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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest chilipadi_22






this thread is moving very slowly today.


usually with MC Kim's tweet, this thread would be bustling with goguma's comments. but it does not seem so today.


by the way, thank you for all the wonderful fanfics, translations, fancams, videos and pictures! really appreciate all fellow gogumas have contricuted.


anyway, just 3 more days to saturday. hang on, fellow gogumas!! :)


getting really excited despite my exams. heehee^^



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Guest ichigo_kawai

Anyeong everyone..

Thanks to everyone for sharing all about yongseo couple...

@jnj thanks..I'm happy u like it...

@Crystal Thanks for sharing all lovely yongseo pict...

For waiting this saturday...Here is.. I made yongseo fmv parody version part 1

here is the link:

Saturday..pali..pali.....!  ^_^

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Guest nadihee

Hello Hello Annyeong Goguma villagers!! so nice reading this thread. cincca cincca this thread is my mood booster. i've been reading this thread since the beginning but i'm too lazy to make an account hehe.

Just wanna ask, IS THERE WGM THIS WEEK?  can someone tell me???

and i just want to share a random opinion bout wgm. i've just watched something before i post this. i watched hankyung interview on china and he talked bout korean variety show. he said, most of the korean variety show, didn't tell the artist bout what will happened on the show before recording. the crew just give em an outline and he (hankyung) said, almost everything whats going on in variety show is improvisation from the artist. and after watch this interview, this thought just crossed my mind, so what happened on wgm is kinda true?? i hope soo. i really hope yongseo become real. they are an awesome couple!!! YEAH ROCKS GOGUMA  COUPLE!! :wub::wub:

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Guest CallMeDayDreamer































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong seobang and his CB Blue brothers attended the Style Icon Awards...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































and guess what?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































They won the New Style Icon Award...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm sure Hyun buin is so proud of her hubby and her brother in laws... ^_^
































































































































Congrats boys!

































































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Guest nadihee

SATURDAY PALLI PALLI PALLI!!!!!!! I REALLY CANT WAIT FOR THIS SATURDAYYYY KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! hope there will be a very fast english subtitle out. kyaaa yongseo :wub:

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Guest jo_dud10

crystal malfoy: Thanks for the link! I will definitely be watching these videos over and over again! yehey!

I am so wishing Yongseo couple would have a wedding ceremony soon! spazzingg.... :wub:

They would really make a beautiful groom & bride!

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Guest nadihee



Yong seobang and his CB Blue brothers attended the Style Icon Awards...

and guess what?

They won the New Style Icon Award...

I'm sure Hyun buin is so proud of her hubby and her brother in laws... ^_^

Congrats boys!

i dont see ring ding dong :unsure::(:(:(


hehe sorry i see it now!! aaaa yong sobang!! very love love love

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Guest wallpaperfood

lol i've just watched the NAN cut for the nth time, (which I don't think any goguma here would find surprising, cos u guys did too :P).

sigh I'm meant to be studying for my exam tmr, but I'm analysing Yong's behaviour instead! haha.

Anyway, I was a bit pessimistic in my first post about NAN, but after reconsidering, I've decided that Yong was certainly not faking anything.

The guy we see here isn't the diplomatic, calm/collected Yong whom you can always count on tackling Hyun-related questions thrown at him by the press, foreign media, sister-in-laws and hyun's SM oppas; here he's been caught waaaaay off-guard. I've never seen him in this state before. In ep 27, it was hard to judge how much he had let his guard down in comparison, because of the different situations (fishing + Hyun VS random entertainers, some very famous). Here during NAN, he had been caught so visibly off-guard I kinda felt sorry for him, the poor guy ! :P

Like someone mentioned, he could have just insisted his question was just a "general" one, for the curiosity of the viewers (or make sth up like that - he's good at impromptu/freestyle isn't he?^^), but he totally surrendered the minute he looked down with a defeatist smile after KimJD's "Is there a motive for asking this question?" DIdn't even put up a fight, but walked straight to the chair waiting for him.

Looks like he wasn't even trying to hide it, but went with the flow because, well, he knew he was 'busted'. I'm not going to make any grand conclusions about the state of his relationship with Hyun, I just wanted to point out how he was significantly, 180-degree different because this question hit straight to the/(his) heart. Cheers to PSY for confronting that! So far, Yong had only received questions he could easily bull%^& his way out of (given his ability to do so - IMO), hence a lot have been speculating his sincerity regarding WGM/Hyun. NAN exposed his inner thoughts to the public for the very first time.

I think the only other time I've seen him caught mildly off-guard (other than WGM) was that clip of CNBlue at Jeju Island (?), where the interviewer pointed out that Yong had just referred to Hyun as "Seohyunnie" rather than "Seohyun-shi", and he had been silent (like in NAN) and just smiled/admitted that he did, in a helpless deer-caught-in-the-headlights sort of way. The only difference is that the interviewer didn't press him for more. Which is okay, I guess, since Yongseo were definitely not as close as they are now, so I'm happy that PSY probed him at this stage XD.

(anyway, I should feel bad towards Sones/Boices/SM/FNC/MBC/whomever lol...but I'm selfishly rejoicing here, choisamhamnida!)


nadihee dear, thanks for that info from Hankyung! Omg that got me excited - it seems that yong really did slip ^^! And yeah, it'd be so taxing on the mind to follow a script for such a long taping, I always had a feeling there had to be improvisation.

(Oh, and it's against Soompi rules to quote images (I've done it once when I first started, and got like 30 negative votes -.-", and totally didn't know what was wrong then lolll) . You can take off the %7Boption%7D tags or just repost the picture :)

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sarturday, why are you so far away. i feel like i can not wait anymore. my head now full with fanfics and imagination. but i need Yongseo dose now. i rewatch all the eps, dont know how many time? but it seems not enough without yongseo every week. please PD nim, 30 minute of Yongseo this week please:-)


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Guest YongSeo
























Just like all gogumas, the lack of yongseo's dosage makes me rewatch all the episodes.. and I'm loving it. The qns that Yong posed in NAN is daemak!! Will this psy always appear in NAN? Will they be talking about relationship in every episode? If so, then we can look forward to them unveiling more of Yong's secrets!!








I have another query. Does WGM subsidy all the expenses that the couples do e.g. buying gifts for each other, preparing events etc?









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Guest nadihee












to wallpaperfood whoaaa i've just known that! i didnt read the rules before i started. thanks anyway for remainding. and thanks for the ur analysis. that is a deep thought. aa this is why i enjoy reading this thread. many people have excellent thought ^_^^_^



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Guest gauri92










ok....ami the only one facing problems with twitvid...???? it just does not seem to load properly and stops every few seconds...






even wen i leave it on to buffer....doesn't work!!! argghhh...!!!!






i really really wanna c the NAN segment 'cuz it seems amazing...and PSY is such an snsd fan, love him!!!






frm wht lil i cud c....yong was being grilled quite badly...but he must have gotten something useful out of it...



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Guest mochandlatte








recalling those juicy bit of news that hongki, jonghyun & simon shared abt yong



being in wgm, i think yong must have shared something with them



u know, a guy to guy talk?













Hi sorry to cut your post. I was just wondering what are the news that hongki, jonghyun and simon shared. I have been too busy with life nowadays to read every single post. Would appreciate if someone could answer me pleaseee...






Anyway, really miss yongseo loads. :(



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jnj - Thanks for that lovely pix were hyun and Yong's eyeball are in each other's direction and Yuri is looking lovingly at Hyun. hahaha.




























































Callmedaydreamer - that pix of Yong is so dashing!




























































Yongseo - whether WGM subsidise all the gift expense - I think nobody knows except the crew!

I always wonder about that one too. But I think to a large extent its on the celebrity's own account. Because e.g. Hyun bought so many gifts and books for Yong and some of them are from the posh Phuket hotel. I think if they claim everything, it is difficult to justify the expenses. But things like making kimchi and eating at the revolving sushi restaurant - I think the production team should pick up the bill becos I would think they are the one who made the celebs go there.




























































wallpaperfood - "in a helpless deer-caught-in-the-headlights sort of way" haha, so funny! But I agree! Really, he slipped up in the jeju interviewed? I havent watched that one.




























































I was just speaking to a new Korean friend the other day and we chat about WGM, from what she say, it seems like it is quite normal for Hyun not being able to speak banmal especially if they come from well to do families. She say she herself cannot speak banmal easily even to people younger to her. Anyway just sharing this korean cultural thing.




















Two more days to WGM!!!



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annyeong gogumas~! just popping out for some THANK Us ^^

thanks everyone for the interesting POVs... especially about NAN! ohohohoh yong's busted! :w00t:

mountainmadman, i'm glad that u decided to come out of ur lurking~! thanks so much for the trans ya :)

lunasol... u're jjang in giving ur POVs & analysis... love ya for that~! :wub: and oh, wallpaperfood, u give good POVs too ;) am on cloud 10000th after reading them~! xD

caliope, thanks so much for subbing NAN~! ummm issit possible to upload it in YT? 'cause i've been trying to dl them for hours! am getting frust 'cause of it... fury.gif ehhh... ohhh somehow this latest twitvid downloader works! PHEW! FINALLY! um... i guess it's ok now... sorry for the rant -.-"

crystal, thanks for the links~! :D ahhh so sweetpotatosubs are uploading their vids in twitvid now eh... it's good that i finally found a reliable downloader... after all the troubles finding a good one :phew: and oh, thanks for sharing cherryblossom's vid... she's one of the most creative fmv makers~!

ichigo0-chan~! i love ur parody!!! kekekekek very creative of ya! and the ur fanart is totally AWESOME! ROFL xD


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´Hi gogumas, just getting out of lurker mode to say thank you to mountainmadman, I really enjoyed NAN, haha, poor Yong!, and about NAN I was thinking, Which man, in his right mind, would be interested in some random girl while he is wearing all the time the symbol of his relationship with his fake buin??? I mean, or Yong was talking about SeoHyun (and I think so) or he was talking about nobody in particular :rolleyes:, there is not other possibility to me XD.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hahaha, thanks a lot gogumas for everything!!!! can´t wait for saturday ^^.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































BTW, did MC kim tweet???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Faith_memory


















hello gogumas! ♥














have you guys heard. cnblue yonghwa was at the mnet syle icon awards and cnblue they performed LOVE LIGHT! kekeke~ ♥ aigooo... even though there's no WGM the past saturday, we are being showered by yongseo related events here!!!














cnblue even won the New Style Icon Awards, Singer














cnblue yonghwa performing 'love light' at mnet star icon awards!























































@credits to cnblue thread



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Guest anne0129




















ok....ami the only one facing problems with twitvid...???? it just does not seem to load properly and stops every few seconds...
















even wen i leave it on to buffer....doesn't work!!! argghhh...!!!!
















i really really wanna c the NAN segment 'cuz it seems amazing...and PSY is such an snsd fan, love him!!!
















frm wht lil i cud c....yong was being grilled quite badly...but he must have gotten something useful out of it...































I'm having the same problem as you. It doesn't load properly for me too. Both YukiandJudy and caliope's version in twitvid is giving me a hard time loading it. Wahhhh!!!! I just love that segment when Yong asked Psy. Can't wait for saturday to come. I need my goguma fix. blush.gifblush.gif





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Hello Yongseo villagers! Ive been lurking here for the past days, it has been quiet until NAN.
































































































































































































































































I think Yonghwa might have asked for Psy's number after their recording, he might have asked him to become his tutor. :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































Yonghwa was so into Psy's techniques that he just blurted out something without thinking. he must really be thinking deeply on how to catch Hyun's heart just like when he asked his sunbaes in one of those variety shows way back (I'm sorry I forgot what's the name of the variety show), on how to handle situations when a girl asks about his past (Something along that line). because he doesn't know what to do, he asks on what to do. At that time he wants to avoid such questions from his past, now he asks how to get the girl who asks those questions :w00t:
































































































































































































































































before i sleep here's another one-shot: Invisible Line
































































































































































































































































I hope you'll enjoy reading it.. :ph34r:

































































































































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Guest MountainMadman

Hey everyone! Thanks for all the shout-outs, and Caliope, that subbed video is perfect! Couldn't find anything wrong with it. Thanks for putting in the effort. ^_^

And BTW, I posted a new chapter of my fanfiction, "Love Story", on Gogumafics. Check it out!


Anxiously waiting for MC Kim's tweet along with everyone else...I'll post the translation on here when I see it. :)

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