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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Just wanna add in a few words...For me I think Yong Choding was the best part for me...Yonghwa simply look too cute for words how can this be translated or said to being acting childish or even stupid so much so that it threatens his image in C.N. Blue? hmm... what's more, he is only a teenager, young adult, he also has his pure and innocent side to him that we should treasure and appreciate because thats the real him. Love Yong Cholding the best!! Yongseo fighting!!





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Guest orchid81
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Don't worry too much Gogumas!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Don't you remember how many times this problem (Yong quitting WGM) has been raised after an important event of our couple's?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- When Yong revealed that he got inspired by Seohyun and wrote Love Light
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- When they performed the duet song at Incheon Music Wave
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's just some jealous fangirls expressing their anger.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong is a mature man who knows what to do and what not.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































No one or nothing can stop him doing what he wants.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And if those fangirls don't buy Yong's CDs, we (Gogumas) will.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(Just look at the gifts Korean Gogumas gave to Yongseo, we know how rich they are :D . International fans like us can also buy those CDs online)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let's support our couple till the very end.

































































































































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the more i think the more i confused. the fans start commented bad of Yonghwa just when the wedding fotos spreading in internet, but not when WGM aired. is that weird. did those fans really watch how funny and cute childish Yong play with Hyun hand. i dont think they watch that. but when the wedding fotos spread, they start bombing and arguing, what is the explanation for that? jealousy.




I learn from YongSeo that dont just people when you dont know them. when i just know Yonghwa from YAB, i didnt like him at all, skipped all his part and just tried to listen once CNBLUE, but then i watched WGM, i changed, this guys is different, and i start listening other songs from their album and start liking it.




and before i want to compare Yongseo with other couple i tried first to watch other couple as much as i can before voice myself.




I will keep my mouth shut for today otherwise i will make other gogumas villagers upset. have to rewatch Yongseo and beleive in Yongseo, hmm if i can write korean i want to write to Yonghwa an encourage letter. FIGHTING :wub:


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Guest Crystal392










About this whole issue I want to quote what saturn (a Korean Boice) posted @ CNBLUE thread:


















It was initiated by an article written by an insane wgm fan. Actually it was too nonsense, I didn't even finish reading it. But some young girls reacted too sensitively about it.









I always wanted the freeboard disabled.











I just saw another freeboard only for BOICE. It's full of sweet and supportive articles. It means those crazy writers were not official BOICE members. Without BOICE membership, they must not come to the concert. They cannot be called fans.























We really don't know what that 'crazy' WGM fan wrote and if that person was really a Boice or not, but I'm glad that now that freeboard is closed and now only official Boices can post.


















I won't comment more on that issue because most of you have already said what I've wanted to say (like rxp).


















Thanks to everyone who has shared pics, links and everything about uri lovely YongSeo.


















YongSeo = Forgiveness... such a pretty name eh? ;)


















Can't wait for the next WGM ep! YongSeo hwaiting!











Gogumas ftw ^^


















I'm wishing Hyun~ (SNSD) and Yong~ (CNBLUE) good luck on 'Golden Disk Awards'. ^_^



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Guest archiehon








































Guys, take a deep breath..... Now, close your eyes. Imagine all the negative words of antifans infront of you. They are written on a piece of paper. Imagine your hands are crumpling that piece of paper and throw them away. Seriously, do not let them get to you. Negative thoughts/words held no powers until you responded to them. Let the dogs bark to the mountain. It can't change anything, rite.
























Now, i can't wait to see the Busan eps. Really I hope there are multiple eps. I want Yong Hwa to introduce Seo Hyun to his parents! Why aren't there any shooting star tonight....aish..........:P .









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tks for that clarification crystal.

yup, lets not think too much abt it,

the one that post that insane post may not be a fan after all. <_<

ooh..archie, i love that!

crumple crumple crumple

shoot shoot shoot

Hoot Hoot Hoot

hey crystal, since u're here, may i ask u if RM epi 17 w sub is out already?

i say someone mention abt yong giving the wrong ans?


tks K1 :)

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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








Just wanna share my opinion about some anti fans posts regarding YongSeo couple, they sure can post some bashing comments in every freeboard they find in internet, but they only can type words. And in the other side, we as supporters of YongSeo we can give them our love, pray, even goodies to express our feeling and our support toward them. I'm sure YongSeo couple will think about us more than some YongSeo antis there :)




Last but not least, i can't express my gratitude to our event and gifts organizer for YongSeo's 300th day anniversary. I just can say THANK YOU over and over again for your big love and dedication to Yong and Hyun. I can't give something but my love and pray for all my sisters and brothers here. Goguma lovers fighting wub.gif




tks for that clarification crystal.







yup, lets not think too much abt it,







the one that post that insane post may not be a fan after all. <_<












ooh..archie, i love that!







crumple crumple crumple







shoot shoot shoot







Hoot Hoot Hoot












hey crystal, since u're here, may i ask u if RM epi 17 w sub is out already?







i say someone mention abt yong giving the wrong ans?







About RM ep17 featuring YongHwa you can find streaming links on http://www.facebook.com/iSUBS




In this episode in one of quizzes all of RM's casts need to play music instruments in band format. Yonghwa mistaken for Lee Hyori's 10minute as SNSD's Genie. Too bad other casts didn't react as my expectation :P



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Guest ichigo_kawai








Anyeong... everyone...^_^.  All my lovely family.....




2 weeks ago, I made fmv about "yong choding collection" but I made the title of the video " Yoong happiness momments"




Why I made the title like that, Coz I can see that he really comfortable, and really happy at that time.




FMV "Yoong happiness moments"




I love yonghwa when he act like that, coz I like the time when he can laugh with joy.







Maybe one of the reason he act like that, he want to make hyun happy, he want to see her laugh.







And I'm very proud of him,  when he can make other people happy. 




I'm BOICE and I want to my Idol Happy....so I like when he's happy.




I love "Charismatic YONGHWA"







I Love "Choding YONGHWA"







Coz Choding YongHwa is part of "YONGHWA"












And maybe all the people has a "choding" side like that too.















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Guest Crystal392










jnj: Yeap, you can find the links here: http://cnbluestorm.com/2010/12/07/engsubbed-yonghwa-at-running-man-ep-17-11-07-2010/


















Btw, Kim Na Young fractured her arm on her birthday :( I hope she gets well soon! Na Young hwaiting! (more info @ allkpop: http://www.allkpop.com/2010/12/kim-na-young-fractured-her-arm-on-her-birthday)

























~Cute cute cute ♥~










































































rxp: OMO I wonder what is he talking about... but whatever it is I hope it won't be edited out :P He is soo sweet by mentioning us: Gogumas fans ^^



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MC Jake did tweet us hours ago yesterday and I had seen the translations provided by Khuntorialurve
















he tweeted this pic of MCs enjoying food:
































and the following text which is also translated by those at khuntorialurve








V followers, sweetpotato, wgm fans !! kekekekeke, stay tuned on wgm sat broadcast!, It’s Nayoung’s birthday today ! she is treating us lunch ^^———————-






















































EVENT great success! … Pray hard that it will not be edited .. V5!






























































Cr:chinese translation/孤独在韩 & kimtaeyen@winniebar, english translation/Valerie@khuntorialurve































Apparently he's doing an event for Khuntoria fans, aka V Gang...I wonder if Goguma village tweets him enough maybe he'll do an event for the YongSeo couple as well?

















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Guest yongseo_forever
















































While exploring in CNBLUE and SNSD thread i read some issue that related to our yongseo couple. They said that cnblue fans wants CNBlue Yonghwa to stop WGM because it may become a treat to CNBLUE image. CNBLUE message board was flood of that issue that's why FNC disabled the freeboard in the official site. You can check the complete information in SNSD thread here in Soompi. I don't have permission to repost it here so i'm just summarizing the whole issue. I post it here because i want to know everyone of us perspective?. maybe later Sones and Voices will give their statement, we should help each other to make not matter worse.














































So what you guys think?























































I think by treat, your original meaning is threat?
















Anyway, in my opinion, I think they cannot be considered true fans of cnblue at all. 
















Choding is part of yonghwa's personality , that is how he is. If you like someone , you would embrace all his/her strengths and faults.
















How does being in wgm threatens cnblue's image? 
















It is because of wgm that made me love cnblue more. 
















Honestly, the first time i came across yonghwa's name was due to the drama he starred in , You're Beautiful . 
















The only impression i had of him was of the person he had to act out in the drama, shinwoo - if i didn't remember the name wrongly , a kinda melancholy guy who could not manage to express his feelings to the girl he like. And i noticed him at that time cus i found him real cute , handsome ^^
















After watching wgm, i realised how different his actual personality is. He is a fun-loving person , charismatic during performances , cute, childish and innocent outside performances. Actually, it will worry me instead if he seemed "too cool" or is not smiling at all after watching wgm . 
















It is this personality of his that made me smile everytime i watch wgm or some other shows such as running man :)
































Also, cus of wgm, i managed to learn more about the other members of cnblue. They are actually very cute and shy people :)
















It is funny how awkward they were when they first met their sis-in-law ^^ And cute how they organised an "event" , bringing in the cake while snapping their fingers HAHA. 
















The shy jonghyun with his cute dimple smile :) The cute minhyuk with his tiny eyes haha . :) The tall jungshin chingoo who looks like an avatar xD 
































Hence, i think that wgm is really a show that allows them to enjoy themselves and for us to see their actual personality . Not a faked personality just to make them seem like perfect people, to fit the idol name. 
































As true fans, we should support our idol if what they are doing makes them happy :)
















I really wish some day my beloved idols/actors/actresses/singers can date and get married and pursue their happiness without anyone condemning them for it.
















As their fans, we shouldn't be the one obstructing them from finding their happiness but instead should support them and be happy for them if they have found their other significant half :)

















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Guest Caliope

A rumor circulating on twitter...

"Yongseo WGM played a contract extension."

Credits: animo0@twitter

It's confirmed?? :o


yongseo filming yesterday for WGM at sangdo-dong confirmed...


EDIT: Slowly preview next episode:


EDIT2: Don't worry, desirenhope ^^

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Guest desirenhope
































































































I've always disliked the fans topic.
















































































Anyways, saw this on twitter. Can anyone confirm this?































































































































































yongseo WGM played a contract extension.
















































































If its true, then it looks like F&C & SM and even Yonghwa aren't really affected by what's been discussed today.
































































































































































sorry, i top the page with nothing to share. looks like caliope's faster. :P









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so happy news, i hope it will be true,realy hope so, at least 2 year extention, that at least i can live normal for 2 year:-).




Hope they film yesterday will alot of romantic sense. just kiss, now im really impatient. because i want all the fans know that they belong together. no chance for others :wub:


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Guest Crystal392










I am happy to hear about the contract extension ^^ I just read on twitter it seems to be just a rumour but I hope it's true *fingers crossed*


















As long as we support uri Yong~ and uri Hyun~ everything will be fine. Don't worry about silly comments.






Btw, thanks to all Gogumas who have donated for 'Goguma 1st year anniversary project'. Thanks thanks thanks thanks~!!!! ^^
























The thread is too quiet.... :3 Let's talk about something! hmmm.... what was your fave moment from the latest ep? (If you want to rewatch it go here: http://www.wat.tv/video/rdrsubs-sweet-potato-farming-386pz_37e9h_.html)






I had many fave moments hehehe ^_^ one of them was when they were on the car and Yong~ and SNSD Manager were teasing Hyun~ about her 'Hmmmmm' xD and when Manager oppa mentioned skinship topic and Yong and Hyun held hands blush.gif



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i rewatched preview 35 more than 100 times, and still not enough. love is all i can say when i see this couple. smiling is always on my face when i see them happy.




Adam couple makes me laugh and fell on the ground. Yongseo makes my heart tingled, tingled, the feeling can not describe by word, just you feel it, the same when i fall in love. I can see that feeling also with the MCs, especillay MC Kim.




I remember eps 34 of Adam couple and even they are asked that will they date for real after WGM, and they said yes. what about our Yongseo. i dont need they say by word, i just need them look at their eyes and hold their hands tight. :wub:




for last eps: i love when yong place Hyun's finger. that is so adorable and cute. that just couple do. sartuday please come soon....


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Guest bezbezbez
























Good day!!!


















































It's been a rough day for us huh???


















































In the morning we got news and pics from DC about the gifts they gave YongSeo in behalf of the whole YongSeo International and Sweet Potato Couple Baidu. Everyone was so happy and in the congratulatory mood until the news of some KBOICES against YongSeo's stint at WGM. The only thing I could say about this issue would probably be, A true is always there to support there idol and not to tear them down. I believe that a true supporter can't even afford to say anything bad or talk back against their idol. I'll leave that issue for now.


















































Later today, we saw a post about YongSeo's stint at WGM was extended. It cheered us up, but sad to say it is FALSE. I read all the tweets involving that person and it turned out that he/she just outbursted his/her feelings because a lot of people has been bashing Hyun. He/She didn't mean to make a rumor. Some just took his/he tweet seriously. Let's just hope that even if it's true, YongSeo will renew their contract soon.


















































For some good news, I saw a post on DC about the gift project we did for YongSeo's 300th day. I hope someone can translate this. I'v eread it with the help of Google Translator and it sounds like the Dc Gallers are very much contented with our gifts especially the "I Love YONGSEO Because..." photobook.


















































Here's the link: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=573087&page=1&recommend=1&recommend=1&bbs





































































FIGHTING GOGUMAS!!!! We have survived worse rumors and antis before and we managed to knock them all out, I'm sure this is just another roller coaster ride of emotions day :) Let's always think positive, and from there everything will be brighter :)
























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Guest Crystal392










bezbezbez: Thanks so much for investing so much time in Goguma project. And thanks to all Goguma team that helped you! Thanks a million :D I've been clicking on links to other posts on the link that you shared and I am touched by the amount of love Gogumas around the world give to uri YongSeo (Baidu Gogumas, Korean Gogumas, Vietnamese Gogumas, Soompi Gogumas, etc) ;_; You are awesome Gogumas! I am proud to be one of you.


















Gogumas we've been together for 301 days now ^^ hihihi

























~I've already shared this screencap but it doesn't hurt to share it again right?
































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hello gogumas..






What a day ha!after all this articles and joyful celebration of all gogumas in the world..here comes the antis who tried to ruin our happy hearts.. hmm they wanted yonghwa out of wgm..for a reason i find it absurd..they are not a true boice..theyre a selfish people and i believe they are not a real supporter ogf cnblue in particular of yonghwa..






im a boice and i support them in a way i can and i luv yonghwa the most..and i find his personality just fine to survive in showbiz..isnt it amazing that even with his childish act , he ramain a good leader of his band, a good music composer, now develop his hosting skills and very responsible, he might have childish ways, but hes mature enough to handle any responsibility given to him no matter how tough and too much it is ..and i believe that earned him more fans and be admired more..i do luv his choding act..its good enough to make me smile and ease the hard days






antis and selfish people always showed up at a moment like this, when everyone are dancing with happiness..






so lets just focus for the current project for the 1st year anniver ssary of yongseo...gosh i have no talent ..i cant sing and compse music kekeke..ill just vote for those who deserve to win ..oh ya i can support in other ways..






all for now lets always have a happy hearts..






yongseo fighting.é...






gogumas fighting..



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