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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hi everyone *wave*

Just drop by to check if there's anything new. Still excited for the coming episode. I don't want to be greedy. 

A simple hand holding or arm linking while walking through the night air would be romantic as well. Can't hope for more but U'll never know with these two wink.gif

                     The happy faces of YongSeo which always make Gogumas' heart melt wub.gif


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Thank you sun-sun for your sub. i want to ask you what can i download the videos from you. i really want to download videos with j2dlee's trans. but i dont know how to do it. do you have any downloads links for your videos? i hope i dont ask too much from you. thank you again for your work. fighting:-)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hi to all gogumas!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































to all those who wants to download sun_sun's videos with j2dlee subs, you can do these while watching our couple in youtube, twitvid, dailymotion, even tudou i guess. i asked sun_sun if this is okay with her and she readily agreed. i hope j2dlee don't mind, though i wrote her also a letter.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































your browser needs to be FIREFOX since this is a firefox add on.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































go to this link and download this https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3006/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































when you have installed it and you are now playing our couple's video, just click the down arrow on the right side of the video downloader icon, that three colored globes - yellow, blue, red thing that seems to be moving like an atom - and you now can now download the video.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for clearer instructions, you can watch this step by step guide in youtube:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































enjoy watching our fave couple over and over again!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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“Volcanic eruption” scene on WGM?








On MBC “We Got Married (WGM) Season 2″ which will be aired on November 20th, Seohyun tried to have skinship with her “hubby”, Jung Yonghwa.




The Yongseo couple who went on a backpacking trip to Kawagoe City in Japan for their reunion had a great time together and they looked like a student couple going on a date.




In the evening, the couple went to the traditional Japanese style inn, Ryokan. After having a meal, they decided to go for a bit of walk. While they were enjoying the evening together, Seohyun tried to have skinship with Yonghwa, but




Yonghwa who did not see it coming, gave a rather unusual response.




The ‘casters’ in the studio who saw the scene commented, “This scene gives me a ‘volcanic eruption’ kind of feeling”.




Excited? Make sure you catch the Yongseo couple tomorrow!






Credit: news.mk.co.kr/Fanwonder








I can't wait!!



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Guest lunasol


MountainMadman!! Thank U!! biggrin.gif




When I found the news headline I thought it was super funny!!! 


I was just expecting the usual weird Google translation, but thought that in this case it came out looking perfectly for what we were experiencing and I don't even use that phrase!!! hahahaha  




Just by reading your translated preview we all exploded here with Big-richard simmons smiles, so imagine what it ill be tomorrow!!




We definitely  should expect the 




Gogumas and Yongseo Big-richard simmons Smile Day!


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"Big-richard simmons smile"! LOL. That's actually a very good translation...I know that we'll be definitely having a lot of "big-richard simmons smiles" on that day. :D  <-- Like this.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Watching the 'We Got Married' MCs Park Mi-Sun, Kim Jung-Min, Seulong, Jinwoon, and Kim Na-Young cheer to Yonghwa's unexpected reaction was like watching a volcano explode."
































































































































































































































































Hmmmm....interesting. So the MC's are cheering more because of Yonghwa's reaction, rather than Hyun's attempt?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lol the big-richard simmons smiling started the moment we saw the trans :P
































































































































































































































































That's interesting then, maybe Hyun did something small, but still shocked the hell out of Yong and he did something amusingly cute again :) . We know he's done this a few times already the MCs were laughing hard each time right? :)

















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lampard, tks for the article!

woah...more suspense coming our way...

Yonghwa who did not see it coming, gave a rather unusual response.

dugeun dugeun...

mountain madman, volcano already erupted in goguma village after your translations.

it will be total chaos tomorrow! :lol:

i can't wait to see every goguma begin their post with a

'Happy Big-richard simmons Smile Day' greetings :lol::lol:

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hi fellow goguma villagers, I am travelling now, so I missed checking this thread for 2 days and now it exploded! :D:D




















Many thanks to mountainman's translation.




















That's what a vacation to a foreign country do to a couple, especially when you spend the whole day together!




















Given the character of Hyun, I am not expecting much. I would think that maybe when they were walking together and she just slip her arm around his much like the time when they were at jeongdongjin sharing an umbrella. (if she attempt anything more than this, I think I will go crazy with happiness, haha no wonder in NAN Yong is looking so happy).




















Then Yong's reaction will be like the time when she tried to do the avatar thing. :P




















Anyway, am looking fwd to this saturday's ep!!!



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Guest ichigo_kawai

Anyeong everyone.....^_^. *waves* to all my family in here....

"Kyaaaa.."  I'm very surprised...coz this page moving so fast today..ke..ke..ke

"Kyaaaa"  part 2..Seobody Contact? EEE..skinship? and yonghwa big richard simmons smile..?

 "KYAAA" ..part 3

@ jnj

hyun's initiated skinship

a kiss (tho i still think its too much for hyun),

holding hands,



a peck on the cheek

woaaaa... :wub: I'm really happy coz it's hyun's initiated skinship.....

Thanks everyone for the link and to all lovely translator ....Kamsahamnida

I wanna share this today....

Everyone for waiting DAEBAK SATURDAY...Please watching my videos "Parody Yongseo Part 2"

Here is the link..PARODY YONGSEO PART 2

please watching & comments...




MC: Who do you think is the sexiest member among you? Or people who have an excptional amount of male fans?


Hyeoyon: For me..it's our maknae, our maknae is still getting taller. And for few us unnies, although it's abit humiliating for us, we have to look up at her. And so occasionally, I look our maknae and think " wow, she's sexy."

Sunny: We've seen her since was a kid. Since she was a little child , so althogh the rest of us still growing too.We're only two years older than her, but we still feel like we're the unnie so we look at seohyun and think " Oh my, when she get this tall?"

"Based on physiognomic judgments of fortune"

"For this person this part cathes my attention the most.It's called noodang" in physiognomy. It's called the "male-female bulge" or" child bulge"

(fat under the eyes is seen as an atracctive trait to koreans) it's very pronounced.

You could call it sexiness. Because this person has this sexiness, men often think of her as a sexy female.Instinctively.

If she expresses herself in a sexy manner, the synergistic effect will greatly increase."


MC: You know your"aegyo fat" under eyes?

Hyun: yes

Tiffany: She really doesn't like it.

Hyun: It gives me a lot of stress.

Tiffany: Your luck with men.. apparently you're the type of girl that guys like.

MC: Apparently this is incridible sexy to men. so for you to be more successful, if you stress yoursexiness more, he said you'll achieve incridible success.

Tiffany: Her expression.

MC: Why?

Tiffany: Since she's the maknae..

MC: Oh, maknae isn't..she isn't sexy?

Tifanny: Our maknae finds being sexy very difficult and awkward.

MC: Really?

Hyun: Ne.....

And for another interview...

MC: who do you think has the best body figure in your group?

Suyong: Seohyun..

Taeyon: Seohyun at night does gymnastics

And then tiffany stated: "I often think 'Seohyun is so ladylike and mature now'"


Cr. Soshisubs

Thanks everyone...^_^

Edit: @Dreamyboo..Thanks unnie ^_^ and thanks for sharing your imagination..ke.ke..ke nomu choayo!!

         @jnj Thanks ^_^

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arghhhh all the comments here already makes me feel giddy, super dupper excited....otoke...i cant watch the show live:tears: due to my super snail internet connection at home....should i go to office tomorrow morning, then i will get high speed connection...:ph34r:

sorry i had nothing to share actually.....im really JEALOUS:phew: for those can watch this show live tomorrow....hahahha.... and all the news that i read provided by the gogumas here make me cant go to sleep already....hahahaha.....aigooo....now im so impatient to wait for Saturday.....fast forward the time plsssss:crazy:

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This is DABAK! After a week of absent, am so excited to learn of the couple new progress! Can't wait for tomorrow to come!!! I will be going to Kawagoe tmr, hope to get the taste of the sweetpotato ice-cream and the shrine that they went..Though am not sure which shrine did they went but hopefully will experience the same sight that they had. It will be a great day tmr and i hope my tokyo hotel will have internet access to catch tmr eps!
















This is DAEBAK! After a week of absent , am getting excited on our couple new progress! And coming from Seohyun, it really mean something!!! Am looking forward to tmr as am going Kawagoe tmr! Hope to experience the sweet potaoto icecream and the shrine that they went, though it seems there are a few shrines there. Nethertheless, am so getting excited of their one BIG step forward in their relationship. Hopefully, my tokyo hotel will has internet access so i can catch tmr DAEBAK eps!

















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i guess i venture a guess about seohyun's attempt....


I was thinking about the unfinished avatar connection during the last episode blush.gif so...


maybe sohyun attempt a hug or massage and even piggy back ride and yong did an avatar connnection with her... hehehe...


piggyback ride plus avatr connection will be cute.:w00t:


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Guest ricevol





YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! I just want to shout out loud *sol*



I cannot even shut my mouth after reading the review, also read your comments with your guesses make my mouth hurt so bad from smiling hard =))...because I'll then imagine how it is gonna be in my head... w00t.gif oh shoot...kiss???? w00t.gif I will rest in peace after seeing it in my own eyes...I have no regret left...just that can be enough.\



But yes as all of you said, let's not expect much. Actually for me, I think (after quite a time brainstorming what she would do beside all *yum yum though in my mind*) she would initiatively link her arm to his and walk arm in arm. It might not be hand in hand since...well...just because I don't think she would do that.



Or I would hate the PDs to death if they just cut that scence right at that moment and let us wait till next week. HOPE NOT!





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dang!!! even while i was driving home, i kept on imagining the possible scenes that could've started the volcanic eruption amongst the MCs! and goshhh i think i must've looked like a smiling madwoman in the car! xD

my 1st imagination would be... yongseo taking a walk in the park after dinner. talking while walking & brushing each others' shoulder once a while :D and then... jja-jjang!! hyun slipped her hand around yong's arm or hand... and they walked happily to their destination. :wub: something like in this gif keke!


my 2nd imagination would be... yongseo walking along the old shops in the area. while talking, walking & being aware of each other, hyun suddenly saw something interesting along the way & automatically pulled yong by the hand to the place of interest & their hands got stuck till the end xD OR found an excuse to hold yong's hand by pulling him by the hand to the place of interest & their hands got stuck till the end... kaakakakak :lol:

but i'm still confused as to why yong's reaction would be unexpected... in what way? did he act like he wasn't interested in her initiated skinship at 1st OR did he further her initiated skinship with an even more intimate one???? KYAAAAAAAAAAA @ THE THOUGHT! :w00t: how will yong react tomorrow? will we see something like this tomorrow or even better than this!? KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


lol @ lenovo's WORDS OF THE DAY! xD

jnj, i think piggyback may just be it! good idea, girl! LOL

mountainmadman, kamsahamnida again~! u're jjang!

ichigo-chan~! ROFL!!! hahahah ur 2nd parody is HILARIOUSLY GOOD! loveee it!! haha :w00t: *hugs*


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This is DABAK! After a week of absent, am so excited to learn of the couple new progress! Can't wait for tomorrow to come!!! I will be going to Kawagoe tmr, hope to get the taste of the sweetpotato ice-cream and the shrine that they went..Though am not sure which shrine did they went but hopefully will experience the same sight that they had. It will be a great day tmr and i hope my tokyo hotel will have internet access to catch tmr eps!

And coming from Seohyun, it really mean something!!! Am looking forward to tmr as am going Kawagoe tmr! Hope to experience the sweet potaoto icecream and the shrine that they went, though it seems there are a few shrines there. Nethertheless, am so getting excited of their one BIG step forward in their relationship. Hopefully, my tokyo hotel will has internet access so i can catch tmr DAEBAK eps!

hope u can also try the set A, and see if u can spot any pic of yongseo in that

restaurant. anything, anything related to yongseo is a gem for us in this village!

looking forward for you to share your adventure there.

enjoy the trip!

ichigo....kawai! ^_^

dreamy..that couple looks so much like uri yongseo :wub:

i should be asleep by now, but i can't! my imagination running wild!

as we all know, sometimes hyun will tripped while walking.

so i'm also imagining that she'll tripped somewhere, then grabbed tight hubby's arm.

yong taken by surprised, upped the skinship by volunteering to piggyback her!

someone wrote something abt hyun backhugging yong, then yong attempt to turn to face her,

hyun getting all shy, hide her face onto yong's shoulder, and they ended up in circles, trying to see each other's face! i loved this too!

*to the someone, sorry that i forgot your name, but i do rmbr your daebak post*

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Guest Faith_memory


















even though a simple skinship like this... can make me really happy!! kekeke~!! ♥ im widely awake gogumas. keke!














a simple hi5!!!




























kekeke something like this maybe?




























piggy back ride???
























































*sighs* ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ these two... ♥

















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Guest Crystal392

OMG I’m here at my uni grinning like a fool while reading all your comments. Hehehe I ♥ them!


am really curious about Yong’s reaction. And whatever it is that Hyun did I am so happy and proud of her! OMG I am also curious about what she did… just imagining them… blush.gifw00t.gif OMG is it going to be as sweet as their birthday ep?

YongSeo jjang! :D

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OOOOOOHHHHHH NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! What am I going to do???? :crazy:
































































































































































I have tickets to see HARRY POTTER tonight....
































































































































































YONGSEO harry potterYONGSEO harry potter YONGSEO harry potter YONGSEO harry potter YONGSEO harry potter YONGSEO harry potterYONGSEO harry potterYONGSEO harry potterYONGSEO harry potter
































































































































































What do I choose??
































































































































































































































































































































Maybe I can buy tickets for the 7:45 show and switch the tickets out while trying to convince my hubby that it was for that time all along instead of 11pm... :w00t:
































































































































































I'm such a YONGSEO addict... I need my fix! LOL!
































































































































































EDIT: Oh for the love of MIKE! What are the chances of my topping the page twice in 24 hours?? Aissshhh... nothing to share except my fanfic again... http://www.soompi.com/forums/topic/348764-destined-to-love-you/page__view__findpost__p__16668661
































































































































































(I'm sorry if this is getting old blush.gif )

































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i was just on gogumalove@tumblr and they have these series of sayings. they were picture files and i didnt want to have to save all of them so i just copied what the blocks/pictures said:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































how freaking cute is that?!
































































































































































































oh i cant wait. only... about 16 or so more hours. lol.

































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Guest Caliope

What could be the skinship?

- Kiss

- Holding hands

- Hug

- Backhug

- A peck on the cheek

- Piggyback

- Massage

- Walking with arms arnd each other

I think a kiss can be too much for Hyuun, but... what else could produce a feeling of volcanic eruption?

I would like it to be backhug... ^^

We will wish next episode will be aprox. 30 minutes ^^


prncsscharming... WOW!! I will go to see Harry Potter tonight, too xDDDD

panGG... I miss you so much ^^)

Yes!! I love new JJASSHIK meaning... ^^

EDIT2: oK!! jnj ^^ In my country it's friday.... ¬¬

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i enjoy all the posts in this thread. last week this thread was so quiet that many negative ideas came into my mind. but now... many goguma couple fans have come out posting their views and it is my turn now.

i have just finished watching snsd 'hoot' yesterday performance at the music bank. at the encore section, i have a very strong feeling ... yong's buin really grew up a lot and changed a lot. she is more open than before, more proactive than before giving speech in front of her unnies. i would count this as one of the positive impacts yong has on his buin. yong is playful, but as hyun spoke in backroom interview, yong is a 'work hard, play hard' type. in many incidents, hyun made the same comments on yong when she was asked. i always think that they are really lucky to have each other appearing in their lives when they are that young. i foresee that the coming years will be very important to both of them, in terms of their positioning in the music business and their own development in the entertainment industry, whether generally accepted as 'model' idols or not.

about tomorrow ep, my imagination is that ... as it is already evening, it becomes dark. so hyun tries to make an excuse to hold yong's hand, but innocent yong who does not realise hyun's intention thinks she wants to go back to the inn...

kiss... i want the rumor becoming true... but still hardly to believe ... as you know we are talking about hyun (who is totally an innocent girl) and yong (who is so protective to his buin)...omg...can't wait for tomorrow ep.

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