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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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hey again---just want to share a link i found to watch this episode :)
































but part 2 still not uploaded yet















































































here's part 1
































































































































________________________________ sry gogumas didn't see it was already up..hmm more times the better (?!) ^^ :P

















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So happy right now for both Hyun&Yong and our goguma village. You can tell it's a big surprise for all the MCs. They're screaming like crazy, especially MC Jake.







Yong and Hyun are falling in love to each other.







You do a good job, Hyun. You make Yong speechless and us going crazy because of happiness. WAY TO GO!!!!!!














I was literally screaming when Hyun linked arm with Yong. My husband thought there was something wrong with me :wacko:







Now how can I go to sleep? It's 1AM here :mellow:


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hello gogumas...






luckily i was on time to stream that moment of linking arms...it seems tvu with me is not working now,






so i franticaly search other site ..thanks chelupa though its the ending part at least its the thing that we /i are waiting for( linking arms)..






thanks sun_sun..and gogumas for eng summaries..






i hiope this is the start..no mre awkwardness and that holding hands will be just a normal act to them..






fighting yongseo..






fighting gogumas..



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sun_sun!! i love u! i love u! i love u! thank u soooo much for the link!

dont mind the ! gogumas! volcana has indeed erupted!!!

miel chingu, yup, magnae taking her baby step at skinship

and we're here to witness it! :wub:

panGG, i swore at my compi and i even shook its monitor just now.. :angry:

all because i can't watch yongseo 'live'

powerof9, hug u for the link.

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Guest _hachimitsu
































































































































































































































































lol coming out from lurking mode too! Too busy with real life, cant catch up with the thread, BUT......
































































OMG. *dies* did you guys see how seohyun grab his arm? so cute! i bet you yong was the first man she tried to do such thing (well, except her dad maybe). i'm satisfied with this kind of skinship, it is very seohyun-like. Yongseo is progressing their relationship (reel/real, whatever they have) at their OWN PACE.
































































got lots of screencaps, but my brain is not functioning properly now keke^^
































































thank you in advance for translations (jd2lee, MountainMadman, or anything from DC and baidu)
































































Happy spazzing........... NO. HAPPY EXPLODING. We are goguma + volcanoes now keke^^
































































Will be back after exams. sob T_T @dreamyboo and whoever who knows me.
































































and.. dear posters, just a friendly reminder, please remember to follow the most important rules when posting:
































































(we dont want the mods to close this thread)































































































































































































1. No one liners. Please write more than 20 characters and it must be WGM/Yongseo related.
































































2. Do not quote pictures in your post. remove the IMG tags.
































































To all regulars, thank you for keeping the thread alive^^

































































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer




Omo! Hyun is just the cutest thing ever!!!





You can totally see her mind working "otoke, what should i do? how should i do it?"...





and the MC's reactions was just priceless..I still can't get over their reactions. they were spazzing so much...





My reaction is exactly the same as theirs... i totally jumped out of my sit and was spazzing like crazy... hapydancsmil.gif





I never knew Hyun had it in her... It was just a small gesture compared to what other couples did, but damn! it was an amazing moment! loveshower.gif





I'm so damn proud of Hyun!




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Guest YukiAgne




may i knosw where is that streaming?


yvu sucks..i wont open until the couple is already done..








You can go to SOSHIFIED.COM 




It is actually a website for SNSD and SONES... Since Seohyun is participating, they broadcast it there.. just go to the streaming...


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Guest shenibabi














i cant stop spazzing huhu










because iam so happy and sweet inside










yongseo really makes me crazy huhu










iam a huge seohuyn's fan










see her chage like that i feel so proud










yongseo is the best:X



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Guest rjcm127








I just have to comment on Yong's awkward position of his arm! Omg, he just didn't know what to do with it and totally didn't expect our Hyun to do it :lol:




I think Seohyun wanted it to come across spontaneous, but you could sense she was already 'calculating' in her mind how she should do it. The moment they walked out of the grocery store and when they changed sides on the road, you could see her trying to get closer to him physically.







Sorry to cut your post short... But I totally agree with you. I too saw her trying to get close to him on the way to store..you can totally see the wheels going around in her head trying to make it natural as possible..although Yong kinda made it awkward a little it became natural at a point... and I'm sooo happy.. I can't wait until next week...





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jnj oh! that sucks that your computer was being lame during the streaming. i was freaking out when tvu wasnt showing the episode so i searched so frantically for a new stream. lol
































































































































































































btw, wheres dreamyboo at?! i havent seen her in forever. unnie!!!
































































































































































































edit just watched the preview! more of their night in japan, hopefully they finish showing it next week. but yong grabs hyun's wrist/hand! and they arm wrestle, reminiscing :wub: i wonder how many gogumas yong has! 1000000000000000000000000 :wub:

































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Guest graxhaie
































































wahahha...kalurky mode ever!














































































































































































































they linked arms...and hyun initiated it...wub.gif







































































































i remember the birthday episode where yong ask hyun to link their arms...







































































































hyun was really awkward about it...







































































































but as i watched the episode today, hyun initiated it and yong nampeon was shock and 







































































































felt awkward about it... THIS COUPLE IS REALLY CUTE AND AMUSING!^_^







































































































it really took hyun a lot of effort to initiate it since she's really shy...







































































































a job well done hyun!







































































































YONGSEO fighting!biggrin.gif









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OMO OMO OMO PREVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can´t wait next week!!!! YongHwa grabbed her hand!!! hahahaha :wub:
















































I love yongseo couple so much! :wub:

















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Guest piru1804
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Before going to the store,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa asked "Since we're on a trip, should we drink beer?"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun "Let's go"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































DANG!!!! Maknae, what happened to you? Skinship and beer. Are you really our SNSD's maknae? hahha You cutie :wub:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: gogumalove@tumblr
































































































































































































Ohmygosh, WAYLT. ASDFGHKL; <333 Seohyun is too cute! wub.gif I can watch this GIF forever you know? wub.gif
































































































































































































Oh, I haven't watched the livestream because it's too early here and I decided to check the thread and I think I missed the livestream. I must wait for the YT realease and what.. I can't wait for the subbed ones. Oh please? Could I die now? BAWWW
































































































































































































I found the skinship part on YTphew.gifLINK
































































































































































































Ah. Look at this,
































































































































































































































































































































































































Grab his hand Seohyun. SO NEAR YET SO FAR. AIGOO tears.gif
































































































































































































I have to go now, I mean.. BRB. Gonna waych some sweet thang here wub.gif
































































































































































































EDIT: Oh, and by the way.. When I saw that vid, I thought she was, like, "Should I link arms with him?"

Before going to the store, Yonghwa asked "Since we're on a trip, should we drink beer?" Seohyun "Let's go!"
































































































































































































Then there. I really think Seohyun is @-} that night kekeke.

































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Guest wting89
























































































omo omo, i just watched the preview.








































































yonghwa grabbed seohyung wrist.. *dies*








































































lets go on a skinship spree with yongseo!!









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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Next Week's PREVIEW:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong asked how many gogumas he had left/how many gogumas he have (not sure) and then he grabbed her wrist and said "answer" lol woot woot~. Then they showed them armwrestling and apparently it seems like Yong will loose on purpose.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[1/2] Japan Night































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[2/2] Japan Night

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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yay..Yong grab hyun's hand in the preview...ah, he really cares about his goguma points..
































































































































































































































































you see how he just grabbed her hand..so manly!!
































































































































































































































































he looks like he capable of doing anything more.. blush.gifw00t.gif
































































































































































































































































'you don't know what i feel'
































































































































































































































































yes we know Yong, you really like hyun :phew:
































































































































































































































































yong is braver now..he's totally understand hyun's green light..
































































































































































































































































and they are playing arm wrestling again!!!
































































































































































































































































hehe...how adorable are they.. blush.gif

































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































did you guys see the preview?????? I didn't get to get a screencap but it yong hold hyun's hand, I think when they were inside the room.............. maybe someone will post the preview link later......
































































watch the cute moment again :wub::wub::wub:
































today is seriously one of our best day, and next week will definitely be even better than today..

































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wahhhhhhhhhhhh gogumas I would love to post some more scaps but photobucket is under maintenance rigth now





I cant get over with Hyun linking arm's with Yong



and just cant wait for the translation to come out tooo 937 user's reading this topic



Goguma Villeger's we have a whole week to spazz again


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OMGGG!!!! i've jus saw the next week previewwwwwww!!!!!!


for some peple who ask about when yong ask how much is his goguma point, we can find the ansew next week...




ps: in the next week preview, there's a scene where yong suddenly grab seohyun's hand  OMG OMG OMG!!!! w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif



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