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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Caliope

For who have problems with TwitVid...

I uploaded in Youtube ^^

This is the link: Relationship Advices and Interrogating Yong LINK BROKEN ¬¬

You can download with Vdownloader Program... ^^

Please enjoy!!

Onlyy 2 days and... WGM!!

EDIT: Thank you, MountainMadman ^^

EDIT2: Ricevol... is solved ^^

RE-EDIT: Blocked?? O_O Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! So fastttttttttttttttt!!! crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.giftears.gif

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Guest ricevol





@Faith_memory: thank you very much for the link!!! We can see the RING DING DONG so clear, and he looks so happy singing LOVE LIGHT



I just wish the girl who sing with them was our Seo baby...oh it could be DAEBAK!!!



@dreamyboo: thank again for the FMV, I still watch it everyday lol...like again and again, both for the song but also for the extreme beauty of our beloved couple :wub:



I have been listening to some Yiruma's pieces...and I love it! Just wondering where can I find the song with him or other singers sing his songs? All I have just the piano versions without singer. Your background music of "River flows in you" has a male singer sing this piece while what I have only the piano version...:sweatingbullets:blush.gif



Thanks for the sub of NAN, but I cannot download from Twitvid in both versions too. :tears:



Sure I'm going to be on could 9 when It's Saturday



Edit: @caliope: thanks for uploading it on Youtube but i think the link is wrong :sweatingbullets:


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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































































For awhile i got really excited when i read in allkpop that MBC released a BTS Clip of  Adam couple,






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































i thought for awhile, maybe they're going to release one with Yongseo too since WGM was cancelled last saturday,






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































then i realized that the adam couple are the only ones left without the unseen footages...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahhh seriously MBC, i demand a bts yongseo clip now... :sweatingbullets:

































































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caliope, the link that u posted brought me back to page 1..

dreamy, did u make another fmv? where?

to those asking abt MC KIm's tweet,

quoted crystal

"i think he tweeted last week saying WGM wouldn't be aired that week but he didn't tweet saying what was the latest ep going to be about."

i was bored and decided to read from page one, and its interesting to know

that gogumas have been crazy abt spotting the couple ring, right from day one! :sweatingbullets:


caliope, the link is blocked already?! :sweatingbullets:

hi mrsjoker,

abt yong's first reason..i nvr believe it too :rolleyes:

and if i could speak for myself,

this goguma DO actually know and believe the reason why

yongseo wear their couple rings 24/7..;)

but if i can borrow your WHAT IF..

it would be like..

What If...yongseo were to stop wearing their rings...

i think i'll go crazy.gifcrazy.giftears.gif

DJ, did u get my PM?

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Guest mrsjoker


ah...seriously...it feels like ages ago since my last post. I miss this thread...   I'm glad to see that we are hanging on quite well in this goguma deprived period.... we can do it...just 3 more days to go before another round of goguma happy pill... ^_^

Thank you CallMeDayDreamer for Yong recent pic in the style icon awards...you're so fast...

anyway i just wanted to say that it gives me warm vibe everytime i saw Yong don't wear any ring except for his couple ring...it made it feel so special, It's as if other rings that he wore is just a piece of accecories that he couldn't care less if he wears it or not, the only ring he cares about is the RING DING DONG, it's like a part of him. :wub:

I know recently we are discussing on the indication of a "subtle" confesion that Yong made in NAN. Like many of you, I do see that he was taken off guard and find that actually his questions was an impromptu questions, as he was so amaze at what Psy was demonstarting and he can't help to wonder "but will it work for an upright honest girl" and so without him knowing it, he spontaneously blabber out those question and get himself cornered instead. But the funny thing is when i watch those NAN cuts, i find myself spazzing more over the RING DING DONG instead of his gesture.

I don't know why...but the more i think of it, there is no more subtle way to express how Yong and Hyun feelings than the obvious existence of the RING DING DONG in their hands and the fact that both are wearing it in their own respective schedule outside WGM. I mean EVERYONE knows about their couple ring and the fact that both are wearing it in almost every schedule they have, fans and in laws are spazzing over it... BUT i don't think someone ever confront them about it, and by confront i meant real confrontation...like questioning what does the couple ring means to both of them since they wear it almost everywhere. It is like a CLEAR sign of something fishy going on with the both of them but everyone pass it with the thinking that ah perhaps it's part of WGM promotion, or because Yong easily loses things so he wears his couple ring, but i don't remember Hyun ever stated the reason why she wears the couple ring everywhere too now.




I know that this can be dabateable and that the ring ding dong must not be taken as something significant to indicate their real relationship as it may just be some kind of "promotion tool" for WGM, but right now to me the more i'm trying to see through and analyze them beyond "the couple ring", the more i see how simple and crystal clear the ring could actually meant for them.. it's a token of something special to both of them...


You know ...humour me in this one but i just want to say that WHAT IF...


WHAT IF the "sign" that we all trying so hard to read and thus spending energy in disecting and analyzing their body language, gesture or words in every episodes, or fancams or shows that they are in... actually can be found in a simple ring. A ring that we so often spazz about but never actually knew the reason why they both so committed in wearing it in their own respective schedule outside WGM and outside MBC shows/events....


Cause honestly right now i don't trust Yong's first reason (because he easily loses things so he wears it a lot) as to why he always wears the ring... Idols have coordi noona to help them "not losing things easily" and also i don't think i recall ever heard of Hyun reason as to why she wear the ring a lot now. And i too don't recall someone ever cornered them about the ring, even Heechul who was so openly teasing Yong in his radio show does not questioned him about the ring. So...what if...



ah...i don't mean to wrote an essay again... mianhe... :P




ps : oh and thank you to MountainMadman for the translation on NAN cuts... :lol:


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Guest DJHinata

aaaw !! thanks caliope!! this couple make me feeeeelll inloveee~~ ♥  and omg i can't wait for saturday!! come pali pali pali!!! Japan date 2 part!! "How many gogumas?!!!!"

I have a question!! Anyone knows the opening song of wgm.. is this < wgm song >

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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































For who have problems with TwitVid...
































































































































I uploaded in Youtube ^^
































































































































This is the link: Relationship Advices and Interrogating Yong






























































































































































































































































































































































































Dang! the video got blocked by SBS already. they're so fast.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's useless to upload SBS videos on youtube coz they're just going to automatically block it.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Why don't you try vimeo.com???

































































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caliope, thanks for the effort :D but i was thinking... to avoid some problems to some who may not be able to access/watch the vids properly, maybe u can upload it in megaupload or mediafire for everyone to download? this is just a suggestion ^^

ricevol~! LOL... i'm very happy to know that u've been watching it lotsa times! kekeke :D ummm the vocal for RIVER FLOWS IN YOU is by Ruvin (no idea who he is though). here's the dl link: http://www.4shared.com/get/Ksc7kHNq/Yiruma_-_River_Flows_In_You__V.html

after the countdown is done, click on the "Muat turun fail sekarang" & the dl will commence. enjoy~! :)

jnj... aigooo uuuuuu're so heartless! how could u not know chingooo T.T haha! just pulling ur leg... i guess u've missed it. here'smy latest fmv. enjoy~! :D

mrsjoker~!!! woooo i missed u so muchie!!! >.< haha i ROFLed @ ur insight! u may be right! we gogumas could've been over-analyzing yongseo! for all we know, the most obvious clue could just simply be the ring! haha u're BRILLIANT! xD yong went all coward when they all pointed to his ring in NAN! pooor boy~! nonetheless, NAN also tells us that most of the ppl in the entertainment know that yong likes hyun. they all know. that means what yongseo gives onscreen is mostly GENUINE! oh ya, i guess yonghwa hasn't kissed hyun huh based on NAN. xD ahhh i'm imagining yong kissing hyuun right now KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :wub:

KEKE i can't wait to see yongseo eating goguma ice-cream & also to see them being lovey dovey in the resort this saturday~! wooot!!!! since lotsa ppl have been saying that it's another big turning point for yongseo.... pallli come saturdayyyy xD

goonite gogumas~!


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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































































@mrsjoker, I know what you mean too.































































































































































































































































I've been wondering about the ring too for quite some time.































































































































































































































































I don't really spazz so much about it whenever i see someone post the words "ring ding dong",































































































































































































































































but i am happy whenever i see them wearing it.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































My curiosity about the ring got really piqued when i saw pics of Hyun recently wearing the ring while she's was in school.































































































































































































































































My first reaction was like "Damn, he must be really important to her coz she's wearing the ring even if she's in school."































































































































































































































































Also, same with Yong whenever i see candid pics of him going to inki rehearsals wearing the ring.































































































































































































































































They didn't have to wear it all the time, you know, coz the couple ring was supposed to be for WGM only.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































the fact that they're wearing their ring even in their normal days, is already saying something.































































































































































































































































I don't know why, maybe because i'm weird, but as long as i see them wear the ring i feel at ease lol....































































































































































































































































When people try to analyze or dissect their feelings or sincerity towards each other, i get confused too, you know..lol































































































































































































































































then, i see them wearing their ring and i'd be like "nah they're doing fine..."































































































































































































































































I don't know, the ring sorta became a symbolism for me that they have something special going on with each other.































































































































































































































































It's like a silent statement of "He's mine, she's mine" lol






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't really get worried when they don't wear sometimes too. I understand them since they're performers.































































































































































































































































I'd worry if they really stop wearing the ring altogether, then wear it back again during or for the show. :sweatingbullets:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Am i making any sense??? :lol:




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When was Yong-hwa’s Last Kiss?
































































 November 17, 2010 at  6:32 am    
































































































































































































































































Daesung, Jung Yong-hwa, and Uee join Park  Myung-soo, Kim Jae-dong, and Tak  Jae-hoon as the MCs for new variety show Night After Night.   The show’s first guests were Kim Soo-ro and PSY.   The tables get turned on Yong-hwa after he asks PSY about talking to  girls.  After showing his prowess with talking to girls with Uee,  Yong-hwa asks PSY “What are you supposed to do if you like a girl who  lives life very cleanly and honestly?”  The MCs  jump in and start  asking Yong-hwa questions about who this “girl who lives life very  cleanly and honestly” could be and then put him in the hot seat to  answer questions.  It was like leading a lamb to the slaughter…
































































































































Of course Yong-hwa doesn’t say anything not even mentioning his virtual  wife Seohyun, but actions speak louder than words, him  playing with his couple ring while they were grilling him was telling,  no?  And, his abrupt end to the questioning when the talk of last kisses  came up was the seal to the deal.  He sure set himself up for that one,  I wonder if that was in the script?  It could be all acting, but… I ♥  SeoHwa.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG! Lollllllllllllllllllllll






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love seoulbeats...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Some of the writers over there are also yongseo fans.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest ricevol





@dreamyboo: downloading... :wub: can i give you a hug right now *hugs*. I'm a happy Rice keke :x kamsahamnida *hugs*



@caliope: Otoke???? I want to watch it with sub so bad tears.gif Blocked already? Anyway, thanks for such hard work of yours. And yes, can you please please upload it somewhere so that we can download it :rolleyes:blush.gif



Thanks for all of your analysings, I love reading your thought on their behavior. I believe they will keep the RING DING DONG for the rest of their lives (for whatever the future holds...with my all sense)


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Guest baby_bo
















btw, congrats to CNBLUE for winning New Style Icon for Singers category yesterday. I watched it live and the boys all looked amazing. Their live perf with YoonJi was daebak! :)




and also, please please help us guys, we only need a few more to complete the booklet.




We need info for these villagers who gave out their reasons. If we get their infos then we are all set!




We need help please..




Ladylia257, thanks for the PM :) We really appreciate it.




Jes_see, _____, Australia







Afifah, _____, Ireland







Leslie_lei, _____, _____







Lucy_marie, _____, _____







Blueswim_boo, _____, _____







Mashamishmash, _____, _____







Jielun_Aini, _____, _____







Miel_1301, _____, _____







Aurevoir, _____, _____







Cailei, _____, USA







Kevin1320, _____, _____







Kulaylay, _____, _____







DJHinata, _____, _____






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Guest bezbezbez




































Jes_see, _____, Australia



























Afifah, _____, Ireland































Leslie_lei, _____, _____































Lucy_marie, _____, _____































Blueswim_boo, _____, _____































Mashamishmash, _____, _____































Jielun_Aini, _____, _____































Cailei, _____, USA































Kevin1320, _____, _____































Kulaylay, _____, _____































DJHinata, _____, _____































Please complete it as soon as possible :)































The reasons that you posted here or sent on our gmail account will be void if you have any missing personal info...





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Guest wallpaperfood








mrsjoker, so glad to see u posting after a while!




I do agree about the ring - it's like an underrated symbol where we all go "OMG RING DING DONG!!!" and that's it...but (here I go, contradicting myself again) what if Yong wears it because if he doesn't, Hyun will "scold him"? Re:ep 28 - her backroom interview where she was hurt/upset about him not wearing the ring. We didn't see her confronting him about it on WGM, so maybe they edited it out, or Yong saw the broadcast himself. Either way, I think maybe Yong doesn't want to hurt her (and to also not encounter her fury again) maybe, and that's why he always wears it?




On a brighter note, although I do stand by what I just mentioned, I think that's how it started out, but as time went by, I honestly think the ring means much more to both parties now.












and dreamyboo, I was also stoked to find out that even Kim Soo Ro knows about Yongseo, let alone a WGM Idol couple!!!...Yongseo must be a hot silent topic at the way it got everyone's attention - even the other MCs were in on it! That was a revelation for me ^^





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Guest SwEEtGoguma_7







Hi everyone first thank all of YOU for translation.videos and pics I really love and enjoy to read all your comments.Please saturday come soon please palli.Im so bored and found this fanvideo of uri yongseo couple in Yongseo facebook site.









http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdlnAqcTtWM ( I hope I didnt break some rules if I share the link like that :()









Im sorry I have nothing to share.









I wish all Goguma Lovers a sweet dream.


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hi all of you :D 


this is my first post in soompi :D 





some of you may notice the "lesser talk" about this couple lately, especially during seohyun/snsd interview..


well i found some interesting article that maybe can explain why  *sorry i'm not good at english :(





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Guest kevin1320





oh really sorry guys....it looks like u guys need my country...oh ok, im 20 and from USA...



sorry for being late...i seriously didnt know u guys need it......



omo..today CNblue sang Love Light with Yori..i think it should be more meaningful if Seohuyn was invited there to sing with them....



anyway, they r awesome....good job ...congratulationnnnn


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Guest Caliope


Night After Night Sub. English(Long Cut: 9 Minutes): DOWNLOAD BY MU

Night After Night Sub. English(Long Cut: 9 Minutes): DOWNLOAD BY MF

If the file is temporarily disabled, please refresh the page or try again later.

I tried vimeo... but No works... ¬¬

I tried Dailymotion.... but no works too... ¬¬

Ahhh!! Ottoke!!

Well... Finally, you can download ^^ Enjoy

EDIT: TOP the page... oh... Today, the luck isn't on my side... :unsure:

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Guest baby_bo








Thank you so much kevin1320 :)




A few more and we will soon reach the 300 target. Thank you so much :)







Jes_see, _____, Australia







Afifah, _____, Ireland







Leslie_lei, _____, _____







Lucy_marie, _____, _____







Blueswim_boo, _____, _____







Mashamishmash, _____, _____







Jielun_Aini, _____, _____







Cailei, _____, USA







Kulaylay, _____, _____







DJHinata, _____, _____







oh really sorry guys....it looks like u guys need my country...oh ok, im 20 and from USA...




sorry for being late...i seriously didnt know u guys need it......




omo..today CNblue sang Love Light with Yori..i think it should be more meaningful if Seohuyn was invited there to sing with them....




anyway, they r awesome....good job ...congratulationnnnn







sharing.. :)




Seohyun and her unnies at Starking recording with Jungshin Chingu :)








from ellegirl japan








and YOnghwa's biggest rival! LOL





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Guest Crystal392





mrsjoker: I loved your post :)








CallMeDayDreamer: lol I wonder if the writer of that article is a soompier too? hehehe and lives with us in Goguma Planet :P








Caliope: You are amazing!! Thanks so much for all the effort ♥








baby_bo: hehehe that's so funny. but sorry dear Keroro Gunzo, she already got married ;)








2 more days and a half untile a new WGM ep! :w00t:








*Some fanmade videos:











~A bit old fanmade video but pretty cool~








다크 용서커플 Dark YongSeo Couple (CNBLUE Yonghwa & SNSD Seohyun) MV



~Very sweet MV, lovely song~






~I really loved this MV :wub:~



on a night like this




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Guest Crystal392







~When you look at me I...



















~Hyun~ moving her hand when she saw her Yong~ ~


















~Yong~ began to run when he saw his Hyun~ BONUS: MC's spazzing~














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