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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Kerube-Chan








































I am sorry for this, but I am on the other side of the world and when I see a topic is normally dying down, but I need to give my POV on this issue around here.
































Some weeks ago I decided to emotionally detach myself from the rings, the exact moment I realized I have to do this is when the Korean Media began to talk about the YongSeo rings.
































That was it, in that moment I realized their companies or even themself will do anything to avoid scandal (specially SM) so I told myself, now they are going to stop using it, and the next thing I knew YH did not use the ring for his performance in GDA (just after the news were out), not in Inkigayo and not in Melon.
































SH keep using her ring, but after this saturday is episode she stopped to use it in public too, but I think she makes an statement by not using any jewerly in her fingers.
































My thinking, things are really real between them and now they have to be very careful, until the Japan episode all the general public have seen (Im not talking about goguma villagers, we like to analize the little details), well the general public have seen them be painfully akward, YH trying too hard, SH been stoic and then the fighting, but after the Japan episode the general public have begin to see them on a different light, because people have notice the change and Korean Media grab the opportunitty to make their love story a profitable thing. Before just Gogumas were following, now the general public is turning their attention to them...
































For me is totally understandable that they decided to cut the ring showing in public, so now I am not even affected by it... Their reactions and interactions speak louder and clearer to me than an object... the problem is that for us goguma, the ring is our only connection to their feelings, but how can we know if their feelings are shown by the use of the ring, we dont live inside their heads and all the ring use is only our assumptions, maybe they have reached a point in wich nothing tangible is needed to validate their sentiments. But I am not inside their heads and I could be totally wrong, but this is my opinion.
































I will keep myself emotionally detached from the rings, if I see a photo of them with it, good for us, if not, I will keep my cool.
































About the Ski trip, THANKS PEOPLE FOR ALL THE SHARING, I am so frigging happy and the picture with YH jumping looks so good, I cant wait for this episode too!!!
































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!! I love you all!!!
































Note for spanish Gogumas: This can sound totally stupid but until today I discovered that Sweet Potato is called "Camote" in spanish in my country, silly me, I could not find it in the supermarket but I was looking for the wrong thing... So thanks to my boss today I tasted them and they are delicious... I am going to buy a lot more. I am so happy!!! Long live to the Gogumas!!! :lol:





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Hi to all Goguma of Go-chan...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Agree with quisty86
































































































































































































































































































































































































PD-nims, I want a Christmas tree please! For our couple's sweet house.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How bout we give it to them, and make them to decorate the tree... hihihi...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So we see the artistic side of them..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(but to late already, right...)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy with their achievement for this year..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































several awards, concert and album sales..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































good for both of them.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(& nice bonding with in-laws too)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Bout their interaction, the latest episode, we can see them just freely talk with each other...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































even with camera around them. (we always heard that cameraman laughing at the back)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































think they (YongSeo team) already got a good bonding with this couple...(??)





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































WGM got 3 couples right.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So every couple got their own PD, cameraman, script writer...Right...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cuz I really dunno bout this....































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope someone can clarify bout this...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Good day,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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hello again...first i want to say congrats to both of snsd an cn blue 4 winning at mma...



and about the ring it's not a big deal really, as i recall the same thing happen with adam couple...they wearing it every chance they got and it become hot issue and suddenly they not wearing it often anymore, but they still close and doing wgm till now.. so i think yongseo just want to tone down attention about their ring..and remember yonghwa wearing the ring in the latest night after night ep...


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Guest Crystal392






zealous: I think there is only one WGM PD. There are probably many cameramen available just in case two or three couples film the same day..




I'm anticipating MuBank later, maybe there will be a special stage and we will see Hyun (SNSD) and Yong (CNBLUE) performing together *fingers crossed*




2 1/2 more days until a new WGM ep!!! ^_^


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Guest toomuchsmiling






*quoted image*


and let me just say... i spent my whole morning doing this. hahaha. my 1 day off! but again, apologies to jonghyun for having to block your face :( and then jungshin got thrown in there too, but you cant really tell, lol. but i think i owe someone a bigger apology. minhyuk brother in law. hahaha. poor thing is always on the side that hyun is on and so he gets cut out EVERYTIME! oh golly. but they love their sister in law so he wouldn't mind right? hahaha.






hahaha! panGG- couldn't help but think that THESE TWO LOOK ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS NEXT TO EACH OTHER all made up for the awards!! :w00t::wub:


just really proves that they really need a wedding photoshoot soon~~




as for the almost-negative discussions going on around here about the RINGS and the ANTI-FANS-I FOR ONE WILL NOT BE DISCUSSING IT. AGAIN.


People, we've discussed this all once before, no need to go full circle! <_< the antis will ALWAYS be there, the jealous green monsters that they are. if we just IGNORE them they have no gain over us.


Not only that but think of the Khuntoria couple (shall i give them as an example?) there was that big uproar of 2PM fans saying Victoria should not have been to that even since it wasn't WGM-related or whatever, but did they "DIVORCE"??? HECK NO.


same goes for here people, same goes.




CONGRATS to CN Blue and SNSD for winning awards last night. Besides this though, i actually found Melon to be a bit disappointing. The artists weren't sitting in front even, were they? so no way to see reactions of them or anything.. :unsure: then again i hadn't watched it live so i'm not 100% sure but it looked that way.


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I do understand why there are concerns regarding the rings. No one can say the rings aren't meaningful - at least in this aspect we all are on the same page. No? 




But just look at it like this - SOME (I want to emphasize on this) Boices want Yonghwa out of WGM. Their recent episodes are also very...well...you know...spazztastic. Remember NAN - even the other MCs of the program paid attention to his ring. Now the Kmedia are on it too. In a way it's exciting that everyone's noticing our couple now (they won't say our couple's boring anymore) BUT it has a big downside. I mean it's enough that we guys are paying attention to their gifts being worn (rings...necklaces) but if the media starts on it, it can get very messy. 




It's exactly why I think they're deciding not to wear the rings in very public events anymore. Management decision or their own, it's very wise for me. A bit of pang in my heart but hey, that's much better than the media writing a controversy about them. 




Next thing you know Korean media's writing on "YongSeo couple not wearing rings anymore?" BAD. 








Now let's move to the positives. They're the cutest! It would have been nice to hug in those clothes! Comfy, big and eeee! Haha. About the fan accounts that they were laughing lots - see they really enjoyed this! Even if they're tired, we know they enjoyed each other's company. 




It's almost Christmas people! Instead of getting sad about stuff, let's look forward to - what gifts would they give to each other? Hahahaha. 




PD-nims, I want a Christmas tree please! For our couple's sweet house.




I never got to say what my favorite YongSeo moments are. If you guys are still playing this, I have too many but I'll name a few:




1. When Hyun said she didn't want the airconditioner blasting wind on Yonghwa.


2. Hyun connecting her pigtails to the dragon when they were moving house. 


3. Hyun's sparkling eyes, unnies all came tumbling down haha.


4. When they were making kimchi, Yong can't speak, can only communicate through eyes. Yonghwa flashed a killer stare.


5. Yonghwa finally telling Hyun to stop beating around the bush and ask him straight, was the song for her or not :P 


6. Not a YongSeo moment but Seulong wanting to cry from the hand-holding hahaha.


7. Yonghwa saying Hyun can try calling him. (and their backroom interviews)


8. 2nd hand holding in the most recent ep. Even the MCs were shocked haha.


9. Seohyun's SNSD and Yong saying YA! 




I would also like to share how I love MC Kim's shouts during the last ep. Hahaha it was so funny he was like watching sports. And the way he reacted when Yonghwa was giving the first shrimp - he was saying don't do that, just put it in her mouth - he really sounded angry/demanding haha. MC Kim would be a good spazzing companion, I love him haha. 






sorry to tagging on your reply post. but can i ask about your point no 1 (1. When Hyun said she didn't want the airconditioner blasting wind on Yonghwa.).? which episodes is that? <<< Please reply me T__T




ohya, i kinda like all the points you features which is what i liked too. plus many other features (it gonna be an endless list if i start listing... heehee) nevertheless, the most impressive episodes will be the one that they did a duet on their 200th day :) Sarang Bit :) totally melt heart ^^






it is a korean word which means everybody scream in english. 




Sorry i dont know the spelling, im not korean keke. 






awww. thanks for the reply!!! (i was really puzzled why was he shouting SO NYUH SHI DAE in the midst of both songs -__- " heehee! )




finally now i know the meaning. by chance, you are BOICES. thanks for answering ^^







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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ok everyone, let's not get our panties in a twist over the rings :vicx: . I agree with what some of the other gogumas have mentioned earlier - we've been wayyyy too spoiled with so many captures of Yong and Hyun wearing their rings outside of WGM that we subconsciously look out for it whenever we see them performing on other shows.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also, let's not forget that the only reason why there are so many YongSeo fancam moments is cos Yong is currently MC-ing on Inki and SNSD happened to be doing their promos for Hoot. So once SNSD has wrapped up their promos on the music shows, we will be seeing even lesser of YongSeo moments :( But does that mean they're stopping WGM? No, right? ^_^ As much as I would love to give Yong and Hyun the privacy to develop their relationship to the fullest, I must admit that I want to be in on their lovely moments too and follow their progress. LOL, that sounded really hypocritical but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one having a battle with my conscience here.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Like what some of you have said, we are mere spectators of their relationship, we can't and should not dictate whether they should wear the rings or otherwise (personally, I think they're wearing the rings on a chain around their neck hidden under their clothes, but that's just my own theory ;) ) However, I do agree that we need to give the ring issue a rest and start counting down to this Saturday! Does anyone have any idea what this week's episode will be about?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sidetrack: Remember how Hyun was disappointed that they didn't harvest enough gogumas to distribute to everyone and Yong jokingly said that she should give them the goguma leaves instead? Well, I tried boiling some goguma leaves and dipping them in rojak sauce (singaporeans should know this..hehe) and they tasted SO GOOD! Another alternative would be to eat the goguma leaves with something spicy like Korean chilli sauce? (which i tasted at Seoul Garden but never got around to buying the bottle..hurhur) I sound like a total ahjumma saying all this, but I just wanted to share more goguma awesomeness with everyone..hehe!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest constantia11






I really love our community here ... When I began writing this post aurora82 had a unfair -2 negative rating and our community policed up such unfair negatives. Negative ratings should be reserved for HATE and breaking the rules not critical or different opinions coming out of someone's love of Yongseo! I know some people wish the ring subject to die and think the subject has gone on way too long, but forum threads are like conversations and subjects pop up and again in them. Just because a subject comes up you don't care about, I would personally urge people not to abuse their own desires with the negative buttons.




That said I agree with others; Yong wore it to rehearsal to GDA and not to the awards ceremony. Maybe they don't wear their rings to awards shows is these are special moments for their groups and it would be rude to wear "individual activities" to such type events? Secondly while I don't think Yong or Hyun's members would really care, the very fact it's become a emphasis for some here, is why perhaps it's become a issue for their companies. I'm more knowledgeable about SNSD and I don't think the girls would ever care what Hyun has on her finger, however, a entertainment company is always looking for ways to prevent and end all rivalry and/or conflicts ... so I do think managers are probably asking them to wear them less and less.






I'm back n I second this.

Personally, I'm one of the ring stalkers in this thread. But off course I don't sweat myself if they don't wear the rings (although I can't deny that I'll be a bit sad)

But there is no rule in this thread to forbid people to talk about the rings or any other topics.

Just try to put yourself in their (ring couple stalker)shoes. What if they also don't like a topic that you like to discuss here.

I just hope you can bear with them and just skip it if you don't like it instead of putting negative response.

Now I'm going back to the jungle.

I hope this thread will be full of love and peace again when I'm back.

Love you all Gogumas!!!



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zealous They are 2 PDs in WGM if I'm not wrong, Jung Yoon Jung and Kang are the PDs. In a fan accounts for the Busan Trip they talked about the staff and PD. I think it was Kang PD since they said that he was "a fat, cute, nice and warm guy" and Jung Yoon Jung isn't like that, she's a woman. I think all couples have their own staff (cameramen, stylist, script writer etc) to make the couple more comfortable because it's easier to be filmed by someone that you know that a unknown person.




There's the fan accounts from Busan Trip. They talk a little about the staff and the PD and their relation with Yongseo.





Today's Busan filming news from DC.


credit to: 百度紅薯夫婦吧









Filming content: They had lunch with High school teacher and friends in a restaurant nearby Haeundae.

It was not awkward at all.

Seohyun always smile and looks happy.  Yonghwa seems a little bit nervous.  He spokes in Busan dialect fluently.

Seohyun is cute as a doll (writer is a 3 yrs Seohyun male fan, please  understand).  This is the first time to see Yonghwa in a short distance.   Yonghwa looks thin and smart.  They are well matched.

Staffs like Seohyun and Yonghwa, they are always joking and laughing when taking rest.








Yonghwa's hand was spotted with coco milk, he wanted to wash his hands.   So the PD stopped filming and Seohyun went to washroom with Yonghwa.

Seohyun came out first and wait for Yonghwa.  They went back to filming together.

Not so many staffs as expected.  The atmosphere is very god.  PD and  writer like Seohyun and Yonghwa very much.  While stop filming, Seohyun  and Yonghwa sit together, and talked with PD and writer.

ps the fat PD (YongSeo's PD) looks very cute, nice and warm.



我住在釜山,今天看到了郑容和和徐贤,在拍我结哦~郑容和回到故乡了,明星就是明星阿~实物真的是男的帅女的美,近距离看到他俩,郑容和眼睛好大,鼻子也 很挺,长得很立体,徐贤很白很瘦,像洋娃娃。吃完饭之后工作人员打包装备出去的时候,他们俩个人一起看相机捧腹大笑,徐贤在重新扎头发的时候 ,容和一直 在旁边捣乱,还帮擦掉徐贤脸上的灰?头发?总之看起来很美好




I (the writer) live in Busan.  Today I saw Jung Yonghwa and Seo Hyun  filming WGM.  Yonghwa went back to his hometown.  They are stars.   Yonghwa is handsome and Seo Hyun is beautiful.  Yonghwa has big eyes and  a high nose.  Seo Hyun is thin and white skin, just like a doll.  

The staffs were packing the cameras after the meal, Yonghwa and Seo Hyun  were looking at the digital camera and laughing together.  

Yonghwa disturbed Seo Hyun when she was braiding her pigtail, and toke  off something (dust or hair?) from her face.  They looked very very good  when they were together.


PS they went to Busan by KTX                                                 


cr: catcheungcw@soompi












I watched the last episode and when Yong is afraid to  take the shrimp, he looks at the staff (I guess), does a wink at the  staff !!?, sigh and then the dog scares him XD


Is it possible that he pretended to be afraid to make Hyun laugh because in an episode, he said if he's ridiculous, he doesn't care as long as Seohyun is happy. I think this is the episode when he and Hyun failed their driving test and he dances to Genie to make Hyun laugh.

In the last episode on the beach, he always asks if she likes what he does when he teases and pushes her into the sea etc

It seems that he really wanted to make her smile :lol:


They're so cute :wub:



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Guest b229b24k


that would be eps 17, the one that both of them failed the practical test (this is the one i can think of)

btw hello fellow gogumas, first time poster but long time lurker lol

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Dear soompi gogumas,
































































































































































































































































I am one of the long time lurker in this thread from day 1 with sporadic posting here and there and i read every single posting here. Honestly, i am very dissapointed with the response of some of the long time goguma shippers shown. Some actually feel there is a need to banned the ring topic discussion or the topic of yongseo WGM coming to and end.
































































































































































































































































I think as a long time goguma shippers, some of us might forget that this thread is growing every single day, they are NEWBIES JOINING the thead EVERYDAY and it is IMPOSSIBLE for them TO READ every single 1600 pages. They DO NOT KNOW these topics sufaced every so often.
































































































































































































































































I am also tired abt the ring and wgm ending discussion, but I try to understand and I choose to just ignore those post that I feel redundant.
































































































































































































































































I also would like to call all gogumas here not to give (-) mark to any negative posting, especially those made from newbies, since it will scare them away. This is a thread where people sharing their opinions, some gogumas might be feeling down, and need reassurance abt yongseo, hence they turn to this thread to share their concern, and what do they get in returns?? many (-) marks. If we think the posting not worth replying, it might be good to just dont reply, ignore and moved on to the next posting.
































































































































































































































































But if they break the rules, be my guest to press those (-) button though.
































































































































































































































































Our thread has earn recognition from korean media, I am afraid any negativity this thread generated will be blown out of proportion by them, u know how crazy the media is in korea. I am really hoping the ring topics and yongseo stint in WGM ending topics, soon settle down.
































































































































































































































































I have went through 2 heartbreaks due to ansol and joongbo couple, and I know another heartbreak is inevitable. But I suggest to just play it by ear and enjoy the moment. We will know from korean netizen when yongseo stint is over as they are always give very accurate information. So do not speculate anything.

































































































































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Guest _d3seohyun



Who'sWANSO ?

A Boice? A Sone? A GOGUMA?

Yong & Hyun's individual fancams from the Melon Awards captured by wanso <3

Yong I

Yong II

Yong III


Hyun I

Hyun II

Hyun III

too bad the artists were all behind the stage. wanso could have captured some awesome moments for us kekkeke :P


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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















hey hey hey, I think we have gone too far with this topic once again......... well yeah I agree with lovekin's post. You made my day once again!














Let's talk about something else, shall we?? okay, here's the topic.....









































:D :D. I'm sorry if the topic is lame though :sweatingbullets:







just to make everything everything cheerful again guys, seems like talking about the ring will make us become older faster
















EDIT: d3seohyun............ THANK YOU for the fancams!



























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Guest octoberday




I do realize some of you are trying to bury the subject all together and go back to more enthusiastic posts, but I would like to say just one thing about the debate that has been going on here regarding the couple rings.




Self-censorship is a terrible thing.


I don’t think we (or rather you guys) should stop talking about the rings. Anything related to Yong and Hyun as a “couple” – whether directly or indirectly, and whether you agree or not – should be up for discussion, debate, and disagreements. ^^


*lurker mode: back ON*



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Guest SophiaPia












Season's Greetings to all 















As always thanks every one for all the screen caps, fancam, news, esp. bts photos of the lovely YongSeo couple snowboarding. They look so sweet and happy. If only they can be together every day i guess they like it. They are happy if it's Tuesday wgm filming coz they will see each other and have a date :)








Congratulations to snsd and cnblue for winning last night @ Melon. I love wifey SeoHyun red carpet outfit. Same w/ hubby Yong, but his fringe is up I'm a loner days kekeke! I love wife SeoHyun on her white performance outfit. She's really a beauty whatever she wear. I wonder if they congratulates each other backstage?  Probably coz YongSeo couple are comfortable now, they are close now :)








I guess we are all excited for the coming episode. Couple song, Busan date, this snowboarding date and more. I think we will see now comfortable skinships kekeke! i wonder if they can go now to HUG level wub.gifwub.gif i hope.










i must admit i'm on that ring thingy yes! i admit it, coz before no skinships so, i intend to look for that ring  + YongSeo are the one who give this feelings to me coz they wear it even outside wgm. I guess they spoil me too much kekeke! but i can't do anything if they will not wear it. As long us i will see more skinships this time kekeke! but still i'm a bit hmmm! why no ring feelings if i didn't see the ring. Coz that ring is YongSeo for me. It's kinda different feeling if no ring. It's like it's not YongSeo. But anyway, if no ring i can't do anything about it. Only i need to do now is move on. This time on SKINSHIPS. So, i hope if no ring, more skinships hehehe! can't wait for this Busan date, and snowboarding episode. I guess, all of us are excited to the coming episodes

























another thing i laugh about when i read here about if Yong is sick they might blame wgm show/hyun hahahaha! that's crazy thoughts i think. They should know that cnblue is new artist or rookie. What they do is they work hard. wgm is 1 good show to promote cnblue. So, yeah i don't think wgm is to blame if Yong will get sick hahaha! SeoHyun i remember she is thankful. She said because of wgm people know her as sweet potato





































@Music bank wishing we can see YongSeo high5, eye ***, or whatever :)
























Cheers to all

















edit : sorry i top up the page.

















soshisoshisoshi what i want YongSeo couple do this christmas and New Year?















Christmas eve or Christmas day. I hope, if it's possible, they can be together have even a simple and lovely Christmas eve dinner or christmas day lunch. Exchanging gift's. I don't mind also, if they are w/ their families.








For New year. I think the same just be together have a lovely meal and wait for the countdown. I'm happy already if they are together.








I hope this will come true.












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Hello fellow Gogumas!














I came out of lurker mode just to say this:














Don't let the ring be a contentious subject here.














There is always 2 sides to a coin... one's the head, whilst one is the tail. But both sides make a coin.














Let's take YongSeo's example and be cool. They are the master of their rings. We have no mastership over it. So let them be the captain of whether to wear or not to wear. Try not to sweat over something which you have no control over.





























So... to all Gogumas (the worriers and the non-worriers of the ring) remember that there's always 2 sides to a coin.














Peace out!




























I read back my post and it sounded cryptic, LOL. So... what I meant was that we Gogumas are a coin. Sorry if I was confusing anyone of you with my coin message. :sweatingbullets:



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Guest Gabyfrederika
































































































hello goguma fellows.
































sorry but i think im the one who brought back the topic about the ring. and i feel really terrible sorry if u guys get bored with this topic again.
































i dont know that in fact u guys had been discussed this few months ago. and it became a heavy debate and you dont want to bring this topic back. im a newbie here, and i just joined soompi yesterday, so i really dont have any idea about that. i really appreciate what l1nn3 had said. i joined this discussion so i can share my opinion or asking about our beloved gogumas because i believe that this forum even more awesome than paparazzi haha. but really when some said that i should stop my obsession with the ring matter really shut me up sweatingbullets.gif . i never know that since yesterday about what some boices argue that yong should stop or that they rarely wearing the ring recently. so please be patient with my lack of knowledge of this things. thank you laugh.gif

































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Guest MountainMadman

Hi everyone! Today was my last day of classes (before the start of finals), so as a celebration of sorts, I decided to start writing my entry for the 300th day anniversary event on Gogumafics. Here's the Prologue for my entry, Castaway:


And if you missed it, I also updated Love Story. Check it out HERE.

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Guest octoberday




@ Gabyfrederika – I don’t think you should apologize.


I don’t mean to sound repetitive, but as a newbie myself, I feel like I should tell you this: let’s not censor ourselves just because we think we will be deemed inappropriate or silly. Where’s the fun in that?


Anything related to YongSeo as a “couple” should be up for discussion – that’s what this thread is for, isn’t it? ^^





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