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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest hihi_hehe








































mine also got blocked, and many goguma too
















that is so depressing, she/he obviously sees what we're trying to do, but >"<
















I hope, we can continue to persuade/convince/warn him/her
















let's do our best guy!





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Guest yongseocouple












hello guys. i just dont know what's going on here. i read someone talk about war? what war? and can u guys tell me about TheG1art what is she/he doing? is she/he doing something wrong that make a war? or what? sorry for ridiculous question.
























p.s: saturday is tomorrow. cheer up guys! about the ring, u know what, this ring accident make me more sure that they are the real couple! cmon cheer up :)))



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Guest lovekin




hello guys. i just dont know what's going on here. i read someone talk about war? what war? and can u guys tell me about TheG1art what is she/he doing? is she/he doing something wrong that make a war? or what? sorry for ridiculous question.

p.s: saturday is tomorrow. cheer up guys! about the ring, u know what, this ring accident make me more sure that they are the real couple! cmon cheer up :)))










i have a suspicion that this "war" is a reference to this ongoing thing we have with antis.  that's inaccurate, though, because antis are not even on our radar - or ideally, they shouldn't be.  and if it's not about the antis, it's about this ring.  it could be a lot of things, but it's getting too tough to follow.  honestly, everyone just needs to take a chill pill.  sweatingbullets.gif  these things ... we know there are people who are antagonistic, but some are letting it affect them.  my advice?  don't let it; it's not worth your time.




as far as i know, this g1 figure is taking a well-known youtuber's videos (blossom) and splicing it to make it her own, disregarding the original owner's wishes not to have her cams distributed.


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Guest sapphire18




















On the upcoming broadcast of MBC’s “We Got Married“, the YongSeo couple (CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa and SNSD’s Seohyun) will receive a mission to compose a couple song together.








The couple will continue to build on a song created by Yonghwa, called the “informal speech song.” A work-in-progress, it was revealed on last week’s episode when Yonghwa sang a bit of it to Seohyun during their date.








In order to work on the song, the couple went over to Yonghwa’s CNBLUE dorm, which had the necessary equipment. Throughout their session Yonghwa continuously helped Seohyun, who had no experience in composing or writing lyrics. At the end, the couple was able to create an electronica version of the “informal speech song.”








Check out the following clip of the song from last week’s episode, and be sure to tune in on this week’s “We Got Married”, scheduled for December 18th!











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Guest bezbezbez











































For YongSeo's 1st Year Anniversary on 11th February 2011












Go! Go! Gogumas!!!















































07th December 2010: Launching & Project Briefing












17th December 2010: Submission Deadline for the Elimination Round Goguma Idols












18th December 2010: Announcement of Participants who made it to the Grand Finals of Goguma Idols












03rd January 2011: Submission Deadline for the Grand Finals of Goguma Idols












08th January 2011: Announcement of Winners for the Goguma Idols












15th January 2011: Submission Deadline of Pictures and Videos for It’s a YongSeo World Afterall Project












01st February 2011: Sending the project to Korea



























Part1- It’s a YongSeo World Afterall























Compilation of fan pictures and videos for YongSeo Couple's 1st year anniversary (February 11, 2010). Originally this was part of the 300-Day project, however to allow more time for submissions and compilations the deadline is now January 15, 2011 (11:59pm KST). At the end we will compile all the videos and pictures and create a Video tribute (similar in idea to the SONEs project) that showcases all the fans from all over the world and their love for the YongSeo couple. So please do send us your pictures and videos ^___^












1. Using your own creativity, take pictures or videos and include the YongSeo International Fanbase Logo. Click here for the Hi-res logo












2. You can either capture your solo picture or together with your YongSeo country fans. We accept all the pictures and videos as long they are clearly visible.












3. It’s okay if you don’t want to show your face (I know some of us are shy) So, please use your creativity and imagination to take pictures or videos that show some parts of you (eg. hand, fingers, head etc etc).












4. Pictures – Must be in JPG format & in high resolution. Send to seohwa.project@gmail.com with the title 4th Project - Picture.












5. Videos – AVI, MP4, MOV formats accepted. Upload to any uploader hosting and send us the link for download to seohwa.project@gmail.com with the email title 4th Project – Video.












NOTE: It is very much important that the pictures that you’ll send us are not PSed or product of some editing because we would like to show YongSeo how big our fan group is and not how great we are in terms of Photo Shop.



























Part2- Goguma Idol























The team plans to give YongSeo two original songs, one of which is a duet song and the other is a fan song. The duet song will entail the feelings of the couple towards each other while the fan song will showcase how greatly YongSeo has influenced our lives. These two songs will be sent to the couple hoping that they’d at least consider one of which for their collaboration.












In line with that, we will launch a mini-competition for all the musically gifted gogumas out there. The competition will be called Goguma Idol. This part of the project aims to seek for the best gogumas out there who can really sing their hearts out. The winners of the said competition will get the rare opportunity to sing the duet song or the fan song for YongSeo.












We will conduct pairs and solo audition for this competition to cater the preference of all the gogumas. Grab your partners now for the pairs audition and for those who want to go solo, better start your vocalization ^____^























What are we exactly looking for?


























1. a pair, specifically a boy and a girl, for the duet song (pairs audition)












2. 4 singers for the fan song (solo audition)




























































1.To those who are interested to join















Goguma Idol















, send a message to






























with a title of















4th Project- Goguma Idol















along with the following needed information.


































For Pairs Audition:









































































Full Name:

































































































Full Name:




































Team Codename:


































For Solo Audition:








































































2. Once you’re done submitting the needed information, we’ll inform you about the validity of your audition through mail. We will also send you the lyrics of the song, sample audio, and another audio for the audition proper. From there, we will let your creativity to flow. We won’t be restricting the participants to just follow the rhythm of the song given, you can play with it and make it better as long as you won’t change the lyrics. The deadline of submission for the said audition piece will be on December 17, 2010 (11:59pm KST). We’ll announce those who made it to the first cut on December 18, 2010.












3. After the elimination round, we will send the participants who made the first cut another set of song. This time, the participants will get the chance to sing the finalized duet song for the pairs and the fan song for the soloists. Again, we will let the participants play with the arrangement of the song excluding the lyrics. The deadline for this is on January 3, 2011 (11:59pm KST).












4. Once all the entries are in, it’s time to show our Goguma power. We’ll conduct a 3-day online voting for all of us to choose which truly deserves the opportunity to sing the duet song and the fan song. All the gogumas will have the chance to pick who will be our Goguma Idols. The power is on our hands so remember to vote wisely! ^____^ The winners will be announced January 8,2011 through soompi and twitter. Watch out for it!












REMINDER: To avoid bias, we will use codenames for the participants. The participants are also not allowed to reveal their identity and to campaign themselves throughout the competition. Once caught doing this, he/she/they will be automatically eliminated on the competition. We have a lot of spies on every sites and chat boxes so don’t you dare violate it ^____^







































Part3- Gogumas Give Back























This is the socially-related part of the project. As fans, we should be very much thankful that through We Got Married YongHwa and SeoHyun were able to meet. The couple played a big part in our lives for this year. Most of us can’t resist a day without searching anything about Yongseo or worse spazzing all day and night. Through this wonderful couple we were able to gain not just friends but also a family across the globe. Our love for YongSeo has crossed all the borders and all the rumors. For all those reasons, we should be thankful.












To show our gratitude, we have decided that the team will give back to the less fortunate people through supporting the World Feeding Program. We aim to donate around $400-$500 to the said charity under the name of YongSeo. We seek for your help on this one since it’s a pretty big amount, but rest assured that our goal to GIVE BACK will be attained.



























Part4- Goguma Couple Items























It has always been a part of any of our project to give some couple items to YongSeo. The items will depend on the budget on hand. We’ll do our best to find some unique goodies to give for YongSeo. If you have any suggestions on this couple items, feel free to send us a message at seohwa.project@gmail.com with a title of 4th Project- Couple Items.


















































To all the gogumas out there, these ideas won’t be materialized if we don’t have the enough funds. We need your support on this as the team give its 100+% on all the activities involved. Please don’t let the hard work of the people behind the project team be wasted because we lack the money.We made it last 300th day Gift-giving Project so I hope that you’ll continue to support us on the 1st Year Anniversary Project.












The SeoHwa Project has setup a PayPal account to collect donations. If you would like to contribute for purchasing gifts please send payment using PayPal to seohwafund@gmail.com. Any amount at all would be hugely appreciated. We promise we will use these donations wisely and guard it safely. More details and a donation tracker will be posted on the SeoHwa Project blog.












If you don’t want to use PayPal, just send me a PM and let me see what I can do for you. I’ll do my best to cater to your means of donating ^___^























I hope everything’s clear for now. Since the thread is moving so fast and if you think you have miss some of the posts regarding the project, you guys can see them in the project blog soon–http://seohwaproject.blogspot.com






































Kindly ask if there’s anything you want to know. The 4th project mainly will be handle by me, Indi (bezbezbez). However, this project is really a big one so I would need at least 3 associates. Please send me a message if you’re interested. I promise to support you all the way! Don’t forget to PM us for any future ideas or suggestion.






































We would like to thank all YongSeo fans around the world for always giving the project team continuous support and love. We will try our best to represent our YongSeo International Fanbase especially to YongSeo couple themselves. Thank you very much! ^___^






































Thank you! Hwaiting everyone! Lets participate together! With Love and Regards,























nazweena, genxv, bezbezbez































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On the upcoming broadcast of MBC’s “We Got Married“, the YongSeo couple (CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa and SNSD’s Seohyun) will receive a mission to compose a couple song together.






The couple will continue to build on a song created by Yonghwa, called the “informal speech song.” A work-in-progress, it was revealed on last week’s episode when Yonghwa sang a bit of it to Seohyun during their date.






In order to work on the song, the couple went over to Yonghwa’s CNBLUE dorm, which had the necessary equipment. Throughout their session Yonghwa continuously helped Seohyun, who had no experience in composing or writing lyrics. At the end, the couple was able to create an electronica version of the “informal speech song.”






Check out the following clip of the song from last week’s episode, and be sure to tune in on this week’s “We Got Married”, scheduled for December 18th!

















Really? Electronica? I kind of hoped it'd be something acoustic or mellow, but it seems like they're going more towards the cute side. That's okay though, since it's YongSeo lol but I just hope they wouldn't add autotune or something to their wonderful voices. I'm excited already~


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:wub: sad when hear about the news of misuntanding between Yongseo's fan and Boice because of using video. I think the owner of the clip should directly apolygy to Bloosom. i think she/he didnt do that on purpose, just because she/he didnt read enough the rules and copyright thing. as yongseo's fan and also Boice i feel really sad about that.




For the yongseo's fan, in order to reduce fighting with Boice, we should sometimes restrain ourself when comments on video of Cnblue. I watched quite a lot of video of Cnlue and saw a lot of comment about Yongseo and that make Boice feel uncomfortable. it is not bad, for me it is cute, but for people dont know our couple they feel annoyed because they think we didnt appreaciate Cnblue but just Yongseo.




some mention about the war in this thread because of the ring, i dont think so. just some kind of dicussion. but because sometimes people dont want to read sad news or sad analysis then next time we will put in spoiler. i am sorry that if my thought about the rings made some people upset.




anyway, we love our couple. but to let this love more beautiful, each member should read more the rules and try to avoid some misunderstanding. because fighting with Boice or whatever fanbase is really bad reputation for our thread, and also for our couple. we want our couple with good image, then we are fans should also have good images too. respect each other and respect others fans.




tomorrow is our Yongseo days, lets cheer. and enjoy :wub:






just test whether it works



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i hope the problem about that video will be quickly finished and we can watch our couple again 








please to he/she apologizy to blossom sincerily. we love our couple and make this thread full of love with our couple (Yongseo couple)








hmm, by the way i write fanfic about Yongseo couple,,this is my first time to write their story&i hope you like it








i post my stories in gogumafics with author lovely6887 this is the link:
















i hope you enjoy my story,,,,thank you,,,









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Guest pinkypanther_07

hi all, i'm afraid there is no yongseo today becoz according to our Saturn from CNB soompi, there will be no special stage for CNBlue since they have to rush to Hall of Peace for their concert rehearsal :unsure: .... poor Yong, he has a very tight schedule since the morning for SBS NAN, Music Bank rehearsal n also rehearsal for their concert tomorrow

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Once again Big Congrats to Our Boys CN Blue for #20 LOVE & #7 I'M A LONER AND FOR SNSD #6 RDR #4 HOOT
































ohhh poor Yong tight sked
















oh Go-Chun Loner is TT right now lets help thanks









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and here are scap of HYUN during SNSD perf. our Hyun wink again 2day for the HOOT perf.









































































































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Poor Yong with his tight schedule. i really after new year they have a little bit more rest, but i doubt about that. i want both of them stay healthy. with this tight schedule, it is really crazy. it is better one week without Yongseo than seeing them tired and sick.




By the way, i just preorder new album of Cnblue and Hoot DVD to support them. i am more a Yongseo fan and BOIce because i have all cd from CNblue. hhaha. i loves their music and i hope Yong will compose a lot of songs for Hyun in his next album. really cant wait for his comeback in Korean. but i like Japanese release because they always have english version.




Rewatching their eps when they went to see sunrise. it is really nice to come back and see all their sweet moment, and see how their love begins. in this eps, clearly Hyun didnt have yet the feeling for boy. hhaha because the way see react was the way to cute. hahah i dont know how many times i laughed when she read her reports about love book Yonggave. An when Yong said now we are married couple, Hyun was sad because they are not dating couple anymmore. cute




The more i rewatch all eps again the more i know why so many people loves our coulple. their journey is so special. really really real. Why, Yong had never think of Maknea of SNsd, and Hyun never think about boys. they came together without any attraction and then bang. love arrow => love story. :wub:




all their interations i think the way too adorable that pds cant help but love them. and we fans are crazy. :wub: really cant wait for 2morrow.






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Guest yongseocouple
































































































hey guys is it just me or yong really do look sad when he sang on mubank? i wonder why. just keep watching his eyes. those eyes really showed that he is not good or sad or something? maybe he's too tired? or.............................. i cant say more. maybe this is just me

















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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@kenjisam Thank you for posting Hyun's pics!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Is it just me or the caps looked so...WOW. This Hyun looks so different. blush.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe she was moved by Yong's soothing sexy voice in the new rendition of Love? :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry, guys. I'm just being random...again. I usually get random on fridays. :D:P

































































































































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I prefer khuntoria or adam couple to win best couple in my opinion, that award just brings unnecessary attention on yongseo couple that already has so much attention on it from korean media.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really hope yongseo doesn't win the best couple award, even though our couple is hands down the best wgm couple.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I meant to press the green button to remove the negative rating but accidentally pressed the red and it went up from -1 to -2 instead @_@ so sorry~ my bad!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I actually agree with your point about winning the poll. As much as I love how YongSeo is getting more recognised, I do think that it will acquire a lot of unwanted attention. And for Yong and Hyun, being both from popular idol groups, it might not be the most ideal situation- especially for CnBlue who are still considerably new and are still establishing their name. We all know how the media makes mountains out of molehills and twists some of the stories to make it more "fun" or to suit their tastes. But either way, I personally hate it when Yong and Hyun have to pretend that they don't have a special relationship just because they are scared of what might the media say e.g. in Inkigayo. Although that's not the main reason why they have to act all cold, I'm pretty sure it is a factor too. I don't ask that they go all lovey-dovey everywhere cos that won't be right! But seriously, avoiding eye contact is just a bit too much! I mean it's not their fault because they're just being professionals and probably just trying to avoid ridiculous scandals. But fear of what the media might say must have something to do with it as well....






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ugh I've babbled too much again hahaha... On another note, I can't wait for tomorrow's episode! It's another first for our Hyun to compose a song right? Heheheh~ It's gonna be another memorable event for our couple ^^

































































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hey guys is it just me or yong really do look sad when he sang on mubank? i wonder why. just keep watching his eyes. those eyes really showed that he is not good or sad or something? maybe he's too tired? or.............................. i cant say more. maybe this is just me


















He's definitely tired. These past two weeks must have been hell for him with schedule after schedule. Actually a lot of the artists on Music Bank looked super tired during their performances. It's only going to get worse with Gayo Daejuns coming up. They have to prepare for their own performances and possibly special stages as well.



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MORE OF HYUN, SNSD waiting room with KARA,T-ARA

























































































































































































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CNBLUE - Love + I'm A Loner PERF.





























































































































































































































SNSD Oh! + "Hoot Perf.
































































SNSD wins K-chart 2010 for Oh!































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
























hey guys is it just me or yong really do look sad when he sang on mubank? i wonder why. just keep watching his eyes. those eyes really showed that he is not good or sad or something? maybe he's too tired? or.............................. i cant say more. maybe this is just me



























Yong must be really tired............ just look at the schedule.














morning MuBank dry rehearsal - Night after Night recording - go back for MuBank broadcast - go for rehearsal for CNBLUE concert....
















I hope he stays healthy, same thing goes for Hyun
















Btw, CNBLUE's LOVE performance is sooo AWESOME! Hyun also winked again during HOOT performance!!














LIKE HUSBAND LIKE WIFE  :rolleyes: :rolleyes:









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