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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















Gabyfrederika....... Don't say sorry, it's not your fault. I mean it's okay to discuss about things, but my point is, this thread is what I call the "real thread" where just a small topic can trigger lots of heavy discussion and opinions..........







It's just in this thread we tend to overanalyze things right?(don't get me wrong, I don't mean it's bad for us) :sweatingbullets: and guess what?? we can see mature statements made by GOGUMAS from evey parts of the world....... just how amazing is that! all the years I've been hooked in the Korean entertainment world, but I have never been to any thread with discussions going on like in this thread. That proves how unique our thread is right guys?? blush.gif














oh well, christmas and new year are getting nearer, surely it will be unforgettable events for uri yongseo, remembering the successes they achieved this year














oh, right! I think I should bring my topic again from the previous page........





















as for me, I want them to celebrate together, although it may be inevitable since they might celebrate with their parents. but oh well, I'll just dream :sweatingbullets:. by the way, have you read the latest fanfic update by our awesome princessjulia? just in case you don't know, here's the link Chapter 7: Sweet Holiday (part 4)








it's just exactly what I want Yongseo to do! *smiling by myself*
















MountainMadman....... NICE PROLOGUE! ^_^

















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there shouldn't be any restrictions on what to discuss or what not.

when someone is in doubt, and i believe there will always be,

we should reassure and pulled that person back on.

inject some positive vibes back.

u guys know what i mean right? :sweatingbullets:

lets not apologise for something that we can be ignorant of..

be it newbies or old timers..we can only speculate..

so cheers gogumas..

Christmas is just arnd the corner, and if Santa lurks in this thread.. ^_^

i wish for Yongseo couple & goguma family to be

blessed, stay strong and just be happy..

all good things will happen since we are in GO-CHUN

*a simple wish which Santa will have no problem granting* :P

dreamy, tks for the good wish.

yup, i'm soo looking forward to try their street food, especially gogumas.

and i hope i can be as elegant as hyun on the ski slope.. :rolleyes:

panGG, wonderful piece of artwork again dear. tks!

btw, hyun satarina..is that a gift for yong hubby or for us gogumas? :lol:

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so... i'm not sure whats going on...?
































































































































































































































































































































































































but just wanted to say--i want to know what yong and hyun are planning for each other for christmas? are they going to have an early one or a late one? since they normal film on tuesdays...? but to get us hyped for that, here is a picture of hyun for her new pizza cf (i cut out her other unnies, sorry! and added an actual present. its fake, i know! lol)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest winterkay







-KAY :)




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Guest glennpaulo


oh well, christmas and new year are getting nearer, surely it will be unforgettable events for uri yongseo, remembering the successes they achieved this year


oh, right! I think I should bring my topic again from the previous page........



as for me, I want them to celebrate together, although it may be inevitable since they might celebrate with their parents. but oh well, I'll just dream :sweatingbullets:. by the way, have you read the latest fanfic update by our awesome princessjulia? just in case you don't know, here's the link Chapter 7: Sweet Holiday (part 4)

it's just exactly what I want Yongseo to do! *smiling by myself*

MountainMadman....... NICE PROLOGUE! ^_^

It's one of a very good fanfic, must read it. and you will love it. different plot. and also mountainmadman and trent fanfic i love reading all of them.

Yongseo plan for christmas....hmmmmmmm

Maybe the skateboarding episode is their Christmas celebration. 

but for me i want them to go to paris(although it cost a lot) because its one of the world most romantic place. And see eiffel tower.

With their current sweetness it's worth to have them there, it will become their most memorable moment and unforgettable one.

EDIT: about the ring incident lets move on we must adjust ourself. And if there's an issue that arises up again, don't give them negative remarks because they just sharing their opinion , just ignore it if you're tired of it. Especially to those newbie in this thread.


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so apparently the word on the internet is that Yong is MCing for SBS Gayo Festival which is broadcasted LIVE on 12/29/10 (Jo Kwon will also be MCing as well)
































































































































the MBC Entertainment Awards will be held on 12/29 as well and all the WGM couples are contenders for "Best Couple Award"
































































































































(there's 6 nominees, fans can start voting on 12/20)
































































































































cr: translation and source
































































































































































































































































which means there's a very high chance our Yongseo couple would be unable to attend the MBC Entertainment Awards together as a couple
































































































































ah man this kind of sucks
































































































































but hopefully at the MBC Gayo Festival there'll at least be some YongSeo moments

































































































































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Hi rxp080100,






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Is it confirm that MBC Entertainment Awards is on 29 Dec...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So sad if it's true...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cuz just now, I've been thinking bout Best Couple Awards @MBC awards.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































& searching the date for this year, but can't find it.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Already imagine for our couple walk hand-in-hand @ red carpet (just like Anbi couple lst time)
































































































































































































































































Can anyone confirm it....
































































































































































































































































& is this the only MBC end-of-year awards????
































































































































































































































































Is this the same 1 we been talking bout, if they really like to perform their song????
































































































































































































































































Now I'm confuse...

































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest waniey_haha
















HOT NEWS...gogumas !!!! scream on top of my lungs ...
























YongSeo couple are nominated for "Best Couple Award" at MBC Entertainment Award show. Netizen votes will determine the winner:wub: !!!














:wub: :wub: :wub::wub: :wub::wub: :wub:














lets pray they will win...because they are the real couple in our heart !!! and hope they will attend this award together...wow and we will have a lot to spazz














credit to snsd-girls generation









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Please, let me summarize the ring issue by stating some facts.
































































































































































































































































1. There are some people who let the wearing of the ring as a determinant in the real relationship of YongSeo and there are ones who don't see it that way.
































































































































































































































































2. There are people who doesn't want to talk about the ring because it is getting too much attention from the Korean media, which might preempt Yong and Hyun from wearing their couple rings. Some fans are possessive of their idols.
































































































































































































































































3. This forum is created for all who wants to talk about YongSeo in WGM as long as their is no bashing, sentences should at least 20 words, and no quoting of images.
































































































































































































































































Corollary to that, one can talk about Yong or Hyun alone as long it can be connected to WGM or YongSeo.
































































































































































































































































4. As YongSeo fans are growing in numbers every day, new members of this forum also comes in. They might now know past/old issues as they are new spazzers as well. And as their lover for YongSeo grows they tend to see old fancams and old variety shows of our couple and these might come up in their posts. The growing number of members of this forum, the growing number of posts, shows in the number of these pages (currently 1,517, approaching 12M views, and being cited by the Korean media); as they say, we might even open another forum as we reached 2000. And that only means that our YongSeo has a growing number of supporters, which is better than good, right?
































































































































































































































































Therefore, may I suggest:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyone who wants to write about the ring, let them talk about it as long as it is not used to bash the YongSeo couple. Those who don't want to talk about it, don't write about it nor comment on it. As they say, do not fan the flames or do not add fuel to the fire.

































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















oh man..... that really sucks. I've been hoping that they will attend the MBC entertainment awards. sigh..... but then, JoKwon wouldn't be able to attend right? since he is also one of gayo dajeun's MC and all. Is it possible that Yong and JoKwon attend the MBC entertainment award. unless one of the show is pre-recorded, I doubt both of them can come, and making them choose between SBS and MBC would be a tough decision....














oh well, is this really comfirmed already?? if yes then........... :(
















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Guest glitterspark










dropping by to share something random:












credits to gogumalove @ tumblr






not sure if it has been shared before though...






anyways, remember the romantic walk at the beach where yong was trying to push hyun in the water while holding hands?






i came up with a weird thought, that maybe the reason why he was doing that,






was because hyun would hold his hand tighter,






in a bid not to get pushed into the water.


















look how close their bodies are now XDDD






yong's next skinship goal: HUGGING!~






i also love the reverse face part where hyun looks at yong's 'octopus-like' face...






i simply CANNOT get over this...


















have no idea why... it totally tops my personal list of 'Favorite Yongseo moments'~~






and thanks to all gogumas who shared their goodies and make my daily goguma visit worthwhile <3333



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Guest Caliope


MBC Award... 29/12??




This day is SBS Gayo Daejun... :blink:






Anyway ... Where do I vote? w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif




I have to tell my sister, my cousins, my uncles and my parents so that they also vote :P




Yongseo fans in Soompi, Baidu and DCMARRIED.... All together!! FIGHTING!!






It looks like fight to get the Best Couple Award in MBC Entertainment Award will be a domestic fight between couples in "WGM".




MBC Entertainment Award, which will be held on December 29, is currently setting a poll for Best Couple Award. Among the six couples, "WGM" couples Jo Kwon - Ga In, Seo Hyun - Jung Yong Hwa, Nickhun - Victoria have stronger positions compared to the other contenders.




"WGM" fans are in the middle of a heated psychological warfare at the moment to make sure their favorite couple win the award.




The producer for the Entertainment Award told Newsen on December 16, "At this moment a couple from 'WGM' has a huge chance to win the Best Couple Award."




Last year Yoon Si Yoon - Shin Se Kyung from "High Kick Through The Roof" won the Best Couple Award. In the case of "WGM", in 2008 Kim Hyung Joong - Hwang Bo couple were a contender for Best Couple Award.




The other contenders outside from "WGM" include "Sebakwi" couple, Im Ye Jin - Han Sun Hwa and Yoon Se Yoon - Seon Woo Yong Yeo; "Come To Play" couple Yoo Jae Suk - Kim Won Hee.




A staff from MBC stated, "This year we set it to be one vote per person. In addition to that, we also analyze the result by age groups. The reason is that we do not want the result to be determined by people from the 10~20 age group, but we would like the result to reflect the entire age groups."




Everybody is waiting to see who will win the Best Couple Award at MBC Entertainment Award. The voting will start on December 20 at MBC Entertainment Award website.






TRANSLATION by suzelle@IAMfor2AM - 2AM International Forum










AHHHH!! We will have to register to vote...


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Guest monkie2804

Hi guys, thanks for posting news about the Best couple award nomination. I just want to ask if this MBC award has that "no show, no award" policy like the music awards [e.g. GDA]. Because you guys have already pointed out that Yonghwa and Jokwon might not be able to attend due to SBS gayo and I think I read somewhere that SNSD might be in Japan around that time. Just want to ask in case we get lucky and our beloved YongSeo wins the voting, but they can't attend :P

I hope they'll win this one but it's a bit hard since they'll have to go against the famous Adam couple and Khuntoria is also a strong competitor.

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Guest BluMistLaydee




I really at first wasn't going to comment on the ring issue because I stopped discussing anything ring related as I honestly could care less whether they wear it or not. Since it seems to be causing some discord within our village here's my short piece on it.


Ok our Goguma Planet/Village/Land etc grows in numbers ever weeks as more people are becoming fans of the couple. For us old timers here have been through a lot with the ring situation. We've seen the ring issue come and go just about every other week so it is a bit tiring to see the same discussion over and over again. However we shouldn't let it get it to the point that we might chase away new members with our reprimands. So do what I do. Ignore those post or you can kindly remind the people who post about them not wearing the rings, that there are times when they are required not to wear them.


For the newbies and some old timers here who's not really aware about the situation of the ring. Please dont get sad if you see them not wearing their rings. And please don't let the ring be the statement of their "relationship". As it was stated plenty of times before. THEY DON'T ALWAYS WEAR THEIR RINGS. Both have stated that there are times when they must remove it mainly for work purposes.




Now back to the real matter. I saw that WGM recently updated another video on the Khuntoria couple and tbh I'm a bit sad they didn't post for Adam or YongSeo either. It would be nice to see some more cut or bts vids of the other couples too.


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Guest glennpaulo



I hope they can attend the MBC best couple, and sing their new song there.


I love to see it. after 2 days the most awaited yongseo day.


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it's always an interesting day in the goguma village as there is always different insights, opinions, feedbacks, news and sweet potato tidbits to be discover daily. maybe we can try to focus on the positive spazzing part and chill on the negative spazzs?

anyways, thanks for uploading those ski photos. i can't wait to see yong the snowboarder! on an unrelated note - darn, he does seem like my ideal guy - plays good music and good at extreme sports.

fave moments of the couple since the beginning? awwww... a bit hard to choose one actually, but here goes:

1. yong asking her to wear a jacket when they play pool. - i thought that is so sweet of him.

2. when yong sang Love Revolution to her.

3. hyun kinda fooled yong into finishing up the jujube latte after he said he don't really like the taste.

4. 'F4' to the rescue when hyun accidentally cut her fingers

5. hyun taking lead in mildang.

6. hyun said she is getting closer to other people and not him

7. yong choding and at times hyun choding :lol:

of cos who can forget the serious talk in japan, that night by the pond, the recent - i wrote a song for you episode...

for their Christmas, of cos i hope that they will be able to spend it together but cliche as it sounds, i just wish they have a day off and do nothing.

ohhhhh... hope they win the Best Couple Award too but if they don't (cos Adam couple's fanbase quite strong), they are still the Best Couple to me. :wub:

okay, enough spazzing from me.... in case, MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!

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Guest Kerube-Chan








































The last time a voted in this contest was for JoongBo, pretty intense thing... If DC, Badui and us (Soompiers) put our effor together I think there is a high possibility for them to win... So sad that MBC awards are the same day as SBS Gayo... SNSD was invited to Japan and I doubt SM is going to lose this very big chance (I understand that this Japan show is broadcasted Internationally and that is a big chance for SNSD)
































Well at least we could try to make them win... and maybe the WGM couples could pre record an special stage (If we look at this all the couples are idols and I think the Gayo event is bigger, have more rating, than the MBC awards... 2PM must be invited as FX and 2am and BEG.
































Sorry for any mistake I am writting on my mobile. Have a nice day people, happy spazzing!
































Edit: @Melibu he didnt change the lyrics of Love Revolution, he was singing the second part of the song. It was clarified b y someone back then when the episode aired. Bye!





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hi everyone! good evening! thank you so much for all the updates, news, pictures and fancams about our couple you guys are amazing! congrats truly desereved all this blessings! about the MBC couple award i beg of you lets join our hands to support our yongseo we can make them win right!!!! :)
































saturday paliii can wait anymore! Music bank tomorrow YONGSEO spies please get ready!!!!
































enjoy the rest of the evening may we continue to show our love to our dear couple and let us all stay happy and grateful!!! Merry Christmas!!!  Godbless!!!

































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hello~~ :)

shawie~! awww that's so sweet of u to watch one of my MVs :D *hugs* btw, i'm still waiting for some kinda inspiration LOL ... so pls bear with me yahhh... i hope u know what i'm talking about LOL ;)

panGG... u're one talented goguma FBI! i didn't even notice that they're in sync in that pic! @_@

jnj!!! it's almost time for u to breath the same air as yongseo's!!! dangggg idkw i'm excited for ya haahah! GAHH I ENVY U MUCH!!!! >.<

octoberday, ur post just made me realize that i'm not being honest to myself at times. thanks to u... i'd like to make a confession! wokeh, i admit that i did feel upset, sad, worried & gloomy when i didn't see yongseo wearing their rings. i guess that's how almost anyone would feel if they base it just purely on feelings & without much thoughts. however, after reading many of u daebak gogumas' posts regarding the ring, i did feel better but i felt EVEN BETTER after i found this in cnblue thread! knowing some thing, i'm now confident enough to express that i'm free from worries regarding yongseo's missing rings! wanna know why??? pls read the following.... Cr. saturn@cnblue thread

Yonghwa filmed at ski resort till 12:00am Dec.15 then went directly to Melon pre-filming. From 2am to 4am they filmed LOVE performance. They sang LOVE 5 times.

After Melon award, some fans went to their car and one fan gave Jonghyun a letter. Yonghwa snatched it saying sulky why there's no letter for himself, so Jonghyun hit Yonghwa's head softly.

During this, Minhyuk was lying at the back seat, looked seriously exhausted. This fan worried about Minhyuk.

While pre-filmed LOVE was being aired, CNBLUE showed cute action to the audience.

Yonghwa did head banging then threw pick so powerfuly.


It seems all performers of 2010 SBS Gayodaejeon are doing pre-filming everyday for one week.

I remember 2PM had 6 special stages last year. I don't know how many CNBLUE have.


News article:

Discovery of this year

CNBLUE's goal of next year is to be a 'completion band'.

All members have ability of composing their own music and raising their capability.

Their size of concert in Japan is getting bigger, they are driving fans.

Next year, They are planning to have a concert in Arena for the first time as Korean band.

And all of them also have strong ambition of performing as actors.

President Han Sung Ho of FNC Music, who found and produced CNBLUE said, " Their growth speed of musical ability is amazingly fast. Members' talent as celebrity is exceptional. I am sure they can be new type of idols."


The V hand in twitter picture may be Jungshin's. See this.

Only Jungshin has 2nd and 3rd fingers of same length. And I can see hardened skin on his fingers. Jungshin plays Bass with 2nd and 3rd fingers.

omigoshhh, what were we thinking?! just look at all those fan-taken pics that were shot right before Melon! what speaks more? do u still think we should base their relationship by their rings? yahhh i feel so muchhhhhhhhhhh better now! :w00t:

before i take my leave, here're my Christmas Wishes... i wishhhh that yongseo will be a real couple & get married & have beautiful offsprings! these are my only wishes for yongseo! :wub:

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Edit: @Melibu he didnt change the lyrics of Love Revolution, he was singing the second part of the song. It was clarified b y someone back then when the episode aired. Bye!

@Kerube-Chan: :lol: thanks for clarifying it. i was wondering how he manage to come up with the few liners so fast. but am confuse cos the general translation of the second part is as below even through a few websites and it's not the same as the subs. but it doesn't matter. thanks for the info and i still like that part...hehehe

I want a you in my life (To you, my love) You are like the air in my life (I will give you my everything)

I want a you in my life (I only ask one thing of you) I want to breath with you everyday (Smile Always)

You are fresh like a vitamin when I’m tired. You are like mom’s embrace when I’m sick.

You in my life (I will hug you tight.) I love you.

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