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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































no wgm today...
































































































































































































































































































it has been confirmed
































































































































































































































































































even mc's tweet said there is no wgm this week
































































































































































































































































































but there will be next week!
































































































































































































































































































yay! for next week!
































































































































































































































































































i miss our yongseo couple!!!
































































































































































































































































































lately no news about them which make me sad....

































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No WGM today , now showing sport game football.... sad...




i have nothing to shared  just bored ... rewatch our couple ep 1 again....



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Guest chilipadi_22






Just waiting 2 week for uri yongseo couple is so bad alr and now we have to wait for 2!!


What's this man!!


But one week has passed! Looking forward to next week!


By the way, isbtge news abt yongseo having a wedding photoshoot really true???



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caps from epi 1.

destiny play a part in yongseo lives right from the beginning...

making the same hand gestures..



degeun degeun...


ah! my wife! pretty!


he was mesmerised by her sparkling eyes right from day one..


destiny sets in. hyun followed what her heart tells her...



oh hi there hachi! *wave wave*

yup, Sat sure feels diff w/out yongseo..

don't know why, but i don't feel bored at all.. :phew:^_^

other goguma villagers may have gone for a short w/end break :sweatingbullets:

i'm sure this thread will come alive again when NAN airs..

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Lunasol - those goldfish are damn scary to me!!! How did you manage to find them :crazy:






















I just went on Baidu and apparently some korean fans donated 1300 book in the name of Yongseo. I think it is so cool that Yongseo has inspired such good deeds!






















Here are the pix (news and pix courtesy of DC and baidu):















































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Guest Faith_memory


















the thread is too slow today, hehe~ maybe all gogumas are having a YongSeo Marathon, huh! ♥ kekeke~ im rewatching everything at the moment! hahaha! and still enjoying even though im not expecting any wgm on this day! ♥ im rewinding my favorite moments haha!! ♥ I got a lot of them so i need to load a lot of videos. keke~ ♥ im feeling the feelings i had in the past as i watch these episodes again!! haha! ♥ kyaaa~














qwenli wow, those gogumas are awesome! donating 1300 books! O.O seriously! yongseo should know about that!! that is pretty awesome!! ♥














anyway, im currently on episode 21














visiting cnblue's dorm! and cooking! and also, yong feeling jealous!!































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        Salute to all korean gogumas for donating the books. YongSeo couple is setting  good examples and influence. First the gogumas donated blood and now books. Uri YongSeo is able to reach the charitable sides of others due to their down-to-earth and wonderful personality. I hope they'll show more positive sides which could be followed by others. 

        Though they are young (just 20 & 22 - korean age) both Yong and Hyun are smart people in their own ways. Yong had composed a few songs which are all good and i'm sure he'll become great composer and musician in the future. Hyun is an intelligent student, as Yong like to say she is a genius. She learns things quickly and well. She would definitely be a good national figure one day. They would make their parents very proud.

        Today's Saturday seems a bit gloomy as I did not get my usual YongSeo vitamin. Like all the other gogumas... I went back to ep 1 and rewatch all their sweet moments. The feelings are just like watching them for the first time.  I still have the smiles, silly grins, flutters in the heart, goosebumps and all... 

Thank you to gogumas who brought news and post caps for us to fill the emptiness in the heart without our usual saturday afternoon YongSeo. Love reading your post & looking at the photos. faith_memory, jnj, qwenli, dreamyboo, crystal, panGGheartbreakgenxvraindropslenovo, hachimitsu and others. Sorry If I did not mention your name coz I can't remember all due to the thread moves sad.gif

Something to help ease the emptiness without YongSeo.



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sorry if this repost
















































































































































































































































-This is from a recent interview with the “We Got Married” PD-
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In MBC’s popular variety programme WGM, the goguma couple are undergoing some changes. Recently the goguma couple’s 200-day has caught much attention. They used to be a lovely “model” couple who always give in to each other, however, they have recently started push-pull (in order to catch the other’s attention), even when they travel overseas, they quarrelled. Audiences are finding their changes interesting. The used-to-be-lovely couple’s small changes are attracting audiences’ interests. So we’ve met the PD, he is the first one to see the couple’s changes starting from their first impression until their recent changes.
















































































































































































































































PD-nim’s first impression of Seohyun: She appeared in the Taeyeon-Hyungdon couple before. Although it was only a very short appearance, the impression was deep. Despite being the maknae of 8 sisters, she has very clear and subjective opinions, she is also very honest, showing maturity which does not match with her young age, she is a person with strong faith.
















































































































































































































































First impression of Yonghwa: For YongHwa, even though he was being interviewed with many female PDs, he was not afraid. Most people in that situation would be scared and threatened to say things they did not intend to. However, for Yong, he was able to make jokes, he looks like he’s an experienced guy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa is like this, he looks like he has many expeirences with love, but actually he’s a very pure guy. He does not have much close female friends. All the photos in his mobile are taken with his male friends. Once when the SNSD members went to the couple’s new home, he was so nervous that he even asked the PD “what should I do” when the camera was not filming him. This pureness match very well with SeoHyun. (Leader so cute!!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Of course, espcially the recent mildang (push-pull) is a very good example. Since YongHwa felt that there’s a wall between him and SeoHyun, in order to get closer to her, he started doing mildang without contacting her for a whole month. SeoHyun, without knowing any reason, would of course felt interwined. In this moment when they both are uncomfortable at heart, they have to perform a duet stage on their 200 day. Being a director, I hope that maybe doing something together will make the couple closer. Actually, they get a lot closer when they quarrel. Actually, at first when they were too giving in to each other, it makes us worry (with a smile^^). So as a result, these two people’s changes bring out much richer emotions. Although this is a fake love, for someone like SeoHyun who has no experiences at all and someone as playful and cheerful as YongHwa, this is definitely a good experience.
















































































































































































































































In the process of trying to be close to each other, the two have spent some happy times which pull them much closer and now their little arguments and misunderstandings are being sorted. For SeoHyun, she learns about love through reading, she believes love is something like a standard forumula, how will it change when she meets YongHwa? This is much anticipated. Audiences feel that these two people’s relationships make people relate it to the feeling of first-love. Having passed their 200 day, they would become another long-lasting couple.
















































































































































































































































Thank you FYeah!Gogumalove! via Tumblr for the tips!
















































































































































































































































Source/Credit: Newsen
















































































































































































































































Translated by: Baidu + BettyLovesGogumas
















































































































































































































































Re-upload by: fizzy@cnbluestorm

















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Guest chilipadi_22






i feel so empty without WGM!


i desparately need my dose of goguma vitamin now!


hope next saturday pali come. i really cant survive without my goguma.


thank you for all the news and pictures of uri goguma. really appreciate all that fellow gogumas have done. :)



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Hey guys!!!

Today is a busy day... even though there's no WGM episode for us to watch,


thanks to everyone here in this thread. I appreciate you guys!

just so u know:

  • Clumsy Unnie updated her fic already. (to those on the PM list, whether u like it or not - ur still getting my message (haha! go check ur inboxes!) but for those who are not, see link ---> COMPLETE - A Promise To Keep (Part 2).

  • Jossa Unnie's FIC --- she's writing now as we speak... she promised to post before she goes to bed. And she will deliver, for sure. She's that good! haha. (cheers! - luv ur own!) **i will edit this later to post link for her story**

  • Last but not the least, just sharin' that in GENXV's super helpful blog (Sweet Potato Days) - we have had constant chat session and we've established some regulars on it. Anyway, one of them is an Indonesian DJ (DJ Dee!!!) !!!! - pinkbutterflies Unnie (this is her soompi name. )! And earlier she dedicated a song for us all in her show, yes to ALL GOGUMA FANs and played --- LOVELIGHT. Isn't she the sweetest???

You can catch her (DJ Dee) online - livestream thru the details below:

Website: http://en.voi.co.id/

Days/Time: Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, 6-9 pm

Love Lots to all,

Katsy Lenovo.

PR Consultant

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Seohyun was on Young Street with the other SNSD members..
































































































































































































































Translation by @KissMez / kissmez.tumblr.com/

Seohyun’s ideal man in SNSD

Heechul: You must get a lot of questions about WGM. Should we skip it?
































































































































































































































Seohyun: Uhh…
































































































































































































































Heechul: If we skip, I’ll think of another question
































































































































































































































Yuri: What about Hyoyeon?
































































































































































































































Heechul: Hyoyeon, if you were to do WGM which male would you want to do it with?
































































































































































































































Tiffany: What if~ what if!
































































































































































































































Then they start singing Taeyeon’s “If”
































































































































































































































Heechul: Go ahead, Hyoyeon. Or what imagine that the rest of the members are males. Who would you pick?
































































































































































































































Hyoyeon: I don’t want to pick anyone
































































































































































































































Heechul: Then back to you, Seohyun. Since you are a woman, the rest of the members are all men. Which member is closest to your ideal man?
































































































































































































































Seohyun: Ideal man?
































































































































































































































Jessica: If Seohyun is a man?
































































































































































































































Members: No if we are.
































































































































































































































Taeyeon: Or if this unnie was born a man, they would be handsome.
































































































































































































































Seohyun: Sooyoung unnie.
































































































































































































































Jessica: Ah you like Sooyoung’s style
































































































































































































































Heechul: In your opinion, which member is prone to loneliness?
































































































































































































































Seohyun: First off, I think Hyoyeon envies me the most
































































































































































































































Heechul: Do you get lonely, Hyoyeon?
































































































































































































































Hyoyeon: Its because I’m her roommate. Even if I don’t want to hear about it, she keeps bragging to me.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Too bad they skipped the WGM question(s) :P but according to Hyoyeon, Seohyun still brags about her marriage haha

































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Guest _d3seohyun



just adding to what aisuo415 posted above :D




Q: Member I want to talk to on the phone for a long time

Seohyun: Hyoyeon


Seohyun: Hyoyeon is my roommate and there are times when we talk and she listens very well. And even when I talk about serious things for a long time, she listens well.

Hyoyeon: This is my stress. I can’t refuse. There was one time when I was listening until the sun came up. But I like it. We get along well

translated by _shikshin @twitter/posted by ice_soshi @ggthread

I say it's Yonghwa related :lol:

I'm in need of some eyeship



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Guest lunasol


According to reports yesterday, Yong is going to appear on his new show receiving relationship advice and will be put on the spot by the invited artist Psy. This guy is a hard-core SNSD fan/supporter/defender. In fact, just recently he even defended them and criticize the actors/actress super frigid snobby attitude towards them at the 47th Daejong Film Awards during their performance. If you look for the video you will see that it must have been a painful and embarrassing situation for the girls.


So its obvious we have to see what he is going to tell to Hyun's husband on Monday!! biggrin.gif




Oh, and here is a funny story where he appeared with our Hyun last December.




[12.16.09] Psy, "SNSD Makes You Run Out From The Shower"






Musical artist Psy revealed what the officers of the military thinks of SNSD.



On 'Strong Heart' that aired on the 15th, Psy comically explained what many officers thought of SNSD.




Psy said "the SNSD music video might air on television while we are in the shower,


so we get the privates to keep watch of the tv and if the music video does come on,


they have to yell 'it's SNSD!!' before the first verse goes by,'" this made everyone laugh.




He claims that "I've seen the music video so much, that I know it's them just by seeing their feet."


"If someone yells 'It's SNSD!' a whole squadron comes out at the speed of light to see it.


When I was a private I had to keep watch of the tv too. It was a bit frightening because I was the lowest rank,


but I enjoyed watching the higher ranked officers running outside."




Psy, Taeyeon, Hyoyeon and Seohyun danced to 'Genie' and 'Gee' together.




Source: Newsen

Translation: Just Love~! @ Soshified.com/forums </h2>




Yong instead of asking for advice, maybe he should also worried about Psy's claim that he can even identify his buin just by watching her legs wink.gif Hahahaha






Can you imagine if Yong is doing his obligated military time (which I hope will not be anytime soon) and he have to see all those men running out of the shower to see his wife on the TV? Awwww, it will be torture for him.


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Guest sputniked

hello my fellow gogumas =) i just found out abt this thread on soompi last wk, and through out the week, had been reading through the entire thread diligently to find out abt our hottest and sweetest couple ! my word do i love yongseo! like everyone here, im suffering withdrawal symptoms from a lack of wgm and goguma dose, and like everyone, my way to deal with the cold turkey is to re-visit our dear yongseo couple from episode 1 ! i have been through the entire series like 4 times, and when i reach the last available episode, i still find myself going back to episode 1 and the cycle repeats itself! Amazing!!!

@ lenovo can i find out where you got yong's answer to hyun's text on Young Street?? i was literally over the moon when i saw that!!

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Guest SophiaPia




















Hi to all chingus :) it's really feels diff. w/o wgm, i'm not feeling well :( We hope only today and will be back next sat. Tomorrow love sharing concert hopefully we can see our lovely YongSeo couple :) 



























I'm also curious about this guy PSY kekeke! imagine in military when SeoHyun and her unnies in tele and all this tough army guys stop what ever they doing even while having shower kekeke! they will all go out and watch the girls kekeke!  Hubby Yong will experience this once his in military and when SeoHyun's turn hubby Yong will shout THAT'S MY LOVELY WIFE SEOHYUN w00t.gif



























I've seen music core earlier, i've watch all the radio show guesting of wife SeoHyun and sis-in-law. I just miss the lovely YongSeo couple. Thanks to all who shared anything about our lovely couple. 



























Cheers to all





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Guest raindrops_919

annyong GOGUMA  :wub:

ahhh lunasol thank you so much for sharing it! now i can imagine that " yong on his military time " huahaaaha  w00t.gif poor yong, whole squadron will haunted him with question about his buin and sister in laws..  phew.gif

@ dreamyboo, ichigo_kawai, qwenli, _hachimitsu, redrev : THANK YOU  :wub: *hugs*

waves to pangg, crystal_malfoy, jnj and ALL GOGUMA VILLAGER  :D

here's yongseo story part 2, even saturday without yongseo feels kind of weird, let's cheer up the GOGUMA DAY

*lovelovelove, everybody clapclapclap*


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Guest lunasol


bonbon31: From google translation I could also detect they were talking about WGM (I think they mention the first episodes when they went to the bookstore and Secretary General Ban Ki-moon), YongHwa, banmal and Happy Together. Anyways, hopefully someone will be generous and translate the article for us smile.gif.




aisuo415: Thank U for posting the translation!




About Heechul's radio show. Why the shows in general are not asking her directly about WGM and Yong? There is something fishy about it because you know in all these shows (Happy Together, Sukira, Youngstreet, etc) they have asked Yong directly about her, WGM, or his ideal girl, etc). Well, in Sukira and Youngstreet the hosts are Hyun's brothers (Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, Heechul), so now it feels like they wanted to grill him and put him on the spot to gather info from his side hahahaha.




Heechul is a guy who will say WHATEVER he wants, but here he was protective of his dongsaeng, so he didn't pressure her and planned to skip putting her seriously on the spot. He just left it kinda like an open question in case she wanted to answer something about it. It was more obvious because according to the translation the reason he gave for avoiding the question its because she is constantly asked about it, and we know its not true (at least from the public view). (Maybe all her SM family are constantly hounding her with questions about Yong so he is mixing it up biggrin.gif  hahahaha)




Another evasive action was done by protective Yuri when she change the questioning towards Hyoyeon. Also, notice that after they changed the question to ideal man on SNSD for Hyohyeon, when they went back to Seohyun they couldn't even asked her directly about any real guy, as they did originally to Hyoyeon. She could have answered Nodame character Chiaki Sempai or Johnny Depp, you know. But they didn't give her that opportunity. For me, all this seems suspicious. huh.gif




What do you Gogumas think?? biggrin.gif


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bonbon31: From google translation I could also detect they were talking about WGM (I think they mention the first episodes when they went to the bookstore and Secretary General Ban Ki-moon), YongHwa, banmal and Happy Together. Anyways, hopefully someone will be generous and translate the article for us smile.gif.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aisuo415: Thank U for posting the translation!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About Heechul's radio show. Why the shows in general are not asking her directly about WGM and Yong? There is something fishy about it because you know in all these shows (Happy Together, Sukira, Youngstreet, etc) they have asked Yong directly about her, WGM, or his ideal girl, etc). Well, in Sukira and Youngstreet the hosts are Hyun's brothers (Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, Heechul), so now it feels like they wanted to grill him and put him on the spot to gather info from his side hahahaha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Heechul is a guy who will say WHATEVER he wants, but here he was protective of his dongsaeng, so he didn't pressure her and planned to skip putting her seriously on the spot. He just left it kinda like an open question in case she wanted to answer something about it. It was more obvious because according to the translation the reason he gave for avoiding the question its because she is constantly asked about it, and we know its not true (at least from the public view). (Maybe all her SM family are constantly hounding her with questions about Yong so he is mixing it up biggrin.gif  hahahaha)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Another evasive action was done by protective Yuri when she change the questioning towards Hyoyeon. Also, notice that after they changed the question to ideal man on SNSD for Hyohyeon, when they went back to Seohyun they couldn't even asked her directly about any real guy, as they did originally to Hyoyeon. She could have answered Nodame character Chiaki Sempai or Johnny Depp, you know. But they didn't give her that opportunity. For me, all this seems suspicious. huh.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What you Gogumas, think?? biggrin.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Interesting.. we might be over analyzing this again, but I think it should be okay this time as we're short on our weekly YongSeo dosis. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have the feeling that regarding Seohyun in WGM it's been approached quite carefully in general lately. Aside from the rings and the recent episodes of WGM, whenever Seohyun is a guest somewhere on a show they always seem to skip questions about WGM. The most recent one was Happy Together. With her unnies and even MC Miseon on the same show you'd think they'd spill some beans about it, but despite having talked about WGM, the most obvious thing to do hasn't been done. Which is asking Seohyun about her married life since she's the one actually experiencing it now. Instead, they asked all the others and even Taeyeon's previous marriage (lol). I have a strong feeling they did ask, but it got edited out. Maybe they're being extra careful with what's coming up in the next episodes which naturally shows them being closer but maybe too close for those fangirls/fanboys out there haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Btw, I remember reading a lot of times how the Japan date is the 'turning point' for YongSeo.. but can't recall how that suddenly came up. Can anyone help?

































































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@ magdal.. the answer is not i dont know..it just the translator not sure..and crystal_malfoy.. hi cingu! chingu from hyun thread said that someone at sweetpotatodays chat said Nicole said Seohyun is like Parrot and JInwoon said Seohyun is like Kiwi Bird.























i think she does message yong and her other chingus.. but this two respond first.. kekeke..






































aigo..today already saturday and........






































tq for all pics+links+ and post.. take care everyone






































yongseo is  :wub: :wub:  























Then I misunderstood  the answer, thank you so much for pointing it out!!












aisuo415: Back in October,  We had a korean fan here, and she was the one who explained to us about Japan´s Date being a "turning point", she said that fans in korea knew about birthday episode as a turning point as well, and that they said that Japan´s trip is another one :wub:.












aisuo415, d3_, thank you so much for the translation!!























raindrops, I love your screencaps, _hachi, love your draw!!!






































Lunasol: I agree with you, fishy fishy... and If they don´t ask her quickly about WGM I will going to die of anxiety! hahaha.












 I was just wonder, Why Yuri said HyoYeon??? I can´t help but remember them giggling in their Inki´s debut :wub:. Ok  gogumas, please don´t pay attention to last part  :w00t:.












Everybody, thank you for all the goodies, just one more week!!!





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