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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hee here to give my 2 cents worth on the lack of WGM-related interview questions directed at Seohyun:
































- I'm don't feel certain that here's a full-on cover up. The YongSeo pair have been on TV for quite a while now, and are quite popular right? I could be wrong (someone correct me if yes) but it doesn't feel like there's alot of negative sentiment towards them as a pair. I suppose with the recent happenings within the SME family this could be just some preventive or knee-jerk reactions. Better to stay away from any kind of gossips. Reading the transcript from the radio interview though haha it did look like SeoHyun herself didn't seem to have problems with answering...her oppas and unnies being protective?
































The thing that leaves me in doubt is the way Yong seems to freely answer about it and even talk about it on his own accord without being asked (while he didn't name names for his new show...that description...even non-goguma villagers would come to the same idea). I know some of this stuff was recorded probably some time back (anyone knows of recent interviews where he got asked about WGM or said something related?). If Yong stops talking I would be worried.
































edit: ahah I meant oppas not hyungs



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Guest lunasol
















Hyun and her unnies appeared on another radio show. This one is Shim Shim Ta Pa, and the MC of this show is Shindong, another brother from Super Junior. While Heechul's radio show is on SBS, this one is on MBC, and as you know, WGM is on MBC. Oh memories!! Do you guys remember in the first Yongseo episode Shindong entering MBC building and the boys thinking it was the wife arriving biggrin.gif hahahaha. I read somewhere that at that time Shindong was going for his radio show or something like that.
















Anyways, I don't know what was said at Shim Shim, so we have to wait, but for those Goguma ring stalkers she was wearing her ring here.

























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Guest SophiaPia




















Thank you 'ikekeyou' i'll try to check it later in TVU.



























I don't get it as well why heechul skip the question about wgm to SeoHyun kekeke! and about the texting their friends i think i read here that SeoHyun text hubby Yong also but she got reply back from Nicole and Jinwoon. Maybe hubby Yong is busy so, he didn't reply back. We just hope later love sharing concert we get to see the glimpse of our lovely YongSeo couple. If not at least they will meet backstage. Cheers :)












omg why did heechul suggest to skip the WGM questions?!!?!












i remember when cn blue was on the radio show heechul always teased yong with seohyun!!












ahahah it was sooo funny and this time he could of teased seohyun with yong!!!












but noooooo!!!! :'(












i want more news of our couple!!!












to answer sophiapia's question the love sharing concert is sbs
















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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Heroine, But how come when Yong became a guest on Super Junior Kiss the Radio or Youngstreet or Happy Together they ask him about it.
































































































































































































































































Well, I have my perspective about this. According to our fellow goguma had said, maybe it's because of Jonghyun-Sekyung thing. And also, they have different Label. Hyun being at SME is more secretive about stuff because Lee Soo Man is kinda protective (?) And Hyun is a girl. I don't know. And Yong at FNC Music, being a guy too and since he's on a band, their manager doesn't need to be over protective with them. I don't know. Just sharing my opinion. rolleyes.gif
































































































































































































































































By the way, Love Concert later - Yonghwa will be an MC only? Or CNB gonna perform alongside with others. I hope so. And I also hope that Hyun would substitute Yoona. laugh.gif
































































































































































































































































Ah, Watching some fancams of CNB's 1st live concert where Hyun attended to. Hm. Thi thread became soooo quiet. Maybe because there's no news about our Yongseo just like what our fellow goguma said and because of that football. mad.gif Aish, I miss them already. tears.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































Heechul: In your opinion, which member is prone to loneliness?































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun: First off, I think Hyoyeon envies me the most































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Heechul: Do you get lonely, Hyoyeon?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyoyeon: Its because I'm her roommate. Even if I don't want to hear about it, she keeps bragging to me. 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for this, baby_bo Keke. As I can understand, it's somewhat Yongseo related. But why does Hyun need to brag it to Hyoyeon unnie? tongue.gif

































































































































































































































































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Guest Revelmonk

Sharing :)

Youngstreet - Seohyun's ideal man in SNSD

Heechul: You must get a lot of questions about WGM. Should we skip it?

Seohyun: Uhh...

Heechul: If we skip, I'll think of another question

Yuri: What about Hyoyeon?

Heechul: Hyoyeon, if you were to do WGM which male would you want to do it with?

Tiffany: What if~ what if!

Then they start singing Taeyeon's "If"

Heechul: Go ahead, Hyoyeon. Or what imagine that the rest of the members are males. Who would you pick?

Hyoyeon: I don't want to pick anyone

Heechul: Then back to you, Seohyun. Since you are a woman, the rest of the members are all men. Which member is closest to your ideal man?

Seohyun: Ideal man?

Jessica: If Seohyun is a man?

Members: No if we are.

Taeyeon: Or if this unnie was born a man, they would be handsome.

Seohyun: Sooyoung unnie.

Jessica: Ah you like Sooyoung's style

Youngstreet - LONELINESS!

Heechul: In your opinion, which member is prone to loneliness?

Seohyun: First off, I think Hyoyeon envies me the most

Heechul: Do you get lonely, Hyoyeon?

Hyoyeon: Its because I'm her roommate. Even if I don't want to hear about it, she keeps bragging to me.

cr. KissMez @ twitter

I wonder when Seohyun says uhh is it uhh... I can answer questions about wgm, uhh... people ask me about wgm so much these days that I dont feel like answering for the umpteenth time  or, uhh.....Yong and I  have gotten closer where it would be uncomfortable to talk about it like this... hehe.

Personally I think Seohyun has the third option in mind.

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Guest bintangkalerbiru









no wgm this week makes me feel a bit empty. i need to get a life! hahahahahaha..:lol:







sadly i have nothing new to share.. :(







this is for everyone here that keep me sane even without yongseo this week....









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a quiet w/end at goguma village. hi all!

oh hi there redrev, raindrop. nice artwork, as usaul

i'm back with more caps from epi 1

feeling the love all over again while doing them :wub:

after a short awkward silent moment, both decided to speak at the same time.

both their hearts must be thumping hard at that time...


breaking the ice no. 1


breaking the ice no.2


breaking the ice no.3


breaking the ice no.4


innocently take a shot of hinting to him that she likes him already


now that he knows what gogumas mean...


yongseo first pic, taken with hyun's camera..

their 1st of many beautiful memories to come


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Anneyeong :wub:


Weekends indeed feels different without YongSeo's latest episode, even if we have all the links from their past episodes or guest appearances on other shows, the feeling is still different, it's like missing some important member in the family.  Anyway, since the thread is so quiet, I'd just like to share my view on the discussion on why Hyun is not asked about WGM or her "relationship" with Yong compared to Yong who is usually and casually bombarded with questions about his "supposed marriage" to Hyun.  And though questions relating to their so called "marriage" could help a show boost their ratings and probably could make them more be the "talk of the town" the two managements may have probably made an agreement, knowing the true status of the relationship of their talents, that it would be best if all questions relating to the show/marriage should be directed to Yong since he can handle it more compared to Hyun who is quite transparent, and just MAYBE, their respective agencies think it's much safer that way so as not to create another "Jonghyun and sorry forgot his girlfriend's name" commotion.  And I believed, after all the negative slashings that Jonghyun's girl got from the fans, the company has decided to protect Hyun as well so that she does not have to go through what Jonghyun's girl has gone through.  And just maybe, Yong does not want Hyun to get hurt with all the negative things that might arise, if and when their "relationship" is given too much exposure.


Sorry, I'm not so sure if i'M making sense at all...but these are just my views, cause, I really don't see any reason why the shows where Hyun had guested seems to avoid asking her things about WGM.  If any of the shows she appeared in the last couple of days had asked her even a single question about WGM, for sure, a lot of goguma's would be super duper happy :wub:


Really missing the YongSeo couple :phew:



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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































































Hello Goguma villagers in the Goguma Planet!!!
















































































































This is a very not so happy weekend without our Yongseo Couple... I have alredy watched their episodes again and again and again and after that I decided to go through memory lain and try to remember all the things that made us spazz that are not WGM directly related...
















































































































For the old gogumas hope this bring back good memories and maybe you can think of more, my brain is not working well at this late hour... And to the new gogumas maybe you will find something interesting about this random thing.
















































































































Ok, My list of NOT really related WGM issues that made us spazz... :D
































































































































































































































SH was rocking the house, a side of her we have never seen... How much we spazz about her outfit, holding hand with the other guy, her taking off clothes scene, etc... I remember many of us wishing for some reaction from YH in WGM but thinking about it they never mentioned this (well not that we know)... uhmmm... If I remember well the only time YH was remotly connect to the CABI CF in public is when he was presented a photo of SH in her lifeguard outfit. Dont remember the show (Beatle something I think) dont remember what he was asked and dont remember his answer... but I remember the photo and watching the video a lot of time to see any reaction... (Writing this I realized how really crazy I am... :ph34r: )
































































































































































































































Ohohoho I remember when we watched this life and even some amazing gogumas detective found the ring in the floor, so it was a releif to us to know that YH could easily found it... kekeke poor YH and I remember the next day we were more happy because there was a fan photo of YH wearing the ring in a necklace, when the fan asked why he said he didnt wanted to lost it... and this was before it was even aired... good times my fellow gogumas.
















































































































3. INTERVIEWS... Just a few back in the begining when they were asked left and right about WGM... Pretty spazz worthy thingies happened there...










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. YH, Who he wants with him in Jeju???
















































































































And old time favorite... When YH was asked in the NII photoshoot who he would want to go with to Jeju... the poor man was sooo embarrased after saying out of no where SH... hahaha pretty good spazzing material back then...
















































































































There are a lot more, maybe someone can think of a few more... Very good times indeed...
















































































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas, just a few more days, we can make it!!!
















































































































Edit 1: I feel this is like a support group and right now we are all under therapy... pretty random but true... what will I do without my fellow gogumas, I would really think I am crazy... :D
















































































































Edit 2: Credits to the videos to the owner of the channel...

















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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































People on Official Seohwa Thread, lol. I've been watching again Yongseo episodes and noticed this on Episode 10 when they went to JungDongJin(?) to watch the sunrise. When they went down the train, did they held hands? wub.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe, yes. Yong nampyeon is supposed to since it's being a genteman to guide her buin. rolleyes.gif

































































































































































































































































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Guest blueshoes
















[Pic] Yonghwa Endorsement Fred Perry (bag pack) @ 200th day anniv








































credit http://codenameblue.wordpress.com/ + yongseofacts








source: http://blog.naver.com/fredperrykor/20116825676









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Guest crystalblue


Oh it's nice to have this place to come to for whining and pouting for not getting our dosage of goguma couple this weekend huh? Yeah... absolutely know now that I am indeed, a Yongseo addict as my withdrawal symptoms are kicking in to a bad place now. hahaha... like everyone, I'm just watching all old clips of shows and episodes to relive my relationship with these two love birds. Now that we know what we know, rewatching old stuff takes on new light and we catch things we didn't catch before. Take this clip of Happy Together when Yong Hwa as on with Simon D. Notice the should bump Simon D gave to right after the Seohyun tease happened. Guys do this when they know something is goin' on right? Just another little confirmation that their friends knew something was brewing for real!


Happy Together Yong Clip


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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also noticed? Their feet always go simultaneously. I mean, they step to the right at the same time and at the left also.  Keke.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What do we call this, Gogumas? DESTINY.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And also, at the end of Episode 10, Hyun linked arms with Yong. Eagle-eyed me. Hahaha tongue.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest angg_jagiya


share~~ My eyes just focus on sweet potato couple..aigo really miss them...:(:(




Ending~ SBS Love Sharing Concert




Yong very improve as mc , still remember yong make mistakes and also labeled him as disgraceful host but he never relented to learn be perfect and great.. really admire him..




hateful questions


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Guest wallpaperfood

yong looks so hot in the clip u posted ^ (kamsahamnida ayutie)!!

and seobaby goes to stand close to the mcs hehe.

She wants to get closer, but not so obvious because it's in public, so she steps away again.

But still close enough to nampyeon. ^^

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Yeah I was out for lunch and suddenly remember I got no WGM ep to come back and watch, then I felt sad.




























































tinybeatingheart - the last gif in your post really make me very happy and laugh. They look like they are having a good time, or rather felt so funny that they had to stick to each other in such bad weather. Its always during the tough times that show their love (including the chuseok special).




























































There are so many people I want to reply to, but there are too many to name. Everyone seems to have something interesting to say or observe these two days.




























































Yep, they are too kind not to grill Hyun on happy together (HT). From what everyone wrote, here are the few conclusions which I like to summarise:




























































a) it was edited out







































b.) wgm is on mbc whereas HT and the radio show is on other stations







































c) the mc know he wont get a good answer from Hyun, but he asked anyway







































d) the mc knows the answer is too hot to handle, but he asked anyway.







































e) blackout of yongseo infor by their companies




























































All the above answers point to the fact that Yongseo is a sensitive topic to touch upon!! :)




















I have watched HT without subs and even tho I probably only understand 10% of what they say. I do realised how difficult it is for Hyun to say banmal. Everytime she tries to say it, she has to paused like trying to make sure she say it right and then everyone will laugh at her slowness and then the water guns will take over. I think by now Yong would have realised this so whether she speaks to him in banmal is not significant anymore. because he should know its just her.




















Anyway, as long as they are still wearing their rings, its good enuf for me. :wub:




















EDIT: Ayutie - thanks for the video! yeah Hyun walk so naturally towards the MC and Yong, but when she knows thats as far as she can get, she just have to be content to stay near kwongnie.



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Guest Crystal392










I just came back home and I should be sleeping but I needed to check my Goguma Planet.






Jnj I'm sorry, I wanted to give you a + but clicked by accident on - :( I'm really sorry






Thanks to everyone who shared pics, info and videos about our Goguma. :D






Today I listened a song in spanish and it made remember so much of uri YongSeo hehehe I think it's my subconcious :P






Thanks to everyone, you make my week without YongSeo more bearable :) YongSeo ftw :D



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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































Obviously i'm feeling the Yongseo drought, and i didn't have much to do so i did this.






























































































































































































































When i saw tinybeatingheart's post with them walking in sync, i kinda got inspired to post this... ;)





























































































































































































































































































































-> Signs of synchronicity between two people – things like walking in step,  shifting of positions simultaneously. All of these  nonverbal cues can be taken as reassurance that the couple is in sync and in love.































































































































-> Unconsciously reflecting each other's behavior such as walking in sync indicates that there is quite a bit of attraction  involved, as it implies that both of you are at the same level of  attraction.





























































































































































































































































































































Intense flirting will often result in eye to eye contact as well as looking long and hard at the mouth.































































































































The eyes are the window to the soul.





























































































































































































































































































































When people like what they see, their pupils increase in size, and tend to blink more.































































































































Eyes can blink in sync when looking into the eyes of the person they like.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Body positioning by leaning forward and being in a relaxed position pointing in the direction of the person of attraction is a all-too-good sign of interest. These break the barriers down indicating a non-defensive and open mind that is relaxed and comfortable.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































An emotionally connected couple will always walk side by side.































































































































One will not lead the other, or suddenly change course of their path without communicating his intentions.





























































































































































































































































































































A genuinely interested man will also maintain a comfortable distance, never imposing on a woman’s personal space. These are all signs that he genuinely likes her as opposed to just wanting her to be  the object of his arm (or his bed) for the evening.






























































































































































































































































NOTE: According to experts, our non-verbal body language represents 50% of  what we communicate, while or tone of voice represents 38% and actual  spoken words, just a mere 7%...
































































LoL sorry if i'm feeling experty today... Anyway, got these infos from various body laguage sites...































































































































I would like to post more but finding gifs is not really my thing... ^_^
































































and i'm also not really the most resourceful person around... lol... :lol:

































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Guest ahn_annann







20101114 SBS Love Sharing Concert





YongSeo at same the stage.




















made by me


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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CallMeDayDreaming, Wah, never thought there are such deep meanings behind these. It speaks about them though.wub.gif
































































































































































































































































qwenli, Wow. You caught that eh? Well, it seems so. rolleyes.gif
































































































































































































































































So there, went to Soshified to replace my HQ We Got Married videos with HD ones. Why? Because I'm weird. Lol. And also it helped me minimize the space in my computer since before every We Got Married episodes are cut in parts while if you join them with HJSplit it becomes one and somehow minimized the space tongue.gif
































































































































































































































































Rewatching again because of the HD videos. keke. And another GIF by me..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong nampyeon? You want to hold Hyun buin's waist? No one stops you to do so~~ wub.gifwub.gif BUT WHYYYYY

































































































































































































































































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