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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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YES, tomorrow. to night i go to watch harrypotter too. hahha. my husband wanted 2morrow but i dont want my goguma dream interupted by Harry Potter. I am a fan of Harry potter since beginning but now, i am just a fan of Goguma couple. nothing can compete with Yongseo at the moment. Please happy epsiode 2morrow, please a lot of love 2morrow. cant wait.


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Sat is here!!

wishing all villagers a Happy Big-richard simmons Smile Day!

ichigo, tks for reposting the gifs.

wish to see some of those skinship in today's epi..

panGG, i love 'jashik' the most! tks for sharing them here.

hope to c u here later...

caliope, one more to add to the skinship list...

- Kiss

- Holding hands

- Hug

- Backhug

- A peck on the cheek

- Piggyback

- Massage

borrowing inchigo's gif..

walking with arms arnd each other like this


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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello gogumas! :w00t: Aren't we all excited? We're like a volcano about to erupt, too. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For me, hmmm...my vote goes to @jnj :P . Maybe it's a piggyback scene, Yong carrying Hyun on his back. I was watching the preview and they used the Dugeun, Dugeun song again and I was like, are they hinting something, since they used this song on the piggyback ep and on the preview preceding that episode? :phew:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Or, maybe the volcanic reaction from the MCs was brought on by something that happened unexpectedly, like say, perhaps they accidentally kissed??!! :w00t: (delusional, haha)

































































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Caliope i miss you too! gosh its been so long.
































































































































































































jnj yes! i will most definitely be here later to spazz and stream with everyone! i know i've been major MIA but i have two days off work and since the time change, is earlier now for me! instead of 4am it will be 3am. lol. not much difference i guess but, hey, anything for YONGSEO :)
































































































































































































hm... i'm in the mood for some pictures. maybe i'll make something to share tonight before the showing :)
































































































































































































edit so i was watching yong and the cn blue brothers performance from the 2010 style icon awards and of course they sang love light and two beatle songs: i will and all you need is love. well i was listening and the lyrics to "i will" made me think of yongseo (everything i listen to makes me think of them pretty much now and days, lol) and so i found the lyrics to post and share :)
































































































































































































Who knows how long I've loved you
































































































































































































You know I love you still
































































































































































































Will I wait a lonely lifetime
































































































































































































If you want me to, I will
































































































































































































For if I ever saw you
































































































































































































I didn't catch your name
































































































































































































But it never really mattered
































































































































































































I will always feel the same
































































































































































































Love you forever, and for ever
































































































































































































Love you with all my heart
































































































































































































Love you whenever we're together
































































































































































































Love you when we're apart
































































































































































































And when at last I find you
































































































































































































Your song will fill the air
































































































































































































Sing it loud so I can hear you
































































































































































































Make it easy to be near you
































































































































































































For the things you do endear you
































































































































































































To me ah, you know I will
































































































































































































I will

































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I think skinship will be holding hands. because she said in one interview that her unnies encourage her a lot in holding hands. so i am quite sure it will be holding hands. but ofcourse i expect other things as well:-).




But at the moment try to keep myself calm and just wait for unexpected couple. dont want to be so excited but it is hard to calm down at the moment. haah already screaming whole day. yeah.. i want to calm down...:-)


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hello gogumas...






today is already something..how much more tommorrow, cant imagine how us all react to the kind of initiate skinship hyun did and how yong respond...






i guess holding hands are the most expected..as we know hyun personality to hold hands is already a big thing to her but ya as we gogumas want more who knows we might be surprised with a hug or kiss kekeke






what a luck..though we missed last saturday episode..but then with NAN last monday and tommorrow daebak episode, we cant complain, arent we? kekeke






ill join with you for tommorrows streaming..cant imagine all of us having this big richard simmons smile while watching and even after...






yongseo fighting...






gogumas fighting..



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Guest mrsjoker


kyaaaaaa... an explotion of happy gogumas flooding the thread... :wub:

Thank you MountainMadman for the translation. Saturday is here you guys..... a few more hours till the long awaited happy dose...yaaaaaayyyyy... Happy big-richard simmons smile day! :lol:

@jnj : I vote for... piggyback or holding hands. I think holding hands is the most possible one BUT i don't know why i have a strong feeling for hug or backhug... kyaaaaaaaaaa...:wub:

oh by the way... i replied to your PM, did you get it? soompi is acting weird today because the post that i sent you were not listed in the sent items.




Edit : aaakkk jnj i just read your new PM...so i think soompi is on crack again that's why you didn't receive my reply... mianhe...will try to reply back to you in the morning...and see if soompi had calm down and can work properly... :sweatingbullets:

and bonus pic of Yooong in NAN. He only wears the RING DING DONG in the left hand...i feel warm and fluffy at heart... :wub: The boy l.o.v.e. his buin!

cr :omonajungyonghwa@tumblr

To yong : Yaaa...Jasshik...WHAT DID YOU AND HYUN DID ON THAT NIGHT IN JAPAN??:wub:  jasshik~~~


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I love read all your post guys!! we are so in cloud 9, big richard simmons smile XD!! hahaha, but remember, ALWAYS expect the unexpected from our lovely couple :rolleyes:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































I wonder about MCs reaction!... Waeyo?? but since they were all giddy when they saw YongSeo runing to each other :wub:... it could be anything, they are so shippers too!!! hahaha...
































































































































































































































































































































































































Poor Yong, I'm definitely waiting for an explosion of cuteness on his part, I just hope that his response does not discourage Hyun buin, she is so aware of his movements, that even the smallest thing can make her changes her original plan.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun Seobaby buin fighting!!!!! You can do it girl!!! You have that man in your hand´s palm kekekeke :phew:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































can´t wait!!! thank you all gogumas, just 13 hours to go?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































panGG, mrsjoker:...jashik!!!  I love that word, the "I love you" word! hahaha :wub:

































































































































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Guest lovekin


so obviously, i had a good night's rest to think over this sudden mayhem (and i like that there's been more postings here overnight than we've seen in the past week), and my following thought just makes me laugh out loud.




based on the news alone, i'm getting this feeling that seo is going to fail miserably at first, but only because yong isn't expecting it.  so it's going to be this weird trial-and-error game, and i feel like seo and yong are going to react like little kids with yong constantly asking her what she's trying to do, and seo is going to try and save face until she finally confesses what she was trying to do.






and another user mentioned this, but i'm trying to bring myself down from my high.  

sweatingbullets.gif  but only because i don't want to set my expectations too high.  anyway, i predict a lot of squirmy laughter in watching yongseo tomorrow – that or spastic glee.




i wonder what they mean when yong expresses a "curious/unusual" reaction.  for some reason, i imagine yong to react with a mix of confusion or something very yong-like, but i will reach through my computer screen and throttle him if he so much as stops her ... even if he didn't know skinship was the intention.  he might not be expecting it, but it's not that hard to pick up on it either.





ah, this could seriously go many different ways, and i'm getting anxious.  which is why i'm forcing myself to do errands today so time can go faster, i can sleep, and wake up to good news.  smile.gif  in any case, hoping for the best.






for those who have asked, i have two more fics that i wrote and any future works can be found at kansai.  it's always listed in my sig.


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I'm back from Uni! And boy, it was a bad day. I had train delay AGAIN in the morning for 30 minutes and on the way home another 45. And that while I usually take about three hours back and forth. Like that isn't enough. Anyway enough ranting. I tried to cheer myself up by thinking 'Just a few more hours. Then I'm home. Then I can check Sweet Potato Thread. Then I'll spazz some more about tomorrow's episode.' Yes, because that's my life at the moment. Hah.
































































































































































































































































































































I'm getting confused at the preview texts and articles though. So that means the volcano explosion-like reaction wasn't because of Hyun's attempt at skinship, but Yong's reaction? I was getting worried that the reaction might be a negative one (volcano explosion, you never know) but it says that it's a cheer so I'm kind of relieved haha
































































































































































































































































































































This is from the fanmeeting and Hyun's 'secret' with Jessica about the Japan thing lol Credits to sweetpotatodays:

KSY: It seems everyone envies you, Seohyun.

“Maknae! Do you feel good cause you’ve got married? You’re cool! The night when we go to Japan, well, you looked much different. You’re brilliant! I love you.”
































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun: Who is it?
































































































































































































































































































































KSY: What happened?
































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun: (still looking around) Who is it?
































































































































































































































































































































Jessica: It’s me! (fans laugh)
































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun: Oh~~ really?
































































































































































































































































































































Jessica: You sat right beside me then.
































































































































































































































































































































KSY: So what exactly happened that day?
































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun: Well, one day…..I’ll never forget….
































































































































































































































































































































KSY: Um, why?
































































































































































































































































































































Jessica: Well, you don’t have to know it. (laugh)
































































































































































































































































































































Yoona: Seohyun showed her loyalty to us. (laugh)
































































































































































































































































































































KSY: Ah…..
































































































































































































































































































































Yuri: She showed her loyalty with tears…































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't quite understand the latter part, about Seohyun showing her loyalty to the unni's? Maybe that... she didn't keep it to herself, but honestly told the unni's about it? O.o
































































































































































































































































































































But her reaction towards the message is really funny. As if a secret has been spilled and she's like 'Who the hell did that?!' :lol:

































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Guest missmoomin101


Omo, I am completely spazzing.  Actually, I've been spazzing the whole day!!!! I really can't wait for tomorrow, although I have a weird feeling that it won't be what we expect, it's still Yongseo and I've had Yongseo withdrawls for two weeks.  Thankfully MBC decided not to stretch the schedule change crazy.gif






I'm back from Uni! And boy, it was a bad day. I had train delay AGAIN in the morning for 30 minutes and on the way home another 45. And that while I usually take about three hours back and forth. Like that isn't enough. Anyway enough ranting. I tried to cheer myself up by thinking 'Just a few more hours. Then I'm home. Then I can










This is completely off topic, but may I ask which country you're from?  For some reason you sound British ^^


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Guest pseudonykkaii

Tis a FRIDAY!!!!!

and not just any friday!!!!The friday before YONGSEO!!!

I cannot wait!!!imma have to force myself to sleep!!!Better yet--i could marathon yongseo!!!

How super duper exciting!!

Happy yongseo eve everyone!!!



--omoya..theres londoners here??


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This is completely off topic, but may I ask which country you're from?  For some reason you sound British ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm from The Netherlands though ^^ haha but I tend to speak British-English rather than American-English because we were taught British in school and because I like it much better, the accent is sexy -lol- But how could you know it's British? O.O since you don't actually hear me speak it































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Tomorrow's episode better make me have a big richard simmons smile :D I've had a tough week and I think everyone here would agree to have some YongSeo vitamin enough to last for a whole week until the next Saturday!

































































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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































KSY: So what exactly happened that day?






























































































































































































































































































Seohyun: Well, one day…..I’ll never forget….














































































































































































































































































































KSY: Um, why?














































































































































































































































































































Jessica: Well, you don’t have to know it. (laugh)































































































































































































Thanks for reposting this, asiou415
































































































Ah. You know what I'm thinking, eh? Haha. So she can never forget that one. Oh I see. *evillaugh*
































































































Haha! Happy Big-richard simmons Smie Day, Gogumas. wub.gif Another Yongseo day after leaving us for a week. Ah. Expect the unexpected from Yongseo, don't blame Hyun if you didn't see what you want. But for me, I really want a backhug, holding hands - interlocking fingers, or a massage. I think kiss is too much for our 'CLEAN' 'HONEST' and 'INNOCENT' Hyun. I think Yong will agree also. phew.gif So, 10 more hours. I can't wait! Have a good day, fellow Gogumas! Godbless! rolleyes.gif
































































































































































































Guys, this is somewhat offtopic. Somewhat because it came from We Got Married too. w00t.gif Do you guys know what font is this?
































































































































































































Thank you! rolleyes.gif

















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Hi! So it's my first post here, I was lurking for a while but now I decide to share my love for Yongseo with all of you in our beautiful and sweet Goguma Land ^_^

I first watch WGM because of Yonghwa and discovered Seoyhun that I didn't know. She's really a nice, smart, calm and innocent girl whereas Yong is more an energetic, playful, passionate and nice guy.

In the beginning I thought she was too quite but in fact, she was just shy because now, I can see that she's really a funny girl who doesn't scared to confront Yong when she thinks he did something wrong and to show her real emotions toward him.

In the beginning of their relation I didn't like that Yong says "yes" in everything she wanted but since  he didn't know her, how she is and what she likes he didn't dare to say no. They were hiding their true feelings and opinions because they were strangers to each other. That's normal to act like that at the beginning of a relationship because they wanted to give a good impression of them to the other one. Now, she and he show their true feelings, defend their opinions and take care for one of the other one and this is so sweet to watch :wub:

I'm really excited for the next episode. I think she will hugs him and then, he will hugs her too *dream* or he will had a heart attack :lol: ...  just kidding ... maybe he will push her away and asks her what she's doing phew.gifsweatingbullets.gif ... no it's not possible, he must hug her blush.gif

It's really strange to think that it's Hyun who initiates skinship (her unnis probably urged her to do it ^^) but in an other hand, Yong will never do skinship if Hyun doesn't want it. I think he didn't try someting until now (even if he wants it XD) because he's waiting for  the first movement from Hyun.  

Haaaaa I really can't wait to see that.

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Guest nadihee












whoaaaaaaaaaaaa for less than 8 hours we can see them right away!!!! yeay super cant wait super duper cant wait.
























hhhh dugeun dugeun!:wub:



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Guest archiehon
























































Oooooooo...... can't help it i must chip in some of my thoughts of what could Hyun buin did. I'd love it if it was a kiss! But it's unlikely unless hyun is drunk! Maybe putting her head on his shoulder as they sit on a bench looking at the stars........ ok! I need to snap out of this euphoria. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah can't wait for the few hours to pass by. love you guys who had unfailingly made this thread the most Daebak thread ever! -lurking-:P









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Guest monkie2804

archiehon: same here. I also wish it would be a kiss on his cheek or sth of that sort. But since it's Hyun we're talking about, that might be impossible :( and I suddenly think it might be resting her head on his shoulders like you've said. That's be so romantic and natural as well >.<

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Here's my guess about what happens........ 

Just before they say say goodnight and leave each other, after having a long, sweet day together, Hyun makes an attempt to kiss Yong on the cheek.  

Yong recoils in surprise, not expecting ANYTHING like that from his shy Hyun buin!

He asks her what she was trying to do - and she shyly denies that she was trying to kiss him.

After they 'circle the earth' or 'beat around the bush' about 100 times (like they usually do), Hyun finally confesses.

Then Yong gives her a long, solemn stare eye-to-eye, sweeps her up in his arms and give her a soft, long kiss on the lips!

After which, she pulls herself away, looks into his eyes again while still in his arms.  Then steps back.  They both giggle and laugh and then sweetly wave at each other and say 'goodnight'.

Ahh, I can only dream!

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