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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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obviously I had to do it! it was just a given. also i suppose a request--jnj, hahaha. but here it is.
































































































































































































[same format as last time]
































































































































































































normally i spend about a couple of days looking for pictures to use. so i decided that i'll go look around to see if i find anything that fits. and surprising i found these:
































































































































































































































































































































































































yes, i know hyun's alone. but hey! it works.
































































































































































































1--the pictures are both from Xport News
































































































































































































2--the pictures are of them exiting the Melon Music Awards Banner (not "the wall")
































































































































































































3--and they did it again... they are in sync! like seriously?! same leg and everything
































































































































































































































































































































































































and here it is. hope you guys like it :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































and let me just say... i spent my whole morning doing this. hahaha. my 1 day off! but again, apologies to jonghyun for having to block your face :( and then jungshin got thrown in there too, but you cant really tell, lol. but i think i owe someone a bigger apology. minhyuk brother in law. hahaha. poor thing is always on the side that hyun is on and so he gets cut out EVERYTIME! oh golly. but they love their sister in law so he wouldn't mind right? hahaha.
































































































































































































so whats next? lol!

































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saying im not sad when they wearing no rings is a lie. yeah, i am sad and worried. may be we tried to not make us feel down, and find something to lift us up. i have mixed feeling. happy that they were filming and there is nothing wrong with their relationship. but the same time i feel uneasy. yeah maybe i gonna have a lot of minus this time. but say out your feeling is better than just keep for yourself just like Yongseo, they also talk out their feeling. i just hope all my worried is a waste, and there is nothing like that . ill put in spoiler anyway



first about the Korean media knows about our thread and should not talk about ring, i think if they read all, then they already know what we talk about, not just rings but everything, because we always analysis everything about our couple. and not only our thread talk about that but also a lot of korean site talk about that.




i have positive of not wearing rings is that they dont want to have too much attention from media. and maybe they still wear it with their necklace or always have them in their pocket.


but we have to wait till some days more to know whether they gonna continuing wearing it or not.




but my negative feeling is they gonna stop their WGM, im not worried that their relationship is not good because we saw them at GDA and yesterday filming. but the most worried of me that they are gonna stop. Maybe their company said it is the time to stop and it is logical and good for them. because maybe the company or themselves know that the feeling is growing between them, if they let them longer in WGM, then maybe it will get more hurt later, or the companies are afraid of scandal.




and looking them tired make me sad, i hope this is not their last filming, maybe i just think too much, maybe i just want them continue their relationship.








I am crazy. i just want a year end soon and they filming again, then i am happy. i want them just focus on their music and WGM than joining in drama. because i want they develop their talent in music than just other idols. anyway i will support them whatever they do. if they kiss now, i will feel relieved, really. sorry to make people down because of my post


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At the end we should take it as it is. I mean there are the ones who dearly love this Couple and the ones who don't like them. But neither of us has the right to demand anything from them, be it to wear the *i*g or quitting the show. Seriously noone owns them and thank you Caliope for your post. You made me aware of it that this kind of obsessiveness can be very dangerous in both ways.








At the end it is just a show and for now both of them benefits from this and this is good as it increases their popularity. to all haters take it easy its not as if they gonna marry for real like tomorrow, they are still kids and many goodies await them on their way to the top.








Sorry got angry and sentimental *sniff*








Back to lurking









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Guest justbulan
























but my negative feeling is they gonna stop their WGM, im not worried that their relationship is not good because we saw them at GDA and yesterday filming. but the most worried of me that they are gonna stop. Maybe their company said it is the time to stop and it is logical and good for them. because maybe the company or themselves know that the feeling is growing between them, if they let them longer in WGM, then maybe it will get more hurt later, or the companies are afraid of scandal.
















and looking them tired make me sad, i hope this is not their last filming, maybe i just think too much, maybe i just want them continue their relationship.
















actually i've got the same feeling with you.. i don't know.. but in my intuition it seems that possibility will come sooner than we expected :( omoo... i hope it'll be just my feeling and that's wrong.. :( 
















but if it's really happen.....
















i think i'll have to accept it and support both of them while hoping that they will still maintain a good realtionship after the show :) 









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Another rare post but I'm sorry, I don't think I can take another ring post. IMO, this whole ring thing is being blown out of proportion. No offense to those who post their rants and worries in this thread but let's be reasonable.
































































































One, I think we should just be glad that they are wearing their rings constantly/faithfully, however you wanna look at it. Compared to the other two couples (unbiased because I do watch their segments and I do like them), YongSeo couple displays a whole new level of their commitment to each other.
































































































Note that they only take off their rings when they do commercial shoots and the likes (e.g. SNSD official calendar). And when Hyun doesn't wear her ring, she doesn't wear any ring at all, not even her SNSD ring (I think that's her idea of being fair).
































































































Though Yong didn't wear his in the recent Inkigayo, he still wore a ring on his ring finger albeit it was not his 'wedding' ring.
































































































Two, the rings should never be an indicator for us to gauge their emotions or where they stand in the relationship. Just because one doesn't wear his/her ring today, doesn't mean that their feeling for the other just depleted overnight. They might have a reason for not wearing it and they don't owe us any explanation for that. Honestly, I don't understand where this whole management intercept thingy comes in because it sounds ridiculous to me. I think them wearing the ring is their own choice and always have been. One thing about this couple is that they are subtle and demure in their manner. We can assume, analyse, scrutinise, debate or jump to conclusions all we want but in the end, they are the only two people who know the depth of their relationship.
































































































Three, CARPE DIEM. All these talks about the end and reel vs. real are not good for the hearts. Why are we worrying about the future when we have this beautiful relationship blossoming in front of us? It took them seven to eight months to get to where they are now and I don't think the end is happening anytime soon. But when it happens, it happens. Until then, let's just sit back and relish in their wonderful progress. Also, about their to-do list almost used up and wedding shoot do not mean the end of their WGM stint. Never was, even from Season 1. Someone, was it lovekin, said that she doesn't want them to have a wedding shoot yet, just for the sake of having a wedding shoot. I have to agree, because in my head, their relationship now and them in wedding garbs just don't fit. I'd rather them have an editorial photoshoot and just let them be them instead of being all romantic.
































































































As for them being real or not, I wanna be realistic and I do want them to be real but I'm just gonna take whatever they are serving us. I've been an avid fan of WGM since it began in 2008 and this is the first time I've been emotionally invested in a couple. To me, that says a lot. Their honesty and their affections for each other are their charms. They are probably the only couple who talk openly about their feelings and their disappointments with each other. And I find it odd that they talked about being on the program quite a few times (Hyun thanking Yong, Hyun's manager being worried) because I always thought the topic is taboo on camera as to make us believe that they are really 'married.' So I feel inclined to believe that the show is kinda like an element(?) in their lives rather than just another job for them.
































































































Sorry for the lengthy post.I apologise beforehand if I offended anyone as it wasn't my intention. I'm typing this in the wee hours and may not expressed myself eloquently but I feel the need to get my point across.

















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Guest lovekin


hey, hey, hey.




if you want to talk about the ring, i think that should be fine.  personally, i could care less for it, and i think some people blow the whole thing out of proportion, but whatever.  the one thing that i've noticed, though, is that there were some comments that used the rings (and whether they are being worn by yong and seo) as a predictor of their end on the show.




it's that last bit that makes me roll my eyes more than anything.  they honestly have no reason to quit WGM from what i can see, and whether or not they're wearing their rings has absolutely no impact on that kind of decision.  the only time ring adornments should be held accountable for whether a couple is separating is if they're actually married.  dating, of course, is a different story.  you can break up with someone and continue to wear that item because it signifies more than just a romantic relationship but a chemistry and a past that you both share.




furthermore, i saw some other posts that expressed worry over the fact there are members here talking about the ring and taking notice to how often they wear it, and that because our thread is in the "spotlight," the PDs and management are conspiring together in telling yong and seo not to wear it so often because people are starting to notice they're in a real relationship. (whoo, that's a long sentence.)




um, sorry to burst the proverbial bubble, but as sweet as that sounds (the implication that they could be together), i doubt very much that they care what we're analyzing and observing.  to them, whether or not our assessments are true, we're just spectators with wild - and sometimes accurate - theories, but we are harmless otherwise.  and assuming that that's the reason behind everything, we should actually be worried because the suggestion that they are in a relationship should technically be the end of their stint on WGM.




in fact, we should all hope that there is a consistency in yongseo's actions (as for the rings, they have been consistent in their inconsistence of wearing the ring ... and all those times have proven that it has more to do with their professional work than personal decisions) because supposing they are in a relationship, they have to act as normal as possible – at least so long as they're on WGM.




so once again, talk about the rings if you want.  if you feel sad that they're not wearing it, then you're free to feel that way.  and if you're neg'd because of it, who cares?  you're expressing your feelings in relation to yongseo, but i don't think it's a disruption to the atmosphere here.  however, i think it is a bit of a problem when you start tying the rings to their end.  we all know it's going to happen, but as far as we know, there's nothing to suggest it and all it does is create a ruckus and a chain of worried members that is utterly unnecessary and avoidable.


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first things first...
















































































































































































who else busted out laughing when they saw the pictures of yong on the red carpet?!  hahaha.  not that he looked funny, far from it!!! he was so handsome and hott!!!  but, the fact that he was reliving his "I'm a Loner" days with fringe up and all (with hyun's fanned hand movement) and after this past episode, it was too funny.  and so... appropriately timed.  lol.  love it!  but during their rock version of "Love" he had it back down, which was hott too.  and definitely reminded me of their cf for the phone.
























































































and congrats to both yong and hyun and their respected groups, snsd and cn blue, for winning big this year at the melon awards!!!!!  they indeed deserved it and am proud to say that i full support the two (yongseo AND snsd and cn blue).  congrats X 100000000000000!















































































































































































I agree 100% with you. When I saw the pictures of the red carpet, the first thing I thought was Hyun mimicking his hair during the "I'm a Loner" days! Haha I'm sure he thought "Hyun won't like it ;_;" when he saw himself in the mirror! But he's still VERY handsome <3 And the brothers-in-law are absolutely DAEBAK too.
























































































Caliope, dear, I don't think we can really call those girls "Boice" ;)
























































































 To me, they only look like crazy fangirls, overprotective. Yonghwa is a young man, he's an adult, he knows what he's doing. Real Boices want Yonghwa to be happy. We all know that he works too much, so let's be happy when we see him smile and having fun. He loves snowboard, so all Boices should be like dancing around their computer and sing "Lalala~ Yong must be happy~ Lalala~ He's doing what he likes~" :)
























































































So please, don't worry about what these girls say. They only see Yonghwa as an idol that needs to work, work, and work again, not as a human being who needs time to relax and have fun.









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Guest fabiistar07








Well, i usually just look around here since it's so hard to keep up with all the posts haha




1st - thanks to the ppl that do WGM subs so fast!! .. i love watching WGM [duh!^^] and since i can't understand it, the subs help sooo much :D




2nd - idk what the whole deal is with the rings, but i think that it should not have gotten this big. of course i'd love for them to wear their rings 24/7, but if they don't then we shouldn't make a big deal of it because it can lead to something big, like something i read on another post, that their companies might not want them to wear their rings outside of WGM, and it'll be worse that way for all YongSeo fans.




So don't worry so much about the rings and just focus on how well they get along, and how much comfortable they have gotten with eachother :D




3rd - i saw the pics from the awards, and the first thing i notice is Yong hubby's hairstyle as well, it made me laugh because i remembered the little hand gesture Hyun did [Kim Mousse] lol :lol:




Anyways.. i hope i didn't write too much, and i'm looking foward to saturday, and the snow skii trip as well!!




They look sooo cute! .. it looks like a good episode to watch [well.. they all good episodes ^__^]



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Does anyone feel that the camera setup is disturbing seeing those Ski pictures? I think they are too close. How can anyone feel they're just doing everyday/normal stuff with that huge thing right in front of your face? Plus all the rest of the crew hogging around, it's just weird. They could've zoomed in from a bit further. No couples can really act normal I think.



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Guest rjcm127
































































































































































































Dear Seo Joo Hyun, (yah- you never know if she is an under cover lurker or poster on here right?)
































































































































































As your unnie fan, I am here to tell you that you have hit the jackpot!!! Thank you.































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut your post short..But I am totally spazzing over what you wrote. i feel the same. They are both lucky to have hit the jackpot. Little by little I see how their behavior is rubbing off one another, little glances and expressions are there confirm it..."Seo joo Hyun", you must love how he calls out your name. :wub:
































































































































































If you do happen to read this Yong or Hyun, please keep it real between the two of you, on & off camera. Please don't let the media or anyone else deter you from being true to yourself or each other. Whether it's due to a newfound close friendship or more :wub: , me picking the latter, I know you have both influenced each other for the best and the changes have been showing. Sones, Boices, Gogumas all over the world will always support and love you two.
































































































































































We look forward to more of your activities together... love love love, everybody clap clap clap :wub: we walk while matching our feet, holding our hands.

































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@alfalfa @lovekin - you know how to lift up one's mood with your posts i wanna thank you guys for that!


gogumas, why so many negative thoughts? :wacko: cheer up! we don't know how long YongSeo will stay on WGM (same with the other two couples) so all we need on this thread is positivity and just enjoy the journey YongSeo is taking us! :wub: we don't need to worry too much on something that isn't even happening yet. we don't need to speculate that maybe YongSeo is gonna end their WGM stint soon because they didn't wear their couple ring lately..i completely understand you guys but please try to drop that idea! :) IMHO, with the latest issues throwing on Yongseo, esp on Yong's part, i saw it coming already! Yong with some fangirls wanting him to quit WGM and some even hating on Seohyun, needs to show off his ring less, with that i think he is protecting Seohyun from some angry fangirls and as a leader of his group he also needs to protect their fans! we know how important those rings are for them so for YongSeo not being able to wear the ring doesn't mean that their love story is gonna end just like that!

seriously, as a lurker, reading too much negative posts makes me feel sad and sometimes makes me cry  crazy.gif that's how much this couple affects me but thank you to all gogumas who keep this thread with positivity. i know some of you have worries in their hearts but trust me those negative thoughts won't make our goguma land a happy place to live in blush.gif i know being in a goguma land sometimes takes us into a roller coaster ride of emotion but still at the end of the day it is YongSeo who gives us an extra happy feeling on our gloomy days and who we learned to love like our own family. my love for these two people takes away all my doubts and worries and put my mind to rest!  :rolleyes:

i hope to see more positive posts as i'm going back to my lurker mode  :) thank you and God bless you all!

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Guest fabiistar07



Does anyone feel that the camera setup is disturbing seeing those Ski pictures? I think they are too close. How can anyone feel they're just doing everyday/normal stuff with that huge thing right in front of your face? Plus all the rest of the crew hogging around, it's just weird. They could've zoomed in from a bit further. No couples can really act normal I think.




i think ur right, those cameras were like 2 ft. away from them, but i think seohyun must b used to them, since before snsd made their big debut, they already cameras following them around for their show [i can't remember what it was called right now ^^']




but also i think that it's just about getting used to the cameras and crew, no one is ever able to show their true self 100%, but i guess since they've been filming for a while now that they're probably comfortable with eachother and the crew, so it makes things more natural. It's sort of like when snsd did Hello Baby, they had to pretend like cameras weren't there, but sometimes they interacted with the crew as the show was going on, so it must b the same case




but i agree that the cameras need to b further away, it'd b afraid that if i swing my arm i might hit someone from the crew or break a camera lol



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Guest rjcm127
































































































































































































































Here's something for goguma lovers. Since ppl are posting screencaps of the couple at the ski resort. I did some searching and found this vid or our Seobaby using what she learned from her hubby to use. Credit to keoconvoinewseason. Thanks to Leo, GenxV and Sweepotatodays <3
































































































































































[12.14.2010] FanCam: SeoHyun snowboarding

































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Guest Crystal392






*waves* hi everyone! :) Like most of you I think this whole ring thing has been blown out of proportion. I won't say much about it because what I think has already been said by lots of you like alfalfa and lovekin ;)











_d3seohyun: Girl I missed your amazing screencaps. That's the reason why you are queen of screencaps ;) hehehehe Thanks for sharing them <3











panGG: I love love love the picture you shared! hehehehe











Finally, we all know someday WGM will end because after all is a show. We can't be 100% sure when they will 'divorce' until WGM PDs/MBC releases an official statement so don't worry about it. Enjoy it as much as you can while it lasts ^_^











Also congrats to Hyun~ (SNSD) and Yong~ (CNBLUE) for the awards their groups won at Melon Awards :D *throws lots of confetti* Both looked gorgeous on the event.











Can't wait for MuBank :) !!


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Guest lovekin




Does anyone feel that the camera setup is disturbing seeing those Ski pictures? I think they are too close. How can anyone feel they're just doing everyday/normal stuff with that huge thing right in front of your face? Plus all the rest of the crew hogging around, it's just weird. They could've zoomed in from a bit further. No couples can really act normal I think.






first of all, considering their status, it is natural for them to grow accustomed to being watched or followed by people. but your thoughts are legitimate and your average person will probably be unable to deal with it, or if you are too self-aware and unused to the spotlight, you're more prone to show discomfort.




second, and most importantly, it is difficult to suppress who you are unless you are absolutely silent.




you can actually see this in the earlier episodes. yes, they were awkward because they were meeting for the first time and yes, both of them had a stiffness towards each other because they had yet to establish familiarity, yet you can easily tell that that awkwardness is also due to being watched. yong is a prime example of this because, as we know, he has "choding" qualities that slowly manifests as he gets comfortable. and it's not just about being comfortable around seo but also with the idea that he can be himself, regardless of who is watching.




and with seo, she is obviously all about propriety, and her coming out of her shell definitely has influence from yong. still, a person cannot express their true selves with characteristics they don't actually possess. so what we're seeing is all seohyun (with guidance from yong) but a now comfortable seohyun. what set her apart from her SNSD unnies in previous shows is her high self-awareness. she is just naturally conservative, which is a helping factor for her because of her idol status, but you can tell she gets really stiff. and it's not just because of her posture. some of her actions tend to be very automatic, as if she knows that a camera is on her and so needs to act a certain way.




(take, for example, the recent awards. when all of SNSD is standing on the platform and being interviewed, everyone else is just sort of relaxed, but seohyun has a tendency to pose.)




essentially, though, you'll get used to it. even the average joe - if constantly followed by it - will be too tired to continue holding back. and if they insist, little bits of their personality will come out anyway. you can see this in post-show interviews with reality stars who are constantly asked about the cameras following them and if they felt uncomfortable. without fail, they will always say that it started out that way, but it soon got easier to ignore the cameras (assuming they aren't camera hogs to begin with).




so really, in response to your comment, couples (or "couples" in our case) can definitely act natural. i won't lie, there are brief moments during WGM where you can spot where they have to think things through before speaking, or there's this need to fill in the silence with conversation because they're on a show/being watched (and you have to make it entertaining) where they might otherwise be content with said silence, but yong and seo seem to have found their footing and sense of self.






if you want to watch a good example of someone who is nervous around the camera but does show bits of himself regardless ... watch jonghyun. he does what normal people would do under the same circumstances. he's typically quiet and when he does talk, it's not very natural ... until the billiard scene, where there are moments that he gets agitated and you can just see pieces of him that just shines, and you can tell that those moments make up jonghyun who isn't followed by cameras.



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first of all, considering their status, it is natural for them to grow accustomed to being watched or followed by people. but your thoughts are legitimate and your average person will probably be unable to deal with it, or if you are too self-aware and unused to the spotlight, you're more prone to show discomfort.




Thanks for all the replies :P. I understand your points. I do feel that SH has changed now. But yes she still can't get rid of the 'image' yet most of the times. He He.




I wonder if there's any fancams on MelOn award.



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Guest Crystal392






Has this been shared? I found it while stalking dcmarried, the hat and first jacket is what Hyun wore and the second jacket what Yong wore:


































cr: dcmarried











*Using google: 1 U.S. dollar = 1 154.73441 South Korean won*














xueh: So far I've only found a fancam of Yong~ singing 'Im a loner' xD But I am sure with some time more fancams will appear :)






















I know you've already seen this pics but it doesn't hurt to share them again eh? Aren't they so cute together? :wub:

























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Hello, everyone!

I updated my fanfiction.

Goguma Hours (13/?)

As usual, I hope you enjoy it. And no more negativity, guys!

Best regards,


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Guest vero_vero






honestly i feel sad guys, :( it's like we're going roundbout in the same place again..


* I believe yong n hyun have their own reason to not wearing d ring outside wgm.. And i'm sure it doesn't mean their wgm will end soon.. Who knows if they prepare new ring 4 chrismast gift, or they choose wearing in personal life.. We all already know that yong wearing d ring in gda reherseal,i think it's more personal.. He wear it bcos he want not bcos camera around..


* about pd seem rush filming,,i don't think so.. Yongseo has overseas schedule and tour in jan,it's hard for them to filming of course.. I think wgm pd want to collect many footage so yongseo can not filming for a few weeks,and also mean pd want yongseo kept staying in wgm for long time beside their busy schedule..


* it's normal if they look tired in MMA, they stayed in cold weather till midnight.. It easy to get sick.. I hope they can take care each other and keep healthy..


Wow i think i write too long,sorry for my rambling.. >.<


let enjoy the show and not thinking about the ending. we still have upcoming spazzworthy episode, busan trip, 300th day shooting and skiing date.. They look so cuuute in bright skiing clothes.. Ok,,Have a nice day gogumas!! ^^


P.S i read in someone tweet that yongseo duet will realese soon. I hope it's true. :-D



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Guest quisty86












I do understand why there are concerns regarding the rings. No one can say the rings aren't meaningful - at least in this aspect we all are on the same page. No? 




But just look at it like this - SOME (I want to emphasize on this) Boices want Yonghwa out of WGM. Their recent episodes are also very...well...you know...spazztastic. Remember NAN - even the other MCs of the program paid attention to his ring. Now the Kmedia are on it too. In a way it's exciting that everyone's noticing our couple now (they won't say our couple's boring anymore) BUT it has a big downside. I mean it's enough that we guys are paying attention to their gifts being worn (rings...necklaces) but if the media starts on it, it can get very messy. 




It's exactly why I think they're deciding not to wear the rings in very public events anymore. Management decision or their own, it's very wise for me. A bit of pang in my heart but hey, that's much better than the media writing a controversy about them. 




Next thing you know Korean media's writing on "YongSeo couple not wearing rings anymore?" BAD. 








Now let's move to the positives. They're the cutest! It would have been nice to hug in those clothes! Comfy, big and eeee! Haha. About the fan accounts that they were laughing lots - see they really enjoyed this! Even if they're tired, we know they enjoyed each other's company. 




It's almost Christmas people! Instead of getting sad about stuff, let's look forward to - what gifts would they give to each other? Hahahaha. 




PD-nims, I want a Christmas tree please! For our couple's sweet house.




I never got to say what my favorite YongSeo moments are. If you guys are still playing this, I have too many but I'll name a few:




1. When Hyun said she didn't want the airconditioner blasting wind on Yonghwa.




2. Hyun connecting her pigtails to the dragon when they were moving house. 




3. Hyun's sparkling eyes, unnies all came tumbling down haha.




4. When they were making kimchi, Yong can't speak, can only communicate through eyes. Yonghwa flashed a killer stare.




5. Yonghwa finally telling Hyun to stop beating around the bush and ask him straight, was the song for her or not :P 




6. Not a YongSeo moment but Seulong wanting to cry from the hand-holding hahaha.




7. Yonghwa saying Hyun can try calling him. (and their backroom interviews)




8. 2nd hand holding in the most recent ep. Even the MCs were shocked haha.




9. Seohyun's SNSD and Yong saying YA! 




I would also like to share how I love MC Kim's shouts during the last ep. Hahaha it was so funny he was like watching sports. And the way he reacted when Yonghwa was giving the first shrimp - he was saying don't do that, just put it in her mouth - he really sounded angry/demanding haha. MC Kim would be a good spazzing companion, I love him haha. 





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