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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest chilipadi_22

saw the chinese translations for the preview.















credits Baidu forum~

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Guest chachann







omg..omg..omg...just watched the preview... it's gonna be another daebak episode with overload skinship..


it's super cute and sweet...


saturday pali!!!


there's definitely no wall between them now...


saturday next week is a must watch episode..


i've been replaying the preview over and over again..


they are real...LOL..




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Guest blueshoes
















Seohyun & Yong Hwa fail to find sweet potatoes
















The Seohyun and Jung Yong Hwa couple visited Kanghwado in order to farm sweet potatoes for this week’s episode of MBC’s “We Got Married” and ended up harvesting nothing.
















Although the two started off the hunt for sweet potatoes on a bright note, even sorting out who they would share their sweet potatoes with, and Seohyun claiming all of the sweet potatoes in the field as hers, the couple was met with an empty field that produced nothing other than roots.
















In a fit of anger, the couple dug through the dirt as hard as possible, with Seohyun stating, “How can this make sense? There’s really not even one? There’s only rocks. Come out, sweet potatoes, come out!”
















Eventually, they made their way back with the two tiny ones they found, while planning to make a different dish and coming up with different excuses for the people they originally planned to give their harvest to.
































Source: Newsen via Nate







credit http://www.allkpop.com/2010/12/seohyun-yong-hwa-fail-to-find-sweet-potatoes
































preview 3 couples 쿤토커플, 용서커플, 권가인 커플









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I swear I love the teasing part (especially Yonghwa's face on the fourth cap)...




















...more than this.




















credits: dc married


















/watches the preview again



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i haven't even rewatched the episode
















but i have the preview autoplaying so many times!

































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Guest AngelVillian

Preview's translation

Words on the screen : Finished collecting gogumas, this place is?

Yonghwa : Come chase me~~

Seohyun : No~~

Yonghwa : Seohyun ah~

Yonghwa : Hand like this

Yonghwa : Remember the first time i see seohyun

Seohyun : Don't move, quick

Yonghwa : You think you can cheat me~

Yonghwa : Long time ago i started writing songs

Yonghwa : Yo~ Seohyun

Seohyun : I'm anticipating it

Yonghwa : To sing it out, i'm embarrassed

Seohyun : That was great~

Words on the screen : Just what did yonghwa prepared for a long time?

Translated from chinese, might be wrong.

Chinese translations credit to Baidu

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how can i bypass today's epi...it is still spazz worthy..

yong does this gesture everytime he's feeling nervous..

not confident on hyun's new driving skill..well, me too.. :sweatingbullets:


i love seeing her like this..leaning more towards hubby


another small gesture from her


hi K1..long time no see..

blueshoes..tks for the kpop news, but knowing kpop, it tends to be a bit exaggerating..

yongseo did harvest their gogumas even tho its much less than what expected..


ack! tks for the prev trans angelvillian!

hohoho..another song confession?

could it be...IDKW?!! :w00t:

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omo...wat did yonghwa prepare? is it 'i dont know why' song???
































wow...i have been replying the preview like 100x...
















still cant get enough of it...
































i guess our patient all along paid off....now yongseo spoilt us with lots and lots of skinshipp....
















all gogumas in gochun right now...
































next saturday palli come!!!

















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Guest Faith_memory




























kyaaaa~ this goguma harvesting episode is really funny, keke even without subs yet. too bad they didn't found good ones.. hahaha!!! ♥ jungshin chingoo was there too, and snsd's manager was so funny, smelling his hand after playing with the dog. and omg, the dog was just a puppy back then!! it grew up! o.o haha! ♥




















Hyun was so active on this episode, seriously. she jokes alot this time. hahaha! ♥ she must be already so comfortable around him. hahaha! ♥ and Yong... kekeke~ you need to be on your guard. hahaha! ♥ and respond well. She might just hug you so suddenly and you might get shock again and don't know what to do. ahaha! ♥




















The preview!!




















omo!!!!! those two hanging around at night again. XD and Yong is a natural romantic throb, indeed. He does those cute and sweet moments *like couple running together, hands on pocket* stuffs that "ordinary" people do. You might not get what I mean, but, anyways, they seriously LOOK GOOD TOGETHER! They seem to be much happier after the Japan episode. also, the tricking each other while eating is so cute!!! can't wait!




















Preview's translation




















Words on the screen : Finished collecting gogumas, this place is?




















Yonghwa : Come chase me~~




















Seohyun : No~~




















Yonghwa : Seohyun ah~




















Yonghwa : Hand like this




















Yonghwa : Remember the first time i see seohyun




















Seohyun : Don't move, quick




















Yonghwa : You think you can cheat me~




















Yonghwa : Long time ago i started writing songs




















Yonghwa : Yo~ Seohyun




















Seohyun : I'm anticipating it




















Yonghwa : To sing it out, i'm embarrassed




















Seohyun : That was great~




















Words on the screen : Just what did yonghwa prepared for a long time?




















Translated from chinese, might be wrong.




















Chinese translations credit to Baidu







































omgggg yonghwa made a song for seohyun?!! maybe that was what he prepared for her?? I assumed he made a rap for her.. with the Yo~seohyun-ah! xD




















thanks for the trans ♥♥♥




















gogumas, Comment here, let's show the YongSeo Love!




















ALK: http://www.allkpop.com/2010/12/snsd-seohyuns-drivers-license-photo-revealed#comments








































here: http://www.allkpop.com/2010/12/seohyun-yong-hwa-fail-to-find-sweet-potatoes





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Guest WendyLoveSoshi




Translated By Me. :D




Here's the translated one by Baidu: (Chinese)


































Translated Version:




Text: After Harvesting The Gogumas, where are they now?


Yonghwa: Come and Chase Me


Seohyun: Cannot


Yonghwa: Seohyun Ahh... (I Don't Understand This Part)


Yonghwa: Put your hand like this


Yonghwa: The first time I saw Seohyun~Ah~


Seohyun: Don't Move~Ah~Faster


Yonghwa: Do you think you can cheat me?


Yonghwa: I've been writing songs from a long time ago


Yonghwa: Yo~Seohyun


Seohyun: I'm anticipating


Yonghwa: It's so embarrassing to sing it loud


Seohyun: It's Great~


Text: What did Yong Husband prepare for such a long time?




Translation Credits: WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews



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Guest chilipadi_22

here's the subbed preview for next week!

really excited for next week!

yong's going to sing for hyun!!!!


sweet to the max! :)

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Preview translation is killing me!!!! ottoke!!! thank you angelvillian!!!
































first I was so sad cause the stream y chose didn´t allow me to watch YongSeo T_T, but then it started to works and I watched preview and OMG!!! I went to Go-chun!! hahaha
































But as always you daebak gogumas are our salvation so thaaaaaank you so much for raw, screencaps, translation, gifs and for the spazz too. I can´t believe it, How come our children got so couple-ish??? hahahaha love love love them even more :wub:. They are so cute!!!
































One moment I want to spazz is this, please gogumas look at seohyun face :wub:
































































awwwwwwww cute moment! haha... well I will wait for J2dlee, mountain, sun_sun and everyone who want to give us translation and subs!!! Thank you gogumas, you are the best ^_^









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Guest saranghaex130






Yongseo is too adorable!




The preview got me spazzing like crazy, so i started re-watching the past episodes :)




turns out in last last week's ep, when Seohyun linked arms with Yong, he said in the backroom interview, men should keep their hands in their pockets ;) Quite similar to the preview... 




Around 9:27 in this video: 





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I can't help but joining the spazzing...
































































When I watch the preview.... I'm just... OMG..... OMO.... Omo... omo....
































They are holding hand... kyaaaaaaaaaaa....................
































And the most important thing is they look so happy and enjoy them self. You can see eye bag in their face, but they still happily laughing and enjoying their time together. 
































I'm really grateful that Yong in WGM and meeting seohyun, he can enjoy the filming and happy. 
































































And the song?? which song is he referring?? If it's really I don't know why, i think i'm flying to the moon. But we must wait for another week. I want to see it right know. phew.gif
































































Remember what MC Kim tweet this week? he said that the episode is daebak, i think he referring to the next week episode. Since he always happy when Yongseo make a skin ship. vicx.gif
































































Replaying the preview and watching the episode now and waiting for translation.
































































Happy goguma day everyone































































































EDIT : MOuntainMadman, you are fast. thank you
































































































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Guest MountainMadman

Here it is! ^_^

Part 1: http://www.youtube.c...fQc&feature=sub

Part 2: http://www.youtube.c...n_order&list=UL

EDIT: Ugh...I have a feeling this will be buried...just my luck to have it be the last post of the page.

H: Hi!

Sub: YongSeo's trip to the goguma field

Y: When did you get it?

H: I....it's weird, isn't it?

Sub: husband in the passenger seat / wife in the driver seat

H: It's fascinating.

MC: Oh, it's different!

H: Here, I'll show it to you.

H: Wahhh!

Y: Wow...it must be nice...

H: You didn't have time, right?

Y: I need to get it too.

H: You should hurry.

Y: Are we really going there in this?

H: Of course, to Ganghwado!

Y: You're kidding!

H: That's why we're going to go slow.

Y: Let's go!

H: Can we start?

H: Be nervous! I'm nervous too.

Y: I was already nervous.

H: I, I, I'm starting.

Sub: Finally...!!!

H: Let's go!

MC: Oh, he's cute.

Sub: Hyun's truck ceremony~!!

At the 1:00 mark.

H: Yeaaah.

Y: You're a truck-driving woman now.

Sub: A pretty good start...truck-driving wife

MC: Wouldn't the search popularity for 'Ganghwado truck driving girl' go up?

MC: They should go out to the road quickly.

Sub: turning the street corner...

MC: The sun will have set by the time they get there.

MC: It's similar to the grandmother's walking speed.

Y: Ah, at the rate we're going...

H: Why?

Sub: Exiting the alleyway with dignity(?)...into the big road...

MC: Oh, they're on the highway now.

Y: Where did you take your test? Kangnam?

H: It was Kangnam, but...


H: the school...

H: What? What?

Sub: traffic stuck

Sub: The hard road of a driver

MC: Oh, what are they going to do?

H: Sorry!

Sub: Hurriedly evacuating (?)...easily hurt rookie driver

Sub: Took 10 minutes to go around the block...

Y: Stop here for a second.

Sub: The future looks bleak...what are they going to do...

H: I think this is a little too much for me. Right?

Sub: Silence equals agreement?!

H: I think I need to send out an SOS call.

Y: To who?

H: Uhh....to an oppa you like.

MC: Oh!

Y: An oppa that I like?

MC: Jungmo oppa.

Sub: TRAX's Jungmo??

Y: Who could it be?

H: Oppa!

H: Uhh...I need to take the truck down to Ganghwado.

?: Umm...that's probably a little dangerous...

H: Yeah, then can you...

?: Hahaha...to there? Ganghwado?

H: Yes...

Sub: Already had contacted oppa (?) beforehand

H: So if you could come up here...

?: Okay.

At the 2:58 mark.

Sub: A little later...

H: Oppa!

Y: Hello~

Sub: Hyun's manager was waiting in front of their house

MO: How did you get here by yourself?

MC: Oh, he's her manager.

MC: Yonghwa looks relieved!

H: Really, thank you so much.

Y: Hi.

At the 3:22 mark.

H: He's someone...that knows me better than most anyone...and also had talked a lot with Yonghwa...so I think he likes Yonghwa a lot.

H: Even more than he does me!

Sub: Finally...off to Ganghwado to harvest the gogumas~!!

H: It's like the lyrics to "Tell Me Your Wish".

Y: Like what?

H: "Ride in your dream car and race along...sit next to me..."

MC: "Ride in your blue truck".

Y: I watched all of the episodes up to now.

H: Yes.

Y: And your...you do that "mmmmmm!!!" thing. I can't even follow it.

H: What's that? Do I really do that?

MO: Yes, you do. "Mmmmmm!!!"

Y: "Mmmmmmm."

H: Stop it!

Y: You really do that! Watch the episodes again.

MO: When Seohyun first told me she was going into WGM...

Sub: telling them his thoughts

MO: She was young, but also she didn't have any dating experience. And I thought how could she know so little about them. So I was really worried. So I wondered, what kind of man she would need to meet...and I was initially relieved that it was Yonghwa. 

Y: Oh, really? That's a relief.

MO: Because then, when someone didn't lead Seohyun, she wasn't the style to start a conversation by herself. 

H: That's right.

MO: So I think Yonghwa was very good at leading her and alleviating the tension. 

MC: Oh, he's really like an older brother.

MC: He's a good older brother.

MC: My manager's good, too.

MC: My manager picks out my clothes himself.

At the 5:08 mark.

MO: So I was pleased, a lot.

H: Thank you.

Y: What?

H: Nothing.

MO: At first...I'm sure you've heard this too, but I got a lot of calls saying "they need to hold hands" and stuff like that.

Y: Us too...got a lot of calls about that.

Sub: the instigator

MC: Yahhhhh~!

Sub: Got closer after their Japan vacation

MC: Oh, they did it, they did it.

Y: YongSeo, capable of holding hands!

H: That's right. Ah, what are you doing?

H: Ah! Why are you doing that?

Y: The cracking sound!

MC: Ah, really!

Sub: Unexpected response

MC: Yong choding!

Sub: Our Yong choding

Y: That cracking sound...is something that only I can do.

Sub: Yonghwa, I like you, but...

At the 6:06 mark.

Sub: During that...arriving at Ganghwado...

Y: When we harvest our gogumas...who should we give them to?

Y: Our members...

H: Members.

Y: Parents. Manager oppas.

MC: I don't think we're going to be on there.

H: The people in the studio.

MC: $#%#@^@#$^

MO: You'll be there at the harvest, right?

H: Come with us!

MO: Actually, I have a friend in Ganghwado I want to visit.

Sub: He will relinquish (?) the happiness of yard work to YongSeo couple...

Sub: The dream car goes on...into a somewhat familiar setting...

MC: I want to go to the country.

MC: I know, right?

Sub: What will their two rows field look like...

At the 6:46 mark.

H: Ah~it's nice!

Sub: Manager hyung off to see the Ganghwado friend (?)...

MO: I'll see you later, so...

Sub: but...as soon as they turn around...!!

H: It's not here, right?

MC: Is this the same place?

Sub: Whose field s this...?!

MC: Wow~!

Sub: A definitely different view than from four months ago!

Sub: Where was our two rows field...

H: Oh, we have the sign, so we should be able to find it.

Sub: The sign for our two rows field

Y: That's right. I made it.

H: Exactly.

H: So it turns out that I'm getting my present today?

Y: That's right.

H: Yeahh.

Sub: Yong's birthday present, the two rows field

H: So the two rows are all mine?

Y: Just try eating all 200 of them by yourself!

Y: Oh look, they're on a field trip!

H: Really?

MC: Oh, they're cute!

MC: They're the size of gogumas themselves.

Y: Hey, you guys!!!

H: You guys!!!

Y: Let's eat some gogumas!!!!

Sub: Will they be able to eat gogumas like those...?

Y: Sir~!!! We're here!!!!! [NOTE: they were yelling to the owner. I felt awkward typing "Owner!!!!!"]

H: Will he hear?

Y: He will.

Y: Sir~!!!!!!!!!!!

H: Sir!!!!!!

Y: Give us some doenjang jjiggae!!! [NOTE: the dish that was served last time; a kind of stew made using curdled bean paste]

MC: You remember what they ate last time.

MC: Yes.

Y: You guys!!

MC: Oh, he met his friends!

Y: This is our field!

H: They're so cute!

Y: Hello!

H: Hello!

Sub: seeing the owner after four months

Owner: You've been well?

Y: Yes.

H: Yes.

Owner: Do you know what this is?

H: No.

Owner: it's for cutting up the vegetation.

MC: Ohhh...

MC: I really want to try that.

Owner: Actually, this year, we had a not-so-good crop.

H: Why?

Owner: There was a lot of unusual weather, so...

Sub: because of unusual weather...

H: Ahhh...

Owner: The summer was too hot so they didn't grow too well, and we had strong rains in autumn. 

H: Oh, I see.

Owner: But I'm sure they'll turn out decent, right?

Sub: like that...walking down the road with their dreams of first harvest

Y: My hair grew longer, right?

Owner: Did it? Hahaha...

Y: Like I suspected, you didn't pay attention to me. Only Seo Joohyun.

Sub: At the owner's introduction to planting gogumas

Owner: Because Seohyun's so famous...

Sub: The owner's Seohyun fan mind being read easily...

At the 9:24 mark.

H: Wow!

MC: Oh, because they need to cut what's above the ground.

Sub: cutting off the goguma sprouts

MC: It's not an easy task.

Sub: the sprouts getting eliminated quickly

MC: Oh, he's cutting the sprouts.

Sub: While he's doing that...the couple helping from behind

Sub: the tractor that agitates the ground

MC: Wow...

MC: It's definitely not an easy task.

Y: Look, gogumas!

H: Wow!

MC: Look at them coming up!

H: Waaaah!

MC: There's around three gogumas attached to each sprout.

Sub: the father of gogumas

Moving on to Part 2...

Owner: So now you can use the hoe, since it's easier to dig now.

H: Thank you!

Y: Thank you!

Sub: starting out on their harvest!

H: This is fun.

Y: I think my row has more.

H: The gogumas must be buried deep.

MC: If they do it wrong, the gogumas will get crushed.

MC: That's right, they need to do it softer.

Y: My first goguma!

H: Where, where?

MC: Wow, it's pretty big!

Sub: Yong's first goguma

H: Yahhh!

Y: Goguma...goguma.

Sub: Hyun wife, on the other hand...

H: Where are they?

Y: Wow~my row is goguma season!

At the 1:01 mark.

Sub: Four months ago...

Owner: Oh, Seohyun's doing it quite well.

H: Oh, really? Thank you.

Sub: in four months...feeling a turn of the tide...

H: Ohhh!

Sub: finally found one...!!

Sub: What...?

H: What is this?

Sub: bringing a shovel?!

MC: Oh? You're not supposed to do that...

H: Does that work?

Y: Of course it does...look at how much I have.

MC: Wow, Yonghwa's row is really good.

MC: Oh...you're not supposed to use the shovel.

H: How do you do this?

Sub: Hyun wife, who was trying so hard...

H: Wow!

MC: That's almost as large as a ma.

Sub: Finally...

Y: Is this a tree or a goguma?

H: It's like a tree.

Y: Didn't I say there was a goguma as big as a person?

Y: This is a baby, right? By the time we get over there, there'll be grandfather gogumas.

Sub: This is the happiness of farm work~

At the 2:22 mark.

Sub: since it is their first field together...trying hard

Sub: But!!

H: Why is everything so small? So small.

Sub: Gogumas getting rarer and rarer

MC: The gogumas don't looks so good.

H: It takes a lot of hard work for me to eat gogumas.

Y: Of course.

Sub: The proud Yong farmer has disappeared...

H: It's hard, isn't it?

Sub: Digging...digging...and more digging...

Y: Where are they? The more I dig, the less there are.

MC: They're digging up less and less.

Y: Ughhhhh~

H: Ughhhhh~

Sub: Hoeing of rage

H: Where are they???

Y: Come out when I'm asking nicely.

MC: So when they're upset, Seohyun's nostrils flare and Yonghwa talks in an accent.

Y: Aigoo, what's wrong with my life...our gogumas aren't coming out when they're supposed to...

H: We're doomed...

Y: Huh? Look at this...this is what comes out...

Sub: Finger gogumas...

H: Aigoo...

Sub: the strength leaving her legs due to disappointment...

H: Think of the people who we have to give gogumas to.

Y: Huh?

H: The members...manager op...how can we give these to them??

MC: manager op?

Y: Give the biggest one to the parents.

H: Okay.

MC: He's looking after the parents first.

H: I give up, I won't eat any for myself.

MC: You don't have to give any to us. You can have them.

At the 4:17 mark.

H: Goguma...

Sub: ginseng goguma

Y: Shimbwata. [NOTE: Korean phrase, similar to yelling 'Eureka' when miners would discover gold, but instead applied to ginseng.]

H: Me too.

Y: Shimbwata!

Sub: The couple losing more and more of their sanity

Sub: they're almost at the end of their row...

MC: The gogumas really didn't turn out great.

MC: That's right.

MC: It's because there was too much rain.

H: Look at this! There's not even one! How is this possible! There's only rocks!

H: Yahh~ come on out, goguma, goguma, goguma!

Y: You scare me when you're like that. You're talking to the gogumas.

Sub: Are these gogumas your gogumas? [NOTE: reference to a traditional Korean ghost story where a ghost would wander the village asking people if a certain item was theirs.]

H: It's really weird! Why aren't there any gogumas? We definitely planted them...

Y: Hyun!

H: Wahh!

Y: It's a goguma!

H: I should at least take this. Aigoo! Gogumaaaa!

At the 5:16 mark.

Sub: near the peaceful town...

Sub: Hyun's manager who said he would be meeting a friend

MC: Is he our special guest?

Sub: That Jaerongi... [NOTE: Jaerongi is a popular name for a dog in South Korea.]

MC: Oh, is that the same dog?

MC: Did he grow that big?

Sub: He grew that much!?

MC: Wow, he's fully grown now!

MO: Oh, so that's why your name is Jaerongi... [NOTE: Jaerongi can also mean someone who's very playful.]

Sub: After having a fun meeting with Jaerongi...

Sub: Anyways...having a different (?) time by himself

Sub: Ignorant of manager oppa's whereabouts, continuing to be painful for the two people...

Y: There could be gogumas hanging from places like this.

H: Right.

Y: Look, yeolmu kimchi! [NOTE: yeolmu kimchi is a type of kimchi made with hard white radish.]

Sub: the couple surely having lost their minds

H: kaetnip. [NOTE: kaetnip is a kind of edible leaf.]

H: Hmm.

Y: We should've planted lettuce. [NOTE: this is a reference to the lettuce crisis which occurred in Korea around that time. The lettuce crop did very poorly that year, which resulted in a hundredfold price increase of lettuce, thereby cutting off the main source of kimchi, Korea's stable diet. Governmental intervention was required.]

H: Lettuce?

Y: Before the price boom, we should've just...

Sub: sorry, we planted gogumas

Y: Sorry, the husband...didn't know lettuce would be more profitable. I should've looked ahead...

Y: For one more goguma. We shouldn't give up until the end.

H: But I went all the way down there, why aren't there more?

H: Yah! Come out! Come out!

Y: Is it going to come out like that?

Sub: blank...

H: Oh, I know! Let's bring along the sprouts!

MC: Goguma sprouts?

MC: Oh, you can eat those too.

H: Instead of gogumas. Let's have tossed sprouts. And to the people we said could have gogumas...we could give them the sprouts...

Sub: We're giving the sprouts because there are no gogumas

Y: Seohyun, stop it! Stop it right now! [NOTE: they are parodying Korean dramas.]

Y: Don't make me laugh! We don't need any sprouts!

H: The sprouts are good too.

Y: I need gogumas.

Subs: I only...wanted gogumas...

H: Sprouts!

MC: And the sprouts fell from the sky. [NOTE: reference to Korean mythology.]

Sub: the dream of a bumper crop...dissolves into the pain of a tragedy...

At the 7:20 mark.

Y: Okay...let's give up now.

H: The end?

MC: That's all that came out of the field?

H: There might be something here if I dig deeper!

MC: It's a lot more fun if they come up one after another.

MC: That's right.

H: Gogumaaa~!

Y: Give up! We need to move on. There aren't any more gogumas.

Sub: Now...it's time to leave...

At the 8:00 mark.

MC: Ah, the music!

MC: The music, seriously.

Y: Throw away your sadness! There are no gogumas left.

H: I think I can give one each to my unnies.

MC: Did you think you would be able to harvest gogumas by doing that! [NOTE: reference to a Korean drama.]

H: Yahhh...

MC: There really aren't that many.

MC: And they're all pretty small.

Sub: Even after getting everything, only one bag

Y: How do we divide this up?

H: First of all, mom and dad.

Y: This one's for Jungshin...

Sub: Groan...

MC: Did you really eat that?

MC: Yes.

Y: Jungshin...Minhyuk...

H: Those are too small!

H: Yah, mushrooms. [NOTE: she's referring to a kind of mushroom that's long and thin.]

Y: Is this a goguma or a pepper?

H: It looks like ginseng. Look at this.

Y: How is that a goguma?

H: It's a goguma!

H: We can sell these under a new name. Mushroom gogumas.

Y: YongSeo's...

H: mushroom goguma.

MC: I think they're going to go out of business.

At the 9:22 mark.

Sub: YongSeo couple / a new farming drama

H: Oh, it's a goguma! It's pretty big.

Sub: did the children drop them earlier...

MC: it's something that the kids left behind.

Sub: this is why we're [____] [NOTE: Chinese-based word that my Korean skills aren't enough to handle]

Owner: It's hard, isn't it?

Y: It's really hard.

Owner: So these are...

H: These are the small ones.

Owner: Still, they're pretty big...

H: Really?

Owner: yes.

Sub: And...manager oppa returning from meeting his friend

MO: Very nice, you did well.

Sub: Taught them the delights of farming and the preciousness of farm products...

MC: The size of the truck is a little awkward.

Sub: finishing their first harvest...

Sub: where...are they going next?

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oh my god, the preview, i didnt see shy Seohyun anymmore, like she just disappeared front of Yong. now just naughty and cute Hyun, another side of Hyun. Yong will be so happy. i am in Go-chum. :wub:


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Guest bezbezbez

























































































Annyeong everyone!!!


















































The gifts we sent YongSeo for their 300thday anniversary have already reached KOREA!!!





































































According to our friends at DCGallery, they'll hand those gifts over to uri YongSeo by next week. With that, they're also asking us to create a sort of banner that will show who we are guys. Something that can reflect how global we are. I've seen some of the graphics before, but I really have no time to BR from page 1 since we've already reached page 1455 ( that would take me forever *laughs*)





































































I'm asking all the GOGUMAS out there with any YongSeo fanart/graphics to please hand them over to me because I have to compile them and put them all together in a one artwork. I'll post it here once it's done. Send me those .jpg/.bmp at seohwa.project@gmail.com. If you have any questions, just feel free to PM me :)
















BTW. Thanks to those who come at the meeting last night!!! You are all JJANG!!! thanks for supporting the 1st anniversary project :) To those who missed it, we'll have another meeting next week. I'll just post the details here when everything's finalized.
















Thanks again everyone!!!
















You make all the hardwork worthy!!!
















LAST: Here's the preview of the 300th day Project!!!






































































































































We'll release the full pictures on DECEMBER 7, 2010 (YongSeo's 300th Day)





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Guest MountainMadman

Here are the translations for the preview.

My full translation for the episode can be found on the previous page, all the way down.



Y: Try to catch~ me!

H: Noo!

Sub: What is this place they visit after finishing the goguma harvest?

Y: Give me your arm! 

Sub: Nightfall in Ganghwado, the couple going out for dinner! 

Y: I'm eating this for the first time. 

Y: Ahhh~

H: You have to stay still.

Sub: eats spring lobster to celebrate the season...

H: Hurry.

Y: You think I'm going to fall for that?

Sub: And a few words spoken cautiously (?) by Yong husband

Y: A long long time ago, I started writing a song.

Y: Ya~ Seohyun~

S: I'm anticipating.

Y: Ah, that was embarrassing. 

Sub: What is the thing that Yong husband had prepared for a long time?! 

H: That was great.

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Guest synykiss
































































































































































































































































































































































































MountainMadman <3 thank you so very much. translations are awesome! <3
































































































































As Sun_Sun is away this week (s/he is right?) I'll sub them ^_^
































































































































If anybody else is going to sub it then let me know... If you are then.. well I'll still do it but I won't rush it >_<
































































































































Aikoo... haven't even watched the raw yet... I'll be back to spazz later.
































































































































Manger oppa~ I'll be looking forward to him.
































































































































He got famous over night didn't he xD
































































































































YongSeo FTW!!

































































































































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Guest anne0129
























Wahhh!!! Thank you MountainMadman for the super fast translation. When I first watched the show on streaming, I actually thought it was pretty bland but after reading your translations I was laughing so much my sister had to come in my room to find out if something happened to me. That was very funny episode. Yong seems to get a lot of love from Manager Oppa. SeoHyun even said that he likes Yong more than her and that is something since a lot of Sones here said that MO's favorite is Seo Hyun among SNSD. I love how Yong Hwa teased Seo Hyun asking her to stop talking to the gogumas because it scares him. Hahaha!!! So much scenes to spazz. Thank you so much MountainMadman.





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