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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest baby_bo































































































SoShi Subs Presents
































[soShi Subs] MBC We Got Married S2 EP 46 - Seohyun & Yonghwa Cut [08.21.10]































































































































Project 480! So much for the previously mentioned goal of 1 episode a week :\ That didn't quite happen but nonetheless we're still chugging along, slowly but surely































































Yonghwa and Seohyun make kimchi as a housewarming gift for CN Blue and their new dorm. Are Seohyun's culinary skills as dubious as Jessica's? Watch and find out! Pink subs ftw~



























































































































































































Translator: cathode
































Timer: Riin
































Screentext: lai.
































Editors: Engel, cedge
































Encoder: Young Buck

















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Guest bezbezbez









































































The issue about, you, using the fancams of BLOSSOM at Youtube has been causing a trouble to all the parties not directly involved on this matter. The BOICES have been deprived with their most reliable fancams from BLOSSOM because she placed all her vids on private just because you used her vids without permission. It has been clearly stated that no one's allowed to re-upload her vids or use them for a different purpose. The YONGSEO SHIPPERS, who were innocent, have been dragged on this too. Some have hated us because of your action. I hate to say this but some have generalized that your action represents the whole YongSeo shippers. We did nothing to deserve this.





















































To THEG1ART, I've been personally patient and understanding on this matter by sending you a message from time to time this past few days. I thought that you didn't intentionally did this, but it seems like your having fun getting all the attention of the people around. You've been disregarding our messages and worse deleting our comments about this matter. To tell you honestly, I even had a heated conversation with a BOICE the other day just to protect everyone not involved on this matter. I gave you the room for doubt that you just love the couple and got too overwhelmed and forgot to follow the rules. I hate it when everyone's exerting so much effort to fix everything, but you are just there in front of your PC or laptop just staring on our comments and messages without taking any action. Let me remind you that if you want respect from others, start it within yourself. Please bare in mind that it isn't only you who's affected, the innocent people are suffering too.





















































To all the BOICES around the globe, I'm really sorry for this stubborn goguma. We've been doing our best to fix the issue, but it seems like this person doesn't want to cooperate. Regardless of his/her stubborness, we won't stop taking action on this. I hope that BLOSSOm would put her vids on Public soon. GOODLUCK FOR CNBLUE'S CONCERT TOMORROW!!!





















































To BLOSSOM, we are sorry to for the inconvenience. I hope you can personally send the complaint to Youtube so that they can take actions on this quicker since you're the owner of the vid. You're the victim of this issue and I would like you to know that we are not tolerating a YongSeo shipper like theG1art. We're doing our best to solve the issue.





















































To all the GOGUMAS, let's all work together to have the vids from theG1art deleted. here's his/her channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/TheG1art I hope we can all take part on waking up the senses of this person. I think he/she is from Korea, so it's better if you talk to him/her in Korean.





















































We have to solve this issue soon because it's CNBlue's concert tomorrow. The fans would need the fancams from Blossom. If we can't resolve it within today, expect worse comments from the people around us. To all thos who know theG1art please ask him.her to delete the vids. PLEASE!!!



































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Guest lovekin




hey i wanna know about seohyun.


did she have any biological sisters/brothers in her family?


i doubt she has bro cz she's awkward with guys at first.


but she may have sisters but i couldnt' find any informations about it.


so do u guys know she has any sisters/bro?






nope, she's an only child.




her being an only child was also explained in an SNSD segment, where it was understood that because she didn't grow up with any brothers, it was probably harder for her to understand boys (apart from her general inexperience).  something to that effect, anyway.




this is also why she cherishes and deeply looks up to her unnies because they're like the sisters she's never had.


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Thank bezbezbez for highlight it here...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I found this article.. it's really help.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is what we call it stealing in board day light.. cisss...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How can I delete a video if someone else uploaded it to YouTube?"






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If someone else uploaded a video to YouTube, there is no way you can directly delete it. Only someone with access to the username and password for the YouTube account that uploaded the video can delete the video. If the video infringes on your copyright, if someone included you in their video without your permission, or if the video you want deleted violates the YouTube terms of service in some way, there are a few other actions you may be able to take.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Flag a YouTube video






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































One way to influence YouTube to remove a video is to point out violations of the YouTube Community Guidelines by flagging a video. The option to Flag a video is under every video on YouTube. You simply click the Flag icon and choose the reason for flagging the video. You do need to be signed in with your YouTube account to Flag a video and your reason for flagging the video needs to be valid or you run the risk of getting your account banned from YouTube instead of having YouTube remove the video.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Flag a video in YouTube





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Reporting Copyright Infringement






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If a video infringes on your copyright, YouTube provides clear instructions on how to report copyright infringement. I have personally used this feature in the past to report someone else uploading my videos to their account. YouTube took action and removed the videos fairly quickly.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What If I appear in a Video Without Permission






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YouTube is less clear on how to deal with videos where you appear in the video and someone else uploaded it. If your appearance is the result of being in a public place, like at a park or walking on a public sidewalk, you are probably out of luck. If you were drunk at a party and said something stupid into someone's video camera, your best bet is to contact the person who posted the video and ask them nicely to take it down. If you can't get the person to remove the video by asking nicely, this may be an instance where consulting with legal counsel will serve you better than looking for free advice online.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest yongsarang
































It will be at 5:50 KST :)







































Too bad  I will not see Yongyong perfrom and as well CNB :( Have fun watching!









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thanks to @scatterbrain and @bolmaejung for the link and the picture


is it just me or I think they are real/facing some problem with their rings there. because Yonghwa's still wear it backstage but he doesn't on-stage.


oh sometimes I just think Korean fans are just too much (I'm sorry if one of you is Korean) but it took me sometime to understand Korean fans attitude with their idol.


Because in my country it just an ordinary thing if celebrities date each other and no big deal for it.


so I just wondering, why they can't let their idol happy if he/she chooses someone for spending all the time together? but, anyways it's okay for me now since korean artists are just too cute and adorable so maybe that's why their fans love them so much and can't face it when their lovely idol's dating someone.


just drop some opinion here. please don't bash me kekekeke ^^


love you all goumas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3



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Guest isomerkyaa






sharing is caring...heheheh......






night after night cut yonghwa confessing love to seohyun...awwwwwwww






mayb have been shared b4....






check tis out--------->    






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Guest glitterspark










from GG thread @ soompi






credits to yurui912 and cantthinkofaname

SNSD won the 2010 BIGLOBE MUSIC AWARDS - Single award for GEE(rookie award)






so snsd wouldn't be attending the Gayo festival show on the 30th since they have to be in japan to attend their award ceremony...






which means that we wouldn't see any possible yongseo interactions that day...






congrats to snsd though!



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Guest dan_glitz
















AAAH. Just a few days not visiting this thread and its moving so fast! Anyways, I got really excited about the best couple award at MBC awards thingy. 








Its TOTALLY cool if Yongseo walk down the carpet together, linking hands. That would be daebak! 








For the Music Bank Special Show today, did they say there's gonna be a special stage where many idols perform together like last time? 








Cause it was not on the list. I hope Yongseowill be performing together with a big group.  








Anyways, tomorrow is SATURDAY. Can't wait!





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Guest hihi_hehe
























People, our ring issue has ended, it's solved by the pic posted
















































She/he has violated Blossom's rule about her fan-cams
































PLEASE, we need you to help us, resolve this problem!





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Guest yongsarang
























AAAH. Just a few days not visiting this thread and its moving so fast! Anyways, I got really excited about the best couple award at MBC awards thingy. 
















Its TOTALLY cool if Yongseo walk down the carpet together, linking hands. That would be daebak! 
















For the Music Bank Special Show today, did they say there's gonna be a special stage where many idols perform together like last time? 
















Cause it was not on the list. I hope Yongseowill be performing together with a big group.  
















Anyways, tomorrow is SATURDAY. Can't wait!































I was hoping that there would be a special stage like last time but I think there will be this time. Based on the post that Music Bank made here both CNB and SNSD will perform their own songs which means no collaboration. Let's still hope for the best! biggrin.gif
















People, our ring issue has ended, it's solved by the pic posted
















































She/he has violated Blossom's rule about her fan-cams
































PLEASE, we need you to help us, resolve this problem!































I totally agree with hihi_hehe :) Right now isn't the time to talk about the ring but this shameless person that claimed that she's a Yongseo fan.  We all need your help in this issue. Please flag that video or comment on her videos. But I'm warning you she will delete the comments and will block you like what she did to most of us. Pretty much not a good Yongseo fan/person tongue2.gif









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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
























Hello, Gogumas. It's been a while happy.gif Music Bank in a few hours! And WGM in a day! smile.gif








I just wanted to take the time to express a few a things on my mind lately:








1) CNBlue fans who don't like WGM








I understand them. When YongHwa coughed right before CNBLUE's award acceptance thing, even as a YongSeo fan, the first thing that popped into my head was the ski resort filming the night before. sleep.gif I can only imagine what CNBLUE fans who don't like WGM must have thought. I think they're blowing it out of proportion, but this I understand.








2)The ring talk is always fun happy.gif 








Unnecessary at times, but so much fun. I guess we don't need to post photos for every single event the two of them are at, but I'm sure we'll all become Goguma FBI's and look for that awesome ring ding dong laugh.gif








3) NEW ring. 








I know this news isn't so NEW anymore, but now that's it's come to our attention that there are some AWESOME new episodes to look forward to, I'm so stoked to find out how this new ring came about. Teehees.








And lastly,








Thank you, Gogumas. 








I'm sure I can speak for all CNBLUE fans when I say that we really appreciate your collective effort to get TheG1art's YongSeo video off of YouTube. Blossom's video's are without a doubt the BEST CNBlue fancams. Thank you so much. It means a lot. I really hope this works out in time for Saturday's concert's fancams sleep.gif
















TheG1art has once again deleted all of our comments and seems to have gone as far as block people. I know I'm blocked. This is absolutely ridiculous.









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Guest glennpaulo



I'm hoping that the copyright video will be solved as soon as possible. CNBLUE concert will be held  few days from now and we BOICES that can't attend the concert live are expecting a fancam video from BLOSSOM and it is in private status now. With everyone help it will be solved. Hope the video will be deleted and if you can apologize to BLOSSOM, just apologize sincerely, he/she will undestand you're purpose of using it. Don't delete the comment just delete the video. It means a lot to us.


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guy....this is my 2cd post in here.....no matter what happen to our couple....i trust them...remember in the blackroom interview when japan trip yong said that if we change we should change together ....now yong n hyun not wear ring together........sorry 4 my bad engglish i just love tis couple verry much....



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Guest teuksunghae


i hope we can resolve this problem ASAP...she didn't delete the videos..but our comments..she also blocked us..

which just shows that she/he only want attention....

is he/she by any chance soompi member ? or do any of us know her/him ? ever talked before ?

just flag her/his videos then... also thumbs down..... I think youtube will then decide...


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Guest MountainMadman

Wow, what an ungrateful idiot. Taking someone's video on accident is one thing, but deleting comments and blocking people that make them look bad is on a whole another dimension entirely. Let's hope that whoever this person is, he/she comes around eventually and removes the video per Blossom's request. 

Anyways, moving on...Episode 49 of Love Story has been updated. Happy reading.


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Guest sprinkle_kitty








Hey guys, I feel like we are having a tug of war right now in this thread and I'm not going to lie, it's kind of scaring me...but I'll do my best to support our lovely couple the best I can. (I saw some twitter comments and it was scary but at least I saw more nice comments about our yongseo)








Well anyway, I thought maybe I should post up a poster here about a fanfic that I was thinking about posting on my soompi blog. Maybe this will cheer people up....(yeah sorry if it's dark...actually the stories dark...nvm....-____-)




But here's a poster for my story,this is actually the first time I have written a fanfic about the Yongseo couple and I'll probably psot it in a few days(but I already posted one and two on the international forum.

















so I hope you guys like it













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Guest jessi7lime
































please help us to warn TheG1art.. she/he also removed my comment and blocked my YT acc... :sweatingbullets:
















Feel the Blue concert is tomorrow..
















as international BOICE who can't attend the concert, only can hope for the fancam
















and as i know, BLOSSOM always share a HQ fancam..
















Thank You so much.. ^^~

























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