Jump to content

Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts

Guest YongxHyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I found this on Wiki (not the most reliable, but I'm sure they're accurate with this one):
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Omg... can we see a drunken Seohyun next week? :lol: I don't think she can take alcohol too well. The alcohol content is even higher than normal canned beer! Which is 6%. This is going to be fun :w00t: I'm so mean, but I can't help it ^^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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and plus she is drinking that alcoholic beer...ummmm
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but isnt the beer says how many % alchol in there?? so yong should be able to see it....or......

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

lim26, actually what the 7-11 attendant pointed out is the can of Asahi W-Zero. Its a non-alcoholic drink, and a plus, no calories as well.

The can design is similar, but whereas the Chūhai has color checkers on the can, the Asahi has bars around it with a silver bar across the center saying W-Zero.

With the can in her hand and Yonghwa showing the little can of Asahi beer, you can see the A and the S (part of the name of Asahi) during the zoom in.

So have no fear, Hyun is safe from the alcohol. Though I wonder if she likes the taste of beer considering her reaction to the unrefined rice wine that Yong gave her during the double birthday episode. Whether she likes it or hates it, I am sure it'll be extremely cute.

Also, this is my first post. Going back to lurker mode.

Link to comment
Share on other sites
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































^ LOL thanks for pointing that out :lol: it'd be too funny it were true though haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This guy, moippai, said it tastes horrible though. His exact words:

Imagine if you put some cornflakes in a bowl with a tiny bit of milk and lots of water, left if for an hour or so, squeezed the liquid into a can and wrote Asahi on it. You'd have this.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So now I'm curious to how Hyun would react to it :P

































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

^ LOL thanks for pointing that out :lol: it'd be too funny it were true though haha

This guy, moippai, said it tastes horrible though. His exact words:

So now I'm curious to how Hyun would react to it :P

The taste isn't that great. I had it once during a business party in Tokyo. I like my beer, but prefer stronger mix drinks. But I was curious and it was free anyway.

The first sip is ok, but it goes down hill after that. I'm only saying that as a beer drinker. But, like any beer, if you're not used to the taste, it'll probably be bad, whether or not its good beer or not.

Hyun hasn't tried many alcoholic drinks it seems, and from the interviews of snsd, when they do drink, its more of the sweet drinks.

Link to comment
Share on other sites
















































seohyun's drink is actually alcoholic drink called chuhai! i recognized the can as i've had it before and that its located in the alcoholic drink section (oops on the 7-ll attendant) lol... wonder if seohyun will notice..
































i'm happy that seohyun is becoming more bold, her flirting has def increased a lot this ep, i guess being in japan where they still have some privacy (not being surrounded by fans) lets them be more casual and free with each other hehe
































inki, love that how he was looking at seohyun like sharing the win with her lol































































sorry to cut your post
































but it's not true
































as sai13 said it asahi w-zero No-alcohol
































and I don't think her Manager oppa let her drink Alcohol on national TV
































It's not suit Hyun's image
































and for Yong it's smallest can only 135 ml

















































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry, but I have to say to something
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Even without Seohyun's manager approved the "alcohol drink or non"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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But we will have something fun to watch, not to mention that, Yonghwa got the real one LOL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Link to comment
Share on other sites

First of all, they *have* already drunk alcohol on national TV. Both - in the Fishing episode. Yonghwa drank makkoli, which has about the same alcohol amount as Asahi beer, I think, so ... well. And I think it's not such a big deal to drink alcohol on national TV. In dramas, they drink ALL the time. So ... yeah.

Best regards,


Link to comment
Share on other sites
















































































































































































































































































seohyun's drink is actually alcoholic drink called chuhai! i recognized the can as i've had it before and that its located in the alcoholic drink section (oops on the 7-ll attendant) lol... wonder if seohyun will notice..
































































































































































































































































i'm happy that seohyun is becoming more bold, her flirting has def increased a lot this ep, i guess being in japan where they still have some privacy (not being surrounded by fans) lets them be more casual and free with each other hehe
































































































































































































































































inki, love that how he was looking at seohyun like sharing the win with her lol































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: oops so it was a case of similar bottles. =x. Haven't seen that Asahi one before...I guess Yong would be able to tell what's what having spent much time in Japan...or maybe not since he was asking the cashier...

















Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest pseudonykkaii


Ah. Ive watched this episode again and again and still manage to squeel in delight and havr flushed cheeks at the end!


Regarding the alcohol issue, one can wont get her THAT tipsy anyway and as many have pointed out.. Yong will not let her taint her pure image[[and so will the staff, i woulda thought]]--i mean, yong is the guy that would switch places just because hyun wasnt eating icecream the way idols would, ryt??








Btw--anyone spot yong's cnblue paper fan?it had the boy's silhouette in it--super cool.


Speaking of which, he had an iphone case with cnblue on!!!!(must be from a fan~only proves uri yong treasures


His fans gifts!!)


Link to comment
Share on other sites
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































geumjandi oh i love those caps. of them in the 1st epsidoe compared to now :) makes me smile to think of their progress!
































































































































































































































































































































































































ichigo_kawai i love those pictures :) my favorite is definitely the goguma farmer ones! :) great job and thanks for sharing!
































































































































































































































































































































































































d_????? that cap you have of yong not wanting to leave, i thought the same thing!
































































































































































































































































































































































































shane09 OH thank you for the gifs :) makes me so happy!
































































































































































































































































































































































































jnj thanks for sharing that bit of info about "someone" :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































minzyne very cute picture!
































































































































































































































































































































































































blueshoes thanks for the very CLEAR picture of yong's ring :D i'm sure that makes everyone very happy indeed.
































































































































































































































































































































































































sally7 thanks for the wave gif :D super cute and i agree, i feel like this performance had a lot of hyun shots. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































sun_sun you are daebak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333333333333333
































































































































































































































































































































































































mrsjoker oh thanks for sharing all those ringdingdong pictures :wub: it makes me so happy to think that his so PROUD to be married to her! hahaha. love yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































































caliope YESSS!!!!!!!!!! I CAN SEE IT AND FEEL IT :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































(sigh)hm... so only a slight wave during inki today. but hey thats better then their bows the other day right? lol. but another week seems so long from now! what to do?

































































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Guest toomuchsmiling


sai13 & sally7- Thank you so much clearing that up. :blink: I was like 'omooo, what if the 7/11 guy didn't get it and they got her alcohol??' I'm glad we have some alcohol experts(?) (haha, dunno how to put it) who could clarify that!!! :phew:




I'm glad Yong knows his beer too cuz i was like Hyun. Those mini cans a lot of times mean double the power/caffeine. Like Monster energy drinks or whatever. But Yong looked totally sure that his can was just small, not like double alcohol. :lol: haha, a small issue but still!


and it was cute too, Seohyun seemed unsure but she trusted him saying like 'ok..' ^^ :wub:


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Guest loybing

Aside fom minsun, yongseo couple is another of my favorite. i am totally hooked. they are so natural. innocent hyun and mischievous yong! what a pair. so refreshing.

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gif flood of yong's eating goguma treats! credit to omonajungyonghwa@tumblr

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest chilipadi_22


hello everyone! anyone here knows the official twitter of yong hwa?

Hey, yonghwa does not have an individual twitter account.

Cn blue members all use the same twitter account.

Follow them at @cnblue_4!

Oops I topped the page!! :)


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Guest Crystal392
















































































Thanks to everyone for the info you've shared about what did Yong~ and Hyun~ brought. :)































































































I am really excited to see the next ep ^_^






























































































































































Welcome to new Gogumas, just want to remember you it's against soompi rules to quote pictures and to post less than 20 words or one-lines. Also let's not forget this is a SeoHwa thread and we have to talk about YongSeo related things. If your post is only about SeoHyun, YongHwa, SNSD or CNBLUE and not WGM related please remember they have their own threads :) It's also against the rules to just post to thank someone or to ask for links. Let's all take care of our Goguma Planet ^_^





























































































































































































































~Cute couple















































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































Hoaaahhmmm.......... good morning gogumas!!!






























































today I woke up really really really late because last night I watched the episode over and over again............... I just can't get over with it....






























































about the alcohol drink thing, so Hyun got only the non-alcohol right?? (I'm still confused). If she got the alcoholic, wow, attagirl HYUN!! I wonder what happened to hyun that night under the illusion of alcohol *my imagination runs wild* kekeke. :P :tongue:






























































it's just so funny that they happen to be in a town full of gogumas, just like hansel and gretel but GOGUMA..... the government must be proud of them because of indirectly promoting the agricultural sector of GOGUMA :lol: :lol:






























































that's all from me,,,,,,,,, off to watch episode 32 again...
































































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Guest lunasol


I just saw SNSD performance at Chocolate and I am awestruck and I bet Yong will too!! I have seen her doing sexy dances before with her unnies but this is the first time I see her like she really  feels SEXY!! She literally was exuding it!! Wanna guess who is inspiring her?? wub.gif haha




Honestly, if Yong was not interested in her before (which we all know that is impossible from what we have seen), he will with this. We all know that guys like a LADY as a partner that can be SEXY at certain occasions wink.gif




Hyun?!?!?! w00t.gif






  Yes, Yong, we all know you can't get her out of your head, and now with this your condition will get worse wink.gif hahaha






Yes, she is so Oh, and thats the only thing Yong wil be able to say and WOW hahaha








She was literally standing on a chair posing so sexy and confident in the middle of the performance!!! She was like the queen of sexiness there.






She is singing/calling for him "Oh baby baby" and that will also be his answer the second he sees her!










She is singing "Oh baby we'll do whatever you'll like", but Yong will register the words as "I will do whatever you'' like and he will faint wink.gif






I think someone took seriously playing with her untied hair for a certain someone wink.gif!! She even did it so forcefully!!










And again sexy hand-movement flipping hair!!! She is the only one who did that!!






Look at her stare!! She is sending a message to Yong through the TV wink.gif. For Ring Goguma stalkers, although in the cap is a little blurry, you can also see she have her ring on at this part on the video.






Here is the link for this performance:




(1/5) SNSD - If You Seek Amy(Nov 21, 2010) 








3 more caps in spoiler












EDIT: We agreed that we can post anything as long as we connected it somehow to Yongseo, and I believe Yong have had a great influence in her life, her stage presence and her confidence, as exemplified in this performance. She really has blossomed into a woman before our eyes!!! I just wish that somehow she had done this performance in front of Yong at Inkigayo.


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