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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia




















Yesterday i tried to watch the Love concert @ stream but no chance it's lag for me. That's why thanks to all those peeps who shared all the vid that quick. Kamsahamnida to all of them. Esp. all the fancam, thanks to them for sharing for the love of YongSeo :) 






































I guess it's impossible that YongSeo couple will not greet each other, maybe we didn't see it ON Cam, just a glance maybe,  but who knows back stage they greet each other. Both got manners, so i think they say hi, hello, bye to each other and they also greet other artist as well. 


































It's like no appetite w/o wgm. Last night i watched again all their episodes.

It's only 1 week no wgm it feels lonely, so what more if this will end.























Saturday paliiiiii





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Guest CtyNg11
































































































































hmm...i don't really have anything to share. I've just caught up with all of the YongSeo episodes that i've been missing since the fishing episode and now i'm back on sweet potato spazzing mode :lol: well, i remember a few months ago, i don't exactly remember when, but i was watching Entertainment Weekly and I saw Yong at some photoshoot. He wasn't with the other members, and was posing with a female model. Their poses were pretty...intimate? i should say? but yeah. then the interviewer asked Yong if Seohyun knew about the photoshoot and he said no. does anyone know what photoshoot that was? or maybe it's not released yet, idk...just adding my 2 cents here :D
































































































and sorry if this had been mentioned before :)

















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I'm really hoping for the WGM PD-nim to give YongSeo a kid to babysit for a week or something. With Hyun having a bit of experience and common knowledge about babies from one of SNSD's programs, "Hello Baby," I think she'd be successful with it. Plus, we can get to see the 'real' Yong Appa <3 with his buin :phew: heheh.


I hope PD-nims can at least grant this shallow wish of mine XD


By the way, I just remembered my twitter password and am active for the time being, does anyone know what MC Jake's twitter account is? and the YongSeo one as well if there is one? I am a bit far behind than most goguma villagers here :sweatingbullets:



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ricevol, thanks for liking the MV :D... the song i used is River Flows In You by YIRUMA. he's a very famous korean pianist. i love most of his pieces ^^

crystal dear~ *waves* thanks so much chingoo! :D & i hope i'll get to eat in that cafe~! keke

haha talking about yongseo stealing glances during the LOVE SHARING concert, it looked obvious on yong's part that he was trying to sneak a peek at hyun. whereas hyun prolly sensed yong's head turning to her side, did try to sneak a peek but somehow coincidentally, yoona was looking towards her & she happened to see that thingy stuck on yoona's hair & removed it. in the end, it became a very brief glance. but it did seem like yongseo were constantly being aware of each others' glances. they seem to have the same brainwave or something. it made me DUGEUN DUGEUN although it was just a mere glance. xD dang, i dunno why but i dislike JW more now. he knows hyun belongs to yong but why isn't he backing off? sorry, for the random rant.

panGG~!!! thanks for the gifs! yong looks sooo cute there with the kids! adorbs!!! :wub: IMO, yong & IU looked more like oppa-dongsaeng there... yahhh i'm LOL-ing with ya xD


shawie dear~! kekeke u're the only one who calls me Boo here... & i love it LOL xD yahhh am very glad & happy that u like the fmv ^__________^ i love yiruma too & that song is my fav outta all yiruma's pieces.


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Anyone as YongSeo deprived as I am? I bet the whole thread haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, I found this really fun:


‘Every time they play a game, Seo Hyun’s chance of winning against Yong Hwa is 1/3. What are the chance that Yong Hwa will win on the 5th game?’
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Above information is not from the script of ‘We Got Married’. Last August 31st, it appeared in one high school’s mid-term exam as a question.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The question was introduced with ‘Seo Hyun and Yong Hwa decided whoever wins two games in a row will be the winner’ and it received a lot of attention when it was posted by one of the student on Dcinside.com’s ‘WGM’ gallery. Along with a picture it said “Math teacher is our homeroom teacher with perfect 10 score for awesome wit” and there were comments that said answer was 8/243.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Netizen said “Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun will laugh so hard when they see it”, “Playing table tennis is teacher’s wish?” and many more witty comments.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































‘WGM’ episode that got aired last August 14th, Yong-Seo couple’s pool match was shown. Winner of the bet Yong Hwa was appeared getting a piggy back ride from Seo Hyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also last August 29th, it was Jung Yong Hwa, Seo Hyun couple’s 200th day and they appeared together for a duet in “2010 Hallyu Concert”. This will air through today’s “Special Show! Music Center’ and on ‘WGM’.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit : Sports Chosun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translated & posted by Yeonsil@cnbluestorm































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's from way back in September, so it's old news. Sorry if it's reposted. You can see the pictures of the exam here: http://cnbluestorm.com/2010/09/04/news-jung-yong-hwa-seo-hyuns-name-appeared-in-3rd-year-of-high-schools-mid-term-exam-could-it-be-that-the-teacher-is-wgm-fan/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And regarding the fancams, I'm going to believe that they were aware of each other's presence and tried to steal glances but did not lock eyes. I find it fascinating how there's a whole page full of analysis of whether they did or did not catch each other's gaze. This is what happens when you take away our weekly YongSeo dosis!

































































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Guest luv_sp_couple




@crystal malfoy: Hello Crystal, first time to talk to you :) . I watched this fancam too.  And this is what I saw... ( this is funny, I can't believe I did capture this, I blame it for missing this couple terribly.  But it made me smile to think that they are stealing glances... Missing each other too, Yongseo? ).  This is just a split second so you need to have a sharp eye to catch it @2:15, and better to full screen it. I think Yoona was blocking their view of each other. But at this moment, she stepped back a little bit that gave Yongseo a clear view of each other to get this chance.


Well anyway, Goguma villagers you'll be the judge.





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Guest bezbezbez










































































I just dropped by to remind those gogumas who still have some missing info for the 300th day project. We exceeded 300 so we have to trim down the reasons and the reasons with least priority are those with missing info. I'll give until tom. to complete your personal info. IT'S JUST USERNAME,AGE,COUNTRY


















































Leslie_Lei, _____, _____































Lucy Marie, _____, _____































Vina, 19, _____































Blueswim_boo, _____, _____































Mashamishmash, _____, _____































Norabella, _____, Singapore































Jielun_Aini, _____, ______































Miel_1301, _____, ______































Cailei, _____, USA































Kevin1320, _____, _____































SophiaPia, _____, Philippines































Ladylia257, _____, ______































Kulaylay, _____, ______































DJHinata, _____, ______































Desirenhope, _____, _____































Shadow_of_Atumn,_____, _____































Hacker8, _____, _____































Jes_see, _____, Australia































Afifah, _____, Ireland


















































I'm sorry if we'll remove your reason just because of missing info. We really have to finish this soon for the shipment to reach the yongseo couple just in time for December 10, 2010- their 300th day :)


















































FINALLY, thanks for everyone who helped in the project. I won't name you all to avoid biases...kekeke...and to those who sent their reasons for loving YONGSEO, I LOVE YOU ALL!!! I must admit that doing the project isn't that easy most especially for our eyes since some are pretty long reasons, but what kept us hanging on doing the booklet is the sincerity, love, and devotion that we felt everytime we read the reasons you gave us. It has been our energy booster all throughout the process of creating the booklet.










































































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Guest SophiaPia




















hi bezbezbez thanks but i thought i send mine long time ago coz only missing is my age :) my age 40, my country originally from Philippines but i'm living here in Brunei :) I think the last time i saw it when redtulip re-post it mine is complete already. Biane if not yet. Thanks


















































I just dropped by to remind those gogumas who still have some missing info for the 300th day project. We exceeded 300 so we have to trim down the reasons and the reasons with least priority are those with missing info. I'll give until tom. to complete your personal info. IT'S JUST USERNAME,AGE,COUNTRY






































Leslie_Lei, _____, _____























Lucy Marie, _____, _____























Vina, 19, _____























Blueswim_boo, _____, _____























Mashamishmash, _____, _____























Norabella, _____, Singapore























Jielun_Aini, _____, ______























Miel_1301, _____, ______























Cailei, _____, USA























Kevin1320, _____, _____























SophiaPia, _____, Philippines























Ladylia257, _____, ______























Kulaylay, _____, ______























DJHinata, _____, ______























Desirenhope, _____, _____























Shadow_of_Atumn,_____, _____























Hacker8, _____, _____























Jes_see, _____, Australia























Afifah, _____, Ireland






































I'm sorry if we'll remove your reason just because of missing info. We really have to finish this soon for the shipment to reach the yongseo couple just in time for December 10, 2010- their 300th day :)






































FINALLY, thanks for everyone who helped in the project. I won't name you all to avoid biases...kekeke...and to those who sent their reasons for loving YONGSEO, I LOVE YOU ALL!!! I must admit that doing the project isn't that easy most especially for our eyes since some are pretty long reasons, but what kept us hanging on doing the booklet is the sincerity, love, and devotion that we felt everytime we read the reasons you gave us. It has been our energy booster all throughout the process of creating the booklet.





































































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Guest Norabella






I thought I already responded to Redtulip earlier. Anyway, just in case, Pls see my PM to you.


Its been a boring Saturday for me and I believed for all of us but at least to see our beloved couple at the Love Sharing Concert was good for us, isn't it? I guess we all look forward for the upcomng Saturday again...







I just dropped by to remind those gogumas who still have some missing info for the 300th day project. We exceeded 300 so we have to trim down the reasons and the reasons with least priority are those with missing info. I'll give until tom. to complete your personal info. IT'S JUST USERNAME,AGE,COUNTRY





Leslie_Lei, _____, _____



Lucy Marie, _____, _____



Vina, 19, _____



Blueswim_boo, _____, _____



Mashamishmash, _____, _____



Norabella, _____, Singapore



Jielun_Aini, _____, ______



Miel_1301, _____, ______



Cailei, _____, USA



Kevin1320, _____, _____



SophiaPia, _____, Philippines



Ladylia257, _____, ______



Kulaylay, _____, ______



DJHinata, _____, ______



Desirenhope, _____, _____



Shadow_of_Atumn,_____, _____



Hacker8, _____, _____



Jes_see, _____, Australia



Afifah, _____, Ireland





I'm sorry if we'll remove your reason just because of missing info. We really have to finish this soon for the shipment to reach the yongseo couple just in time for December 10, 2010- their 300th day :)





FINALLY, thanks for everyone who helped in the project. I won't name you all to avoid biases...kekeke...and to those who sent their reasons for loving YONGSEO, I LOVE YOU ALL!!! I must admit that doing the project isn't that easy most especially for our eyes since some are pretty long reasons, but what kept us hanging on doing the booklet is the sincerity, love, and devotion that we felt everytime we read the reasons you gave us. It has been our energy booster all throughout the process of creating the booklet.










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Guest magicaL.chubi3
































































Hi fellow goguma!!! hihi~ it's disappointing that their's no yongseo last saturday.
















































but i am happy that they are able to see each other once or twice a week. :D
















































look around 0:04 , 1:53 ,
















































secret glancing.
















































saw it??? hihi~ if not then look again... look at yonghwa's eyes. XD!
















































trying to look at seohyun eh? also same with seohyun(?) not sure though because i can't see seohyun eyes. :D
















































Yonghwa sure wants to look at seohyun but forcing not to! haha! what a cute couple!









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Guest bezbezbez
























I'm back again!!!


















































To those who have missing info, kindly just send me a PM about that...


















































Norabella unnie sorry that I seem to have caused your negative marks there. Can you just edit your post so that it won't be a one liner anymore :)


















































Next, can you guys look at the picture below and see if you can still add more trans of the phrase































"I LOVE YONGSEO BECAUSE..." Please help us on this one. Thanks!
































EDIT: GOGUMAS we have planned for the gift to buy for uri YONGSEO but we are still in need of the money to buy them all. If you have excess money, Please donate it on our paypal account seohwafund@gmail.com. Thanks in advance! We promise that the money that you'll donate will be in good use, specifically for our love for uri YONGSEO.





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Guest CheriMerci
































































Hi All






























































Due to Love Sharing Concert, This is my friend's Fan account. We are Thai Goguma Lovers.































We made some gifts for our YongSeo and MC Kim. My friend, her name is Ni, tries to drop them at MBC but she can't. :tears:































She's in Korea for vacation now and luckily She's seen YongSeo on the same stage.































Hope this can make your day like me. :wub:






























































Cr : Niniaodaod@The Sweet Potato Couple thread @ http://koreaclub.pan...ipmember.com<br































Thank you Besides11@The Sweet Potato Couple thread @ http://koreaclub.pantipmember.com for sharing






























































I wanna tell u that yesterday I went to watched SNSD at Music Core and today I went to watched "Share the love concert" either.































I saw Yong and Seo in the same stage . Yong sang along the "Hoot" performance and looked at monitor when Seohyun sang her part.































Tomorrow weplan to YongSeo House. If I lucky I will come to tell u later.































But i have to tell u that, about the gift, unfortunatly, I cant drop the gift to YongSeo due to the staff.































They r so unpolite.































Because it is Saturday and the reception is off work & the staff didnt give our chance to drop te gift to SNSD.































So sad & today we think that we wont have a chance to enter to the Concert either so i didnt bring the gift with me. T__T






























































Moreover This is Thai Translation for  "I LOVE YONGSEO BECAUSE..." ฉันรักยงซอเพราะ...































































Some caps I'd like to share. I can feel sth in his stares. What do u think he glanced at?:phew:






























































Cr : as tagged + Cap by KiMi (KiMi~KK)@The Sweet Potato Couple thread @ http://koreaclub.pantipmember.com






























































































































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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wow. Love love those fancams. Gogumas, we should think positive. THEY GLANCED AT EACH OTHER OKAY, THEY GLANCED. Kekeke. 
































































































































































































































































Wow, CheriMerci, I can tell he's playing with Hyun that time. So sweet. wub.gifwub.gif Thanks for those caps. His stares are so lovely, I could melt. Omygosh
































































































































































































































































By the way, in episode one of uri Yongseo in We Got Married, what was the Background Music when they arrived at the practice room of Yonghwa. Please tell me. The one with Boom Boom Clap etc. Haha. I've been searching it but I failed. PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU KNOW, PLEAAAASE. tears.giftears.gif

































































































































































































































































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Guest wallpaperfood

"Blossom's" fancam of Yong - Love Sharing Concert end

(The caps from Cherimerci's post are taken from here)

Cherimerci, thanks for that fan account! It's a pity your friend didn't get to give the presents though!  :(, better luck next time!

Neways, here is Blossom's fancam - I like her fancams, they are always really good quality, and at the best angle lol.

As to whether or not he was looking at Hyun or JoKwon (I thought it was to JoKwon at first) - it seems here that he smiles at Hyun around 0:25-26 :D. Then he deflects his gaze at the speed of lightning to Kwonnie, hence we were all under the impression he was laughing with Kwon? But then again, it also seems like he only spotted Hyun at 1:10 and onwards...

So it was very brief, but still :) :) :) enough to make my day. (Not in Cherimerci's caps - a diff moment, I think hers are from 1:10 and onwards). Lol I swear I heard fangirls screaming "YONG SEOBANG!!!!!" at the end...


tinybeatingheart - that's one of my fave songs :) THe "boom boom boom clap" song (hehe) is called "Miss You", by M-flo ft Melody. & Ryohei Yamamoto. Miss You - M-flo; enjoy!!! <3

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MagicaL - base on the link you gave. I cant really tell whether Yong did glance at Hyun, except for the part that Hyun cleared the confetti on Yoona. BUT I am very CERTAIN that Jinwoon look behind and at Hyun at 1min+. :wacko:


















It is also quite clear that Hyun look at Yong's direction more. Its more convenient and her other fellow snsd members are that way. She certainly didnt look at Jinwoon! hahah.



































Cheri - wow that last pix of Yong - Omo, he really look very handsome!!!



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Cheri & Ni, tks for sharing the fan acct.

how i wish i can see yongseo during my vacation too.

tks for all links, EVERYONE. i've no doubt there were some stolen glances.

c'mon, we are talking abt uri yongseo here,

the ultimate champion when it comes to eyeship! :w00t:

i've been telling myself i can get by with one week w/out yongseo,

but who am i kidding? :crazy:

so there better be wgm screening this Sat..

seeing yongseo on stage together doesn't seem to fill this emptiness...

1hr more to go before we get to see what kind of advice PSY would give to yong.

(PSY is known to have a soft spot for snsd) ^_^


talking abt jw...that guy haven't give up! :sweatingbullets:

edit 2:

shawie, dreamy, i'm with u guys.

when cn blue was active promoting their album, yong was asked abt hyun a lot in most

of his interviews, and we had a field time analysing his answers.

i was looking forward for hyun to make her comeback, and then its her turn to spill

some more beans..

but so far nothing of that sort happens, except for the one interview she did in

Taiwan? China? where she showed her wedding ring and refer yong as her husband.

and at the beginning, her unnies were also not shy to share what they thought of uri yongseo.

but after JH scandal, everything is so hush hush now..

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Hallo... hallo..































Annyong... annyong... my goguma villagers.. *waves































I have been lurking in this thread for a while now. Sorry for not sharing anything.sweatingbullets.gif































Thanks for all the link and caps about Love Sharing Concert. So, they did secret glance to each other?
















OMG.. it's more romantic than they openly glance at each other. It's feels so lovely and they look like a real couple that secretly dating. haha..wub.gif































Trent.. I like your fanfics.. get well soon..
















I read some of fanfics too.. And I love it... I will read the other fanfics... 































bezbezbez ... this is the Indonesian translation : "Aku Cinta Yongseo Karena... "
















It's similar with malay though... 































Back to lurking ph34r.gif































EDIT : Top page with nothing to share.. I just share this pict.. I really like him in this pict
































source: cnbluestorm































with love
















































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Guest mimayree




OMAGAHHH! on fancams. He's checking up on her. Jinwoon's stealing glances too.



HAHAHA... He's like saying don't you ever....get close to my love light.










0:56. Jinwoon glances. after that looking at Yong.hahaha


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luv_sp, cherimerci & wallpaperfood: thanks for the links~! since i can't seem to focus on my h/w right now... i automatically made some slow-mo gifs to analyse who yong was looking at :sweatingbullets: yong kept glancing towards his left side. what's he trying to do? it seems to me that he did seem to glance towards JW's place a few times. and IDK if i was imagining things or not but it felt like as if yong still doesn't get along well with JW just from the way yong glanced towards his direction. he looks like he's on guard, ready to pounce on JW should he go any nearer to hyun xD but i didn't wanna capture that moment so instead, i captured the moments when we think he was looking at hyun. and u guys are right. it was REALLY BRIEF! u'd hafta have SUPER DUPER EYES to notice it! LOL... so here're the gifs from 3 different angles. :wub:




oh ya i was :ph34r: @ cnblue thread & found this...

Q: What's your favorite type of woman?

Minhyuk: I like comfortable type of girl like a friend. I don't care the age.

Yonghwa: I like cute girl, who understands whatever I do, who doesn't tell a lie and who is good-hearted.

Jonghyun: I like a girl who has sense of humor, who makes me smile when I'm with her.

Jungshin: I like a girl who has broad mind and understands me well.

(They always answer the same)

cr. saturn

kekekekeke the main point is still the same... HONEST & KIND-HEARTED with a bit of twist here & there. but sometimes i wonder if he was really mentioning it with hyun in mind? i hope so ;)

jnj, yahhh that JW is making me... -.-* i noticed that hyun did glance at JW once or twice but that's prolly 'cause he made such a big movement. moreover, he's huge! it's hard not to notice LOL! no wonder yong looked a bit annoyed there when JW was making some kinda "commotion". xD protective yong seobang~!


jnj, which channel in tvu??? still not familiar with this live streaming thingy >.<


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since NAN could be related to yongseo, anyone has problem w TVU now?

NAN should be starting right?


ah! its okay now...

gogumas, lets watch this together and see if yong really got grilled by PSY

edit 2:

dreamy, if hyun's main purpose in helping yoona was to clear all those ribbons on

her hair, hyun could've have helped taeyeon who's just infront of her, but no..

she helped the one that was closest to hubby!

killing 2 birds with 1 stone?! sweatingbullets.gifw00t.gif

tvu 81037, but lag so much

edit 3:

hohoho its psy's turn to grill yong on 'yoja' now

suddenly playing love light as bgm

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