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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest DJHinata

MY GOD T_T How long !. I really miss this thread, i do. I don't have internet in my house T_T so i've been conected in a cyber. -poor me- Kissus and hugs for you girls ! PanGG, Dreamy Boo, Genxv, ichigokawai,crystal_malfoy, Caliope! Fighting! YongSeo in Busan Love Love Love~ Romantic so romantic ! ♥ Skinships in japan the best! ♥

Here a little present for you ! Soompi SeoHwa Thread Lovers


I'm working in my Xmas present for you guys ! See you later !!! 

YongSeo Fighting!

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































































































































































its been ages since I visited this thread. my work really is killing me. I have no internet connection for 1 week so when I go home, I need to catch up on the latest YongSeo goodies.
































































































































































































































































































































it was just a matter of time for us to see that the couple will eventually go to Busan, and they did. thanks for sharing the fan accounts. looks like they filmed all day again so when this episode airs, it would be epic (like all episodes). :)
































































































































































































































































































































I'd like to comment on the latest episode. it has been on my mind for the past week but I wasn't able to share it here.
































































































































































































































































































































episode 33 really was a very honest episode. it showed their affection for each other. and the fact that they were waiting for each other to call says that they really think and care about each other and what the other person thinks. Seohyun being a little bit upset because she doesn't know if Yonghwa knows about the TRAX MV she was featured in. she would like to hear his comments. and she was wondering if he cared about her activities. then it was revealed that both of them really monitor each other. we could see how much they invested into the relationship.
































































































































































































































































































































As a guy myself, I would also act the way Yonghwa did when Seohyun said that their names appeared together. but I won't be upset, Yonghwa wasn't upset either. just hearing Seohyun say that she also monitors his activities was enough. he was just having fun and making her laugh. personally, I think most of us really make an effort into making our girl laugh, most especially if we are really happy. in my case, I don't care if I'd look like a fool, as long as my girl laughs. this could be the reason why we regularly see Yong choding. in addition, when he did that ultra cheesy line about the goguma points, guys would only have done that in front of a girl he is very comfortable with. and Seohyun was upset when she saw only 1 goguma biscuit, meaning she really wanted and expected that Yonghwa to give her more goguma points. and the delight on her face after Yonghwa's ultra cheesy line was just adorable. she happy to know that "Ah, he likes me too".
































































































































































































































































































































in my honest opinion, I think the push-pull game that Yonghwa initiated made them grow together. I think after that, they really became closer. but it came with a price. Yonghwa hurt Seohyun. but I think Yonghwa was hurting too back then. not only he made her worry, but he was worrying about her himself. I think that's why he asked her not to do the push-pull game anymore because he doesn't want both of them to go through that phase again.

































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Guest lovekin


so i don't know for sure, but it seems that right before yong smiles shyly and touches his hair, someone in the audience yelled, "seohyun-ah!"  at least that's what it sounded like.






EDIT:  nah, i looked at the close-up.  i think he tripped over one of his words, and you know how sometimes your lip gets caught or you spit, and you kind of tried to save face and hope no one saw it?  i think it was more like that~ <br style="text-decoration: line-through;">


and haha, i had a hard time trying to tell if seohyun and yong did a high-five, but someone here mentioned that she had been using her right hand to wave up until yong when she used her left hand.  which isn't saying much, but you can actually see it better when you focus on that.  wub.gif  aw, how cute are they?




and in the close-up fancam of yong, it seemed like he was surprised at how fast she was going (or how fast people had to leave the stage) because right after he high-fived her, he turned back around and was like blink.gif, as if he's surprised that he would've missed her or something.  obviously, that's just what i see, and i'm not sure that's how he meant it, but it looked like it.  tongue.gif




and what's all this about simon d's reaction?  i can't see it.  is there a close-up or something or can anyone describe what's happening?


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Guest ahn_annann
































































































































































































































































since a short preview for ep34 but so really interesting , I love them in Farmer clothes, no costume..
































































































































caps by me

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i am listening to something stupid"" sung by robbie william and Nicole Kidman, and how i wish Yongseo can sing this song in Chrismast. this is really really sweet. that will be daebak


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Guest Crystal392
















My exams are almost over!! Yay! I will have lots and lots of time to spazz with you all my beautiful Goguma family <3








Thanks for sharing those screencaps, links, gifs, etc.








Remember when they just 'got married' and SNSD was promoting 'Oh!' and CNBLUE was promoting 'I'm a loner' and we were hoping for some interaction between them at music shows but nothing? XD it's been almost 300 days and it makes me happy to see them interact with each other :) thats something I've been waiting for a long time.








I really can't wait until the next ep (in just a few hours). ^^





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Hello my dear goguma villagers!








Only a few more hours before the new Yongseo episode <3 Yay!








Thank you to all the translaters for those precious informations you give us everyday. You guys are DAEBAK!








When I saw that they were in Busan, my heart felt so light... Can't wait to see what happened there! But for now, let's concentrate on the potato harvest! Ahaha!








Wow, right now it's 01:08 am where I live, so I guess I will go to sleep if I want to be able to catch on WGM later^^ Goodnight everyone, may all of you have sweet potato dreams! Hehe








By the way, I just posted my first Yongseo fic: http://community.livejournal.com/gogumafics/56612.html#cutid1








Hope you will like it!








Well, see you in a few hours for more Yongseo awesomeness!









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I love this couple .... becoming more like me ....
































ahn_annan thanks for the caps of 34 ep !!!!
































YongSeo Couple Fighting !!!!!









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Guest pseudonykkaii




Weeeeee--i absolutely cannot wait for tomorrows episode!!!!the preview looks superrrr spazzilicious!!!xD


And..regarding those fancams.. An objective remark is impossible; I am far too intoxicated with goguma amazingness. ;)




Brace yourselves gogumas---its saturday.





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Guest YongSeo












I'm going to miss 2 episodes of yongseo but will login to this forum whenever I can access to wifi if my hotel has so that I can know what is happening! Spazz more on my behalf!





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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































Lurker mode, off.
































































































































































































Goodmorning/afternoon/evening Gogumas!
































































































































































































First off, thanks for those fancams, photos, and translations, and etc.
































































































































































































Yay, it's Saturday today! Yongseo day, ain't it? wub.gif AH, seeing photos of  them together in Busan makes me feel like we will see that episode a little later, about 7 hours left. Hehe. Sadly, I have to go to my dentist later. I can't catch up the livestream. So keep on posting alot, Gogumas okay? rolleyes.gif I'm sure this Episode will be Daebak. (AS ALWAYS) Yongseo fighting! 
































































































































































































PS Sorry if I don't get to post alot nowadays and my FMVs, my skills are kinda fail compared to others. sweatingbullets.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































Watched this fancam -> LINK
































































































































































































And you can see Seobaby searching for something, or should I say someone? To her right? ALMOST EVERY 5 SECONDS? <33
































































































































































































Here are my caps:
































































































































































































1_50.png 2_5.png 3_15.png
































































































































































































And? Seohyun(?) with Jungshin chingoo?
































































































































































































































































































































































































K- bai. Lurker mode again ;___;

































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Guest bezbezbez
























Annyeong everyone!!!


















































The gifts we sent YongSeo for their 300thday anniversary have already reached KOREA!!!





































































According to our friends at DCGallery, they'll hand those gifts over to uri YongSeo by next week. With that, they're also asking us to create a sort of banner that will show who we are guys. Something that can reflect how global we are. I've seen some of the graphics before, but I really have no time to BR from page 1 since we've already reached page 1451 ( that would take me forever *laughs*)





































































I'm asking all the GOGUMAS out there with any YongSeo fanart/graphics to please hand them over to me because I have to compile them and put them all together in a one artwork. I'll post it here once it's done. Send me those .jpg/.bmp at seohwa.project@gmail.com. If you have any questions, just feel free to PM me :)
















BTW. Thanks to those who come at the meeting last night!!! You are all JJANG!!! thanks for supporting the 1st anniversary project :) To those who missed it, we'll have another meeting next week. I'll just post the details here when everything's finalized.
















Thanks again everyone!!!
















You make all the hardwork worthy!!!
















LAST: Here's the preview of the 300th day Project!!!






































































































































We'll release the full pictures on DECEMBER 7, 2010 (YongSeo's 300th Day)
















SUPER LAST: Please support sweetpotatosubs!!! We've released hardsubbed episodes of YongSeo's WGM stint (ep.30 onwards) Though for ep.33 the only hard subs available are for part1, we're still working on part2. We'll release it within the week. The ones we made for ep.33 are softsubs only but their HQ so check it ou on this sites
















































SHOUTOUT: To the readers of IF IT'S YOU, the preview for Chapter 6 is out already and I'll release the banner here too... I'll update it later so watch out for it!
































Sorry for the long post guys!!!





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Guest Goguma06






Wow i am so excited to see the project all finished!


It's really well done and  cute!!... I would want to thank all the persons who worked  on this wonderful project!


It's strange to think that Yong and Hyun will have those gifts in hands....it would be awesome if they would talk about it on the show.....at least now they will know that they are loved by many persons all over the globe!


I can't wait to see the next episode! For me it's still friday so when i wake up on saturday morning, the first thing that i do is to check on soompi for pictures, translation and news about the new episode (unfortunately i can't stream it live because it's 3 o'clock here when it's airing in korea XD)



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Guest zztingling
































































































Can i ask something random about WGM episode 33 part a? At the Backroom interview,Yonghwa was saying that he's curious about how much she looks up to him...how much she misses him etc etc. There was this English background music which is really romantic & soothing. Anyone knows the name of the song? Thanks alot alot! :P

































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Guest SophiaPia




wow! what can i say, i'm speechless THANK U bezbezbez Thank u so much for doing this for our lovely YongSeo couple. I can say YongSeo international and YongSeo korea really daebak. I can only say Thank u to all of us who's continuing loving YongSeo. We love YongSeo and we love each other, yeah! we are family. Cheers to every one. 


YongSeo couple harvest day is today. I hope another sweet episodes. 


Early thanks to people who will share the raw vid. As always thank u. Early thanks to translators, j2dlee, MountainMadman, redtulip CHEERS TO ALL OF U.




Catch u all later :)




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thanks for the never ending flow of fancams during the Kor-Chi Song Festival... i've been watching it since last night... i noticed that when SNSD Jessica (not sure) spoke in behalf of SNSD after Yonghwa of CN Blue, Yonghwa waved the flag, but i dont think he coughed and went shy because it was loud enough to make the 2ne1 girls in front turn around and look at him... i think he blurted out something and as much as i want to figure it out by myself it would be difficult since i am not a native speaker... i hope Goguma Villagers FBI can help me... :)

thanks! sooo looking forward for today's harvest!

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Guest athrun_azzoe






due to so many articles talk about yonghwa's harmful mc on golden disc award 2009, i'm curious what did happen so that yong has nickname as harmful mc? can anyone tell me why?




and from busan filming, i realy look forward to it :wub: did hyun meet yong's parents? :wub::wub:


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Hello Gogumas!!!








Today is the day for another new episodes!! Can't wait..




I hope they'll reminiscence the moments in their birthday episode and become shy about it lol!!








Made a fmv for our gogumas




My first time making one so don't be harsh on the comment :)













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Guest tvbuff10

The song playing in the background while yonghwa was talking about him wanting to ask seohyeon about not calling was From prying plans into the fire by tamas wells.

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