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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest pseudonykkaii




I was having pre.exam jitters so i decided to watch my favourite yongseo episode [everrr]--ep 27, the fishing trip.


And i dunno if anyone noticed but.




Hyun had the awkward 90degree handlink too!!!!

Just like Yong's on the 32nd episode!!!!




That alone got me spazzziing like omoya!!!!heehee<3


nightnight gogumas~



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Guest _d3seohyun

Has this been shared?

Two of my favorite scenes combined in a very nice mv...

YongSeo Couple) Lucky (Jason Mraz - Lucky, 용서뮤비)

c: ysloveu0

thank you for the concert fancams. I love how even after Yonghwa stepped back he still looked towards his left. <3 Now you wouldn't look twice at the same direction if you weren't looking for something/someone in particular right? (: Maybe he stepped back to get a better view? :P

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CNBLUE’s Yonghwa to host the “2010 SBS Gayo Daejun” :)
















































in the article it says that the other two host will be announced later! :) i hope its goings to be seo hyun :) they would be great at hosting it! :) anyone remember wen they both hosted music core :) sooo cute! :)





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Thanks all for sharing updates & great news...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Looking at the fancams, dunno if he's really tired, Yong looked like he's deliberately putting himself at the back, hidden by his brothers :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But still, even hidden, could still saw him stealing a few glances to the left, I assume that's where Hyun was standing :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe... they did something together in Busan, which made him kinda shy to meet Hyun and sis in laws who would tease him hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but that's just my dream haha.. have to wait & see if there's another turning point in their relationship from Busan episode, Yong seemed to not just wanna take Hyun to Busan for filming, he brought her to places that has significants in his life (such as school, meeting hs friends & teacher, and not sure if he brought her home yet :P ) so I'm anticipating another awesome episode (as always their episode are all great hehe)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Will wait for tomorrow's ep preview & thank u to whoever sharing & translating.. you guys are awesome !!

































































































































































































































































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Guest YongSeoForever








CNBLUE’s Yonghwa to host the “2010 SBS Gayo Daejun” :)








in the article it says that the other two host will be announced later!  i hope its goings to be seo hyun :) they would be great at hosting it! :) anyone remember wen they both hosted music core  sooo cute! :)







It is good to be positive...but I am sure SBS will not invite Hyun as one of the MCs because they won't promote other TVstation's program :) hopefully we can see one more YongSeo stage at this year's MBC Music Award :wub::wub: another finger-crossed performance..YONGSEO DAEBAKK :)




I found these 2 cute cute cute YongSeo pictures from DC haha so funny the 2nd one :)








Cre: DCmarried 




sorry for keep editing my post :) I just cant wait to tell you guys that I am reading the book "THE SECRET TO TEEN POWER", which is the first book Hyoon gave Yong on their 200 day....wow!!! I bought it today and started reading it and it is really a good book...for me, it is similar to the book R=VD!! It tells you to think positively!!! GREAT BOOK :) I love how Hyoon influences Yoong to read and allows him to adopt positive energy all the time!! YongSeo Fighting!





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Guest Crystal392










pseudonykkaii: I think you are right... hehehe ^^


















_d3seohyun: Thanks for sharing that link. :D


















Hueee: I read one of the other two MCs will be JoKwon... but there is still one spot left. OMO imagine if they choose SeoHyun :w00t:






bamz: Maybe he is shy... but he is also tired. CNBLUE will have a concert on the 18th so probably he went directly to the practice room with his brothers as soon as he came back from Busan :P I really love the fact that they went together to Busan... that's Yong's hometown ♥ I really hope they will show Hyun meeting Yong's parents. Maybe they are feeling a bit shy because of that? hehehehe Yong's mother seemed to adore Hyun when they talked on the phone ^_^ (And who wouldn't adore her? she is awesome!)



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hey gogumas!!!! i have a DUH question....recently i found on youtube a clip of our lovely couple YongSeo doing a stint on Music Core (where they call each other chagi and yeobo) which kinda look like some cuts from WGM but for that episode when i watch i don't see it. i wonder did i miss something?

thanks in advance!


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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hey gogumas!!!! i have a DUH question....recently i found on youtube a clip of our lovely couple YongSeo doing a stint on Music Core (where they call each other chagi and yeobo) which kinda look like some cuts from WGM but for that episode when i watch i don't see it. i wonder did i miss something?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks in advance!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it was a behind the scene posted on the mbc site!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it was not shown in episodes (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omg yonghwa to host 2010 SBS Gayo Daejun!! omg i cant wait!!! ahahah lots of mistakes last year
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but he can prove to everyone that he has improved!! (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hodefully SNSD will perform that day!! so these to can be together that day!!! ahahhah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and we can spaze during the ending of the concert!!! ahahahaha :]

































































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ikekeyou: gamsamida for the info!! yuppers....i also look forward to concert!!

one thing i like about yonghwa so far is kinda like what you see what you get from him. he stumbles on his words, he say wrong things, he smiles shyly, he say something cheesy, etc....makes him kinda real. seohyun....she is really one unique woman. i did not really notice much of snsd except that they sang gee (which many of my guy friends are crazy about) until i watch WGM. in fact, i started with khuntoria couple, they are pretty cute and likeable but gogumas did it for me.... sweet feeling, kinda like the feeling of first love (be it bad or good).... oh well, i think i ramble on too much. can't wait for tomorrow!!

also thanks again for all the hard work on bringing the news, photos, infos and translations for me who don't know where to get her fix. do mo do mo gamsamida!

EDIT: Ps - would any kind soul translate the video or it has been translated? thanks again!


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by the way, happy 295 days yongseo!! keke,, just want to remind you guys again about yongseo 300th day next Monday on December 7th, right?.... :D





another by the way, may i ask, is there any updates about the 300th i love yongseo project?





This is the project update sent out earlier yesterday by @seohwaproject through twitter



The I Love YongSeo book is ordered and on it's way! Check out a preview here: http://bit.ly/f88q6z



Bezbezbez aka Indi will be posting the full book information for everybody to see soon!



It is time to count down to another daebak episode! Expect the unexpect from Yongseo, so let's enjoy and smile. Those two will work out whatever issues they have on their own and move their relationship forward.


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awwww poor yong!! being blocked my his fellow cnblue members!! ahahaah

and hyun (SNSD) wearing her hubby's favorite color... (:

i hope to see more fancams later!!

also thank you everyone for posting the things that happen in BUSAN!!

you guys are awesome!! and a GREATER thank you to MountainMadman for translating all the info!!

omg. 5 more days until their 300 DAYS!!! wow time fly's by fast huh?

i just noticed that DEC. 7th is on a TUESDAY!!!

could it be that they could film again next week?!?

or is this BUSAN episode their early 300th day celebration?!?!!?

doogeun doogeun...

it was a behind the scene posted on the mbc site!!

it was not shown in episodes (:


omg yonghwa to host 2010 SBS Gayo Daejun!! omg i cant wait!!! ahahah lots of mistakes last year

but he can prove to everyone that he has improved!! (:

hodefully SNSD will perform that day!! so these to can be together that day!!! ahahhah

and we can spaze during the ending of the concert!!! ahahahaha :]


where do you get these pictures? Please tell me

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hello gogumas!

omigoshhh i've missed out quite a number of goodies!!!

haha wally (wallpaperfood... can i call u wally kekekek xD) i'm amazed that u also have the same mindset as mine! *hi-5 yongseo style* xD jyeah~ for all we know, we're the long lost siblings! haha

phoebeciu, i love ur POV too... u're right, why would yong wanna bring hyun along with his friend if she was just a friend? but again, they could've been friendly with each other... hmmm nahhh i believe that with what they've shown us thus far, yong is treating hyun like his girl.

thanks bolmaejung, jnj, wallpaperfood, ahn_annann, sally7, lampard7, d3, yongseoforever & everyone else for the pics & links :D

and thanks mountainmadman for the daebak trans! i notice they keep on commenting on how very handsome yong is & hyun is just beautiful... i wonder why are there more praises on yong if compared to hyun? issit 'cause the fans who saw them are mostly girls? xD

omo... why are yongseo looking pretty ummm gloomy in the korea china music fest? :(

and sally7, u're right! he kept on glancing to his left! did they have a couple spat? if they did, i hope they'll make up fast! >.<

BTW, gogumas... pls read the announcement below :)


For YongSeo's 1st Year Anniversary on 11th February 2011



Thanks to the supportive YongSeo fans and hardworking crew, the 3rd Anniversary Project is boxed, shipped and on it's way to South Korea! There, our friends from DCGallery will help deliver it to the WGM set. This project is done in conjunction with efforts from Baidu and the DCGallery.

The full photoshoot will be posted on December 7, 2010 which is YongSeo's 300-Day anniversary. In the meantime here is a sneak preview:http://seohwaproject.blogspot.com/


Want to help out for the 1st Anniversary Project? Lets meet at http://seohwaprojectcrew.chatango.com/ later 11PM KST.

And for those of you gogumas who have the skills of writing lyrics, composing, and singing... please PM bezbezbez.

Thank you. :)


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Guest krystala

anyone seen this yet? saw this fan cam/video on sweetpotatodays when someone from the chatroom shared this..

there's a little interaction between seohyun and cn blue around 5:36


credit to the uploader

p.s.: first time to post but been with u guys since the start :)

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Guest Revelmonk

anyone seen this yet? saw this fan cam/video on sweetpotatodays when someone from the chatroom shared this..

there's a little interaction between seohyun and cn blue around 5:36


credit to the uploader

p.s.: first time to post but been with u guys since the start  :)

thx for the link, I was wondering if something bad happened while they were in busan because yong and hyun's picture from the festival looked like they were angry, depressed, out of it or something but most likely they were just tired from the day before.

Good to see them so energetically say hello to each other.(ps. funny to hear that girl scream yonghwa's name)

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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you krystala for the yonghwa fancam!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yay! there were little interactions between those two!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahahahah @ 3:41 you see her past shyly smiling greeting the cnblue members
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































first to jungshin chingu and minhyuk
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































then to her hubby yong (yong too waved to her also) :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lastly to junghyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































okayy okayy more spazzing to do since im bored........... fans were screaming cnblue and yong got the mic to greet and talk then the group after that was SNSD!! ahaahhh coincident much?!? :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































when jessica (i think) said hello we are snsd yong held the flag up and waved it kinda and then his expression was like ooooops! i shouldnt do this! ahahaahah and he got all smiles and shy after that!! ahahahah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ yongseoxx888 i got the picture on Yongseo Couple Facebook (photo section
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































using B2ST's song Beautiful!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































something OFF TPOPIC but i found this on Yongseo Couple Facebook!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"Who did Jinwoon pick as his ideal girl?"































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong's girl, SEO HYUN!!! ahahahhh
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































awwwwww it was sooo cute of him!!! but too bad she's taken!! (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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This vid: ----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOrzlrY8H5A&feature=player_embedded is DAEBAK!!!! CAN ANY ONE EDIT THIS and make a SLOW-MO portion from 5:38-5:42 ???















He never took his eyes of her!!!!! :wub: <3 <3 LURVE!!! LURVE! LURVE!!!!! :wub:
























haha, even the boys love their SIS-in-LAW.
























and noticed this, at the same time... SIMON D was kinda like smiling waiting/looking at YONG's reaction when HYUN-buin wud pass/have passed by. LOL!!!! :D















Am i seeing too much?
























Please make some GIF you awesome GOGUMA GIF MAKERS!!!! wwwwooooot!!! :)



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Guest lovekin


seems like i have some catching up to do with the videos!  but, alas, i'm not here for that.  i know, i'm sorry for bombarding this forum with fic links, but i've been on an inspiration role.  tongue.gif




we will burn stars


it's a one-shot that's posted at the separation anxiety collection thread.  it's supposed to be a small insight to what happens between yong and seo while they're in busan during that brief period in the evening where there are no cameras.  but while there are no cameras, something else is watching.  (i promise it's not as creepy as it sounds.  i'm actually proud of this one!)


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Guest wallpaperfood

anyone seen this yet? saw this fan cam/video on sweetpotatodays when someone from the chatroom shared this..

there's a little interaction between seohyun and cn blue around 5:36


credit to the uploader

p.s.: first time to post but been with u guys since the start  :)

at exactly 5:41, hyun is one of the last snsd members to leave stage, and she says hi brightly to Yong and co. :D

and yes dreamyboo, you can call me ''wally'' ! haha, lots call me wall already XD


omg yeah what lenovo pointed out makes me spazz and I can't stop thinking about his members' + simon d's reactions now

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Guest chilipadi_22




tomorrow is finally wgm day!

is the text preview for tomorrow's epiosde out???

usually it should be out by now right???

by the way, i cant see the youtube video of yongseo interaction on the music festival yesterday. can someone repost it. thanks! :)


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