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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Thank you so much! Your translations are so much better than mine (of course) haha :P
































































































































































































































































































































I just downloaded NAN and it seems like after the cut everyone uploaded, Psy actually gave advice to Yonghwa on love (or that particular girl). Something along the lines of that they're saying how he's handsome and probably a lot of girls fall for him. And even though there are a lot of girls, why he's asking advice? And then Psy went on explaining.. It's pretty interesting and I'm dying to know, but that part is too difficult for me to understand so I hope that someone kindly could translate... ^^;

































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Guest NilyxYongSeo
















































Omo thank you so much MountainMadman and aisuo415 for the translations !!!
















I'm totaly agree with you p!nk22 *o* Yonghwa looked so nervous when he asked the question and when he said "what ?" to "Do you love her" like if he didn't heared it... xDD
















We can see how his facial expression is different when suddendly everyone asked him about THE girl xD
















And when he saw the cam with "Yonghwa <3 Seohyun" (thank to this guy behind the cam xDD) he smiles and touch his hair... Did you notice that he did this everytime he is nervous or feel awkward about/because of Seohyun ? xDD

















































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Guest ichigo_kawai

Anyeong... Good morning everyone.. Waves..waves

I'm happy today...

@ MountainMadman and aisuo415 thanks for the translation.. :wub:

Oke let's analysis from this clue..ke..ke..ke

Y: What are you supposed to do if you like a girl who lives life very cleanly and honestly?

The first clue: "Cleanly".....yeah..we're know that hyun really cleanly......I just remember that from one show of snsd.

MC: The member that's in the bathroom the longest?

Seohyun is ringing the bell

MC: who..who..?

Hyun: Ne.. it's me

MC: So you must really know that you take the longest time in there.

Yuri: The members that use the bathroom on seohyun's side is tiffany, me, sunny and seohyun. And we  do rock paper scisors to determine the order. And I always think, " I don't care about anyone else. I-I just have to beat Seohyun!"

Hyun: It's not that I'm not slow but I really do just CLEAN myself up really well..so

snsd unnies: We wash ourselves well to, you know...

lol....so she's very clean..ke..ke..ke

And from this Yonghwa:  " if you like a girl who lives life very cleanly"  

                         Hyun: It's not that I'm not slow but I really do just CLEAN myself up really well..so

From that clue: " Clean" Yes  matching....ke..ke..ke

ok next clue...."Honestly"

From ep 1 wgm

Yong: First I thought that she was pretty. Her eyes looked really clear..so I was happy..

"She look honest". Her level innocence wa higher than I imagined. In my whole entire life I have never met someone who is that naive and like a blank sheet of paper.  

Yong: if you like a girl who lives life very honestly

Yong: "She look honest". (Seohyun)

Kyaaaaa... the second clue matching....:wub:

So conclusion: Y: What are you supposed to do if you like a girl who lives life very cleanly and honestly?

So the girl is hyunn yoong seobang??????

"Definitely maybe"... But I wanna say definitely..ke..ke..ke

posting a YONGSEO fmv by ichigokawaii

[FMV] Yongseo "Perhaps Love"

Edit : I think the lyric is really fit for the situation now..

Perhaps Love (Sarang Een Gah Yo/사랑인가요)

Singer: Howl & J (from Goong/궁 OST)

Translation by: Mrs Jung Ji Hoon

I don’t know when it all started

When my head became dizzy with thoughts of you

These thoughts would often pop up in my mind

I feel anxious as my heart expands towards you

It’s nothing.. it’s just a little thing

Your words are awkward to me

Is it love? If you feel the same way, is it a beginning?

My heart keeps saying it loves you

It screams out for the whole world to hear

Why has it taken so long for me to hear it~?

We’ve finally met.. finally found love

If I wanted to show you how I feel

The only way would be for you to become me

I’m already inside of you

Just like you’re inside of me

To each other [to each other]

We may already be too accustomed

Is it love? If you feel the same way, is it a beginning?

My heart keeps saying it loves you

It screams out for the whole world to hear

Why has it taken so long for me to hear it~?

We’ve finally met.. finally found love

When I think about it [when I think about it]

I realize how many moments there were when my heart trembled

I’ll try as harder as I was late in realizing my feelings

I’ll be with you, I’ll only give you fond memories

Please don’t ever leave me again

Even the shortest moments without you make me uneasy

Please stay by me~

I already love you so much (you’re the only one)

credit: http://kreah-craze.com/list-of-korean-romanized-lyrics/

@D3seohyun thanks for sharing my fmv..

everyone if you have a free time, please watching my new fmv...from my new channel.. I've got 2 strikes for my first channel. And My 2 fmv of yongseo has been deleted by youtube... And I have to remove 8 fmv of yongseo... :tears:.

So I remove 8 fmv.... :tears:.

Thanks for watching...thanks for lovely comments and thanks for always support me...

Please subscribe to my new channel...

Ichigokawai The2nd's channel

Edit bonus pict.




Thanks everyone.....For the link, caps, translation, fmv, fanfic, fanart...and thanks for sharing your thought about yongseo couple...I really love it so much.....

It's really sweet potato days....

And Happy lovely days everyone....

Sorry for long post..:sweatingbullets:

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Guest Crystal392










I am going to be late to my classes but I needed to check the thread at least once.






Thanks to everyone for the translations, screecaps and everything! Can't wait until I arrive home and spazz with all of you ^_^






hehehehe Yong so shy! blush.gif I wonder if Hyun already saw the show w00t.gif






<3 all of you :)



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Good morning, gogumas!








Gah. I wasn't able to watch the show last night because it was lagging. I woke up early today to watch it and gee, now there's no trace of sleepiness. I'm feeling giddy! ♥








Question: What are you supposed to do if you like a girl who lives life very cleanly and honestly?








Gah. I think we know who she is! Ahahaha. ♥








And so here are my screencaps of Yong, being grilled in NAN. xD












Being questioned by the one he should be questioning. xD










Are you sure you don't understand the question, Yong? Because I can see you smiling! xD












Close up on his couple ring










Yong's expression after Sooro's comment. (Is she a girl?)










Yonghwa ♥ Seohyun *cue music! Playing Goguma's national anthem - Love light ♫*












Okay, here's more. Haha. I hope you don't mind with all the pics. xD








Yong getting asked if she's going solo or in a group.










Aigoo, Yong!










This time, he's asked if he's protecting her.










I watched the video again, and I saw a Y~ong signboard in one of the monitors. Haha! Cute. ♥










Yonghwa's expression were daebak. Hahaha. It's so adorable. Yong was so shy! Aigooooo~








I also liked the part when Yong was asked if he liked someone. Gah, so cute!








I want a GIF of his expression, kekeke. ♥








Thanks you for the translations, MountainMadman and aisuo415!








I'd also like to thank the gogumas who kept me sane during this YongSeo less period with their awesome YongSeo fics. I can't thank you enough! ♥








Gogumas who kept sharing news, translations, links, pictures, videos, fanarts and all - thank you so much!








I love you all. Can't wait for Saturday! ♥



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I was able to watch the streaming last night but of course totally did not understand a thing, I just laugh each time I see everyone laugh...lol, good thing we have these lovely goguma's who unselfishly translates it for all of us who does not understand hangul...so to you thank you from the bottom of my heart :wub:


After reading the partial translation of Yong's part, I just have to laugh...so he was put on the "hot seat" , instead of him questioning PSY it's the other way that happened.  In my POV, obviously, Yong's question maybe scripted or he formulated it on his own, but definitely, that question is Hyun related...I guess because of his overflowing affection for his virtual wife he just have to gather all his guts to ask that specific question to PSY who is known to be a defender of SNSD (have read it somewhere), he is probably thinking, hehehe, that, this is the only venue where he can get an answer (which he did not blush.gif) and at the same time shout out to the whole nation the feelings he got for this certain girl.  Another thing that made me think that the question he made is Hyun related is the way he unconsciously touches the ring when he got cornered, so during the time he uttered that question, Hyun was really on his thoughts.  Ayayay, Yong why can't you just confess directly to Hyun how you truly feels, you have just put yourself in a complicated situation when you indirectly confessed to everyone your feelings...hahahaha...Hyun may just be waiting for your move all this time...or have they reached that level already?:wub:


Anneyeong everyone :wub:  Please bare with me, I just feel so giddy after reading the translation.



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Guest MountainMadman

@ p!nk22, aisuo415, NilyxYongSeo, ichigo_kawai, crystal_malfoy, sierralanewalsh, and shawie829, you're very welcome! :)

It's the least I can do to contribute to our growing community! Frankly, when I was a lurker I sometimes became frustrated at the lack of quality of many of the translations, so I decided to create an account and put in a little effort to make our lives a little easier.

On an unrelated note, I'm also writing my own fanfiction! Hopefully I'm not breaking any rules by linking to it... ^_^


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Guest yslovelightys


And here's my translation:

Y: What are you supposed to do if you like a girl who lives life very cleanly and honestly?

Subtitle: This is suspicious...

Jaedong: Is there a reason you're asking this?

Subtitle: all the focus is on YONGHWA

Interviewer: Do you like someone?

Interviewer #2: Sit here, please.

-Audience Laughter-

Subtitle: YONGHWA is now the focus of the questions!

Subtitle: (sorry, my Korean isn't nearly good enough for this one...)

We're now at the 0:22 mark.

Interviewer #2: You're supposed to ride the subway! (Note: this is a Korean idiom that means you have to finish something you started)

Subtitle: Witty!

Psy: Yonghwa is asking me what to do if you like a girl who's honest and clean.

Yonghwa: Yes.

Psy: How you're supposed to approach her.

Yonghwa: Yes.

Psy: Is that girl...someone we know?

Yonghwa: You could know her, but you might not.

Interviewer #3: Does she go by herself, or in a pack?


Subtitles: by now, must've guessed who he was talking about...

Psy: Tell us how many are in the pack.

Myungsoo: I'm right here. (NOTE: this is a pun. Myung = form of counting when referring to people. Soo = how many.)

Subtitles: Smile!

We're now at the 1:00 mark.

Interviewer #2: Do you love her?

Yonghwa: What? (NOTE: Technically, he said "Yes?" but in reality it means "What?"....although that doesn't stop us from dreaming, lol)

Psy: You're fingering the couple ring.

Subtitles: Is that the couple ring he got with her...?

Interviewer #3: Is she a girl...? (NOTE: this is a joke. He used the phrase "So Nyuh", a word for 'girl' which isn't often used. He's referring to So Nyuh Shi Dae, the Korean name for Girls Generation.)


Subtitles: the elders are very into teasing Yonghwa

Psy: Yonghwa and Seohyun. (Gesturing to the screen.)

Subtitles: They're currently on a program as imaginary couples

Subtitles/Interviewer #3: Oh, the girl who travels in a pack?

Subtitles: That's going too far~

Subtitles/Interviewer #3: Are you protecting her, by any chance?


Jaedong: When was your last kiss?

Yonghwa: I don't remember.

Psy: When do you plan to kiss her?

Yonghwa stands up, end of "interview". ^_^

Hope this came in handy to all my fellow Gogumas!

OMG!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! This just made my day. Now, I can finally wait in peace for the next episode of WGM. I've been waiting for something new to spazz about while waiting for saturday to arrive and this is just daebak! 

Yong's smile in this show really says a lot. He looks so shy and in love(?). It really seems like he's really always thinking about his buin.wub.gif



Sorry for the long post. I just HAVE to quote that translation. :)))


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lets overdose our self with yongseo mv so we could last till saturday..




here are some of the links




YongHyun - You're My Love




Honey Baby YongHyun








When i Fall & Tomorrow








good thing they are still news which are related to them so that we could know their status ...




thanks everyone for all the contributions.. (pictures, fancams, news & etc).. :wub:




5 days to go...im so ready to watch the japan part 2 episode... du geun2x!..




yonghwa is so cute..he is so shy to answer all their questions..




he is really protecting seo hyun and their relationship... :rolleyes:





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Guest SophiaPia




















Thank you both MountainMadman and aisou415 for translations. Tried to watch it last nite but it's lag terribly.












Shawie829, i guess ur right, hubby Yong question to PSY scripted, but PSY question to hubby Yong maybe not kekeke! 























I want to think and feel that Yongseo couple love each other, why not? But for now they can't shout it to the world but both body language shows it all that their is love in our YongSeo couple what ever level their love is right now i'm fine w/ it. wub.gifwub.gif 












Cheers to all























(soompi acting weird today 3rd time i tried to type this)





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If you guys didn't get it yet, here's the link to the Psy/Yonghwa grilling (uploading credits don't belong to me):











thank you for providing translations for the full cut!




i watched the entire cut which can be found here:








what really surprised me was that I don't think Yong's question was apart of his MC questions...i think it was an honest question out of curiousity...if you watch the full segment of Yong's MC time his question kind of just comes to him and right after he asks everyone is like: what did he just say and then all the MCs and guests react by jumping on his question...




I love this part of Yongseo because more often than not their interactions aren't scripted. they come from genuine curiosity and interest about one another.




I wonder if such conversations bring Hyun into his mind while he's working...how often do things come up in his everyday life that remind him of Hyun???





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add me on twitter please :D@makka07


When Yong paused as he was asked that "taboo/dangerous" question, "Do you love her (SeoHyun)," was him questioning himself if he has indeed, fallen for her. I don't want to over analyze so please feel free to skip this post if you think my way of thinking is weird but his gestures and his facial expressions say it all. That brief yet noticeable pause seemed like he was thinking what to say or reply to being bombarded with so many questions then he lost track when he heard someone say "love."


I'm pretty sure that's not the first time someone's asked him that. It is already a big deal the way CNBLUE dongsengs talk about or tell on Yong to SeoHyun (ie, JungShin saying Yong's nicer when Hyun's around or when the members were surprised about Hyun being clueless about pool when Yong already taught her how to before-and I'm pretty sure that info did not come from MBC since they were weeks away from airing that episode). So why is it that he's so surprised with such a common question, when the dongsengs obviously talk about them as a couple (I need a guy's perspective on this but how often do you talk or brag about your girl to your friends or do you not do it for the sake of 'pride?') or when his surroundings are pretty much oriented with SNSD?




I forgot to say how much I loved Yong reacting to the MC's question about when his last kiss was and when he plans to kiss this "girl" Yong's been thinking of.


When he firmly said that he doesn't remember his last kiss, to me it's as if he's protecting his lovely BOICES and his "love light's" feelings as well. IMO!


Lastly, when he stood up and broke off all other questionings was really a manly, cool move. :wub: I suddenly remembered the SNSD unnies saying that Hyunnie doesn't like men or people in general, who pressures her. If these MCs kept on grilling him, then Hyunnie might revert back to her old self and hold back again, therefore no possible kiss for the Emotional Romanticist Yong XD heheh



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Guest MountainMadman

thank you for providing translations for the full cut!

i watched the entire cut which can be found here:


Thanks for the link!

I just watched it, and here are some of my thoughts:

The part that came before Yonghwa's question (where Psy was pretending to hold a conversation with the girl) was supposed to be a demonstration on how to hold a successful phone conversation with someone you really like.

And I'd be willing to bet money that Yonghwa's question about honest girls WAS NOT SCRIPTED. ^_^ I think it just came out naturally, something he came up with on the spot because he was genuinely curious.

Also, probably nothing much, but right after Yonghwa stood up, the black subtitles at the bottom said:

"We'll try and figure out her identity next time *wink*."

Take that for what you will...

After that, Myungsoo said:

"In order to get Yonghwa to tell us his last kiss, let's all talk about our last kisses."

Psy: Actually, I want to say something to handsome guys like Yonghwa. I found that the more handsome a guy is, the harder time he has on approaching a girl.

Yellow subtitles off to the side: The girl comes to him, why should he go to her?

At the 9:00 mark.

Subtitles: the more handsome he is, the worse he gets at dating...

Psy: he doesn't care for girls who go to him, but he has a hard time approaching girls he likes.

Psy: So I want to say this to you - about relationships with girls. If it works out with a girl, that's great. But if it doesn't, it's no big deal. So there's no reason to be fretful.

Subtitles: Don't be afraid of expressing your love

The Guy Who Stood Up: when are you holding your next lecture?

Yonghwa: Seriously though, I feel that I've learned a lot.

At the 9:33 mark.

Jaedong: You stood up to ask questions, and you're coming back after holding a counseling session.

Yonghwa: You need to listen to him too.


...and that's all that's of interest. Thanks to rxp080100 for the link! :)

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Guest toomuchsmiling




Yong's expression after Sooro's comment. (Is she a girl?)








thank you sierralainewalsh for the cap shares. :)




okay my point blank question: with THAT^ (capture pic quoted above) facial expression from Yong, was he even seriously TRYING to hide it?? i mean, that's not a face that says i-have-no-idea-what-ur-talking about look. it's a darn-the-old-man-knows-who-i-mean-i-can't-hide-my-grin-now-omg look. :lol: u know what i mean??????




i mean that two syllable, one word totally cracked Yong!! i mean HELLOOOO.


"SO NYUH" -old man's too obvious hint-

소녀???? finish the other half it's 시대!

his face hid nothing after hearing that either :lol:




and his unanswering silence when the first two interrogating questions came at him...before Daesung told him to sit down. LOLOL. he couldn't admit a THING.


ahahahaha, thank u to that whole team of 'lawyers'. xDD


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Ah! I just couldn't resist coming in to check if anyone had NAN translations and really really thankful for the quick translations posted!
































I can't believe Yonghwa got himself into that situation hahahah. With those sharp seasoned MCs in the group, there was no way he was going to get away with it was he? If it wasn't scripted in any way (and I'm saying this because I'm in the office and haven't actually watched the video yet) then it must really have been something he wanted to know for him to slip up like that.
































It's not like Psy is his chingoo that he goes to for advice etc. To ask someone something like this while you're at work, in front of the camera feels like a a big big slip up :P. That, or he's just one of those people who gets chummy with people very easily and opens up quickly...
































Ah I have a feeling I'll be rewatching that NAN video at least 10x tonight hahhhahh. Goguma power!



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Thanks everyone for the translation!! :P




















Aigoo, actually to me, it is pretty obvious that Yong has an interest in Hyun all along from all the eps (the way he look at her/the intentional avoidance in calling her/even respecting her and hence not forcing the skinship & banmal issue anymore).




















but, but, but.




















The issue is Hyun.




















Does she see him as a love interest or just a friend??? :tears: otoke??



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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































































but, but, but.
































































































































The issue is Hyun.
































































































































Does she see him as a love interest or just a friend??? :tears: otoke??































































































































































































































































qwenli you are not alone... I have asked myself that question a lot of times... and from my POV in the begining this hole thing was a learning experience for SH... But with the time passing it have evolved to something different and in my opinion her inexperience in relationships makes her unable to see things clearly... but for the people watching from the other side of the barrier (Us gogumas or in my POV), for me is quite clear that in the last episodes she have developed real feelings for him... maybe not love yet, just a BIG crush or something like that...
































































































































But with Yongseo everything have been slow and well paced sooo just expect the unexpected. XD
































































































































@MountainMadman, thank you soooo much for the translation.
































































































































This NAN episode and the Yongseo issue really have me smiling like a silly women, I dont know but his reaction just make me happy, because I know something is brewing... maybe love!!!!
































































































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!!
































































































































EDIT: Bringing the goddies to the new pages... NAN Yonghwa is dilema!
































































































































Hey all, I've been following this thread for a while, but just decided to join - hihi everyone. ^_^
































































































































Anyways, being a fluent Korean/English speaker, I felt that I could help out a bit.
































































































































If you guys didn't get it yet, here's the link to the Psy/Yonghwa grilling (uploading credits don't belong to me):
































































































































































































































































And here's my translation:
































































































































Y: What are you supposed to do if you like a girl who lives life very cleanly and honestly?
































































































































Subtitle: This is suspicious...
































































































































Jaedong: Is there a reason you're asking this?
































































































































Subtitle: all the focus is on YONGHWA
































































































































Interviewer: Do you like someone?
































































































































Interviewer #2: Sit here, please.
































































































































-Audience Laughter-
































































































































Subtitle: YONGHWA is now the focus of the questions!
































































































































Subtitle: (sorry, my Korean isn't nearly good enough for this one...)
































































































































We're now at the 0:22 mark.
































































































































Interviewer #2: You're supposed to ride the subway! (Note: this is a Korean idiom that means you have to finish something you started)
































































































































Subtitle: Witty!
































































































































Psy: Yonghwa is asking me what to do if you like a girl who's honest and clean.
































































































































Yonghwa: Yes.
































































































































Psy: How you're supposed to approach her.
































































































































Yonghwa: Yes.
































































































































Psy: Is that girl...someone we know?
































































































































Yonghwa: You could know her, but you might not.
































































































































Interviewer #3: Does she go by herself, or in a pack?
































































































































































































































































Subtitles: by now, must've guessed who he was talking about...
































































































































Psy: Tell us how many are in the pack.
































































































































Myungsoo: I'm right here. (NOTE: this is a pun. Myung = form of counting when referring to people. Soo = how many.)
































































































































Subtitles: Smile!
































































































































We're now at the 1:00 mark.
































































































































Interviewer #2: Do you love her?
































































































































Yonghwa: What? (NOTE: Technically, he said "Yes?" but in reality it means "What?"....although that doesn't stop us from dreaming, lol)
































































































































Psy: You're fingering the couple ring.
































































































































Subtitles: Is that the couple ring he got with her...?
































































































































Interviewer #3: Is she a girl...? (NOTE: this is a joke. He used the phrase "So Nyuh", a word for 'girl' which isn't often used. He's referring to So Nyuh Shi Dae, the Korean name for Girls Generation.)
































































































































































































































































Subtitles: the elders are very into teasing Yonghwa
































































































































Psy: Yonghwa and Seohyun. (Gesturing to the screen.)
































































































































Subtitles: They're currently on a program as imaginary couples
































































































































Subtitles/Interviewer #3: Oh, the girl who travels in a pack?
































































































































Subtitles: That's going too far~
































































































































Subtitles/Interviewer #3: Are you protecting her, by any chance?
































































































































































































































































Jaedong: When was your last kiss?
































































































































Yonghwa: I don't remember.
































































































































Psy: When do you plan to kiss her?
































































































































Yonghwa stands up, end of "interview". ^_^
































































































































Hope this came in handy to all my fellow Gogumas!































































































































































































































































NEXT PART... PSY is advice
































































































































Thanks for the link!
































































































































I just watched it, and here are some of my thoughts:
































































































































The part that came before Yonghwa's question (where Psy was pretending to hold a conversation with the girl) was supposed to be a demonstration on how to hold a successful phone conversation with someone you really like.
































































































































And I'd be willing to bet money that Yonghwa's question about honest girls WAS NOT SCRIPTED. ^_^ I think it just came out naturally, something he came up with on the spot because he was genuinely curious.
































































































































Also, probably nothing much, but right after Yonghwa stood up, the black subtitles at the bottom said:
































































































































"We'll try and figure out her identity next time *wink*."
































































































































Take that for what you will...
































































































































After that, Myungsoo said:
































































































































"In order to get Yonghwa to tell us his last kiss, let's all talk about our last kisses."
































































































































Psy: Actually, I want to say something to handsome guys like Yonghwa. I found that the more handsome a guy is, the harder time he has on approaching a girl.
































































































































Yellow subtitles off to the side: The girl comes to him, why should he go to her?
































































































































At the 9:00 mark.
































































































































Subtitles: the more handsome he is, the worse he gets at dating...
































































































































Psy: he doesn't care for girls who go to him, but he has a hard time approaching girls he likes.
































































































































Psy: So I want to say this to you - about relationships with girls. If it works out with a girl, that's great. But if it doesn't, it's no big deal. So there's no reason to be fretful.
































































































































Subtitles: Don't be afraid of expressing your love
































































































































The Guy Who Stood Up: when are you holding your next lecture?
































































































































Yonghwa: Seriously though, I feel that I've learned a lot.
































































































































At the 9:33 mark.
































































































































Jaedong: You stood up to ask questions, and you're coming back after holding a counseling session.
































































































































Yonghwa: You need to listen to him too.
































































































































































































































































...and that's all that's of interest. Thanks to rxp080100 for the link! :)
















































































































































































































































































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but, but, but.

The issue is Hyun.

Does she see him as a love interest or just a friend??? :tears: otoke??

YOU ARE SO RIGHT! i agree! i mean he's been obviously showing her his feelings. how about her. i can see that she does have some sort of feelings for him, but is it just oppa dongsang status for her? it's hard to read her b/c she won't show her feelings freely, it's either she doesn't know how or is too embarrassed... something! dude she HAS to do something or it's going to be too late once she realize he is THE ONE. guys can only take it to a certain point. if he is willing to wait that long for her...WOW... he is the ONE. so.... we will wait and see... until then... Seo Joo Hyun Hurry!!!! Let it out! he's Calling out to you!!! you have to meet him half way! <3 sorry just venting don't mind me. =P

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My theory on Hyun's feelings for Yong is that she feels the same way. It takes her a long time to show or reciprocate those feelings because she doesn't know how to be in a relationship and a fake one at that. How can she trust someone whose only "playing" the role of being a husband? Of course that bothers her (Let's not forget her fans and company as well). However, now that the unnies have approved their relationship, or rather Hyun blooming and seeing/hearing about Yong trying so hard to get some love or some attention from their jing jing, I think it says a lot already. She doesn't hold back as much any more. She asks him questions that are very similar to gf/wife questions and scolds him (ie, "Did you also celebrate the 22nd day anniversary with your ex? What did you do? So it was similar..." -ep. 8, "Did you tell me you were going to Thailand?" -ep. 13, "I'm angry. You do know why, right?" -ep. 27).


She can't really lie or pretend when she hasn't even experienced what it's like to be in love or be in a relationship. So I stand by what I said. Yong has succeeded in opening up this girl, he just needs that push to take another step forward to her and be officially with her.


On another note, it is unusual for traditional Asians (esp someone like Hyun) to hold hands or do something very couple-ish with someone who they are not in a relationship with. Her parents must have approved Yong just like the unnies have. Just a theory.



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Guest Crystal392










Finally I'm home! :D






Again thanks to all Gogumas who shared translations, links, screencaps and everything.






Thanks a million. :D






About whether it was scripted or not... who knows? :P 'Night after night' is from SBS and WGM from MBC... you know how possessive channels have been lately ( just look at MAMA thing... =$ )so imo it would be a bit weird if the NAN PDs made him ask that question because imo it is obvious almost everyone will relate it to Hyun~ --> YongSeo --> WGM --> MBC. BUT it could be a smart move by NAN PDs to gain more attention/viewers. So as I said before... who knows if it was scripted or not? Probably only them xD hehehehe






I am so happy right now rereading the translations ^^ thanks MountainMadMan and aisou :) Thanks thanks thanks! You deserve a Goguma field :w00t: hehehe






*goes off to watch the cuts*












About what are Hyun~'s feeling for Yong~.... I don't know if it's love but I really think she likes him a lot. Why? I don't know xD I mean the way she looked at him on the earlier eps are different to how she looks at him now in my opinion... I've posted this caps two or three times before but I just love them (from the preview):











~This is the girl who before WGM found so difficult to do aegyo~












~She seems really really really happy~














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