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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I think we don´t know, seems like a rumor because there were some fans who said they saw Yuri but then others said that there were just Yong and hyun :wub:... anyway, lets wish for Yuri to be there!!! She is one of us :rolleyes:.

dreamyboo: Yong´s nosebleed? hahahaha, I can totally imagine it... Lets hope that they will talk about it next time when they film :wub:

Gogumas, I need to say this even when I know it is a very much over analized thing but I´m really curious about yong´s drawings of them in the wooden tables  ... I wish I know how to interpretate them;  he seems like a snake and she is round like a ball, as if she was pregnant or something keke.

I don´t think that is intentional, but I´m pretty sure that we could find an interesting meaning behind the drawings ^^...


can anyone translate what YongSeo wrote? gosh... it is a given FACT that they are indeed into each. secretly dating...? i wish!

i really do hope S. Korea is ok at a state like this. i was there last year and that place is a BEAUTIFUL place. Seoul is AMAZING. anyways hope WGM airs this week. it would be good to ease all the tension. i mean if we keep talking or thinking about it, it makes everyone more angry and tense.

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@sweetpunze25: What article are you exactly referring to? (Or, am I missing something?) Would you maybe provide a link or something?

Secretly dating ... ? Since when? I don't remember reading anything about that. Fanaccount? Pictures?

Best regards,


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Guest DJHinata

Hello Hola Konichiwa anyong~everyone !

I can't believe it ! it seems as if they had been listening to us when we said "gogumaland" !! You know ~ i've miss you all here is this beautiful thread, But i'm working in gogumaland in spanish...

 Well here is some screen caps from the last episode !! I've made some funny walls i hope you like it , Hyun Love U ♥




those artworks are dedicated to SunSun Jd2lee and the translators here is this thread who support to our lovely couple !

This song is so yongseo , well a little i guess ~~ Kissus

Goo Goo Dolls- Iris

Cause I know that you feel me somehow 

You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be 

And I don't want to go home right now 

And all I can taste is this moment 

And all I can breathe is your life 

Cause sooner or later it's over 

I just don't want to miss you tonight 

And I don't want the world to see me 

Cause I don't think that they'd understand 

When everything's made to be broken 

I just want you to know who I am 

Thank you so much for all the sharings, comments, news and pictures !! ♥

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Guest lovekin
























@sweetpunze25: What article are you exactly referring to? (Or, am I missing something?) Would you maybe provide a link or something?
















Secretly dating ... ? Since when? I don't remember reading anything about that. Fanaccount? Pictures?
















Best regards,



































i think (s)he means what they wrote on the block while they were at the japan, in response to the quoted material where the picture of said block is linked.  and (s)he also said "secretly dating...?i wish!"  so i think that was more a matter of rhetorical hope.  but who knows until they reply.  smile.gif








































it's a bit wrong to say it's a fact that they like each other.  that implies that there are substantial evidence to back that up.  however, i think that there is enough circumstantial evidence to suggest that they could have feelings for each other.  just trying to correct that because it could give people the wrong idea.  not that you shouldn't believe they like each other should you choose to feel that way, but i'm just being a little technical.  
















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there is some news that said :


There's going to be a funeral service this weekend for those who died this week from the N. Korea's bombing.




seems like there's a posibility our wgm got canceled this week tears.gif what will i do.. one week without yongseo anymoretears.giftears.giftears.gif



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Guest lovekin




there is some news that said :


There's going to be a funeral service this weekend for those who died this week from the N. Korea's bombing.




seems like there's a posibility our wgm got canceled this week tears.gif what will i do.. one week without yongseo anymoretears.giftears.giftears.gif






i urge you and anyone else who is worried about a potential cancellation to wait for proper news that specifically states it is, indeed, cancelled.  you'll only add fuel to concern that it will as opposed to it might.






that being said, we've lasted one month without WGM.  it's a show.  a show is no comparison for human life.  i think it's fair to be disappointed that your favorite show might not air when it's supposed to, but it really shouldn't bother you so much in light of recent events.  people are overreacting a little bit, as if it's the end of the world if we're not caught up; it's more than a little silly.





until then, take a deep breath and relax.


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Guest chilipadi_22



Although it is only right for the tv stations to broadcast information about the "war", but yet another week without WGM is a big torture for us!!

I pray for the Koreans and I also pray that they will come to an agreement soon and by te weekend, everything would be alright again!

Only then can everything be back to normal and we also get to enjoy our WGM!

Make peace and not war!!

*keeping my fingers and toes crossed*

Just went to the baidu goguma forum!

And guess what I saw???

A Korean goguma fan who knew the editor at MBC said that only WGM will still be broadcasted!

But let's wait for more news to come! Really hope there is WGM this Saturday!

Can't wait another week! Getting excited to know abt them hatvesting their gogumas!!! :)


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Guest MountainMadman

Hey everyone.

In response to the rumors that WGM is cancelled for this weekend:

I've been refreshing the official MBC site periodically for the past few hours. So far, there is no mention of a cancellation for this weekend.

Not saying it won't happen, but just telling everyone that official news has yet to come out.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed, along with everyone else. :)

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Gogumas!!! I´m so spazzing about this!!!... even when I have no idea of when was this, it is sure it was after YongSeo 200th days performance :wub:.
















































A little YongSeo goodies from our beloved Hyoyeon ^^ ...
















































[RDRsubs] SSTP SNSD 3/4  starting at 2:14
















































The question.

As long as she permorm on the same stage with male idols. The member who really pu it an effort to sing and dance?

cr: well I read it from _eRicaS @twitter
















































gogumas, lets send all our good energy to Korea, lets pray for this problem to be resolved ^^.

















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@sweetpunze25: What article are you exactly referring to? (Or, am I missing something?) Would you maybe provide a link or something?




















































































Secretly dating ... ? Since when? I don't remember reading anything about that. Fanaccount? Pictures?




















































































Best regards,



























































































































































































































































lol..... i was just hoping! >.< so sorry. it's just a wish of mine. sorry for the confusion. ^o^




















































































omg!!!! i'm so sad... -_- another weekend w/o Yongseo.... T.T darn!!! and it's my 4 day weekend too! oh man... well... i guess it's watching the ep all over again. ^^ happy Turkey EVERYONE!!!!





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Guest Crystal392





MountainMadman: THanks soo much for sharing the latest news about WGM. :)








From dcmarried:








*DJHinata: A post with your cartoons :w00t:http://gall.dcinside.com/married/558163








*Super cute video: http://gall.dcinside.com/married/557737











~From the preview, seems they bought a box full with Goguma cookies (purple things)















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hey people you guys can wait on a WGM episode, who cares if it gets cancelled, if its for no good reason then I guess I could understand, but the situation with South Korea and North Korea is bigger than WGM or any other Korean Kpop star/celebrity. I don't know if it's because most of you guys aren't Korean or what not, but people have to stop overreacting if a WGM married episode is delayed for 1 week. 












Anyway Happy Thanksgiving and hope you guys have a good one.





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Magdal thanks for the link to SSTP, I think that's the latest one they visit SSTP, judging by their hairstyle;
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































couldn't stop laughing at Hyun's expression, although her answer was good, but I guess everyone else kinda figured out how busted she was haha, love Hyoyeon for always giving us insights haha..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MountainMadman so looking forward on reading the latest chapter of Love Story :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Actually, I've been missing the moment where Yong teaching Hyun guitar, or just Yong playing guitar to Hyun haha, but I guess as their relationship progress, guitar is no longer needed, they could just looking at each other eyes and don't feel awkward anymore
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but I wish that PD would one day do the followings:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































-trip to Busan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































-ski resort trip
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































especially since it's still winter in Korea this time around

































































































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392





bamz: I also miss seeing them playing guitar together. It's been so long since the last time they played the guitar... awww I'm feeling a bit melancholic.











~Super cute gif~














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Guest wallpaperfood


everyone, it's a bit sad to see people being more concerned over WGM airing over the current situation of N&SKorea which is by far, in fact not even comparable, more serious and important. Please guys, I know it is disappointing if they do decide to cancel it (I don't know who would admit otherwise), but that is the least of problems. If the stations opt to pay tribute, then I will be in favour as it's appropriate. It's not like they have decided to permanently cancel WGM, so chillax! -THAT would also be a major cause for concern :P (touch wood). For now, let's all pray for the tension in the Koreas to subside, and for the families of friends/families who are going through a period of suffering and panic. That is the best we can do to help.   

My family's already cancelled our december trip to korea :"( - was planning to visit some Yongseo places and take lots of pics and reminisce, etc...but may be heading there in Jan. if things have died down :). Then I can upload pics of Yongseo memories here ^^ 

Anyway, I'm very thick-headed sometimes so bear with me, but how did Yong look happy/like he liked it when Hyun took his arm? Yong's face/facial expressions during the Japan trip was a bit hard to read overall for me, and I'm not the best at reading faces in daily life -.-"

Was it because he was so shocked that he couldn't change his expression when Hyun hung on to his arm? Or nervous? It's just been bugging me a bit, bcos I feel a bit slow rewatching the scene so many times and still not drawing any conclusions from it. The one time I picked up on shyness was when they were playing the counting game and both turned their heads towards each other at the same time, and then got shy and turned bashfully at the same time. I hope someone can help explain to me :D, just a brief one, if possible :) thanks in advance!

DJHinata, ahn_annann, thanks for the pics! <3


just realised i topped the paGE. i'LL JUST REPOST THE VID MAGDAL POSTED ON THE PREVIOUS PAGE. (stupid caps lock lol):

about Hyo talking about/being secretly jealous of seobaby&yong's rehearsing for their rdr-lovelight duet @ around 2:17: [RDRsubs] SSTP SNSD 3/4 . See Yoona's sly reaction at 2:41 at Seohyun's explanation for being so "into" rehearsing.

---second edit---

hafunohane, I loved ur post! I've als always thought that Hyun is literally glowing nowadays - I like what you said about the need for skincare getting owned by falling in love ^^. I'm one of those pessimistic people who always firmly say that "love is strictly just an illusion", but looking at uri Hyun, I'm gradually starting to think the opposite. In the space of 8 months she has revamped from awkward/silent maknae --> more-confident PHAT goddess!!!

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hello my lovely gogumashippers.. i hope you guys are doing well because the weekend is almost here.. heheheh..































































































































































































































































































































i was quite free today and decided to rewatch the early episodes... and i bumped into the letter that yong wrote to hyun when he lost their first commitment letter.. he made this picture book full of his polaroid shots expressing how sorry he was to have misplaced the letter... hyun didn't read the letter out loud during that episode and there was no subs when the camera focused on the page with yong's letter on it.. i took the liberty to screencap that scene and since i am new here.. i don't quite know whether this has been translated months ago by someone or not... i'd be really really really happy if someone could tell me what's the letter about... but yea, i basically just want to share my finding here.. it's amazing what you could eventually notice after rewatching the same things over and over again.. no wonder some of my sunbaes here in this thread are so detailed when it comes to investigating and dissecting our couple hahahaha.. 





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here's the pic:



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i searched for hyun's photos when she first debuted.. and i must say that while she has always been pretty and innocent... she didn't have the same glow that she has now pre- WGM.. since the first episode she's been so adorable that u couldn't help but fell in like with hyun, but after 32 episodes i feel like her charm is getting more and more visible... and her face is really glowing like a pregnant lady minus the bump/ someone who's really in love.. i guess the no- bangs hairstyle really suit her too.. i dont care if it took her hairstylist 3 years to find a hairstyle that suits her.. and her eyebrows now are jjang too.. they truly complimented her big eyes
































































































































:) and since i am a yongseo shipper, i'm just gonna ignore all the other possible factors that are more relevant and blame this transhyunmation to her husband who in my opinion, has single- handedly changed our seobaby from a beautiful girl to a glowing goddess :D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seohyun then (our adorable seororo.. what a natural beauty she's always been <3)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































now (omo omo... when i first saw this i immediately imagined hyun telling me: "hey you, stop overspending on skincares and cosmetics.. start falling in love like me, and you'll see why u don't need to visit  your dermatologist anymore.")





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































on a heavier note, i want to ask you all to spare a few secs to feel thankful for being given yet another day to live in peace... and don't forget to pray for our brothers and sisters' safety in korea. 































































































































































































































































































































btw, i salute those who have shown a great amount of understanding over this event by thinking less about our favorite show and more about the lives of people there... i'm proud to have you guys as my neighbors in gogumaville..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@lovekin: i smiled for a second there when i read your post.. i love how u reminded us that we were fine then without yongseo for a month... which means we should be fine now even if the show's cancelled this week.. people like you are the reason why theres a thing called hope






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@DJHinata: i love that song too.. and i think the first two lines of the song may be a proper explanation for their limited skinship and the feelings they hv for each other after every wgm recording (i hope you could tell that i am full of imagination =p)
































































































































































goo goo dolls- iris































































































































































































































































































































and i'd give up forever to touch you,
































































































































































coz i know that you feel me somehow
































































































































































you're the closest to heaven,
































































































































































 that i'll ever be,
































































































































































 and i don't wanna go home right now...































































































































































































































































































































since we're only a few hours away from thanksgiving here in socal (and i have a flight to the east coast in two hours) i'd like to literally give thanks to all of you here in this thread for all the infos, spoilers, spazzings, and teeny delightful tidbits about our favorite couple... thank you so much for the hardworks, dear subbers, fanfic writers, and  fanvid makers... hehehe to pay for your deeds, i hereby gave each and everyone a lifetime supply of virtual gogumas staright from my field!!!! your screens will never be hungry for eternity, satisfaction guaranteed (unlike hyun who gave yong three and then ate everything during the mildang, i'm actually quite generous, ain't i? =p) 































































































































































































































































































































i wish u all a super daebak and heartwarming thanksgiving !






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wuff you alllll.. don't forget to keep on spazzing your hearts out peeps































































































































































































































































































































































































































*goguma hwaitingggg*






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Just the way you are [seohyun Ver]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she let me
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Her laugh, her laugh, she hates but I think it’s so sexy
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































She’s so beautiful and I tell her everyday
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When I see your face, there’s not a thing that I would change
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Coz’ you’re amazing, just the way you are
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Coz’ girl you’re amazing, just the way you are
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre as tagged
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lunasol


As much as I REALLY REALLY want to see what is going to happen in the next episode, if they need to cancel the show on Saturday for a solemn ceremony dedicated to the 4 people who died, the ceremony goes FAR ABOVE and BEYOND the broadcast of a new episode. The episodes will always be there to be broadcast later on.




The problems between N. & S. Korea have remained somewhat dormant for decades, so lets hope/pray/wish that things do not escalate and may reach a peaceful resolution, because if not, thousands of human lives will be involved and at peril.



I am not sure if this video has been posted here but it is beautiful. According to narukayars (YT uploader), It was originally posted on DCGal. The video contains some scenes from first to last episode and its made from Yong's perspective. I don't know if it is the editing, or seeing so many of his eyeship scenes consecutively, but I literally felt 100% sure that I was watching a totally smitten guy in love!! wub.gif Well, I normally think he is into her (like and/or in love), so maybe I am just biased in my opinion wink.gif kekeke.




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I hope we still can watch WGM this sat.. look at their off. site, seem the date still there (27/11/2010)..








Hmm... from soshisub... WGM ep 19 (pool & piggyback)...so, let we watch it again...








































If I made something wrong with the rules.. pls let me now.. :) (sorry for my english)








edit : me too.. I pray for the S&N Korea. wishing & hoping that everybody will be save .. and everyone can get a good life








mimayree : ohh!! chongmalyo??? yeeehhhhh... hope it's true. Thanks mimayree for the news... :):)..









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