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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest CheriMerci
































































Preview is out.!!!! :wub: Pls translate to us. Thank you in advance. ^_^






























































Cr : DCmarried







































































용화♡서현 : 지금 캐러 갑니다♬</U>
























고구마 대량 수확의 큰 꿈을 안고 강화도 '두 줄 밭'으로 떠나는 용화♡서현
































초보운전 혀언은 SOS를 요청하는데~
































현부인의 최측근(?)이자 자칭타칭 용서추종 매니저가 바라본 용서 부부는?
































































그런데, 4개월이 지나 다시 찾은 '두 줄 밭' 무성히 자란 풀들이 온통 뒤덮여 모습을
































































과연 용화♡서현은 '두 줄 밭'을 한 눈에 알아볼 수 있을까?
































본격적으로 고구마 수확을 하기 위해 폭풍 호미질을 시작하는 용서 부부!
































드디어 용서 부부의 손에서 세상의 빛을 본 첫 '구마'의 모습은 과연?















































































And this is the Translation From Google. :w00t:
































































Longhua ♡ SNSD: Carragher goes now ♬ </ U>

















Sweet potato harvest massive strengthening of arms of the big dreams 'two-line field' ♡ SNSD leaving pupal
































Hyeoeoneun novice driver to request SOS ~
































The closest is hyeonbu (?) And self-styled manager looked taching forgive forgiveness followed a couple?
































































However, 4 months later and found again, 'the two lines as the field grew grass carpeted museonghi appearance
































Hide ~
































♡ SNSD Longhua really a 'two-line field' could recognize at a glance?
































Sweet potato harvest in earnest for the storm to be a hoe to start forgiving wife!
































Finally, the hand of forgiveness, the couple first saw the light of the world 'exorcism' appearance to seize
















































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Guest rjcm127












I had to share this fanmade vid of hoot since i see get to see 12 screens of seohyun in it :rolleyes:




Hoot 12 1" Screens Cr: interdxox




Can't wait for tomorrow's episode. Got my goguma chips ready to watch.




Thanks to everyone for the fancams and translations and all the lovely videos. Happy Goguma Weekend!!!





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Guest rjcm127








Preview is out.!!!! :wub: Pls translate to us. Thank you in advance. ^_^














Cr : DCmarried











And this is the Translation From Google. :w00t:














Tks for the link. I can't wait to see them plow the sweet potatos. Uh Oh Seohyun baby needed SOS with driving? In a way it works because she ends up holding hands with Yong, even for a second.. Can't wait :w00t::wub:





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Guest jitluvyongseo

can't wait for tomorrow episode...

seems like they have much fun...

translate please for the newest preview....

also...i have something though to share...

if u guys watch the video that jinwoon mention seohyun his ideal type...

try watch that video fully...

jo kwon said...they (adam couple) were the only couple who pass 6 months...

i think he compare with his senior couple not the current couple...

BUT right now uri yongseo couple just nearly arrive 10 months...

and also can become long lasting couple like what PD nim already said.

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Guest SophiaPia




Oh no! krystala and lenovo i think i'm late :( the video is private :( i can't watch it anymore :( pls. any other link. Thanks


Revelmonk : nothing bad happened to them @ Busan if u see some screen caps of YongSeo not smiling no, it doesn't mean our YongSeo got lovers quarrel. They are very much ok and inlove ( i wish) , and based on all the BTS pix in Busan filming, fan acct. They are very much OK. So, don't worry. :)


And thanks to ikekeyou, we can see that they are happy to greet each other HUGE SMILE from YONGSEO love it. + bro in laws greetings there. Hubby Yong looks very happy on that screen caps. And likewise wife Hyun so happy to bye bye to hubby Yong.


hubby Yong might be busy/tired coz cnblue preparing for their 2nd concert feel the blue on the 18th Dec. But hubby Yong don't feel tired if his w/ his wife Hyun. YongSeo don't feel that wgm is work. For them it's real yeah baby!


CheriMerci thanks for the preview. MountainMadman pls translate more kekeke! thanks.


Wallpaperfood, tomorrow i will be in sweetpotato will try again to watch wgm live if i'm lucky looks like TVU channel 89991 still lag and channel 82048 still not on. Sad :(


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Guest chilipadi_22
































































































































































































































































































































































































i read something interesting on baidu forum.
































































































































jokwon was told that christmas is coming and what he has done. and he said that he is preparing a present for gain.
































































































































































































































































he said that all the husbands are preparing presents for their buin. heehee^^
































































































































does this means there is a chritmas special episode just like the chuseok special???
































































































































if this is true, then i am really curious what is yong's present for hyun.
































































































































and of course, hyun'd present for yong! :)
































































































































looking forward to this.
































































































































here's the chinese translations for tomorrow's preview. 
































































































































抱着很大期待去江华岛两行地收获地瓜的容和♡徐贤   菜鸟司机徐贤呼叫SOS 贤夫人最亲近( ?)自称是容贤贴身经纪人眼中的容贤夫妇是?
































































































































但是四个月后再来,因为铺天盖地的杂草两行地不见踪影~    容和♡徐贤能找到两行地吗?      
































































































































































































































































credits baidu forum~

































































































































































































































































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gif from this fancam (w/c is now private >_<)
































































































































































































































































a lil slower version of the gif
































































































































































































































If you put the video on slow-mo, it seems like they didn't just wave at each other... I think they kind of high-fived (you know~ the yongseo way!). idk maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me. And HI there manager-oppa-who-is-going-to-be-popular-after-tomorrow's-episode~!(I assume that's him)
































































































































































































































Whatever! What's important is that they had an interaction~

































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Guest MountainMadman

Thanks to CheriMerci for the tip!

용화♡서현 : 지금 캐러 갑니다♬</U>

고구마 대량 수확의 큰 꿈을 안고 강화도 '두 줄 밭'으로 떠나는 용화♡서현

초보운전 혀언은 SOS를 요청하는데~

현부인의 최측근(?)이자 자칭타칭 용서추종 매니저가 바라본 용서 부부는?

그런데, 4개월이 지나 다시 찾은 '두 줄 밭' 무성히 자란 풀들이 온통 뒤덮여 모습을 


과연 용화♡서현은 '두 줄 밭'을 한 눈에 알아볼 수 있을까?

본격적으로 고구마 수확을 하기 위해 폭풍 호미질을 시작하는 용서 부부!

드디어 용서 부부의 손에서 세상의 빛을 본 첫 '구마'의 모습은 과연?

Holding dreams of a big harvest, Yonghwa and Seohyun travel to their 'two rows field'

Rookie driver Hyun requests an SOS~

The couple in the eyes of the self-proclaimed YongSeo fan, Hyun's manager?

But, in the 4 months since weeds had grown around their field~

would Yonghwa and Seohyun be able to recognize their field?

YongSeo couple starting their hard work on the harvest!

What will their first harvest gogumas look like?


Episode 36 of Love Story is out! Happy Reading! 35 pages' worth of reading...hope you're comfy. ^_^


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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































@jinkee: i agree i was watching very carefully and it definteley looks like they placed their hands against each other instead of waving.
















































































































IM glad to see yongseo action outside of WGM filming
















































































































This shows their true relationship and they looked like a true couple seeing each other. As they naturally placed their hands against each other and then went back to what they were doing. Its like a normal reaction for them =D
















































































































cant wait til tomorrow for the next episode ahhhhh !!!!









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Guest sweettaeng

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































抱着很大期待去江华岛两行地收获地瓜的容和♡徐贤   菜鸟司机徐贤呼叫SOS 贤夫人最亲近( ?)自称是容贤贴身经纪人眼中的容贤夫妇是?

但是四个月后再来,因为铺天盖地的杂草两行地不见踪影~    容和♡徐贤能找到两行地吗?      
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: baidu































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Dropping by to do a short translation from the chinese preview. Btw sorry about rdrsubs not subbing episode 33. We had some minor problems but it's settled and we'll continue on subbing with episode 34~ Exams are coming and, yeah everyone's busy with studies so subs might come out latest tuesday :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Carrying much anticipation with them, Yonghwa♡Seohyun heads to Ganghwado for their harvest. Rookie driver Seohyun requests for SOS. Wife Hyun's closest manager self-procliamed(?) talks about the Yongseo couple.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But again, after 4 months, because of the overwhelming of weeds, the 2 row field is hidden~ Can Yonghwa♡Seohyun find the 2 rows back?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Starting, Yongseo couple digging crazily for sweet potatoes! Yongseo couple's first sweet potato harvest, how will it turn out?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: whoops. too late. it's translated already xD goguma villagers sure are fast~ And SNSD just won their 5th K-Chart on Music bank! ^^

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest chilipadi_22
























Just saw the press conference of 2AM on Singapore!








they were asked who were their ideal type of girls. And jinwoon said seohyun!!!!








Too bad!! Uri Hyun is taken! Haha:)








Looking forward to more yongseo interactions outside WGM!








And of course, tomorrow's episode!








It less than 24 hours to tomorrow's WGM!









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Guest Crystal392
















lenovo: I am dying to watch that fancam but I need to finish my homework :( like lovekin I have some catching up to do with all those awesome fancams ^^


























SophiaPia: Yeah he seemed very tired at Korea-China event (while his brothers were goofing around, specially Jungshin with Shinee boys hehehe). But looking at those screencaps his smile was so big when he greeted his lovely buin :) I remember someone used to say before she was his vitamin~! (was it lenovo?) :P


























chilipadi: Really? how awesome!!!


























jinkee: yeah maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me too but I think they hi5ed too ♥


























sweettaeng: It's ok dear don't worry (: good luck on your exams! Thanks to you and MountainMadman for the translations ^^


























Thanks to everyone for sharing info, pics, fancams, translations and lots of things about our YongSeo :D


























We Gogumas are jjang :P


























Also congrats for the 11 mill views (we are only a few numbers apart) Go-Chun :)





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Guest SophiaPia




Hi sweettaeng : thanks for the translations, It's ok, we understand exam is important and you guys from RDR done so much and we can't complain. We will always appreciate everything. So, see u next episode, thanks in advance kekeke!



chilipadi_22 : thanks for the other link, thanks to tudou. start from 4:52 when SNSD introduce them self it's looks like hubby Yong looking at monitor then when the girls introduce them self HUBBY YONG CAN'T HIDE HIS EXCITEMENT, WAVE HIS FLAG, PROUD TO BE THE HUBBY OF WIFE SEOBABY AND PROUD TO BE BRO IN LAW KEKEKE! Then he realized his excitement will be seen all over the world kekeke! and he become shy. Bite and touch his lips, as always touch his fringe. His hair is his wife prefer. But he is happy for doing that, he even say it to JungHyun and both laugh about it kekeke! HUBBY YONG ACTION SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. YOU'RE BODY LANGUAGE SAYS IT ALL THAT UR HAPPY BEING HUBBY YONG TO WIFE SEOBABE.




start 5:40 when wife Seo and sis in law leaving the stage. Looks like hubby Yong really waiting for his wife. His really quick, turn his head and look and there u are YongSeo happy to greet each other lovely indeed.


MountainMadman thanks again for translations. We waiting for u together w/ j2dlee and redtulip for tomorrow translations kekeke! thanks in advance ^_^.




edit : sorry i top up the page again, here let me share again the fan link. YongSeo WAVE!






edit: jnj chingu : i don't know where can we get other link. I hope every 1 here can investigate other link :) 


edit: Music bank today : Despite not performing on the show today, SNSD's "Hoot" won for an amazing fifth week in a row. Only 8 other songs have had 5 or more wins on Music Bank. Due to a schedule change, there was no Music Bank last week. 


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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































I am like so frigging excited!!!
































































This week have been one of the best Goguma Weeks!!! Busan is just... Totally Daebak!!!
































































I cant wait to see that episode, and the fancams... Even a little Hi makes me go to Go-Chun and back again...!!!
































































Have been reading a lot, thanks to all the gogumas that share their goodies, to the fanfiction writers I applaud you!!! Really a lot of great works out there...
































































I am running for work, so will try to spazz later with you guys... Happy Spazzing my fellow gogumas!!!









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and i thought jw would have given up by now..:rolleyes:

its time to move on, boy...

wow! gogumas are really jjang! soo many goodies!!

hug u all for being soo resourceful..

tks crystalblue, chilipadi, lenovo, mountainmadman, sweetaeng, magdal, aneng,

yongseoforever, krystala (hi there! welcome to GO-CHUN)

ikekeyou, cherimerci, jinkee,d3 and EVERYONE else for

links, pics, gifs, prev and translations..

so.. manager oppa is also a goguma shipper eh..hahaha..i like him already!

from the fancams, yong and hyun did look spaced out.

either they're tired or they wished they were still in Busan.. ;):lol:


hi sophia chingu..any other links to watch?

tudou doesn't like me..

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Guest _d3seohyun

c: jinkee

If you put the video on slow-mo, it seems like they didn't just wave at each other... I think they kind of high-fived (you know~ the yongseo way!). idk maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me. And HI there manager-oppa-who-is-going-to-be-popular-after-tomorrow's-episode~!(I assume that's him)

thank you for the gif. when it comes to yongseo slow-mo is always better <3

and spazzing with you that it was more than just a wave. seobaby was waving with her right hand to junshin and minhyuk then suddenly used her left hand when it got to yong seobang :lol: Simon D's expression kinda confirms it for me :P

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chilipadi_22 : thanks for the other link, thanks to tudou. start from 4:52 when SNSD introduce them self it's looks like hubby Yong looking at monitor then when the girls introduce them self HUBBY YONG CAN'T HIDE HIS EXCITEMENT, WAVE HIS FLAG, PROUD TO BE THE HUBBY OF WIFE SEOBABY AND PROUD TO BE BRO IN LAW KEKEKE!





edit : sorry i top up the page again, here let me share again the fan link. YongSeo WAVE!












That was really adorable-- is there anyone cuter and more adorable? I can't think of anyone... :P He must have had a great time showing his "wife" his hometown of Busan!


Thanks for sharing all these links everyone as well as the pictures and fan accounts of filming in Busan!


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Guest Caliope

Look the video at 4:50... This video: CLICK


When YongHwa waving the flag, the audience shouts something (I do not understand what they shout)


I guess the audience was shouting something about Yongseo (or CNBLUE) because... because the Yong's face (laughing and touching his hair.. SHY) without talking to anyone, is a bit suspect... :phew:

So... What do you think? :P

Thanks for the gift and translations ^^

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