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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9































































































































































































WGM Time guys once again!
































































:D WGM starts in 45 Minutes
















































































































































































































































































































Starts 5:15 PM
















































































Soshified stream
















































































































































































































































TVU Networks works best for me
































































































































































Live updates @yangyoseob















































































































































































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Guest zztingling

































The song playing in the background while yonghwa was talking about him wanting to ask seohyeon about not calling was From prying plans into the fire by tamas wells.
































Thanks thanks!! Sweet Potato Couple Thread has a whole bunch of kind-hearted souls!! :P
































You guys are so nice! :)

































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hi guys...just a gentle reminder..
































dont spam the thread...u guys might want to join us at sweetpotatodays.chatango.com to spazz together...
































please make sure ur post is at least 20 characters long
















these are the list you can stream WGM online

















































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Guest reeneesie








its been a really long time 4 me to read all the comment that




the gogumas villagers had post and everyone is totally excited when we knew




that yongseo had went to busan to shoot 4 wgm....




and i just found happy together with eng sub that hyun apeared with her unnie...




i just post it here and in case if anybody had post it b4 just rewatch it




if you not watch it yet since i had lost track quite a while




with all the post....;)




part 1 :http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xfwduf




part 2 :http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xfwe4g




part 3 :http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xfwe4m




part 4 :http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xfwe4y




credit :soshisub



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Guest MountainMadman

Finished watching the YongSeo cut!

This episode can be summed up in one sentence: Disappointment over lack of gogumas. ^_^

Once the raw cuts come out, I'll start working on the translation... *sigh*

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Finished watching the YongSeo cut!
































This episode can be summed up in one sentence: Disappointment over lack of gogumas. ^_^
































Once the raw cuts come out, I'll start working on the translation... *sigh*























































Thank u in advance. i missed a couple of few mins.... :(
















so will be awaiting for your translation to fill me in, for the parts i missed.

















































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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seohyun is still a newbie driver so she had to call her manager to take over
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i think the manager told yong how seohyun changed?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































awwww sadly they didnt harvest as much gogumas as we expected
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they worked so hard in this episode!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyway... cant wait for translation and the preview! (:

































































































































































































































































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this episode really cute hhaa.. Love it!! Yonghwa and Seohyun very cute in this episode :)



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this epi still leaves me smiling as i'm typing this..

not many gogumas to harvest, but well, its only two-rows. :sweatingbullets:

seeing yongseo so carefree, happy, excited and then

dissppointment, turn violently cute (aggresively dig the field looking for more gogumas)

makes it a fun episode to me.. :D

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today episode
































































































































































































































cute as always. I wanna know why they hold hand on the truck to prove they're comfort with skinship or something

















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yonghwa is so nervous..








































i wonder what he felt under the








































scrutinizing eyes of snsd manager..








































i remember from the previous interviews








































snsd unnies always said that their managers








































adore seohyun..








































and it seems that her oppa manager always








































look out on yonghwa and he seems to be








































approve of yonghwa..









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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I find this episode somewhat hilarious, especially the ending when the shot focused on the barely full 2 sacks of goguma at the back of the truck. :lol: Aww, poor uri Yongseo.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong even packed too many sacks into his bag, expecting a good harvest. ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But anyway, I think this is just one of those times when things don't happen the way we expect with Yongseo. Like on their previous episodes, a lot of things don't go right with them but, that just makes it more interesting because strangely, it always turn out for the better in then end. :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: I just said it. Things turn out way better in the end. Man, LOOK AT THE PREVIEW!!! :w00t:

































































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer




















YongSeo Episode 34 LINK






































Part 1: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=_p421k7dVF0






































Part 2: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=h5pi77nPL2g






































Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZsbcJQmbss




















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]pat 1 of today's ep is out
































































































































































































































































part 1
































































































































































































































































part 2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit to keoconvoi

































































































































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Hi,gogumas.anneyeong...First time posting here..i think this episode is so sweet.Yongseo look so comfortable and cute with each other..I think this is a starting of a new level of their relationship fill with funny,sweet episode later on...i think both of them already put behind their conflict behind..i love this episode..And if i'm not wrong Hyun just got her driving license that day 10,october on her license date is the day they filming this episode.Thats why she called for SOS..keke..cute.And Hyun's manager approved of yong is just daebakk.Waiting for the translation soon.Thank you in advance.I love Yongseo and Gogumas..









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Guest nadihee
























this is the raw cut of today's episode




























































































































































































cr: ThaiRabbitAloneJooBz





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