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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest wallpaperfood

thank you jajay!!!!! you made my day :D

I just checked the timeline for WGM filming and compared it to when news of Night After Night first came out.

On Sweet Potato Days (genxv's awesome goguma site, if u don't already know...), the announcement of Night After Night (NAN) was first posted on October 13th. The picture was of the filming, so I'm assuming the filming was just before/around then.

Yongseo filmed on the 11th (driving the truck), two days before his role in NAN was announced, and the last WGM filming before that was Japan filming (Sept 21st). So maybe they filmed NAN while the mildang issue was nearly solved/talked through (we won't find out till Monday/next Sat I guess, lol). I reckon they filmed NAN's 1st ep between Japan WGM and truck WGM dates.

omg omg i can't wait for it to air so I can read about Yong's relationship counselling session (puahaha). Damn stupid accounting exam on Tuesday is preventing me from streaming it live. :X


just checked again - NAN filming was on Oct 20th. So I'm curious - surely their mildang issue couldn't have gone that long? I think Yong was just asking some general relationship advice (regarding hyun of course!!! :P). ok i'll stop speculating and wait for actual confirmation hahaha. Should be studying -.-"

Oh and regarding the wedding photoshoot rumours - I think maybe Seohyun skipped the fansigning to pick out her wedding dress and try out makeup or sth. Possibly with Yong, seeing as he was free that day.

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Guest Crystal392










Thanks to all gogumas for sharing screencaps and info about uri Yong and Hyun. I'm also anticipating Night after night and the Love concert :)








Jajay thanks for sharing that! :w00t: I wonder who he was talking about? *rolls eyes* hahahaha imo it's obvious it's about Hyun. Makes me remember when he once asked on a variety show to his seniors about talking about your past with your partner :P hahahaha this two are so cute <3








btw Jajay, the baidu goguma that went to Korea uploaded some fancams? :o








About Youngstreet, let's not forget according to FnC th CNBLUE boys don't have cellphones ;) imagine if Hyun would have texted him and he didn't have his phone with him and didn't answer :o btw, what animals did Nicole and Jinwoon say she resembled? :o


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About Youngstreet, let's not forget according to FnC th CNBLUE boys don't have cellphones ;) imagine if Hyun would have texted him and he didn't have his phone with him and didn't answer :o btw, what animals did Nicole and Jinwoon say she resembled? :o























They both said "I don´t know" hahaha... I hope she will remember it and ask Yong later, since she already gave an animal looks-like to him.












Yong was filming NAN today, so maybe that is why she didn´t text  (11.12 [Filming] SBS Night After Night (Yonghwa) from  C.N BLUE PHILIPPINES @ facebook) or maybe just because he is Yong :P, she just can´t texts him and expose herself....












and talking about this what animal do you think she looks like? for me,  I think she reminds me of a swan, because they are elegant, beautiful, graceful and seem pures and perfects, just like Seobaby ^_^.




































I think I could accept that as answer if they were trying Yong in the same way, but he was asked for SeoHyun in that same program, and he is asked on radio shows and other places too. But of course, Yong seems to have more ability to escape "gracefully" to those questions (I can´t wait to see him cornered in NAN). Hahaha, seems like they are over over over protecting her, and that is fishy to me (of course, just my opinion) :phew:.





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hi fellow gogumas! have been lurking for the past 3 mths.. took me quite a while to catch up the pgs!
















However, at last! i manage to catch up the pace at pg 1364! Phew~ (okie, i cheated a bit.. i started reading from 1000th pg =p)
















U guys are certainly very vocal and have been enjoying various analysis , news and recap of our fav. couple! ^ ^
















It has been hectic for the past few weeks, if not for this lovely and sweet couple and u guys, i dun know how i can make it! Would like to write more but i got a plane to catch. I'm flying off to japan in 2 hrs times. Will be going to Kawagoe which luckily i have 2 understanding friends who agreed to go along with my sweet potato madness! Too bad, WGM won't be showing this week or i will be able to make note of where did they went or stayed.
















U guys have a good week and i shall come back in 2 weeks time hopefully with some photos of their trail!

















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Part 4 of YongSeo timeline (man, these caps just gets longer and longer XDD)









Episode Twenty Five; Ueno Juri II & Double Birthday



A jealous Hyun :3 The oversized kimchi pancake and everyone's just patting at it with different utensils lol. Teaching Ueno Juri how to say DAEBAK XD and Hyun running to Yong at the beginning of their birthday outing (:









Episode Twenty Six; Double Birthday



Discovery of Hyun's 'combo'. Yong completely scared at the Hyun senorita comedian. Hyun's initial reaction to her surprise birthday gift, then the joy after he told him it was a goguma field. Yong's reaction at the SNSD uncle fan XDDD and Hyun completely missing the gift Yong buried.









Episode Twenty Seven; Double Birthday II



A very proud and thoughtful Yong =D Hyun's surprise for Yong with the mask on. Putting new couple rings on each other <33 and HOLDING HANDS =DDDDDDD <333









Episode Twenty Eight; After Double Birthday, YongSeo DUet



Fresh-faces Yong at the beauty salon (: Yong washing Hyun's hair. The head bump <3 and the awkward lines from RDR that Hyun forces upon Yong XD









Episode Twenty Nine; YongSeo Duet



Shy Jonghyun temporarily replacing Yong :3 Jungshin singling along with RDR, Jonghyun's fabulous artwork, the 200 day badge and YongSeo's duet (holding hands <3)









Episode Thirty; Pushing and Pulling



Yong posing with Hyun's school uniform. A very excited student couple. Hyun: "200 won?" referring to the badge XD Yong embarrassed after giving Hyun the guidebook he made (awww) and a very frustrated Yong: "I'll spit read beans on you" LOL









Episode Thirty One; Pushing and Pulling II & Japan trip



Yong once again completely overwhelmed by books XD A very cheesy DJ Yong, a very excited Yong spraying roomspray everywhere and that anti-climax when he rejects Hyun's banmal. Cute polaroid pictures <3 Hyun's avatar reference with her hair. The horrible anti-climax again when they finally meet each other in Japan. Yong and Hyun spazzing about each other in the interview XD and Yong's reenactment of the 'I don't know why' jacket photoshoot.



























all done~! hope you gogumas enjoyed the timeline (so far) (:



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I would like to comment on SNSD in YoungStreet. Hyun was asked to text some people and ask what animal resembles her. and someone (sorry I forgot) mentioned that she texted KARA's Nicole (her close friend) and 2AM's Jinwoon (a friend). I kinda feel glad that she did not text Yonghwa. its hard to explain. but if she texted Yonghwa, alongside Jinwoon and Nicole, it give off the feel that Yonghwa is on the "friend level". and what makes Yonghwa special is that she mentioned that she texts Yonghwa, even when she has activities outside Korea (duet episode, when she told Yong about the Kyuhyun duet). so not texting Yonghwa in Youngstreet is ok. also, correct me if Im wrong, but I think YoungStreet is SBS so they might be discouraged to mention people or things related to shows from other networks.

2 posibilities comes to my mind.

1 - she did text yong, but yong replied her late (its nothing knew for yongseo)

2 - yong did reply her and gave a naughty answer :P (we know he likes to tease her)

so she'd rather keep that answer to herself! ;):lol:

no yongseo today, no problem..

we can still spazz on old episodes.

and since some of us were not here when the 1st episode aired,

i would love to know what make us hooked on this 'awkward' couple.. :rolleyes:

ichigo, kawai... love those wallies, especially the one 'resting on bed'..

don't we wish they are like that?

jayjay, hug u for the baidu news. looking forward to that show.

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She did text YONG: and He even answered:

"Ur a LOVE BIRD - because though it can live for long, alone... it's better off with a PAIR. Just like us, we're better off together. ~ My Love Bird "

---> and I think that kind of message, u wanna keep for yourself right??? :wub:








































































**So, Im having cheese for breakfast. So cheesy!!! LOL!








































































jnj NAUGHTY answer?! ahaha! I like where this is going. LOL!






























































































































































































































But really, let' not over analyze this TEXT people (before we go crazy over little things... I am basically, preaching to myself here. haha! I refuse to embrace my unbelief, like I did with last week's ep.) there are millions of reasons why this and that happen (even make a fic out of it, calling - calling them so good fic writers! haha)






























































































































































































































But really... Let's keep the faith. let's always believe for the best! :wub:






























































































































































































































Aiish.... I miss these two. And will be missing them for today. Seobaby's looking prettier and prettier each time we see her. And Yonghwa's equally getting HOTTER!






























































































































































































































But hey, as i know it -- since we dont have an episode today... MOST FIC WRITERS will give us something to read on. I know - CLUMSY (lyra) will be posting an ep (a sure treat!!!); Jossa Unnie (I will go ask for one. hehe), TRENT - said he'll post one today too. And others have been posting as well. Ohhh, we have a supportive YongSeo Family don't we??









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Guest lunasol



Sadly there will be no episode, but lets continue spazzing together with news, fanfics, fanvideos, caps, etc!!! biggrin.gif

If you are a Yongseo addict like me, maybe this two weeks has been a good opportunity to completely focus at your work/classes and have provided the time to finish important things. In fact, I have an EXTREMELY important deadline next week, so in a way this break have been a blessing. Yes, that was my rational thinking. But then I watch the last part of the Japan episode and I get anxious and desperate to see what is going to happen!!! hahaha Maybe I should just refrain from watching that part and just focus on all other episodes when I take my relaxing breaks. smile.gif

As a side note, we read that supposedly Yong is creeped out by goldfishes. I understood him because the kind of goldfish that I knew don't seem to be cute fishes and they kind of creeped me out too. Maybe these are some of the kinds of goldfishes Yong was referring to!! biggrin.gif

Bubble-eyed goldfish



Oranda goldfish


Lionhead goldfish


As you can see, not all goldfishes look like this one


If he went to the aquarium with Hyun as the rumors are saying, then maybe he saw some of these goldfishes there biggrin.gif.


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Guest YongxHyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ Caliope  Thanks so much of this info!! Finally there wedding photos had came!!!! It's with yonghwa right!! please be!!!!! I cant wait for that day !!!! OMG!!!! I'm so so so exicted now. and still have to suffer one week without WGM...no :/

































































































































































































































































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@ magdal.. the answer is not i dont know..it just the translator not sure..and crystal_malfoy.. hi cingu! chingu from hyun thread said that someone at sweetpotatodays chat said Nicole said Seohyun is like Parrot and JInwoon said Seohyun is like Kiwi Bird.



i think she does message yong and her other chingus.. but this two respond first.. kekeke..






aigo..today already saturday and........






tq for all pics+links+ and post.. take care everyone






yongseo is :wub: :wub:



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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hey guys, according to CNB's schedule at their official site, there's WGM next week.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And we all know that there's no WGM today, but what is this? No WGM again next next week? :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































source: CNBLUE's official site (http://cnblue.co.kr/'>LINK)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyways, I'm here again. Lurking~ Keke. Love all your posts :-bd Anyways, I again rewatched everything from Ep1 up to the recent one for, like, 85265926592th time. Haha! And you know what are the parts I never get tired of? wub.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1.) When they thought the one approaching is Yong's wife.hdfgd.jpg
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2.) When Yong~ alleviated the mood.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3.) When Yong~ caught her in action. Haha!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4.) As if Hyun haven't seen a guitar before.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































5.) When they tried to call each other by their names.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































6.) When they talked about 'love'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































7.) When they took their selca~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lol, from episode one only. More to come 8D; Aah, I really miss these episodes. Their innocence are cuter than today's but I think the recent episodes are good too but they are aways busy with their overseas schedules. tears.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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God.. i need my weekly dose of yongseo couple!! this is bad.. the wait feels so long.. )':  anyway, on my attempt of seeing everything in life as a glass half full, imma change my attitude and calm myself down... (calming process: 5%.... 20%.... 55%... 80%... 100%!) 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we're halfway there fellas





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@Heroine: arghhhh, i am madly in love with your timelined screencaps! thank you for the hardwork..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@crystal_malfoy: what i want them to do? fufufu, since i daydream about them on a daily basis now, i think it's okay to confide some of my desired scenarios of uri yongseo here.. =p 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































what i want them to do (in random order):































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. have KYUHYUN visit them/ have them meet him: as much as i love yongseo pairing, i think that having kyuhyun in WGM will add drama and tension.. i wanna see yong gets jelly again.. i wanna see him try his hardest to keep his cool in front of hyun buin.. wekekeke.. and i know that an epiosde with kyuhyun is a guarantee of a rating boost, although i don't really care abt this show's ratings hehehehe






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. wear matching outfits again: ahhh i miss the earlier episodes when their clothes coincidentally matched with their partner's. hehehe. the trench coar, the red+ grey outfit combo.. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. you know, just do whatever they're asked to do by the PD.. only LONGER: and more detailed, meaning longer cuts... and less parts being left out and cruelly taken down/ edited out.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. wedding photoshoot: who's not with me on this one?? god they're already been married for so many months.. i think it's about time to have something to hang on their wall (give a nice touch to the lonely- looking couch). i see so many anxious fans have already done their own maneuvers and edited yong and hyun's pics together wearing tuxedos and wedding dress.. hwahahahahah.. which is what i just did: (lame photoshop job, i know.. ): but i promise i will do better next time)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































5. meet the parents: this would be totally egg-citing.. i don't care whether it's yong's parents/ hyun's.. although since yong's parents live in busan, i think his will be a better choice since it would mean a vacation too =p 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seee what an understanding fan i am.. i even held myself back from listing a gazillion of things i want them to do.. and i cut it down to just five... five...although truthfully, i just need them. they could go feed ducks for their mission, stay at home all day playing avatar, or fail their driving tests again for all i care... i just need them. being them. doing what they do. together. on wgm. which i watch every saturday. routinely. without fail. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh and i think i read this somewhere on this thread earlier (couldn't find who posted this question). it's about what made us attracted (or addicted) to yongseo couple in the first place.. well whoever it is that asked this question here, thank you, coz your question kept me busy thinking for a reason why for quite a while... and i don't wanna sound cheesy by saying that i don't have a reason, just like how loving someone doesn't require any reason.. bleagh, i'm 16, what do i know about love..  































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but to be honest: i don't know. it's hard to know exactly what/ when i first fell in like with this couple. maybe it's when hyun wrapped her blanket on yong's shoulder *i got goosebumps when i first watched that scene.. hyun's sixth sense was quite overwhelming hahahaha* maybe it's because they behave like a boyfriend-girlfriend rather than a husband- wife.. and the way i see it, their affections, actions, arguments, and conversations seem sooooo genuine and realistic on the show... they don't exaggerate their actions for the sake of the show, they don't force themselves to be a couple that they're not... and it actually works for me. and i actually like it like that. in fact, i like it like that a lot. so until i could come up with a more elaborate reason why, i'll leave it you the other fellow goguma villagers here (who i know are experts in analyzing things and spazzing and all that) to have a say on this one. (:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































my obsession over this couple is becoming unhealthy.. gotta sleep it off in a minute. anyway, i made a superduper lame imovie slideshow using a song i like.. if you're bored and is as jobless as i was when i decided to make the vid, u could check it out to see how lame someone could be with imovie. hahaha.. 




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































let's bring some lives to this thread guys,... especially at times like this when we're all in great hungers for a slice of our beloved sweet potato.. share with us anything about your favorite couple hehehehe
































































































































































































































































:D have a good weekend everybody.. xxxxxxx.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest .:love_ya:.
































































































































T.T no YongSeo couple this week T.T
















































































































so I was rewatching love light fancam of CN Blue first concert and I thought this part was funny ^^ Yong seemed like he was imitating Hyun in the bd episode when she sang to him and just randomly strummed the guitar at the end of the "dugeun dugeun" phrase ^^
































































































































































































































Watch it @ around 0:18? my gif is not clear enuff ^^
















































































































CN Blue concert Love Light
















































































































Maybe I'm just crazy but Yong seemed like he was especially smiley whenever he sang "SARANGHAE YO darling/lovely" ^^









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nothing much, just some random thing that we should be looking out,

since jayjay's baidu translation make us super giddy! :w00t:

(yong asking psy for dating tip?)

No information was given in the reports as to the concept of the show. When At Night has not been assigned a time slot yet on SBS, but is expected to premiere sometime during the first week of November.

* Other translations of the show’s title has been Night after Night and Every Night.

anyone knows when they'll show this?

i'll join u guys later, on my take for epi one.



i got this from daesung thread (tks andrelle)

SBS Night After Night will air on Monday, November 15th @ 11:15PM KST.

Credit: 21Bangs @ Twitter

and from jayjay's baidu trans

Yongwha, even with his glamarous appearance and tender voice, is asking for relationship advice from PSY. Moreover, the girl concerned is "a young lady who lives a proper lifestyle". What was supposedly a relationship counselling session took an unexpected turn as Yongwha started to get bombarded with questions from PSY! Faced with such pressing situation, what secrets will spill from Yongwha's lips?

Yongwha's interesting relationship advice inquiry which caused a commotion in the recording studio and PSY's insightful answers will be revealed!

usually gogumas will say, Saturday...Palli!

but now that we know something exciting is going to happen on mon,

we should say, Monday...Palli!


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Guest Crystal392




Hello my lovely Gogumas, thanks for answering my question ^_^


about night after night, I think it will air on Nov 15th.


I :wub: the screencaps.


Gogumas one more week until a new WGM ep. :)


I just came back from a friend's house and we were playing pool/billiard and there was a moment when a friend was teaching other and it reminded so much of YongSeo <3 I began to laugh like crazy and all my friends looked at me like o_O :lol:


To all new Gogumas: welcome!!! A question: how dis you fall for YongSeo? What made you love them?


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Guest ricevol


Have a super duper nice day for gogumas all over the world!!! ALthough we don't have our weekly dose but I believe we can still alive, thanks to this thread and all of you and your pictures. I giggle so much looking at your caps.




I recently watched STRONG HEART epi 49 with Nickhun and Gain, together with 2ne1 (love these girls). There was a part where they mention about how the coupe say goodbye to each other after filming. Whether they just bow and leave or reluctant and sad when they have to end filming.




I am wonder how they would say good bye to each other? With their personality (blood type A), I think they are sad when finish fiming but not gonna show it, just bow, say good bye and wish each other this and that... Well at least to this stage of the show (which is still on September OMG :ph34r: )I think so.




But up till now (Mid of November), I do believe that they would say goodbye while looking at each other eyes (Oh btw, I love the term eyesex by one goguma in some previous post, :lol: ), not doing "annyong" American style but doing little skinship such as Yong wrap his hand around Hyun's shoulder, say goodbye while looking straight to her eyes with his puppy cute eyes (dugun dugun already :w00t: ).




Are they gonna call each other right after filming? I hope


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Guest _hachimitsu
































































































































































































































































wah. I miss this thread.. I was caught up with uni life again. waving to dreamyboo, crystal, panGG, heartbreak, jnj, genxv, raindrops, lenovo... uhmm there's seriously too many of us in gogumaland now. hehe. hello to all yongseo shippers~! saw some new names. happy spazzing~ i miss u guys^^
































































sigh it feels different on a saturday when you know there's nothing to stream at 4.15pm. Dropping by to share this. I shared it in my tumblr last week but forgot to post it here. heh my bad.
































































Yongseo drawing #2 - SEOHYUN AT CNBLUE CONCERT
































































korean words = " Yongseo - I want to see you (everyday)"
































































































































Based on true facts, if you are new to yongseo, you can read/see the real picture HERE (gen, tq for the awesome blog!^^) 
































































I just realized we waited for 3 months for this piece of evidence! ughh MBC.. It is actually paired with one of my wallpaper posted here some time ago, reposting this one...
































































Wallpaper #5 - DO YOU MISS ME? (these are the korean words)
































































































































Aish I really really hope MBC will post BTS videos in their website again. even a 5 seconds video will make us smile, no? :D
































































Thank you in advance for any news, pics, translations etc.

































































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hello gogumas...






no wgm..tried to be ok but when i watched the episodes in seohyun fb its logging, ill try to look in other sites..






jayjay thank you for that news..at least on monday we have something exciting to watch..






waiting as well for the fanfic kekeke..






gogumas fighting...youre all wonderfull..



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Guest wa2kingkong






hi gogumas.. ^^


found this @ AKP about our pretty buin..


(it's not yongseo related, so i put in spoiler.. hoho..)


Netizens go crazy for “Seohyun Generation”


Netizens have been bringing up caps of SNSD Seohyun’s Daum screensaver on various internet community sites and praising her charming beauty.


Her big round eyes staring straight into the camera has netizens already declaring, “This is Seohyun Generation!“, while she rolls around on a mat and smiles sweetly.


Other netiezns commented, “The maknae is such a goddess,” “She’s so young and already exudes this kind of aura… Amazing,”  and “Our maknae is so pretty!”



no wgm today.. so, i think i'll do marathon and read yongseo fanfics..


have a nice saturday gogumas.. ^^



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hey actually is there really no wgm today? Because my friend read at a victoria fanpage that there is wgm today because mbc may not have gotten the rights to screen the sports thingy. And kbs is screening it instead! So i think we can check at 4.15 just to be sure. If not we can just resume our activites? My friend said that wgm is stated on mbc's schedule for today!! ^^. *crosses fingers!!!*



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