hehe... and honestly, right from the first episode, I was hooked... their young and innocent love makes you remember your own young love (haha)and makes you believe in the magic of love all over again... I am very glad that I got to join them in their painfully awkward but heartwarming journey to find the answer on the difference between love and like...


I can't wait for tomorrow... I love yonghwa's banmal song, he is very good and that is why i love cnblue... very talented band... Hope we can hear the whole song soon... so excited...


Just a note: I have always wanted to post since but the harsh reception that some (especially newbies) received when violations were made made me hesitate... I do understand the sentiments why some reacted that way... But lately, more than protecting this thread, I feel that we have all become one family and if there were any violations made, you guys just inform the member so that it can be rectified hence the courage to finally post a message... yipee!!! if I do made any mistake, feel free to correct me... I am more than glad because this has got to be my first post ever... haha...



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I don't think the real BOICE fans would even want to stop their idol from doing something he enjoys. I am a Cassie and sure, I do feel sad at times when I see my favorite member is the main character and has to act all in love with his partner. It hurts to see them tired or sad, but when I see that what they have done is all worth the troubles and I see them beaming again, I smile as well.


Boice or not, those fans are only after YongHwa and are beginning to see the potentiality that he and SeoHyun might actually end up together. Their chemistry is strong, the bond and the trust they've built are strong. So why was this issue not as big as it was back then? When people started calling them the most boring couple on the show? The fans could have persuaded him to stop when he and Hyun were still so very awkward with each other, but why now? When they are so close and more expressive than before?


They are not the 'loyal' fans that they claim to be. If you were loyal, you'd accept your idol no matter how low he's become, or how ridiculous he's become; much like how the Shawols had accepted JongHyun's relationship with Shin Se Kyung. They may have objected it and angered by it (esp now that JonggKey will never be the same T_T), but they've learned to accept it and love their idol no less.


This is what a true fan and a friend is about. You support your idol, raise his mood up when he's down, scold him when he's done something ridiculous, and never abandon him.




goguma1207, you are JJANG!! Your videos are pure love :D



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I don't think the real BOICE fans would even want to stop their idol from doing something he enjoys. I am a Cassie and sure, I do feel sad at times when I see my favorite member is the main character and has to act all in love with his partner. It hurts to see them tired or sad, but when I see that what they have done is all worth the troubles and I see them beaming again, I smile as well.





Boice or not, those fans are only after YongHwa and are beginning to see the potentiality that he and SeoHyun might actually end up together. Their chemistry is strong, the bond and the trust they've built are strong. So why was this issue not as big as it was back then? When people started calling them the most boring couple on the show? The fans could have persuaded him to stop when he and Hyun were still so very awkward with each other, but why now? When they are so close and more expressive than before?





They are not the 'loyal' fans that they claim to be. If you were loyal, you'd accept your idol no matter how low he's become, or how ridiculous he's become; much like how the Shawols had accepted JongHyun's relationship with Shin Se Kyung. They may have objected it and angered by it (esp now that JonggKey will never be the same T_T), but they've learned to accept it and love their idol no less.





This is what a true fan and a friend is about. You support your idol, raise his mood up when he's down, scold him when he's done something ridiculous, and never abandon him.










goguma1207, you are JJANG!! Your videos are pure love :D









i totally agree with you ..Im just tired of people saying. Yong look tired and he should just stop doing this and that..i am cassie same as you too..and i bet you understand how hectic DBSK's schedules was.





i wish if i can say all this to K-Boice and hopefully everyone will understand that to be successful, u need to sacrifice a bit..





he is young and he got talent..let him do what he can . let him show what he can do..real fan will never ask their artist to stop growing.





And i am CNB's fan for a reason..they got talent.


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Hello fellow Gogumas!














All k-pop groups or individual idols have heavy schedules towards the end of the year. There are so many award shows to attend, as well as so many TV stations to attend to. It is the case every year. I remember last year was the same for Jang Geun Suk, who was the "in" person at that time due to the success of You're Beautiful. Therefore, for Yong to have a packed schedule towards the end of the year is not something which is unusual. In fact, if he is not busy, then we have to be very worried, cos that would mean that he is not popular.














So... let us show our support to Yong and Hyun by not criticising his and her schedule. Let's be glad that they are busy because they are popular.














In case this is my last post of the year, let me wish every Goguma a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011. May you have good health, be prosperous and stay safe.














Peace out!



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today, this thread is unexpectedly quiet. is it because fellow goguma friends are busy with the preparation work for their christmas parties, christmas holiday ?




about the ring issue, i am not going to further discuss this matter. i just want to say .... after the japan trip ep, i am not worried if they wear couple ring on the stage or not. if they do wear, of course i am happy. if they don't, i would just say "oh... not wearing" because i truely believe in them, they must have reasons. also i trust them they would wear the couple rings after their work.




look forward very much tomorrow ep and would like to see how the 'banmal' song would be. as what yong said, he really likes to express himself through composing songs. his passion on music is really amusing. really want to know if he did have formal training on music, guitar, drum, piano, composing songs... i am wondering if he is now composing another for their 'push and pull' game to express his feelings at that period of time. if he would, i believe that the song would be very interesting. i found that not only hyun always does something we unexpected, yong also does many amazing things. which one do you like ? for me, it's the "forgive me notebook". i like the idea how he showed how hard he did to look for the commitment letter. he couldn't sleep because he was afraid hyun would be angry. but interesting is that hyun (at that time, she was still very innocent) was not angry at all. yong felt a little bit disappointed. he looked adorable. later on, it's 'love light'. i think i don't have to tell you why i like it. i still remember ...when watching that ep, i was so excited like crazy, my heart beat so fast firstly because of hyun's solo performance singing 'love light' to yong, then hyun giving yong the new couple ring, then the story book, then the turn of yong telling hyun about thinking of her when writing the lyrics of 'love light', then both of them linking arms and finally first time holding hands.... too much in one single ep within the last ten minutes... i was nearly dying ....




tomorrow ep .... holding hands, sweetness between yong and hyun,...




hope hyun would send christmas message to yong, he will be very happy, don't know how many time did hyun call yong after she promised him to break her wall ? sometimes really want them to have some small arguments so that they would voice out their complaint so we will know more about them. if always too sweet, no secret will be blown out.


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erxmeeza & d3j1k0: i totally agree with the both of you. :wub:

i became a Boice when i started watching WGM. CN Blue is just so talented and thanks to WGM i came to know them. true fans will support their idol no matter what and not dictate what they should do or not. Yong does look tired without a doubt but that's pretty normal for one of the most wanted guy and band in 2010. afterall, being a leader of a band is not just about looking good. if he does not appear in anything, now that you would have to worry. it's their job, their passion and i bet that as tired as he is, he enjoys what he does. of cos, we all hope that he does have proper rest and Hyun as well.

hopefully this christmas, a wish for them to get some well deserved rest will come true.

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Your username is my nickname in real life lol, spelled with a "K" and a hyphen of course :)




I believe your question is: Out of all the things that YongHwa has done for SeoHyun, what was the most memorable or touching one?




For me, it would still be the The Guidebook for Japan. As implied by both him and his members (in the letters), it took him quite a while to finish the thing. He gave it a lot of thought, told her how find her seat in the plane (when she's already been travelling for a while now), printed out images just in case she doesn't know how to pronounce the names of the food and just show them to the waiter, and warned her about getting arrested if she doesn't have her id with her. It was a very detailed guide book that must have taken a lot of thinking and time to put together.




I love how he put some pictures of him there, confident that she'd miss his lovely face. <3




I also do adore him for that "apology" notebook he did for her a while back. It was sweet and adorable at the same time and one could tell how surprised he was when Hyun just let the issue go and laugh it off. It was a one-of-kind, Hyun-ish reaction that he's gotten used to.



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I don't think the real BOICE fans would even want to stop their idol from doing something he enjoys. I am a Cassie and sure, I do feel sad at times when I see my favorite member is the main character and has to act all in love with his partner. It hurts to see them tired or sad, but when I see that what they have done is all worth the troubles and I see them beaming again, I smile as well.
























































































Boice or not, those fans are only after YongHwa and are beginning to see the potentiality that he and SeoHyun might actually end up together. Their chemistry is strong, the bond and the trust they've built are strong. So why was this issue not as big as it was back then? When people started calling them the most boring couple on the show? The fans could have persuaded him to stop when he and Hyun were still so very awkward with each other, but why now? When they are so close and more expressive than before?
























































































They are not the 'loyal' fans that they claim to be. If you were loyal, you'd accept your idol no matter how low he's become, or how ridiculous he's become; much like how the Shawols had accepted JongHyun's relationship with Shin Se Kyung. They may have objected it and angered by it (esp now that JonggKey will never be the same T_T), but they've learned to accept it and love their idol no less.
























































































This is what a true fan and a friend is about. You support your idol, raise his mood up when he's down, scold him when he's done something ridiculous, and never abandon him.
















































































































































































goguma1207, you are JJANG!! Your videos are pure love :D















































































































































































So true, so true! Dear, I think you said it all :) *hugs*
























































































I loved CNBlue before I started watching WGM (which introduced me to SNSD, by the way). At first, I didn't want to watch, because I loved CNBlue for their music, and I didn't like the idea of them getting into some kind of TV reality show (I'm from Europe, and over here, TV reality show are the WORST THING EVER! It isn't cute and funny like korean ones, they're just vulgar and stupid... That why I was not happy at all hearing Yonghwa was taking part of the show. I imagined it as some kind of European-like-dum-show). But then, I discovered that the show was cute, funny, innocent, and was a good way to know more about Yonghwa & his brothers. I got to love Yonghwa's personality even more, and my beloved Jungshin became my favorit Jungshin CHINGOO (and we are the same age <3). Seeing Yonghwa being able to smile, to laugh like a dork, to act like a child is what makes me happy. Even if he's tired, you can see that he is happy and enjoys filming. As a Boice, I think that as long I can see a joyful Yonghwa, then I'll be happy too. Idols all have a terrible schedule. They live crazy lives. Of course, I'm worried when I see Yonghwa so tired, or sick. But I know that it is a whole, we can't blame only WGM (but isn't the show that exhaust him the most, I guess, by the way...).
























































































And let's mention that Yonghwa, beside being an "idol", is just an healthy young man, which means that he enjoys being with girls... Well, I guess that because of his crazy schedule, he doesn't have much time to flirt... We need to be realistic: if he wasn't shooting WGM, they would put him shooting any other show instead. So, at least, let him have fun with a cute girl on WGM rather than being MC for another show that would exhaust him even more.
























































































True Boices should support Yonghwa & his brothers whatever they are doing. They are adults, they know what they do.
























































































CNBlue, fighting! <3









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