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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Revelmonk





I love you to bits my dears - you are the first couple, let alone celebrities, that I've shipped; and I have never once regretted the decision to devote my every Saturday to you <3

You've taught me so much about love and life, I just feel so inspired and honoured to have come across you! Such a rare gem that I have to treasure for life. Seeing you guys change and mature has affected my lifestyle too! I think that's the greatest gift you guys have - you are infectious in the best way!




Hyun; beautiful, talented, smart and kind-hearted, being your same-age chingu, I am meant to be dead-jealous right now, but instead I feel so proud of you! You've come so far, and I'm happier than Manager Oppa that you got to experience so many firsts with someone like Yong! You yourself have taught me to look deeper, to think harder, to be patient, to have goals, and best of all, to BE (comfortable with) MYSELF despite my (numerous) shortcomings, as there are people out there who love me and accept me. Thank you so so so much <3, You will become a very successful diplomat one day, like you wish for =)




Yong; it's been a helluva ride, hasn't it? A big pat on the back for all you've done! You're the busiest 21yo I know, and also the most deserving of uri Hyun's love. You impressed me right from the start with your demeanour, the way you firmly and gently handled this relationship from the start instead of quitting WGM due to ... differences with your partner =). You persevered and never pressured her - and to gain trust from someone like Hyun... - I am just so in awe of you - you have all the makings of a person who will get far in life, and will continued to be loved by everyone around you! Your chodingess is what makes you so loveable <3 .

Enjoy your time with each other now, and treasure every single moment! This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, so don't ever let it go. One day, you will be able to look back and break into a biiiiiiig smile while reminiscing :D

Yongseo words can't describe how much I am grateful to you for, just like how you two can't stop expressing it to each other either :") !!I've never shared this before, but I've been  going through depression for 6-7 years, and apart from being entertaining, Yongseo has played a big role in eliminating a lot of my skepticism and negativity, and omg I'm crying and getting emotional as I'm saying this TT, and I just want to say how thankful I am that I stumbled across you on youtube one day. <3 <3 <3 and I'm so happy to be able to spazz and talk about them with you guys here in soompi - it's gradually helping me to overcome my depression a LOT and I love every single one of you here!!!! It really is a Go-Chun that I never ever want to leave :D. Now, the days are not as hard to pass, and I can wake up every morning and not think scary thoughts, but head straight here. :") sarangheyo!!




sorry for the very long emotional rant that was meant to be a congratulatory message/tribute to Yongseo -.-"...yongseo has that effect on me






been tweeting for 4 hours since 10pm but no trending yet?! preposterous!!!




and keira53, thanks so much for the awesome pics!!


aww jnj!! sorry to do that to you! At least ur tearing up in a good way? <3

magdal and bee_ichigo thanks for the love!! :") . I like what u said about fate and destiny - you're so right about that. Now I've sort of accepted that fate does exist =)

and I love soshisoshisoshi's post too =)








great post wallpaper and everyone else, seohyun and yonghwa will look back on this and smile but we must remember as goguma shippers that we want them to do it together in the future from a real relationship :)


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Guest Caliope


Credits: 섬세한꿍꿍이@dcmarried

YongHwa and JongHyun went to a wedding (I think... the groom is a mbc's PD or FNC Staff...)

They sang Sarang Bit ^^

Here... a Wedding short video. CLICK

Now let fly our imagination...

Yonghwa and Seohyun... Real Wedding... YongHwa and JongHyun sings Sarang Bit... :wub:

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Guest CheriMerci
































































Happy 300th Day Anniversary YongSeo Couple.






























































Do you believe in destiny? I always do. :wub:































YongSeo From now till eternity.






























































You're my destiny - Jim Brickman






























































what if i never knew































what if i never found you































i never had































this feeling in my heart






























































how did this come to be































i dont know how you found me































but from the moment i saw you































deep inside my heart i knew





























































































baby your my destiny































you and i were meant to be































with all my heart and soul































ill give my love to have and hold































and as far as i can see































you were always meant to be































my destiny





























































































i wanted someone like you































someone that i could hold on to































and give my love until the end































of time





























































































but forever was just a word (just a word)































something id only heard about































but now youre always there for me































when you say forever i believe





























































































baby your my destiny































you and i were meant to be































with all my heart and soul































ill give my love to have and hold































and as far as i can see































you were always meant to be































my destiny




























































































































baby all we need































is just a little faith































cuz baby i believe































that love will find a way


























































































































































































baby your my destiny































you and i were meant to be































with all my heart and soul































ill give my love to have and hold































and as far as i can see































from now until eternity































you were always meant to be






























































my destinyyyy






























































you're my destiny































































































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Guest yoreizei
















































































Happy YongSeo's 300th Day Anniversary everyone ^^
















































Local Twitter TT on Singapore and Indonesia
































































































About worldwide TT, don't worry, we'll make it this saturday with awesome episode ^^.

















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Guest MountainMadman


Even though I'm a relative newcomer to Goguma Planet, they've already touched me for their honesty, innocence, and unfettered friendship - if not love - for each other. For me, they are the ideal vision of two friends untouched by anything else in the world, simply existing for the sake of supporting each other.

And another THANK YOU to everyone who has supported this lovely couple with fanfictions, pictures, translations, GIFs, and everything else.

Lastly - Episode 40 of Love Story has been posted to Gogumafics! :)


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  From The sweet potato couple Thai Fans 








































































Congratulation for Yongseo 300 days.  








































































Wish you will be together forever , we always support you












































































































































































































































































































































































             We Love  YongSeo together















































































































































CR: TheSweet Potato Couple ThaiFan@pantip.com





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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                         Happy 300th day YongHwa SeoHyun Forever ^^








































































Share your love, happiness, and support each other








































































do everything that you can to show how u care





































































































































































































































































































We Love  YongSeo together















































































































































CR: TheSweet Potato Couple ThaiFan@pantip.com






































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































FanMad YongSeo 300 Days Anniversary















































































































































CR: TheSweet Potato Couple ThaiFan@pantip.com




































































































































































































































































































































































With Cof fee


















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Pro pose



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wanna hold your mind II

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































L o v e L i g h t

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Finally meet each other  







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































More than love  







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love of Yong (Thai song)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love Story II  

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love Story I


















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Falling slowly  



















































































































































































































































































































































































































































No Other




































































































































































































































































































































































It has to be you


















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Fan observe 100522



















































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can I love You
















































































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Guest fabregas215

since i don't have twitter but only facebook,

can we also started to change our status to something related to yongseo..

i already did mine:

its already 300=)


(p/s: cannot mention YOngseo though coz  i dont wanna let my friend know that i'm worshipping this couple,but still i want to show my support for them..kekekeke..)

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Guest dbskisluv2
































































































i;ve been on lurker mode but i really want to a wish a happy 300 days to YongSeo

































































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Guest SophiaPia










Good morning, afternoon, evening to all :)






To: YongHwa and SeoHyun my best couple






Happy 300th day anniversary. I thank God for giving both of you in my life. I thank you both for forever and wonderful memories you've given me that I will never forget . Sorry if i'm wishing, that this 300th days will be forever anniversary. Pls. stay together. Stay healthy our YongSeo couple and i love you. 











To All Of You here my Chingus Thank you so much for everything, everything. We become friends/family. We become what we are now coz of our YongSeo couple. I wish that we will be forever friends and family. I love you all. CHEERS













edit: Thanks also to wgm show, w/o ur show we don't have YongSeo couple. Let them stay forever.






Wow! what a lovely morning for me, so so happy seeing all of us celebrating our lovely YongSeo couple 300th day anniversary. It's really so touching that all of you/us show the love love love to our lovely couple. Kamsahamnida. 



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Hi gogumas, waves to all.
































I came here to confess that this is the first time I noticed this
































































She is grabbing him!! :) haha, I was so engrossed with Yong that didn´t see it before ^^
































Tomorrow´s we will have MC kim twitter, I can´t wait to read it! I´m hopping to read from him again YongSeo daebak!!! :wub:
































Thank you all gogumas for the pics, thoughts and every thing, Vietnam and Thai fans are amazing!!!
































Good day/night to all blush.gif









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Guest SophiaPia










Hi Wall where did u see? I didn't see that as well :( that hubby Yong helping out wife Hyun w/ her boots. Pls. share it again i want to see pls. Cheers mate.






It's public hols here so i will bring hubby out for lunch date i'll see u when i see u in chatbox kekeke! maybe in the evening. 






Can i say Saturday paliiiiiiiiii






Today 300th day anniversary. And it's Tuesday wgm filming. I hope we get good news later if YongSeo our together yeah baby!













got my account at twitter finally =)












omg why did PDnim edit out Yong helping Hyun with her boots? PD is so selfish lol








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Guest reiran18




Happy 300th Anniversary YONGSEO!!





I hope you will stay forever and ever!!!





more anniversaries to come...hahaha!!



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After I watched ep34 again, my heart went out to Yong and Hyun about their failed goguma crop!  They worked so hard planting them and harvesting them.  What a disappointment!   I’m sure Hyun was boasting to her unnies about the goguma field that Yong gave her.  She probably promised them all gogumas from the field!    I feel sorry for both of them, especially Yong because his goguma field present didn’t turn out so good.  Ah well, this couple seems to take setbacks in stride and it only makes them stronger, because they support each other through the hard times as well as enjoying the good times.

I wonder why the Yong and Hyun’s sweet potatos didn’t turn out as well as the ones the children were harvesting?   If you look at the size of the ones the children had vs. Yong and Hyun’s gogumas, there is a definite size difference.   I think I would have asked the farm ‘boss’ about that and express how disappointed Hyunnie was in the goguma harvest.   Maybe the boss (since he is Seohyun’s fan) would just give them some, or let them buy some of the ‘good’ gogumas.

Anyway, it is not Yong’s fault, just their bad luck.  But seems they had a meaningful trip, anyway.  Seohyun is now the only ‘truck driving woman’ in SNSD (I think this is SO FUNNY!), and Yong has Hyun’s manager oppa’s blessing!  And they got a chance to spend the day together, laughing and working in the country.  They seem very happy to be with each other, and comfortable.   I like how they seem to just enjoy each other’s company, even when they’re doing hard field labor.   When they do the everyday stuff together they find out they’re just normal young people, not Korean idols.   They don’t have to uphold their ‘image’ when they are with each other like, so it’s all good.

I’ve seen other people say that maybe Hyun is finally finding some true meaning behind the songs she’s performed over and over with SNSD.  I believe that’s true.   Certainly “kissing You” has more meaning for her after her wonderful birthday day with Yong.  “Tell me Your Wish” came up when Yong bought Hyun the guitar,  Yong’s punishment dance,  part of the ‘rap’ portion of “love Light” and now their first ride in a car, sitting next to each other.  The SNSD members say that with their comeback album with “Hoot” that she is singing her parts with more feeling.   Especially her sexy cat walk singing ‘Where are you looking – I’m right here’ in “Hoot”.   Could this be for Yong?  I would like to think YES.

It’s funny Yong brought up Hyun’s ‘mmmmmmmm’ sound.  I’ve noticed that for a long time.  It seems she ‘hmmmmmmms’ whenever she’s thinking about something and she’s not sure what to say, and to just break the silence she just makes the ‘mmmmmmmm’ sound.  Just like she purses her lips when she’s got something on her mind she wants to talk about, but is trying to formulate what to say.  I noticed it the most in the Ueno Juri episode when they were selecting sushi.  She ‘hmmmmmm’d’ loud there a couple times, really loud.  I think it’s cute and definitely part of her unique personality.

Next week it looks like they overcome the disappointment of the goguma harvest and become even closer and have some more fun with each other.  The fact that Hyun is now teasing Yong with the prawn speaks volumes on how far our shy Hyun has come and how comfortable she acts with Yong.  Yay!  

The SeoHwa 300-day project looks so cool - what a good job by all who particpated - just to think our Yong and Hyun will actually see how much they are supported by fans all over the world sends chills up my spine!  To think those 'We Got Married' matching hoodie sweatshirts will be worn by both of them (and may show up on a future episode) is awesome!             

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Guest LiyLiy14


Morning to all GOGUMA LOVERS,




To Yong & Hyun,




HAPPY 300th ANNIVERSARY to both of you.


Both of you seem closer after the JAPAN TRIP.


Wishing both of you stay happy together for real.


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Guest baby_bo































































































Hello Goguma Villagers!














































































































Happy 300th day anniv to our lovely couple! :)














































































































Thanks to them I found new friends ^___^































































(can't wait for fan accounts from today's taping)























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Happy 300th day Anniversary to our jjang YongSeo couple! Thank you for bringing laughters and smiles into my life and I look foward to celebrating you for the 500th, 1000th day and more! :wub:



Big hug to all other goguma villagers here at Soompi! Though I'm not posting as often as I want to, I do try to keep up with the thread and share the love and spazzing with you awesome gogumas!


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korean dcmarried fans really appreciate internatioanl yongseo fans!
















see here for their very sweet comments: here  and here and here
















thanks for the fanarts and fanfics of our Yongseo couple!
















i'm proud to be a Yongseo fan, SONE, & Boice!

































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Wow, I can't believe they have come so far! They started off as strangers and now they have built a bond that can withstand the storms. Just like us Goguma Villagers!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let's keep believing in YongSeo and give them all our support and love!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also dropping in to share my latest fanvid: Crazier - Taylor Swift






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I didn't make it specifically for 300 days, but I happened to finish it last night. So enjoy!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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