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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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'Oh look at him, helping his girlfriend get up.'

XD your mom says the darnest things :).

Never thought of it that way, but there were other these kinds of 'restrained' moments as well...and as I was rewatching the whole set of episodes a 2nd and sometimes 3rd time...it's really looking to me that Seohyun never really rejects any skinship that's being initiated. She usually just accepts it comfortably...and these Yong being 'restrained' moments actually look more like...Hyun's just not really expecting it so mispositions herself so Yonghwa couldn't do what was spontaneous...

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Guest lunasol



Don't get alarmed by the news title. Its just Nov 13th, but I thought I should post this here because I have seen many people that have started watching Yongseo recently, especially after the B-Day episode. With this article I hope they  can understand why they are seeing Yongseo so delayed. These delays in April/May are also the basis for why the producer found herself in the situation of broadcasting some special out-of-order-episodes for particular reasons [Horror episode(Chuseok Holiday), Ueno Juri (Nodame Cantabile movie promotions)], while in the regular episodes Yongseo still seemed not so close because they were recorded a long time ago.  

“Infinity Challenge” and “We Got Married” reaches 2 months of cancelled episodes


If you didn’t know yet, the upcoming November 13th episodes of MBC’s Saturday variety shows, “Infinity Challenge” and “We Got Married” will not be airing this week.

The episodes of “Infinity Challenge” and “We Got Married” that were supposed to air on the 13th will instead be replaced by special broadcasts from the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. During this time, the Korea vs. Palestine men’s qualifier soccer match and the men’s qualifier baseball match for Korea vs. Taiwan will be aired.

Including this cancellation, “Infinity Challenge” and “We Got Married” has reached a total of 2 months worth of cancellations in 2010. The 2 programs were cancelled for 7 weeks during last April and May due to the Cheonan sinking incident, and with another week added from the November 13th cancellation, they’ve had 2 months of postponed showings.

Due to the tribute period that followed the sinking of the Cheonan on March 26th, “Infinity Challenge”, “We Got Married” and other variety shows were cancelled in succession. And while the tribute period was still going on, MBC’s strike efforts also started, making it difficult to air variety programs.

The strike stopped on May 14th, but the 15th’s episode was cancelled due to technical problems with editing and more. During this time, fans were met with disappointment when they could not see the 200th episode special of “Infinity Challenge”, in which the members took on huge projects such as pro-wrestling.

The production of “We Got Married” also suffered as an aftermath of cancellations. Due to the postponed episodes, some of the celebrities stopped filming for a long period.

It looks like the upcoming Asian Games will cause fans of “We Got Married” and “Infinity Challenge” to be disappointed once again. “Infinity Challenge” is doing its idol special and calendar special. “We Got Married” is becoming more and more interesting with the couples getting closer and closer. There are viewers who would prefer to watch these variety shows over the Asian Games.

Source: Newsen

Photo: MBC



Crystal: I have been very busy so I have not been able to post, but since everyone is feeling down because we can't see Yongseo this week, I decided to take a break and try to help make the thread a little more lively somehow. I am not an artist or writer, so I am glad you, as well as others, liked the caps/story!  smile.gif 

_d3seohyun: Of course you can take the caps! biggrin.gif


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I know there was that top 10 moments of YongSeo, but I'm just going to go though my favorite moments throughout the YongSeo timeline so far ;D






Episode One; First Meeting



When Yong is starting to panic just before he meets Hyun. And when Yong is hiding behind the reception and realizes it's Hyun, he's like =O --> =D









Episode Two; First Meeting II



Buying the couple rings <3 and showing it off at Music Bank









Episode Three; Date at bookstore and amusement park



Yong overwhelmed by Hyun's favorite self-improvement books, putting on the bunny ears and the spinning teacups XD









Episode Four; Tell me your wish



Yong stunned by Hyun playing the piano, playing 'Once' together in the practice room, reading the in-law's messages at the cafe and playing the piano together at the instrument plaza









Episode Five; The Jujube Latte



I can not begin to say how funny I found this. Hyun all bubbly and recommending the jujube latte in the interview and then it switches to Yong whose like "......."









Episode Six; Hyun has a family! C.N. Blue brother-in-laws



The random engagement party XD & Hyun's dance lesson









Episode Seven; C.N. Blue brothers-in-laws II



Playing instruments together <3 and Hyun's alarm clock impersonation to which Jonghyun ends up with a comment saying: "I just imagined the alarm going off in the the middle of the night, it is quite scary." LOL









Episode Eight; 22 Day Anniverary



During blood donation; Hyun: "O-o-o-o-oppa, I love you." Yong: "Really?" *spazz moment* & the awkward atmosphere during the Avatar kiss/love scene, haha





















I think I just recapped pretty much everything in the episodes, this shall be continued in another post cause I don't know what the image limit is for one post o_o






edit; sorry if I lagged everyone's page D=






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Guest Crystal392








aisuo145: Your mom is so cute ♥ I would love to talk about YongSeo, Yong~ and Hyun~ with my mom but... well she wouldn't understand -_-












Kerube-Chan, magdal: Thanks for sharing all those links. It makes this week less sad without my weekly YongSeo dose.












qwenli: What did you mean by driving a truck? o_O Yeah, if it's true the earliest we will see it is on Christmas... hehehe maybe our Christmas gift from WGM staff :D












lunasol: Thanks for sharing that ^^












Heroine: I loved it! <3 Can't wait until your next post :D












I also wanted to contribute with something to Goguma land, I found this pic and just added some letters :P:

















~Hyun misses her Yong, so she called him













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Guest Crystal392








Some things from dcmarried:

















~This looks like an ad


:wub: (click on the pic to see it bigger)~

















~I don't know if this was photoshopped by some talented Gogumas or if it's a pic of the PDs editing YongSeo cut... Hyun~ smiling brightly and you can see MC Miseon~













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Continuing the YongSeo timeline....






Episode Nine; YongSeo's couple bank account & Sunrise Trip



Yong totally bored and falling asleep at the bank while Hyun is 100% focused & listening music together on the train (:









Episode Ten; Sunrise Trip



There were so many awesome moments in the this episode. Yong suddenly grabbing Hyun's arm. Yong going "BABO!" when he lost the game. Hyun beating Yong with the Kangaroo (LOL). Hyun's banana milk aegyo. Yong drools when he sleeps XD and Hyun's "AIGOOOO" when she realized they missed the sunrise.









Episode Eleven; End of Sunrise Trip & Moving in



That Ahjusshi who took photos for YongSeo, omg, I can never stop laughing during that part XD Hyun playing 'What's up' on the guitar and singing along. And that photobook Yong made for Hyun to make up for him losing the commitment letter. Honorable mentions: The fashionista landlady + her dog and Yong getting jealous at Jungmo oppa from Trax.









Episode Twelve; SNSD sister-in-laws



Yong playing with the blender in the corner (it just made me laugh so loud along with him sitting on the tiny stool) and when he said he liked Hyun's sparking eyes <3









Episode Thirteen; First day into 'Marriage Life'



Hyun's surprise welcoming at the airport (lol at Jungshin chingu XD), the Busan accents in the car ride and Yong smiling while watching Hyun make breakfast <3









Episode Fourteen; First day into 'Marriage Life' II



Yong being thick-skinned about the burnt sweet potatoes. Yong going "HYU~~~N!" when Hyun accidentally called him and the complete black rice XDDD









Episode Fifteen; Morning Exercise and Driving Challenge



Yong very into playing badminton + his new found ahjumma fans. Yong and Hyun's ID photos (:









Episode Sixteen; Driving Challenge



Yong's triumph when he got 82.5points on his test. Yong and Hyun pretending to drive in the truck when the teacher was driving.









Episode Seventeen; Driving Test



Yong's leg twitches after he fails the driving practical test LOL and Yong trying to comfort himself after they both failed.
























oh dear, this is taking longer than I realized. But it's ok, it can make up for the lack of YongSeo this Saturday.






will be continued on a part 3 later (:



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Guest Crystal392




Heroine: I already said this but I loved it and can't wait until your next post... hehehe :lol:





I should be sleeping but got busy stalking dcmarried hehehe :)



I was wondering, I've been feeling a bit anxious this past couple of days... has anyone else felt the same? maybe it's because I haven't had my weekly Goguma dose. Thank God Yong~ appeared on Running Man a few days ago and Hyun~ appeared on Happy Together yesterday... :)





Btw, I just checked 'Nate news' using my Google translate ( http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://news.nate.com/rank/interest%3Fsc%3Dent&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&usg=ALkJrhjH8ZS9vyf_vWdDSKffkqi6etguDw ) :lol: and there are two articles mentioning our Hyun~ on the top 30 :w00t:





On #2 there is an article about Hyun~ being shy when she has to shake hands with male fans... hehehehe maybe because she knows her hubby will see those pictures ;)



On #15 is an article about Hyun~ on Happy Together. They mention 'We Got Married' a few times and Yong~ once... I think it's about her speaking using banmal... :D







~Cute fanmade video with pics of uri YongSeo~



Yongseo's story.wmv



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poor seohyun ,only one finger left,yuri then said ,if youre a snsd maknae fold your finger
































































































































































































































































seohyun then got punishment,but yuri kinda feel bad about that and she block the water gun splash to seohyun face.

















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edit; I've exceed the photobucket bandwidth limit. Not amused =_= I'll post the rest of the timeline later on tonight or tomorrow night.






You don't actually notice how much Yonghwa and Seohyun have gone through until you go through a timeline like this (:






edit 2; yay I reuploaded everything onto a different account =D












Part 3 of the YongSeo timeline! omg... another epic long post









Episode Eighteen; After Driving Test and Ring Accident



Hyun praticing banmal to a imaginary Yong-wall. Shock from the radio that Hyoyeon was carrying XD. Yong dancing to the 'Tell Me Your Wish' & the ring accident, so cute when he was searching around for it <3









Episode Nineteen; YongSeo playing pool



Yong tries to cover Hyun up and she doesn't know why XD Skinship after pool, Yong and Hyun playfully bumping into each other (: and the piggyback ride at the end ;D (plus he's fanning her with his hands after the piggyback ride, awww)









Episode Twenty; Making Kimchi



The salty kimchi and Yong's expressions XDDD Hyun realizing that she mistook shallot shoots for garlic shoots in the interview. And Yong all excited when Hyun said she's wearing all blue









Episode Twenty One; Visiting C.N. Blue's Dorm



The CNBlue boys fail to surprise YongSeo, they have no reaction lol. Hyun asking Yong: "doesn't it smell?" referring to his shoe collection in the lounge. CN Blue F4 to the rescue when Hyun accidentally cuts her hand. Yong worried about Hyun when she continues to cook. (also the boys taste-testing at the supermarket, lol at glutton Jonghyun)









Episode Twenty Two; Visiting C.N. Blue



C.N. Blue boys eat the YongSeo brand sea salt kimchi XD (Minhyuk's reaction, hahaha). YongSeo wins at pool and Yong is overly excited. (Honorable mention: Jonghyun's amazingly lucky shots at pool). Yong and Hyun running at the end of the episode <3









Episode Twenty Three; Ueno Juri



Yong and Hyun staring at each other <333 Hyun sees the pricing of the plates instead of Ueno Juri & Yong sticking close to his wife when Ueno Juri visited their home.









Episode Twenty Four; Chuseok Horror Special



omg, I love this episode <33 First, YongSeo's new American style hiphop greeting XD Yong blocking Hyun from the sun on the bus. Yong leaning towards Hyun =DDD Yong wins his wrestling match and everyone is shocked. Hyun wins her wrestling match and Yong takes hold of her hand and helps her up =DD Yong pointing out the Keroro doll and asks Hyun if she wants it XD Yong comforting Hyun and holding hands. And finally, they have their arms wrapped around each other for the photo <333


















I think I'll post cap and post the rest tomorrow. Hope I didn't lag everyone's page too badly ^^;;



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Heroine - Thanks for all your screen caps! I really love them in the earlier eps when they were both in the matching grey suit outfit.
























Crystal Malfoy - Driving the truck thing: many pages back there were pix taken of them going off in a truck and there were speculations that they went back to the goguma field to do harvesting?
























Actually, today I thought about the little letter that Hyun wrote to Yong at the 200 day ep after he saw all the gifts. She said something like we shall encourage each other in pursuing our dreams. Something like that.
























I dun recall them ever talking about their dream to each other in the eps? So I was thinking it is a real indication that they have talk outside of the show? Everybody agree?Or maybe it was edited out? :P
























Oh poor Hyun being splayed with water. I just saw Yong's pix on the new sbs mc show and the ring is there. heehee.



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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@geumjandi. LOL! Thanks for the caps of HT. What can I say?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What are the chances of both of them get sprayed on by water just by being guests in HT? Of course, we gogumas, would like to call it DESTINY. :wub:

































































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how i wish they dont have cancellation and going on strike and everything filmed smoothly...we will be so updated from this couple :)

i was just rewatching back the part where Yongseo couple went to the Goguma field...i wished the moment last..and if they didnot separated for 1 month long...we will be able to see them progressing.

the mood in the fishing place was so good, they were so happy and things started to work out, they looked more comfortable :):) and also wished to see what happened to them after they were holding hands...wish they did not edited out that part...wanted to see more of them...

but then the was 1 month break and then another month of not filming due to their concert tour :'( and the couple is going back to the start again...slowly building up their relationship... :tears:

just feel like writing everything out of what is in my mind right now after re-watching Yongseo couple birthday episode... blush.gif

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Guest rieyzajunkisshi
















































SNSD won again at this week Music Bank keke~
















She was wearing their couple ring yeay!
















What make me smile even more is because she was wearing a star shape earings (^^,)v haha~
















She looks very beautiful in white lalalaaa....
















Owh....if only WGM is airing this week (T_T)
















Really miss our beloved yongseo couple!!!
















Yongseo couple hwaiting~

















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Guest SophiaPia








SNSD won again at this week Music Bank keke~






She was wearing their couple ring yeay!






What make me smile even more is because she was wearing a star shape earings (^^,)v haha~






She looks very beautiful in white lalalaaa....






Owh....if only WGM is airing this week (T_T)






Really miss our beloved yongseo couple!!!






Yongseo couple hwaiting~











That's right snsd won again in today's music bank :) yes! lovely wife SeoHyun in white, she is a beauty :) I hope hubby Yong watching at home wub.gif i'm still wishing that this month they meet each other and film wgm. Tomorrow we all gonna miss our lovely YongSeo couple. All we have to do watch again the previous episode :)






I'll wait for wife SeoHyun screen caps today @ music bank coz i want to look at her again and again :)






Thanks 'rieyzajunkisshi' so the lovely RING is on yeah? love it kekeke!













Geumjandi, i didn't know that hubby Yong got splash by water gun as well kekeke! they are really couple indeed kekeke!
















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Guest maybelove








Hello fellow gogumas!




I've just finished watching music bank, and just like to spazz abt one thing~ Uri Hy~un is definitely a goddess! she's sooo pretty! :wub:




did anyone notice if Hy~un wore the couple ring? Coz i don't think she did... :( banji eoddi isseumnikka?




I'm so depressed that there's no WGM tomorrow!!! tears.giftears.gif




i guess i'll have to re-watch the previous episodes to stop me from obsessing about YongSeo new WGM episode :(




just wanna re-confirm , will WGM be aired next week though?




edit: i'm sorry it seems like someone posted up so quickly before i have the chance to post up the question abt the ring! blush.gif



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Just wanna share this..














































































































Don't take note bout the title.. hehe














































































































Jung Yonghwa and IU to become parents for “2010 Love Sharing Concert”































































The news...















































































SBS will be holding their 11th “2010 Love Sharing Concert” on November 14th in celebration of their 20th anniversary.














































































































SNSD’s Yoona will be taking the place of f(x)’s Sulli by MCing for the event alongside “Inkigayo” MCs, Jung Yonghwa and Jo Kwon.














































































































The “Heroes” team and CNBLUE led by Jung Yonghwa participated earlier in a special ‘love sharing’ activity for the concert on October 29th by visiting a disabled infant home and acting as ‘one day’ parents to the children there. This special footage will be shown during the concert.














































































































In addition, the line-up for the concert which will be airing in place of Inkigayo this week includes VOS, 2PM, Rainbow, miss A, Ga-In’s goodbye stage, 2NE1′s “Can’t Nobody“, and B2ST’s first ever performance for their comeback, “Lights Go On Again” and “Beautiful.”














































































































Check back with allkpop for more details on this interesting event!














































































































Source + Photos: Newsen













































































































































It's from allkpop...














































































































Looks like this Sunday, in Inki, Yong will be hosting together with SIL, Yoona.














































































































This time, looks like another SIL to be charm... hehe..































































Direct interaction...














































































































Other than that...































































Hyun really pretty in white...































































I try to capture the ring-in-question, yes she's wearing it, but my capture came out pretty blur...































































so maybe there's goguma out there can capture it clearer than me... ;)































































Hyun with Hoot in MB 2day
































cr to: UnknownCarrot170

















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Hi guys,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm quite new here, well not so... I've been monitoring this thread since the 400ish pages. But I don't know why I didn't create any account back then. Thank you for the wonderful summary Heroine, now I really feel like watching all of them again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Btw, was the last episode where they met in Japan recorded earlier than the Ueno Juri episode? they certainly look much closer in the Ueno Juri episode.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































edit: very sorry for topping the page without having anything to share. Please go to the previous page for a wonderful summary of the episodes by Heroine :D

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi








@geeti, we welcome you to spazz with us here, glad you finally make an account. so we have added one more to the goguma world..................






about the wedding photoshoot thing, so it's already comfirmed isn't it?? I'll be really super duper excited if they are going to have a wedding photoshoot. this is the moment we have been waiting for since the start of their episode right?? You see, just 2 photos of hyun doing a makeup have caused this thread to be excited.... I wonder how if the wedding photoshoot is released, I bet this thread is going to break down because of so many viewers.....






Arrgh, no yongseo this week is so boring..... maybe I should rewatch all the episodes with the right timeline so that I can notice their superb improvement since the first time they met...






By the way, any news about the yongseo filming?? maybe one of our gogumaland family will somehow find out....






byebye for now....








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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Pretty Hyun in a white dress in Music Bank. Lookie there, she's wearing the ring! ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Waiting room interview
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































She's pouting her lips to Yong~ :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I swear she's really getting prettier and blooming everyday.

































































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Guest Faith_memory


















kekeke~ hello gogumas! ♥ sigh i need to rest for a while and leave my law book behind for a moment. i miss our couple! anyway their couple rings on their individual shows/promotions will make up for the canceled WGM show this week. hehehe~ ♥














cleary shown on snsd's stage performance, hyun wearing the couple ring and the star kinda reminds me of yong~!














now, it's YONG'S time!














on Night After Night, Yong's couple ring was clearly shown! ♥ kekeke~





































































since we will surely miss our yongseo this saturday, let's just do a yongseo marathon special. haha~! let's watch their past episodes~! kekeke~ ♥



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